- Environment:
- <%= Rails.env %>
- Draper view context controller:
- <%= Draper::ViewContext.current.controller.class %>
- Posted:
- <%= post.posted_date %>
- Built-in helpers:
- <%= post.truncated %>
- Built-in private helpers:
- <%= post.html_escaped %>
- Helpers from app/helpers:
- <%= post.hello_world %>
- Helpers from the controller:
- <%= post.goodnight_moon %>
<% unless defined? mailer %>
- Path with decorator:
- <%= post_url(post) %>
- Path with model:
- <%= post.path_with_model %>
- Path with id:
- <%= post.path_with_id %>
<% end %>
- URL with decorator:
- <%= post_url(post) %>
- URL with model:
- <%= post.url_with_model %>
- URL with id:
- <%= post.url_with_id %>