# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../knife" require_relative "data_bag_secret_options" require_relative "../dist" require "license_acceptance/cli_flags/mixlib_cli" require "license_acceptance/acceptor" class Chef class Knife class Bootstrap < Knife include DataBagSecretOptions include LicenseAcceptance::CLIFlags::MixlibCLI SUPPORTED_CONNECTION_PROTOCOLS ||= %w{ssh winrm}.freeze WINRM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_LIST ||= %w{plaintext kerberos ssl negotiate}.freeze # Common connectivity options option :connection_user, short: "-U USERNAME", long: "--connection-user USERNAME", description: "Authenticate to the target host with this user account." option :connection_password, short: "-P PASSWORD", long: "--connection-password PASSWORD", description: "Authenticate to the target host with this password." option :connection_port, short: "-p PORT", long: "--connection-port PORT", description: "The port on the target node to connect to." option :connection_protocol, short: "-o PROTOCOL", long: "--connection-protocol PROTOCOL", description: "The protocol to use to connect to the target node.", in: SUPPORTED_CONNECTION_PROTOCOLS option :max_wait, short: "-W SECONDS", long: "--max-wait SECONDS", description: "The maximum time to wait for the initial connection to be established." option :session_timeout, long: "--session-timeout SECONDS", description: "The number of seconds to wait for each connection operation to be acknowledged while running bootstrap.", default: 60 # WinRM Authentication option :winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint, long: "--winrm-ssl-peer-fingerprint FINGERPRINT", description: "SSL certificate fingerprint expected from the target." option :ca_trust_file, short: "-f CA_TRUST_PATH", long: "--ca-trust-file CA_TRUST_PATH", description: "The Certificate Authority (CA) trust file used for SSL transport." option :winrm_no_verify_cert, long: "--winrm-no-verify-cert", description: "Do not verify the SSL certificate of the target node for WinRM.", boolean: true option :winrm_ssl, long: "--winrm-ssl", description: "Use SSL in the WinRM connection." option :winrm_auth_method, short: "-w AUTH-METHOD", long: "--winrm-auth-method AUTH-METHOD", description: "The WinRM authentication method to use.", proc: Proc.new { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_auth_method] = protocol }, in: WINRM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_LIST option :winrm_basic_auth_only, long: "--winrm-basic-auth-only", description: "For WinRM basic authentication when using the 'ssl' auth method.", boolean: true # This option was provided in knife bootstrap windows winrm, # but it is ignored in knife-windows/WinrmSession, and so remains unimplemeneted here. # option :kerberos_keytab_file, # :short => "-T KEYTAB_FILE", # :long => "--keytab-file KEYTAB_FILE", # :description => "The Kerberos keytab file used for authentication", # :proc => Proc.new { |keytab| Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_keytab_file] = keytab } option :kerberos_realm, short: "-R KERBEROS_REALM", long: "--kerberos-realm KERBEROS_REALM", description: "The Kerberos realm used for authentication.", proc: Proc.new { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_realm] = protocol } option :kerberos_service, short: "-S KERBEROS_SERVICE", long: "--kerberos-service KERBEROS_SERVICE", description: "The Kerberos service used for authentication.", proc: Proc.new { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_service] = protocol } ## SSH Authentication option :ssh_gateway, short: "-G GATEWAY", long: "--ssh-gateway GATEWAY", description: "The SSH gateway.", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway] = key } option :ssh_gateway_identity, long: "--ssh-gateway-identity SSH_GATEWAY_IDENTITY", description: "The SSH identity file used for gateway authentication.", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway_identity] = key } option :ssh_forward_agent, short: "-A", long: "--ssh-forward-agent", description: "Enable SSH agent forwarding.", boolean: true option :ssh_identity_file, short: "-i IDENTITY_FILE", long: "--ssh-identity-file IDENTITY_FILE", description: "The SSH identity file used for authentication." option :ssh_verify_host_key, long: "--ssh-verify-host-key VALUE", description: "Verify host key. Default is 'always'.", in: %w{always accept_new accept_new_or_local_tunnel never} # # bootstrap options # # client.rb content via chef-full/bootstrap_context option :bootstrap_version, long: "--bootstrap-version VERSION", description: "The version of #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} to install." option :channel, long: "--channel CHANNEL", description: "Install from the given channel. Default is 'stable'.", default: "stable", in: %w{stable current unstable} # client.rb content via chef-full/bootstrap_context option :bootstrap_proxy, long: "--bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL", description: "The proxy server for the node being bootstrapped.", proc: Proc.new { |p| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_proxy] = p } # client.rb content via bootstrap_context option :bootstrap_proxy_user, long: "--bootstrap-proxy-user PROXY_USER", description: "The proxy authentication username for the node being bootstrapped." # client.rb content via bootstrap_context option :bootstrap_proxy_pass, long: "--bootstrap-proxy-pass PROXY_PASS", description: "The proxy authentication password for the node being bootstrapped." # client.rb content via bootstrap_context option :bootstrap_no_proxy, long: "--bootstrap-no-proxy [NO_PROXY_URL|NO_PROXY_IP]", description: "Do not proxy locations for the node being bootstrapped", proc: Proc.new { |np| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_no_proxy] = np } # client.rb content via bootstrap_context option :bootstrap_template, short: "-t TEMPLATE", long: "--bootstrap-template TEMPLATE", description: "Bootstrap #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} using a built-in or custom template. Set to the full path of an erb template or use one of the built-in templates." # client.rb content via bootstrap_context option :node_ssl_verify_mode, long: "--node-ssl-verify-mode [peer|none]", description: "Whether or not to verify the SSL cert for all HTTPS requests.", proc: Proc.new { |v| valid_values = %w{none peer} unless valid_values.include?(v) raise "Invalid value '#{v}' for --node-ssl-verify-mode. Valid values are: #{valid_values.join(", ")}" end v } # bootstrap_context - client.rb option :node_verify_api_cert, long: "--[no-]node-verify-api-cert", description: "Verify the SSL cert for HTTPS requests to the #{Chef::Dist::SERVER_PRODUCT} API.", boolean: true # runtime - sudo settings (train handles sudo) option :use_sudo, long: "--sudo", description: "Execute the bootstrap via sudo.", boolean: true # runtime - sudo settings (train handles sudo) option :preserve_home, long: "--sudo-preserve-home", description: "Preserve non-root user HOME environment variable with sudo.", boolean: true # runtime - sudo settings (train handles sudo) option :use_sudo_password, long: "--use-sudo-password", description: "Execute the bootstrap via sudo with password.", boolean: false # runtime - client_builder option :chef_node_name, short: "-N NAME", long: "--node-name NAME", description: "The node name for your new node." # runtime - client_builder - set runlist when creating node option :run_list, short: "-r RUN_LIST", long: "--run-list RUN_LIST", description: "Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply.", proc: lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) }, default: [] # runtime - client_builder - set policy name when creating node option :policy_name, long: "--policy-name POLICY_NAME", description: "Policyfile name to use (--policy-group must also be given).", default: nil # runtime - client_builder - set policy group when creating node option :policy_group, long: "--policy-group POLICY_GROUP", description: "Policy group name to use (--policy-name must also be given).", default: nil # runtime - client_builder - node tags option :tags, long: "--tags TAGS", description: "Comma separated list of tags to apply to the node.", proc: lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) }, default: [] # bootstrap template option :first_boot_attributes, short: "-j JSON_ATTRIBS", long: "--json-attributes", description: "A JSON string to be added to the first run of #{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}.", proc: lambda { |o| Chef::JSONCompat.parse(o) }, default: nil # bootstrap template option :first_boot_attributes_from_file, long: "--json-attribute-file FILE", description: "A JSON file to be used to the first run of #{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}.", proc: lambda { |o| Chef::JSONCompat.parse(File.read(o)) }, default: nil # Note that several of the below options are used by bootstrap template, # but only from the passed-in knife config; it does not use the # config from the CLI for those values. We cannot always used the merged # config, because in some cases the knife keys thIn those cases, the option # will have a proc that assigns the value into Chef::Config[:knife] # bootstrap template # Create ohai hints in /etc/chef/ohai/hints, fname=hintname, content=value option :hint, long: "--hint HINT_NAME[=HINT_FILE]", description: "Specify an Ohai hint to be set on the bootstrap target. Use multiple --hint options to specify multiple hints.", proc: Proc.new { |h| Chef::Config[:knife][:hints] ||= {} name, path = h.split("=") Chef::Config[:knife][:hints][name] = path ? Chef::JSONCompat.parse(::File.read(path)) : {} } # bootstrap override: url of a an installer shell script touse in place of omnitruck # Note that the bootstrap template _only_ references this out of Chef::Config, and not from # the provided options to knife bootstrap, so we set the Chef::Config option here. option :bootstrap_url, long: "--bootstrap-url URL", description: "URL to a custom installation script.", proc: Proc.new { |u| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_url] = u } option :bootstrap_product, long: "--bootstrap-product PRODUCT", description: "Product to install.", default: "chef" option :msi_url, # Windows target only short: "-m URL", long: "--msi-url URL", description: "Location of the #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} MSI. The default templates will prefer to download from this location. The MSI will be downloaded from #{Chef::Dist::WEBSITE} if not provided (Windows).", default: "" # bootstrap override: Do this instead of our own setup.sh from omnitruck. Causes bootstrap_url to be ignored. option :bootstrap_install_command, long: "--bootstrap-install-command COMMANDS", description: "Custom command to install #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT}.", proc: Proc.new { |ic| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_install_command] = ic } # bootstrap template: Run this command first in the bootstrap script option :bootstrap_preinstall_command, long: "--bootstrap-preinstall-command COMMANDS", description: "Custom commands to run before installing #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT}.", proc: Proc.new { |preic| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_preinstall_command] = preic } # bootstrap template option :bootstrap_wget_options, long: "--bootstrap-wget-options OPTIONS", description: "Add options to wget when installing #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT}.", proc: Proc.new { |wo| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_wget_options] = wo } # bootstrap template option :bootstrap_curl_options, long: "--bootstrap-curl-options OPTIONS", description: "Add options to curl when install #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT}.", proc: Proc.new { |co| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_curl_options] = co } # chef_vault_handler option :bootstrap_vault_file, long: "--bootstrap-vault-file VAULT_FILE", description: "A JSON file with a list of vault(s) and item(s) to be updated." # chef_vault_handler option :bootstrap_vault_json, long: "--bootstrap-vault-json VAULT_JSON", description: "A JSON string with the vault(s) and item(s) to be updated." # chef_vault_handler option :bootstrap_vault_item, long: "--bootstrap-vault-item VAULT_ITEM", description: 'A single vault and item to update as "vault:item".', proc: Proc.new { |i| (vault, item) = i.split(/:/) Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item] ||= {} Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item][vault] ||= [] Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item][vault].push(item) Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item] } # Deprecated options. These must be declared after # regular options because they refer to the replacement # option definitions implicitly. deprecated_option :auth_timeout, replacement: :max_wait, long: "--max-wait SECONDS" deprecated_option :forward_agent, replacement: :ssh_forward_agent, boolean: true, long: "--forward-agent" deprecated_option :host_key_verify, replacement: :ssh_verify_host_key, boolean: true, long: "--[no-]host-key-verify", value_mapper: Proc.new { |verify| verify ? "always" : "never" } deprecated_option :prerelease, replacement: :channel, long: "--prerelease", boolean: true, value_mapper: Proc.new { "current" } deprecated_option :ssh_user, replacement: :connection_user, long: "--ssh-user USERNAME" deprecated_option :ssh_password, replacement: :connection_password, long: "--ssh-password PASSWORD" deprecated_option :ssh_port, replacement: :connection_port, long: "--ssh-port PASSWORD" deprecated_option :ssl_peer_fingerprint, replacement: :winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint, long: "--ssl-peer-fingerprint FINGERPRINT" deprecated_option :winrm_user, replacement: :connection_user, long: "--winrm-user USERNAME", short: "-x USERNAME" deprecated_option :winrm_password, replacement: :connection_password, long: "--winrm-password PASSWORD" deprecated_option :winrm_port, replacement: :connection_port, long: "--winrm-port PORT" deprecated_option :winrm_authentication_protocol, replacement: :winrm_auth_method, long: "--winrm-authentication-protocol PROTOCOL" deprecated_option :winrm_session_timeout, replacement: :session_timeout, long: "--winrm-session-timeout MINUTES" deprecated_option :winrm_ssl_verify_mode, replacement: :winrm_no_verify_cert, long: "--winrm-ssl-verify-mode MODE" deprecated_option :winrm_transport, replacement: :winrm_ssl, long: "--winrm-transport TRANSPORT", value_mapper: Proc.new { |value| value == "ssl" } attr_reader :connection deps do require "erubis" unless defined?(Erubis) require_relative "../json_compat" require_relative "../util/path_helper" require_relative "bootstrap/chef_vault_handler" require_relative "bootstrap/client_builder" require_relative "bootstrap/train_connector" end banner "knife bootstrap [PROTOCOL://][USER@]FQDN (options)" def client_builder @client_builder ||= Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::ClientBuilder.new( chef_config: Chef::Config, knife_config: config, ui: ui ) end def chef_vault_handler @chef_vault_handler ||= Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::ChefVaultHandler.new( knife_config: config, ui: ui ) end # Determine if we need to accept the Chef Infra license locally in order to successfully bootstrap # the remote node. Remote 'chef-client' run will fail if it is >= 15 and the license is not accepted locally. def check_license Chef::Log.debug("Checking if we need to accept Chef license to bootstrap node") version = config[:bootstrap_version] || Chef::VERSION.split(".").first acceptor = LicenseAcceptance::Acceptor.new(logger: Chef::Log, provided: Chef::Config[:chef_license]) if acceptor.license_required?("chef", version) Chef::Log.debug("License acceptance required for chef version: #{version}") license_id = acceptor.id_from_mixlib("chef") acceptor.check_and_persist(license_id, version) Chef::Config[:chef_license] ||= acceptor.acceptance_value end end # The default bootstrap template to use to bootstrap a server. # This is a public API hook which knife plugins use or inherit and override. # # @return [String] Default bootstrap template def default_bootstrap_template if connection.windows? "windows-#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}-msi" else "chef-full" end end def host_descriptor Array(@name_args).first end # The server_name is the DNS or IP we are going to connect to, it is not necessarily # the node name, the fqdn, or the hostname of the server. This is a public API hook # which knife plugins use or inherit and override. # # @return [String] The DNS or IP that bootstrap will connect to def server_name if host_descriptor @server_name ||= host_descriptor.split("@").reverse[0] end end # @return [String] The CLI specific bootstrap template or the default def bootstrap_template # Allow passing a bootstrap template or use the default config[:bootstrap_template] || default_bootstrap_template end def find_template template = bootstrap_template # Use the template directly if it's a path to an actual file if File.exists?(template) Chef::Log.trace("Using the specified bootstrap template: #{File.dirname(template)}") return template end # Otherwise search the template directories until we find the right one bootstrap_files = [] bootstrap_files << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "bootstrap/templates", "#{template}.erb") bootstrap_files << File.join(Knife.chef_config_dir, "bootstrap", "#{template}.erb") if Chef::Knife.chef_config_dir Chef::Util::PathHelper.home(".chef", "bootstrap", "#{template}.erb") { |p| bootstrap_files << p } bootstrap_files << Gem.find_files(File.join("chef", "knife", "bootstrap", "#{template}.erb")) bootstrap_files.flatten! template_file = Array(bootstrap_files).find do |bootstrap_template| Chef::Log.trace("Looking for bootstrap template in #{File.dirname(bootstrap_template)}") File.exists?