= pg_typecast

* http://github.com/deepfryed/pg_typecast

== Description

Provides typecasting support for the pg gem. The code is extracted from the swift gem as
a drop-in enhancement for users of the pg gem.

== Dependencies

* ruby   >= 1.9.1
* pg     >= 0.9.0

== Alternatives

Swift (http://github.com/shanna/swift) is as fast as the pg gem with typecasting support
and drivers for mysql, postgresql and db2.

== Caveats

* This gem overrides the PGresult#each method.
* The rows are returned as hashes with field names as symbols and values typecast from
  postgres types to ruby types.
* Timestamp conversion is done to localtime. The server and client are assumed to be in
  same timezone unless you use the 'timestamp with time zone' data type in postgresql.

== Compiling

If pg_config is not on your PATH, then just set POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB environment variables
to the include and lib directories.

== Synopsis

    require 'pg'
    require 'pg_typecast'

    adapter = PGconn.connect 'host= dbname=test'
    result  = adapter.exec('select * from users')
    result.each do |row|
      p row

== Typecasting

The following table illustrates the typecasting done from postgresql types to native ruby types.

    | postgresql type    |   ruby type               |
    | bool               |   TrueClass or FalseClass |
    | bytea              |   StringIO                |
    | date               |   Date                    |
    | float              |   Float                   |
    | integer            |   Fixnum or Bignum        |
    | numeric            |   BigDecimal              |
    | timestamp          |   Time                    |
    | timestampz         |   Time                    |


* tests.

== License