require 'lockfile' require 'mime/types' require 'pathname' ## time for some monkeypatching! class Lockfile def gen_lock_id Hash[ 'host' => "#{ Socket.gethostname }", 'pid' => "#{ }", 'ppid' => "#{ Process.ppid }", 'time' => timestamp, 'pname' => $0, 'user' => ENV["USER"] ] end def dump_lock_id lock_id = @lock_id "host: %s\npid: %s\nppid: %s\ntime: %s\nuser: %s\npname: %s\n" % lock_id.values_at('host','pid','ppid','time','user', 'pname') end def lockinfo_on_disk h = load_lock_id h['mtime'] = File.mtime path h end def touch_yourself; touch path end end class Pathname def human_size s = begin size rescue SystemCallError return "?" end if s < 1024 s.to_s + "b" elsif s < (1024 * 1024) (s / 1024).to_s + "k" elsif s < (1024 * 1024 * 1024) (s / 1024 / 1024).to_s + "m" else (s / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).to_s + "g" end end def human_time begin ctime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") rescue SystemCallError "?" end end end ## more monkeypatching! module RMail class EncodingUnsupportedError < StandardError; end class Message def add_file_attachment fn bfn = File.basename fn a = t = MIME::Types.type_for(bfn).first || MIME::Types.type_for("exe").first a.header.add "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=#{bfn.to_s.inspect}" a.header.add "Content-Type", "#{t.content_type}; name=#{bfn.to_s.inspect}" a.header.add "Content-Transfer-Encoding", t.encoding a.body = case t.encoding when "base64" [].pack "m" when "quoted-printable" [].pack "M" when "7bit", "8bit" else raise EncodingUnsupportedError, t.encoding end add_part a end def charset if header.field?("content-type") && header.fetch("content-type") =~ /charset="?(.*?)"?(;|$)/ $1 end end end end class Range ## only valid for integer ranges (unless I guess it's exclusive) def size last - first + (exclude_end? ? 0 : 1) end end class Module def bool_reader *args args.each { |sym| class_eval %{ def #{sym}?; @#{sym}; end } } end def bool_writer *args; attr_writer(*args); end def bool_accessor *args bool_reader(*args) bool_writer(*args) end def defer_all_other_method_calls_to obj class_eval %{ def method_missing meth, *a, &b; @#{obj}.send meth, *a, &b; end def respond_to? meth; @#{obj}.respond_to?(meth); end } end end class Object def ancestors ret = [] klass = self.class until klass == Object ret << klass klass = klass.superclass end ret end ## "k combinator" def returning x; yield x; x; end ## clone of java-style whole-method synchronization ## assumes a @mutex variable def synchronized *meth meth.each do class_eval <<-EOF alias unsynchronized_#{meth} #{meth} def #{meth}(*a, &b) @mutex.synchronize { unsynchronized_#{meth}(*a, &b) } end EOF end end end class String def camel_to_hyphy self.gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z0-9])/, '\1-\2').downcase end def find_all_positions x ret = [] start = 0 while start < length pos = index x, start break if pos.nil? ret << pos start = pos + 1 end ret end def ucfirst self[0 .. 0].upcase + self[1 .. -1] end ## a very complicated regex found on teh internets to split on ## commas, unless they occurr within double quotes. def split_on_commas split(/,\s*(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*(?![^"]*"))/) end def wrap len ret = [] s = self while s.length > len cut = s[0 ... len].rindex(/\s/) if cut ret << s[0 ... cut] s = s[(cut + 1) .. -1] else ret << s[0 ... len] s = s[len .. -1] end end ret << s end def normalize_whitespace gsub(/\t/, " ").gsub(/\r/, "") end end class Numeric def clamp min, max if self < min min elsif self > max max else self end end def in? range; range.member? self; end end class Fixnum def num_digits base=10 return 1 if self == 0 1 + (Math.log(self) / Math.log(10)).floor end def to_character if self < 128 && self >= 0 chr else "<#{self}>" end end end class Hash def - o Hash[* { |k, v| [k, v] unless o.include? k }.compact.flatten_one_level] end def select_by_value v=true select { |k, vv| vv == v }.map { |x| x.first } end end module Enumerable def map_with_index ret = [] each_with_index { |x, i| ret << yield(x, i) } ret end def sum; inject(0) { |x, y| x + y }; end def map_to_hash ret = {} each { |x| ret[x] = yield(x) } ret end # like find, except returns the value