(bootstrap_template) end unless template_file ui.info("Can not find bootstrap definition for #{template}") raise Errno::ENOENT end Chef::Log.trace("Found bootstrap template: #{template_file}") template_file end def secret @secret ||= encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag? ? read_secret : nil end # Establish bootstrap context for template rendering. # Requires connection to be a live connection in order to determine # the correct platform. def bootstrap_context @bootstrap_context ||= if connection.windows? require_relative "core/windows_bootstrap_context" Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new(config, config[:run_list], Chef::Config, secret) else require_relative "core/bootstrap_context" Knife::Core::BootstrapContext.new(config, config[:run_list], Chef::Config, secret) end end def first_boot_attributes @config[:first_boot_attributes] || @config[:first_boot_attributes_from_file] || {} end def render_template @config[:first_boot_attributes] = first_boot_attributes template_file = find_template template = IO.read(template_file).chomp Erubis::Eruby.new(template).evaluate(bootstrap_context) end def run check_license if ChefConfig::Dist::ENFORCE_LICENSE plugin_setup! validate_name_args! validate_protocol! validate_first_boot_attributes! validate_winrm_transport_opts! validate_policy_options! plugin_validate_options! winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification warn_on_short_session_timeout plugin_create_instance! $stdout.sync = true connect! register_client content = render_template bootstrap_path = upload_bootstrap(content) perform_bootstrap(bootstrap_path) plugin_finalize ensure connection.del_file!(bootstrap_path) if connection && bootstrap_path end def register_client # chef-vault integration must use the new client-side hawtness, otherwise to use the # new client-side hawtness, just delete your validation key. if chef_vault_handler.doing_chef_vault? || (Chef::Config[:validation_key] && !File.exist?(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key]))) unless config[:chef_node_name] ui.error("You must pass a node name with -N when bootstrapping with user credentials") exit 1 end client_builder.run chef_vault_handler.run(client_builder.client) bootstrap_context.client_pem = client_builder.client_path else ui.warn "Performing legacy client registration with the validation key at #{Chef::Config[:validation_key]}..." ui.warn "Remove the key file or remove the 'validation_key' configuration option from your config.rb (knife.rb) to use more secure user credentials for client registration." end end def perform_bootstrap(remote_bootstrap_script_path) ui.info("Bootstrapping #{ui.color(server_name, :bold)}") cmd = bootstrap_command(remote_bootstrap_script_path) r = connection.run_command(cmd) do |data| ui.msg("#{ui.color(" [#{connection.hostname}]", :cyan)} #{data}") end if r.exit_status != 0 ui.error("The following error occurred on #{server_name}:") ui.error(r.stderr) exit 1 end end def connect! ui.info("Connecting to #{ui.color(server_name, :bold)} using #{connection_protocol}") opts ||= connection_opts.dup do_connect(opts) rescue Train::Error => e # We handle these by message text only because train only loads the # transports and protocols that it needs - so the exceptions may not be defined, # and we don't want to require files internal to train. if e.message =~ /fingerprint (\S+) is unknown for "(.+)"/ # Train::Transports::SSHFailed fingerprint = $1 hostname, ip = $2.split(",") # TODO: convert the SHA256 base64 value to hex with colons # 'ssh' example output: # RSA key fingerprint is e5:cb:c0:e2:21:3b:12:52:f8:ce:cb:00:24:e2:0c:92. # ECDSA key fingerprint is 5d:67:61:08:a9:d7:01:fd:5e:ae:7e:09:40:ef:c0:3c. # will exit 3 on N ui.confirm <<~EOM The authenticity of host '#{hostname} (#{ip})' can't be established. fingerprint is #{fingerprint}. Are you sure you want to continue connecting EOM # FIXME: this should save the key to known_hosts but doesn't appear to be config[:ssh_verify_host_key] = :accept_new conn_opts = connection_opts(reset: true) opts.merge! conn_opts retry elsif (ssh? && e.cause && e.cause.class == Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed) || (ssh? && e.class == Train::ClientError && e.reason == :no_ssh_password_or_key_available) if connection.password_auth? raise else ui.warn("Failed to authenticate #{opts[:user]} to #{server_name} - trying password auth") password = ui.ask("Enter password for #{opts[:user]}@#{server_name}:") do |q| q.echo = false end end opts.merge! force_ssh_password_opts(password) retry else raise end rescue RuntimeError => e if winrm? && e.message == "password is a required option" if connection.password_auth? raise else ui.warn("Failed to authenticate #{opts[:user]} to #{server_name} - trying password auth") password = ui.ask("Enter password for #{opts[:user]}@#{server_name}:") do |q| q.echo = false end end opts.merge! force_winrm_password_opts(password) retry else raise end end def handle_ssh_error(e); end # url values override CLI flags, if you provide both # we'll use the one that you gave in the URL. def connection_protocol return @connection_protocol if @connection_protocol from_url = host_descriptor =~ %r{^(.