<% title _('Import from %s') % @proxy.name %> <%= form_tag apply_changes_salt_modules_path do %>

<%= _("Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman") %>

<%= _("Toggle") %>: <%= link_to_function(icon_text("check", _("Added")), "toggleCheckboxesBySelector('.state_check_add')", :title => _("Check/Uncheck Added")) %> | <%= link_to_function(icon_text("check", _("Removed")), "toggleCheckboxesBySelector('.state_check_remove')", :title => _("Check/Uncheck Removed")) %>
<% @changes.each do |environment, changed| -%> <% [:add, :remove].each do |operation| -%> <% if changed[operation] %> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end -%>
<%= link_to_function(icon_text("check"), "toggleCheckboxesBySelector('.state_check')", :title => _("Check/Uncheck All")) %> <%= _('Environment') %> <%= _('Operation') %> <%= _('States') %>
<%= check_box_tag "changed[#{environment}][#{operation}]", changed[operation].to_json, false, :class => "state_check state_check_#{operation}" %> <%= environment %><%= '*' if @deletes.include? environment %> <%= operation.to_s.titleize %> <%= changed[operation].to_sentence -%>
<%= '

* Environment will contain no states, and will be deleted'.html_safe if @deletes.any? %>

<%= link_to _("Cancel"), salt_modules_path, :class => "btn btn-default" %> <%= submit_tag _("Update"), :class => "btn btn-primary" %> <% end -%>