# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Boltless::Transaction do let(:new_instance) { ->(**args) { described_class.new(connection, **args) } } let(:instance) { new_instance.call } let(:connection) { Boltless.connection_pool.checkout } let(:request) { instance.instance_variable_get(:@request) } let(:req_err) { ->(*) { raise Boltless::Errors::RequestError, 'test' } } let(:res_err) { ->(*) { raise Boltless::Errors::ResponseError, 'test' } } let(:raw_state) { nil } before do # Only force the raw state when it is configured instance.instance_variable_set(:@raw_state, raw_state) if raw_state end describe 'full workflow' do let(:opts) { {} } let(:failed_action) do tx = new_instance[**opts] tx.begin tx.run('CREATE (n:User { name: $name })', name: 'Klaus') tx.run('SOME THING!') tx.commit end let(:check_action) do tx = new_instance[**opts] tx.begin tx.run('MATCH (n:User) RETURN n.name').tap do tx.commit end end let(:write_action) do tx = new_instance[**opts] tx.begin! tx.run!('CREATE (n:User { name: $name })', name: 'Klaus') tx.commit! end it 'rolls back the transaction on errors' do failed_action expect(check_action.count).to be_eql(0) end it 'returns a mapped result' do expect(check_action).to be_a(Boltless::Result) end describe 'with raw results' do let(:opts) { { raw_results: true } } it 'returns an unmapped result' do expect(check_action).to be_a(Hash) end end describe 'with the read access mode' do let(:opts) { { access_mode: :read } } it 'does not allow us to perform write operations' do expect { write_action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError, /Neo.ClientError.Request.Invalid/i) end end end describe 'delegations' do it 'allows to access the #build_cypher utility' do expect(instance.respond_to?(:build_cypher)).to be_eql(true) end end describe '#initialize' do it 'passes down the connection to the request' do expect(Boltless::Request).to \ receive(:new).with(connection, anything) described_class.new(connection) end it 'passes down the access mode to the request' do expect(Boltless::Request).to \ receive(:new).with(connection, a_hash_including(access_mode: :read)) described_class.new(connection, access_mode: :read) end it 'passes down the database to the request' do expect(Boltless::Request).to \ receive(:new).with(connection, a_hash_including(database: 'test')) described_class.new(connection, database: 'test') end it 'passes down the raw results flag to the request' do expect(Boltless::Request).to \ receive(:new).with(connection, a_hash_including(raw_results: true)) described_class.new(connection, raw_results: true) end context 'with unknown access mode' do it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { described_class.new(connection, access_mode: :unknown) }.to \ raise_error( ArgumentError, /Unknown access mode 'unknown'.*use ':read' or ':write'/i ) end end end describe '#access_mode' do let(:action) { instance.access_mode } context 'when not explictly configured' do it 'returns write' do expect(action).to be_eql(:write) end end context 'when initialized with read' do let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :read] } it 'returns read' do expect(action).to be_eql(:read) end end context 'when initialized with write' do let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :write] } it 'returns write' do expect(action).to be_eql(:write) end end end describe '#id' do let(:action) { instance.id } context 'when not yet started' do it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_nil end end context 'when started' do before { instance.begin! } it 'returns an Integer' do expect(action).to be_a(Integer) end end end describe '#raw_state' do let(:action) { instance.raw_state } it 'returns an Symbol' do expect(action).to be_a(Symbol) end describe 'after initialization' do it 'returns not_yet_started' do expect(action).to be_eql(:not_yet_started) end end end describe '#state' do let(:action) { instance.state } it 'returns an ActiveSupport::StringInquirer' do expect(action).to be_a(ActiveSupport::StringInquirer) end describe 'after initialization' do it 'returns not_yet_started' do expect(action).to be_eql('not_yet_started') end end end describe '#begin!' do let(:action) { instance.begin! } let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :read] } before { allow(request).to receive(:begin_transaction) } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError, /Transaction already closed/i) end end it 'call the #begin_transaction on the request' do expect(request).to receive(:begin_transaction).once action end it 'returns true' do expect(action).to be_eql(true) end it 'switches the state to open' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('not_yet_started').to('open') end end describe '#begin' do let(:action) { instance.begin } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'returns false' do expect(action).to be_eql(false) end end it 'wraps the bang-variant in a #handle_errors call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_errors).with(false) action end context 'with errors' do before { allow(instance).to receive(:begin!, &res_err) } it 'returns false' do expect(action).to be_eql(false) end end context 'without errors' do before { allow(request).to receive(:begin_transaction) } it 'returns true' do expect(action).to be_eql(true) end it 'switches the state to open' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('not_yet_started').to('open') end end end describe '#run!' do let(:action) { instance.run!('RETURN 1') } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError, /Transaction not open/i) end end context 'with open state' do before { instance.begin! } it 'calls the #run_query on the request' do expect(request).to \ receive(:run_query).with(instance.id, Hash).and_return([]) action end it 'returns the result' do res = instance.run!