*)://} ? $1 : nil from_cli = config[:connection_protocol] from_knife = Chef::Config[:knife][:connection_protocol] @connection_protocol = from_url || from_cli || from_knife || "ssh" end def do_connect(conn_options) @connection = TrainConnector.new(host_descriptor, connection_protocol, conn_options) connection.connect! rescue Train::UserError => e limit ||= 1 if !conn_options.key?(:pty) && e.reason == :sudo_no_tty ui.warn("#{e.message} - trying with pty request") conn_options[:pty] = true # ensure we can talk to systems with requiretty set true in sshd config retry elsif config[:use_sudo_password] && (e.reason == :sudo_password_required || e.reason == :bad_sudo_password) && limit < 3 ui.warn("Failed to authenticate #{conn_options[:user]} to #{server_name} - #{e.message} \n sudo: #{limit} incorrect password attempt") sudo_password = ui.ask("Enter sudo password for #{conn_options[:user]}@#{server_name}:") do |q| q.echo = false end limit += 1 conn_options[:sudo_password] = sudo_password retry else raise end end # Fail if both first_boot_attributes and first_boot_attributes_from_file # are set. def validate_first_boot_attributes! if @config[:first_boot_attributes] && @config[:first_boot_attributes_from_file] raise Chef::Exceptions::BootstrapCommandInputError end true end # Fail if using plaintext auth without ssl because # this can expose keys in plaintext on the wire. # TODO test for this method # TODO check that the protoocol is valid. def validate_winrm_transport_opts! return true unless winrm? if Chef::Config[:validation_key] && !File.exist?(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])) if config_value(:winrm_auth_method) == "plaintext" && config_value(:winrm_ssl) != true ui.error <<~EOM Validatorless bootstrap over unsecure winrm channels could expose your key to network sniffing. Please use a 'winrm_auth_method' other than 'plaintext', or enable ssl on #{server_name} then use the ---winrm-ssl flag to connect. EOM exit 1 end end true end # fail if the server_name is nil def validate_name_args! if server_name.nil? ui.error("Must pass an FQDN or ip to bootstrap") exit 1 end end # Ensure options are valid by checking policyfile values. # # The method call will cause the program to exit(1) if: # * Only one of --policy-name and --policy-group is specified # * Policyfile options are set and --run-list is set as well # # @return [TrueClass] If options are valid. def validate_policy_options! if incomplete_policyfile_options? ui.error("--policy-name and --policy-group must be specified together") exit 1 elsif policyfile_and_run_list_given? ui.error("Policyfile options and --run-list are exclusive") exit 1 end end # Ensure a valid protocol is provided for target host connection # # The method call will cause the program to exit(1) if: # * Conflicting protocols are given via the target URI and the --protocol option # * The protocol is not a supported protocol # # @return [TrueClass] If options are valid. def validate_protocol! from_cli = config[:connection_protocol] if from_cli && connection_protocol != from_cli # Hanging indent to align with the ERROR: prefix ui.error <<~EOM The URL '#{host_descriptor}' indicates protocol is '#{connection_protocol}' while the --protocol flag specifies '#{from_cli}'. Please include only one or the other. EOM exit 1 end unless SUPPORTED_CONNECTION_PROTOCOLS.include?(connection_protocol) ui.error <<~EOM Unsupported protocol '#{connection_protocol}'. Supported protocols are: #{SUPPORTED_CONNECTION_PROTOCOLS.join(" ")} EOM exit 1 end true end # Validate any additional options # # Plugins that subclass bootstrap, e.g. knife-ec2, can use this method to validate any additional options before any other actions are executed # # @return [TrueClass] If options are valid or exits def plugin_validate_options! true end # Create the server that we will bootstrap, if necessary # # Plugins that subclass bootstrap, e.g. knife-ec2, can use this method to call out to an API to build an instance of the server we wish to bootstrap # # @return [TrueClass] If instance successfully created, or exits def plugin_create_instance! true end # Perform any setup necessary by the plugin # # Plugins that subclass bootstrap, e.g. knife-ec2, can use this method to create connection objects # # @return [TrueClass] If instance successfully created, or exits def plugin_setup!; end # Perform any teardown or cleanup necessary by the plugin # # Plugins that subclass bootstrap, e.g. knife-ec2, can use this method to display a message or perform any cleanup # # @return [void] def plugin_finalize; end # If session_timeout is too short, it is likely # a holdover from "--winrm-session-timeout" which used # minutes as its unit, instead of seconds. # Warn the human so that they are not surprised. # def warn_on_short_session_timeout