--- layout: docs title: Configuration prev_section: structure next_section: frontmatter permalink: /docs/configuration/ --- Jekyll allows you to concoct your sites in any way you can dream up, and it’s thanks to the powerful and flexible configuration options that this is possible. These options can either be specified in a `_config.yml` file placed in your site’s root directory, or can be specified as flags for the `jekyll` executable in the terminal. ## Configuration Settings ### Global Configuration The table below lists the available settings for Jekyll, and the various options (specified in the configuration file) and flags (specified on the command-line) that control them.
Setting Options and Flags

Site Source

Change the directory where Jekyll will read files

source: DIR

-s, --source DIR

Site Destination

Change the directory where Jekyll will write files

destination: DIR

-d, --destination DIR


Disable custom plugins.

safe: BOOL



Exclude directories and/or files from the conversion

exclude: [DIR, FILE, ...]


Force inclusion of directories and/or files in the conversion. .htaccess is a good example since dotfiles are excluded by default.

include: [DIR, FILE, ...]

Time Zone

Set the time zone for site generation. This sets the TZ environment variable, which Ruby uses to handle time and date creation and manipulation. Any entry from the IANA Time Zone Database is valid, e.g. America/New_York. The default is the local time zone, as set by your operating system.

timezone: TIMEZONE

### Build Command Options
Setting Options and Flags


Enable auto-regeneration of the site when files are modified.

-w, --watch


Specify a config file. Overrides settings in _config.yml

--config FILE


Process and render draft posts.



Publish posts with a future date.

future: BOOL



Produce an index for related posts.

lsi: BOOL


Limit Posts

Limit the number of posts to parse and publish.

limit_posts: NUM

--limit_posts NUM

### Serve Command Options In addition to the options below, the `serve` sub-command can accept any of the options for the `build` sub-command, which are then applied to the site build which occurs right before your site is served.
Setting Options and Flags

Local Server Port

Listen on the given port.

port: PORT

--port PORT

Local Server Hostname

Listen at the given hostname.



Base URL

Serve the website from the given base URL

baseurl: URL

--baseurl URL

Do not use tabs in configuration files

This will either lead to parsing errors, or Jekyll will revert to the default settings. Use spaces instead.

## Default Configuration Jekyll runs with the following configuration options by default. Unless alternative settings for these options are explicitly specified in the configuration file or on the command-line, Jekyll will run using these options. {% highlight yaml %} source: . destination: ./_site plugins: ./_plugins layouts: ./_layouts include: ['.htaccess'] exclude: [] keep_files: ['.git','.svn'] timezone: nil future: true show_drafts: nil limit_posts: 0 pygments: true relative_permalinks: true permalink: date paginate_path: 'page:num' markdown: maruku markdown_ext: markdown,mkd,mkdn,md textile_ext: textile excerpt_separator: "\n\n" safe: false watch: false # deprecated server: false # deprecated host: port: 4000 baseurl: / url: http://localhost:4000 lsi: false maruku: use_tex: false use_divs: false png_engine: blahtex png_dir: images/latex png_url: /images/latex rdiscount: extensions: [] redcarpet: extensions: [] kramdown: auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo use_coderay: false coderay: coderay_wrap: div coderay_line_numbers: inline coderay_line_numbers_start: 1 coderay_tab_width: 4 coderay_bold_every: 10 coderay_css: style redcloth: hard_breaks: true {% endhighlight %}