.. -*- rst -*- .. highlightlang:: none .. groonga-command .. database: logical_range_filter ``logical_range_filter`` ======================== Summary ------- .. note:: This command is an experimental feature. .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 TODO: Write summary Syntax ------ This command takes many parameters. The required parameters are ``logical_table`` and ``shard_key``:: logical_range_filter logical_table shard_key [min=null] [min_border=null] [max=null] [max_border=null] [order=ascending] [filter=null] [offset=0] [limit=10] [output_columns=_key,*] [use_range_index=null] There are some parameters that can be only used as named parameters. You can't use these parameters as ordered parameters. You must specify parameter name. Here are parameters that can be only used as named parameters: * ``cache=no`` Usage ----- Register ``sharding`` plugin to use ``logical_range_filter`` command in advance. .. groonga-command .. register sharding TODO: Add examples Parameters ---------- This section describes parameters of ``logical_range_filter``. Required parameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are required parameters, ``logical_table`` and ``shard_key``. ``logical_table`` """"""""""""""""" Specifies logical table name. It means table name without "_YYYYMMDD" postfix. If you use actual table such as "Logs_20150203", "Logs_20150203" and so on, logical table name is "Logs". TODO: Add examples ``shard_key`` """"""""""""" Specifies column name which is treated as shared key in each parted table. TODO: Add examples Optional parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are optional parameters. ``min`` """"""" Specifies the min value of ``shard_key`` TODO: Add examples ``min_border`` """""""""""""" Specifies whether the min value of borderline must be include or not. Specify ``include`` or ``exclude`` as the value of this parameter. TODO: Add examples ``max`` """"""" Specifies the max value of ``shard_key``. TODO: Add examples ``max_border`` """""""""""""" Specifies whether the max value of borderline must be include or not. Specify ``include`` or ``exclude`` as the value of this parameter. TODO: Add examples ``order`` """""""""" TODO ``filter`` """""""""" TODO ``offset`` """""""""" TODO ``limit`` """"""""" TODO ``output_columns`` """""""""""""""""" TODO ``use_range_index`` """"""""""""""""""" Specifies whether range_index is used or not. Note that it's a parameter for test. It should not be used for production. TODO: Add examples Cache related parameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _logical-range-filter-cache: ``cache`` """"""""" Specifies whether caching the result of this query or not. If the result of this query is cached, the next same query returns response quickly by using the cache. It doesn't control whether existing cached result is used or not. Here are available values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Description * - ``no`` - Don't cache the output of this query. * - ``yes`` - Cache the output of this query. It's the default value. TODO: Add examples .. Here is an example to disable caching the result of this query: .. .. groonga-command .. .. include:: ../../example/reference/commands/logical_range_filter/cache_no.log .. .. logical_range_filter ... --cache no The default value is ``yes``. Return value ------------ TODO :: [HEADER, LOGICAL_FILTERED]