require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb') describe Distribution::Shorthand do include Distribution::Shorthand it 'should have basic methods for all distributions' do [:Normal, :ChiSquare, :F, :Hypergeometric, :Binomial, :T].each do |d| klass = Distribution.const_get(d) shortname = klass::SHORTHAND methods = [:pdf, :cdf, :p_value].map { |m| "#{shortname}_#{m}".to_sym } methods.each do |m| expect( include(m) end end end it 'should have exact methods discrete distributions' do [:Hypergeometric, :Binomial].each do |d| klass = Distribution.const_get(d) shortname = klass::SHORTHAND methods = [:epdf, :ecdf].map { |m| "#{shortname}_#{m}".to_sym } methods.each do |m| expect( include(m) end end end it 'returns same values as long form' do x = rand expect(norm_cdf(x)).to eql(Distribution::Normal.cdf(x)) expect(norm_pdf(x)).to eql(Distribution::Normal.pdf(x)) expect(norm_p_value(x)).to eql(Distribution::Normal.p_value(x)) end end