Class: Request.HTML {#Request-HTML} =================================== Request Specifically made for receiving HTML. ### Extends: [Request][] ### Syntax: var myHTMLRequest = new Request.HTML([options]); ### Arguments: 1. options - (*object*, optional) See options below. Also inherited are all the options from [Request][]. ### Options: * evalScripts - (*boolean*: defaults to true) If set to true, `script` tags inside the response will be evaluated. This overrides the `false` default from Request. * update - (*element*: defaults to null) The Element to insert the response text of the Request into upon completion of the request. * append - (*element*: defaults to null) The Element to append the response text of the Request into upon completion of the request. * filter - (*mixed*: defaults to null) To filter the response tree by a selector or function. See [Elements:filter][] ### Events: #### success * (*function*) Function to execute when the HTML request completes. This overrides the signature of the Request success event. ##### Signature: onSuccess(responseTree, responseElements, responseHTML, responseJavaScript) ##### Arguments: 1. responseTree - (*element*) The node list of the remote response. 2. responseElements - (*array*) An array containing all elements of the remote response. 3. responseHTML - (*string*) The content of the remote response. 4. responseJavaScript - (*string*) The portion of JavaScript from the remote response. ### Returns: * (*object*) A new Request.HTML instance. ### Examples: #### Simple GET Request: var myHTMLRequest = new Request.HTML().get('myPage.html'); #### POST Request with data as String: var myHTMLRequest = new Request.HTML({url: 'myPage.html'}).post('user_id=25&save=true'); #### Data from Object Passed via GET: //Loads "load/?user_id=25". var myHTMLRequest = new Request.HTML({url: 'load/'}).get({'user_id': 25}); #### Data from Element via POST: ##### HTML
##### JavaScript //Needs to be in a submit event or the form handler. var myHTMLRequest = new Request.HTML({url: 'save/'}).post($('user-form')); ### See Also: [Request][] Object: Element.Properties {#Element-Properties} ============================================== see [Element.Properties][] Element Property: load {#Element-Properties:load} ------------------------------------------------- ### Setter Sets a default Request.HTML instance for an Element. #### Syntax: el.set('load'[, options]); #### Arguments: 1. options - (*object*) The Request options. #### Returns: * (*element*) The target Element. #### Example: el.set('load', {evalScripts: true}); el.load('some/request/uri'); ### Getter Returns either the previously set Request.HTML instance or a new one with default options. #### Syntax: el.get('load'); #### Arguments: 1. property - (*string*) the Request.HTML property argument. #### Returns: * (*object*) The Request instance. #### Example: el.set('load', {method: 'get'}); el.load('test.html'); // the getter returns the Request.HTML instance, making its class methods available. el.get('load').post('http://localhost/script'); Type: Element {#Element} ======================== Custom Type to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function [$][]. Element Method: load {#Element:load} ------------------------------------ Updates the content of the Element with a Request.HTML GET request. ### Syntax: myElement.load(url); ### Arguments: 1. url - (*string*) The URL pointing to the server-side document. ### Returns: * (*element*) The target Element. ### Example: ##### HTML