require 'yaml' module RedCloth::Formatters::LATEX include RedCloth::Formatters::Base ENTITIES = YAML::load('/latex_entities.yml')) module Settings # Maps CSS style names to latex formatting options def latex_image_styles @latex_image_class_styles ||= {} end end RedCloth::TextileDoc.send(:include, Settings) # headers { :h1 => 'section', :h2 => 'subsection', :h3 => 'subsubsection', :h4 => 'paragraph', :h5 => 'subparagraph', :h6 => 'textbf', }.each do |m,tag| define_method(m) do |opts| case opts[:align] when 'left' then "\\begin{flushleft}\\#{tag}{#{opts[:text]}}\\end{flushleft}\n\n" when 'right' then "\\begin{flushright}\\#{tag}{#{opts[:text]}}\\end{flushright}\n\n" when 'center' then "\\begin{center}\\#{tag}{#{opts[:text]}}\\end{center}\n\n" else "\\#{tag}{#{opts[:text]}}\n\n" end end end # commands { :strong => 'textbf', :em => 'emph', :i => 'textit', :b => 'textbf', :ins => 'underline', :del => 'sout', }.each do |m,tag| define_method(m) do |opts| "\\#{tag}{#{opts[:text]}}" end end # inline code def code(opts) opts[:block] ? opts[:text] : "\\verb@#{opts[:text]}@" end # acronyms def acronym(opts) "#{opts[:title]} (#{opts[:text]})" end # sub/superscripts { :sup => '\textsuperscript{#1}', :sub => '\textsubscript{#1}', }.each do |m, expr| define_method(m) do |opts| expr.sub('#1', opts[:text]) end end # environments { :pre => 'verbatim', :cite => 'quote', }.each do |m, env| define_method(m) do |opts| begin_chunk(env) + opts[:text] + end_chunk(env) end end # ignore (or find a good solution later) [ :span, :div, :caps ].each do |m| define_method(m) do |opts| opts[:text].to_s end end # lists { :ol => 'enumerate', :ul => 'itemize', }.each do |m, env| define_method("#{m}_open") do |opts| opts[:block] = true "\\begin{#{env}}\n" end define_method("#{m}_close") do |opts| "\\end{#{env}}\n\n" end end def li_open(opts) " \\item #{opts[:text]}" end def li_close(opts=nil) "\n" end # paragraphs def p(opts) case opts[:align] when 'left' then "\\begin{flushleft}#{opts[:text]}\\end{flushleft}\n\n" when 'right' then "\\begin{flushright}#{opts[:text]}\\end{flushright}\n\n" when 'center' then "\\begin{center}#{opts[:text]}\\end{center}\n\n" else "#{opts[:text]}\n\n" end end # tables def td(opts) column = @table_row.size if opts[:colspan] opts[:text] = "\\multicolumn{#{opts[:colspan]}}{ #{"l " * opts[:colspan].to_i}}{#{opts[:text]}}" end if opts[:rowspan] @table_multirow_next[column] = opts[:rowspan].to_i - 1 opts[:text] = "\\multirow{#{opts[:rowspan]}}{*}{#{opts[:text]}}" end @table_row.push(opts[:text]) return "" end def tr_open(opts) @table_row = [] return "" end def tr_close(opts) multirow_columns = @table_multirow.find_all {|c,n| n > 0} multirow_columns.each do |c,n| @table_row.insert(c,"") @table_multirow[c] -= 1 end @table_multirow.merge!(@table_multirow_next) @table_multirow_next = {} @table.push(@table_row) return "" end # We need to know the column count before opening tabular context. def table_open(opts) @table = [] @table_multirow = {} @table_multirow_next = {} return "" end # FIXME: need caption and label elements similar to image -> figure def table_close(opts) output = "\\begin{table}\n" output << " \\centering\n" output << " \\begin{tabular}{ #{"l " * @table[0].size }}\n" @table.each do |row| output << " #{row.join(" & ")} \\\\\n" end output << " \\end{tabular}\n" output << "\\end{table}\n" output end # code blocks def bc_open(opts) opts[:block] = true begin_chunk("verbatim") + "\n" end def bc_close(opts) end_chunk("verbatim") + "\n" end # block quotations def bq_open(opts) opts[:block] = true "\\begin{quotation}\n" end def bq_close(opts) "\\end{quotation}\n\n" end # links def link(opts) "\\href{#{opts[:href]}}{#{opts[:name]}}" end def auto_link(opts) return opts[:href] unless auto_link_urls href_with_proto = opts[:href] href_with_proto = 'http://' + href_with_proto unless href_with_proto.index('http') == 0 "\\href{#{href_with_proto}}{#{opts[:href]}}" end # FIXME: use includegraphics with security verification # # Remember to use '\RequirePackage{graphicx}' in your LaTeX header # # FIXME: Look at dealing with width / height gracefully as this should be # specified in a unit like cm rather than px. def image(opts) # Don't know how to use remote links, plus can we trust them? return "" if opts[:src] =~ /^\w+\:\/\// # Resolve CSS styles if any have been set styling = opts[:class].to_s.split(/\s+/).collect { |style| latex_image_styles[style] }.compact.join ',' # Build latex code [ "\\begin{figure}", " \\centering", " \\includegraphics[#{styling}]{#{opts[:src]}}", (" \\caption{#{escape opts[:title]}}" if opts[:title]), (" \\label{#{escape opts[:alt]}}" if opts[:alt]), "\\end{figure}", ].compact.join "\n" end # footnotes def footno(opts) # TODO: insert a placeholder until we know the footnote content. # For this to work, we need some kind of post-processing... "\\footnotemark[#{opts[:text]}]" end def fn(opts) "\\footnotetext[#{opts[:id]}]{#{opts[:text]}}" end # inline verbatim def snip(opts) "\\verb`#{opts[:text]}`" end def quote1(opts) "`#{opts[:text]}'" end def quote2(opts) "``#{opts[:text]}''" end def ellipsis(opts) "#{opts[:text]}\\ldots{}" end def emdash(opts) "---" end def endash(opts) " -- " end def arrow(opts) "\\rightarrow{}" end def trademark(opts) "\\texttrademark{}" end def registered(opts) "\\textregistered{}" end def copyright(opts) "\\copyright{}" end # TODO: what do we do with (unknown) unicode entities ? # def entity(opts) text = opts[:text][0..0] == '#' ? opts[:text][1..-1] : opts[:text] ENTITIES[text] end def dim(opts) opts[:text].gsub!('x', '\times') opts[:text].gsub!('"', "''") period = opts[:text].slice!(/\.$/) "$#{opts[:text]}$#{period}" end # TODO: what do we do with HTML? def inline_html(opts) opts[:text] || "" end private def escape(text) latex_esc(text) end def escape_pre(text) text end # Use this for block level commands that use \begin def begin_chunk(type) chunk_counter[type] += 1 return "\\begin{#{type}}" if 1 == chunk_counter[type] '' end # Use this for block level commands that use \end def end_chunk(type) chunk_counter[type] -= 1 raise RuntimeError, "Bad latex #{type} nesting detected" if chunk_counter[type] < 0 # This should never need to happen return "\\end{#{type}}" if 0 == chunk_counter[type] '' end def chunk_counter @chunk_counter ||= 0 end end