of the block rather than the # element itself. def argfind ret = nil find { |e| ret ||= yield(e) } ret || nil # force end def argmin best, bestval = nil, nil each do |e| val = yield e if bestval.nil? || val < bestval best, bestval = e, val end end best end ## returns the maximum shared prefix of an array of strings ## optinally excluding a prefix def shared_prefix caseless=false, exclude="" return "" if empty? prefix = "" (0 ... first.length).each do |i| c = (caseless ? first.downcase : first)[i] break unless all? { |s| (caseless ? s.downcase : s)[i] == c } next if exclude[i] == c prefix += first[i].chr end prefix end def max_of map { |e| yield e }.max end end class Array def flatten_one_level inject([]) { |a, e| a + e } end def to_h; Hash[*flatten]; end def rest; self[1..-1]; end def to_boolean_h; Hash[*map { |x| [x, true] }.flatten]; end def last= e; self[-1] = e end end class Time def to_indexable_s sprintf "%012d", self end def nearest_hour if min < 30 self else self + (60 - min) * 60 end end def midnight # within a second self - (hour * 60 * 60) - (min * 60) - sec end def is_the_same_day? other (midnight - other.midnight).abs < 1 end def is_the_day_before? other other.midnight - midnight <= 24 * 60 * 60 + 1 end def to_nice_distance_s later_than = (self < from) diff = (self.to_i - from.to_i).abs.to_f text = [ ["second", 60], ["minute", 60], ["hour", 24], ["day", 7], ["week", 4.345], # heh heh ["month", 12], ["year", nil], ].argfind do |unit, size| if diff.round <= 1 "one #{unit}" elsif size.nil? || diff.round < size "#{diff.round} #{unit}s" else diff /= size.to_f false end end if later_than text + " ago" else "in " + text end end TO_NICE_S_MAX_LEN = 9 # e.g. "Yest.10am" def to_nice_s if year != from.year strftime "%b %Y" elsif month != from.month strftime "%b %e" else if is_the_same_day? from strftime("%l:%M%P") elsif is_the_day_before? from "Yest." + nearest_hour.strftime("%l%P") else strftime "%b %e" end end end end ## simple singleton module. far less complete and insane than the ruby ## standard library one, but automatically forwards methods calls and ## allows for constructors that take arguments. ## ## You must have #initialize call "self.class.i_am_the_instance self" ## at some point or everything will fail horribly. module Singleton module ClassMethods def instance; @instance; end def instantiated?; defined?(@instance) && !@instance.nil?; end def deinstantiate!; @instance = nil; end def method_missing meth, *a, &b raise "no instance defined!" unless defined? @instance ## if we've been deinstantiated, just drop all calls. this is ## useful because threads that might be active during the ## cleanup process (e.g. polling) would otherwise have to ## special-case every call to a Singleton object return nil if @instance.nil? @instance.send meth, *a, &b end def i_am_the_instance o raise "there can be only one! (instance)" if defined? @instance @instance = o end end def self.included klass klass.extend ClassMethods end end ## wraps an object. if it throws an exception, keeps a copy, and ## rethrows it for any further method calls. class Recoverable def initialize o @o = o @e = nil end def clear_error!; @e = nil; end def has_errors?; !@e.nil?; end def error; @e; end def method_missing m, *a, &b; __pass m, *a, &b; end def id; __pass :id; end def to_s; __pass :to_s; end def to_yaml x; __pass :to_yaml, x; end def is_a? c; @o.is_a? c; end def respond_to? m; @o.respond_to? m end def __pass m, *a, &b begin @o.send(m, *a, &b) rescue Exception => e @e = e raise e end end end ## acts like a hash with an initialization block, but saves any ## newly-created value even upon lookup. ## ## for example: ## ## class C ## attr_accessor :val ## def initialize; @val = 0 end ## end ## ## h = { } ## h[:a].val # => 0 ## h[:a].val = 1 ## h[:a].val # => 0 ## ## h2 = { } ## h2[:a].val # => 0 ## h2[:a].val = 1 ## h2[:a].val # => 1 ## ## important note: you REALLY want to use #member? to test existence, ## because just checking h[anything] will always evaluate to true ## (except for degenerate constructor blocks that return nil or false) class SavingHash def initialize &b @constructor = b @hash = end def [] k @hash[k] ||= end defer_all_other_method_calls_to :hash end