[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/materialize-rails.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/materialize-rails) # materialize-rails `materialize-rails` makes using [Materialize](http://materializecss.com) in your Rails 4+ app easy. ## Installation Add ```ruby gem 'materialize-rails' ``` to your `Gemfile`. Then ```console $ bundle install ``` and you're done. ## Usage The Materialize files are available to your Rails 4+ app now, but you need to make sure your app actually uses them first. ### Stylesheets Import the Materialize styles into your stylesheets. ```scss @import "materialize"; ``` This can be done in any `.scss` file that is part of your application. ### JavaScript Add this line to your `app/assets/javascripts/application.js`: ```js //= require materialize ``` Since Materialize depends on jQuery, that line needs to be included after jQuery, e. g. ```js //= require jquery2 //= require materialize ``` ## You want to contribute? 1. [Fork](https://github.com/Skudo/materialize-rails/fork) materialize-rails. 2. Add your contributions in a branch on your fork. 3. Push the changes in your branch. 4. Create a new pull request.