# AWS RDS Tool Simple tool to create AWS RDS db instances consistently with pre-configured settings. The pre-configured settings are stored in files in the profiles folder of the current directory. For example, say you have: * profiles/default.yml: default settings. Takes the lowest precedence. * profiles/mydb.yml: mydb settings get combined with the default settings ## Usage ```sh aws-rds create mydb --profile mydb --db-name mydbname ``` * mydb will be the RDS database identifier show on the AWS console * mydbname is the database name that contains the tables In a nutshell, the profile parameters are passed to the ruby aws-sdk [AWS::RDS::Client#create_db_instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/RDS/Client.html#create_db_instance-instance_method) method. So you can specify any parameter you wish that is available there. ## config This is where you put common global settings. The required settings are listed below. Example: `config/development.yml` ```yaml vpc_id: vpc-123 # falls back to this vpc if not specified in the profile db_subnet_group_name: private-subnet-group-name # fallback db_subnet_group_name whe not set ``` ## Security Group Creation The tool automatically creates a security group and associates it with the newly created db. This is done so that you can use it to control access to the database in finely tune manner. Otherwise, the default security group is associated with the db. ## Convention By convention, the security-group and profile will match the db identifier. So if the db identifier matches the commands the be simplified. Examples: ``` aws-rds create mydb --security-group-name mydb --profile mydb aws-rds create mydb # same as above ``` ## Installation ```sh gem install aws-rds ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am "Add some feature"`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request