('RETURN date() AS date') expect(res.value).to be_eql(Date.today.to_s) end end end describe '#run' do let(:action) { instance.run('RETURN date()') } let(:raw_state) { :open } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_eql(nil) end end it 'wraps the bang-variant in a #handle_errors call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_errors) action end context 'with errors' do before { allow(instance).to receive(:run!, &res_err) } it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_eql(nil) end end context 'without errors' do before { allow(request).to receive(:run_query).and_return([123]) } it 'returns an the first result' do expect(action).to be_eql(123) end end end describe '#run_in_batch!' do let(:action) { instance.run_in_batch!(['RETURN 1'], ['RETURN date()']) } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError, /Transaction not open/i) end end context 'with open state' do let(:statements) do [ { statement: 'RETURN 1', parameters: {} }, { statement: 'RETURN date()', parameters: {} } ] end before { instance.begin! } it 'calls the #run_query on the request' do expect(request).to receive(:run_query).with(instance.id, *statements) action end it 'returns two results (one for each statement)' do expect(action.count).to be_eql(2) end it 'returns the correct result (first statement)' do expect(action.first.value).to be_eql(1) end it 'returns the correct result (second statement)' do expect(action.last.value).to be_eql(Date.today.to_s) end end end describe '#run_in_batch' do let(:action) { instance.run_in_batch(['RETURN date()'], ['RETURN 1']) } let(:raw_state) { :open } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_eql(nil) end end it 'wraps the bang-variant in a #handle_errors call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_errors) action end context 'with errors' do before { allow(instance).to receive(:run_in_batch!, &res_err) } it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_eql(nil) end end context 'without errors' do before { allow(request).to receive(:run_query).and_return([]) } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(action).to match_array([]) end end end describe '#commit!' do let(:action) { instance.commit! } let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :read] } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError, /Transaction not open/i) end end context 'with open state' do before { instance.begin! } it 'calls the #commit_transaction on the request' do expect(request).to receive(:commit_transaction).with(instance.id) action end it 'allows to send finalizing statements' do res = instance.commit!(['RETURN date() AS date']) expect(res.first.value).to be_eql(Date.today.to_s) end it 'switches the state to closed' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('open').to('closed') end end end describe '#commit' do let(:action) { instance.commit } let(:raw_state) { :open } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_eql(nil) end end it 'wraps the bang-variant in a #handle_errors call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_errors) action end context 'with errors' do before { allow(instance).to receive(:commit!, &res_err) } it 'returns nil' do expect(action).to be_eql(nil) end end context 'without errors' do before { allow(request).to receive(:commit_transaction).and_return([]) } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(action).to match_array([]) end it 'switches the state to closed' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('open').to('closed') end end end describe '#rollback!' do let(:action) { instance.rollback! } let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :read] } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionInBadStateError, /Transaction not open/i) end end context 'with open state' do before { instance.begin! } it 'calls the #rollback_transaction on the request' do expect(request).to receive(:rollback_transaction).with(instance.id) action end it 'returns true' do expect(action).to be_eql(true) end it 'switches the state to closed' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('open').to('closed') end end end describe '#rollback' do let(:action) { instance.rollback } let(:raw_state) { :open } context 'when the transaction is not in a usable state' do let(:raw_state) { :closed } it 'returns false' do expect(action).to be_eql(false) end end it 'wraps the bang-variant in a #handle_errors call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_errors).with(false) action end context 'with errors' do before { allow(instance).to receive(:rollback!, &res_err) } it 'returns false' do expect(action).to be_eql(false) end end context 'without errors' do before { allow(request).to receive(:rollback_transaction) } it 'returns true' do expect(action).to be_eql(true) end it 'switches the state to closed' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('open').to('closed') end end end describe '#handle_errors' do let(:action) { ->(*args, &block) { instance.handle_errors(*args, &block) } } it 'yields the user given block' do expect { |control| action.call(&control) }.to yield_control end it 'rescues Boltless::Errors::RequestError' do expect { action.call(&req_err) }.not_to raise_error end it 'rescues Boltless::Errors::ResponseError' do expect { action.call(&res_err) }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not rescue ArgumentError' do expect { action.call { raise ArgumentError } }.to \ raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'returns the given error result in case of errors (non-proc)' do expect(action.call(true, &res_err)).to be_eql(true) end it 'returns the given error result in case of errors (proc)' do err_res = ->(e) { "Err: #{e.message}" } expect(action.call(err_res, &res_err)).to be_eql('Err: test') end it 'returns the result of the user given block when no errors occur' do expect(action.call { 123 }).to be_eql(123) end it 'switches the state to closed on errors' do expect { action.call(&res_err) }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('not_yet_started').to('closed') end it 'calls #cleanup on errors' do expect(instance).to receive(:cleanup).once action.call(&res_err) end end describe '#cleanup' do let(:action) { instance.cleanup } it 'clears the request instance variable' do expect { action }.to \ change { instance.instance_variable_get(:@request) } .from(Boltless::Request).to(nil) end it 'changes the state to cleaned' do expect { action }.to \ change(instance, :state).from('not_yet_started').to('cleaned') end end end