require 'spec_helper' describe Crystal::Tags do def new(options) end context '#tags' do it 'folds hashes' do new({ 'og' => { 'title' => 'Caesar must die' } }).tags.should == [ tag('og:title', 'Caesar must die') ] end it 'sorts keys in hashes alphabetically' do new({ 'og' => { 'type' => 'book', 'title' => 'One day of Ivan Denisovich' } }).tags.should == [ tag('og:title', 'One day of Ivan Denisovich'), tag('og:type', 'book') ] end it 'moves url key to the top' do new({ 'og' => { 'image' => [ { 'url' => '1.png', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 300, }, { 'url' => '2.png', 'width' => 400, 'height' => 500, }, ] } }).tags.should == [ tag('og:image:url', '1.png'), tag('og:image:height', 300), tag('og:image:width', 200), tag('og:image:url', '2.png'), tag('og:image:height', 500), tag('og:image:width', 400), ] end it 'duplicates tags for arrays' do new('og:image' => ['1.png', '2.png']).tags.should == [ tag('og:image', '1.png'), tag('og:image', '2.png') ] end it 'interpolates values' do new({ :og => { :title => 'The Rock (%{year})', :site_name => 'IMDb' }, :year => 1996, :head => '%{og:title} - %{og:site_name}' }).tags.should == [ tag('head', 'The Rock (1996) - IMDb'), tag('og:site_name', 'IMDb'), tag('og:title', 'The Rock (1996)'), tag('year', 1996) ] end end context '#find_by_name' do it 'returns first tag' do new('og' => {'image' => %w{1.png 2.png}}).find_by_name(:"og:image").value.should == '1.png' end it 'raises an error if tag was not found' do expect { new({}).find_by_name('og:image') }.to raise_error(Crystal::TagNotFound) end end context '#filter' do subject { new({ 'og' => { 'image' => %w{1.png 2.png}, 'title' => 'Title' }, 'fb:admins' => '322132' }) } context 'without pattern' do it 'returns all tags' do subject.filter.should == [ tag('fb:admins', '322132'), tag('og:image', '1.png'), tag('og:image', '2.png'), tag('og:title', 'Title') ] end end context 'with string' do it 'returns tags with this name' do subject.filter('og:image').should == [ tag('og:image', '1.png'), tag('og:image', '2.png') ] end end context 'with regexp' do it 'returns tags with names matched regexp' do subject.filter(/og/).should == [ tag('og:image', '1.png'), tag('og:image', '2.png'), tag('og:title', 'Title') ] end end end end