if session_timeout && session_timeout <= 15 ui.warn <<~EOM You provided '--session-timeout #{session_timeout}' second(s). Did you mean '--session-timeout #{session_timeout * 60}' seconds? EOM end end def winrm_warn_no_ssl_verification return unless winrm? # REVIEWER NOTE # The original check from knife plugin did not include winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint # Reference: # https://github.com/chef/knife-windows/blob/92d151298142be4a4750c5b54bb264f8d5b81b8a/lib/chef/knife/winrm_knife_base.rb#L271-L273 # TODO Seems like we should also do a similar warning if ssh_verify_host == false if config_value(:ca_trust_file).nil? && config_value(:winrm_no_verify_cert) && config_value(:winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint).nil? ui.warn <<~WARN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SSL validation of HTTPS requests for the WinRM transport is disabled. HTTPS WinRM connections are still encrypted, but knife is not able to detect forged replies or spoofing attacks. To work around this issue you can use the flag `--winrm-no-verify-cert` or add an entry like this to your knife configuration file: # Verify all WinRM HTTPS connections knife[:winrm_no_verify_cert] = true You can also specify a ca_trust_file via --ca-trust-file, or the expected fingerprint of the target host's certificate via --winrm-ssl-peer-fingerprint. WARN end end # @return a configuration hash suitable for connecting to the remote # host via train def connection_opts(reset: false) return @connection_opts unless @connection_opts.nil? || reset == true @connection_opts = {} @connection_opts.merge! base_opts @connection_opts.merge! host_verify_opts @connection_opts.merge! gateway_opts @connection_opts.merge! sudo_opts @connection_opts.merge! winrm_opts @connection_opts.merge! ssh_opts @connection_opts.merge! ssh_identity_opts @connection_opts end def winrm? connection_protocol == "winrm" end def ssh? connection_protocol == "ssh" end # Common configuration for all protocols def base_opts port = config_value(:connection_port, knife_key_for_protocol(connection_protocol, :port)) user = config_value(:connection_user, knife_key_for_protocol(connection_protocol, :user)) {}.tap do |opts| opts[:logger] = Chef::Log # We do not store password in Chef::Config, so only use CLI `config` here opts[:password] = config[:connection_password] if config.key?(:connection_password) opts[:user] = user if user opts[:max_wait_until_ready] = config_value(:max_wait).to_f unless config_value(:max_wait).nil? # TODO - when would we need to provide rdp_port vs port? Or are they not mutually exclusive? opts[:port] = port if port end end def host_verify_opts if winrm? { self_signed: config_value(:winrm_no_verify_cert) === true } elsif ssh? # Fall back to the old knife config key name for back compat. { verify_host_key: config_value(:ssh_verify_host_key, :host_key_verify, "always") } else {} end end def ssh_opts opts = {} return opts if winrm? opts[:non_interactive] = true # Prevent password prompts from underlying net/ssh opts[:forward_agent] = (config_value(:ssh_forward_agent) === true) opts[:connection_timeout] = session_timeout opts end def ssh_identity_opts opts = {} return opts if winrm? identity_file = config_value(:ssh_identity_file) if identity_file opts[:key_files] = [identity_file] # We only set keys_only based on the explicit ssh_identity_file; # someone may use a gateway key and still expect password auth # on the target. Similarly, someone may have a default key specified # in knife config, but have provided a password on the CLI. # REVIEW NOTE: this is a new behavior. Originally, ssh_identity_file # could only be populated from CLI options, so there was no need to check # for this. We will also set keys_only to false only if there are keys # and no password. # If both are present, train(via net/ssh) will prefer keys, falling back to password. # Reference: https://github.com/chef/chef/blob/master/lib/chef/knife/ssh.rb#L272 opts[:keys_only] = config.key?(:connection_password) == false else opts[:key_files] = [] opts[:keys_only] = false end gateway_identity_file = config_value(:ssh_gateway) ? config_value(:ssh_gateway_identity) : nil unless gateway_identity_file.nil? opts[:key_files] << gateway_identity_file end opts end def gateway_opts opts = {} if config_value(:ssh_gateway) split = config_value(:ssh_gateway).split("@", 2) if split.length == 1 gw_host = split[0] else gw_user = split[0] gw_host = split[1] end gw_host, gw_port = gw_host.split(":", 2) # TODO - validate convertable port in config validation? gw_port = Integer(gw_port) rescue nil opts[:bastion_host] = gw_host opts[:bastion_user] = gw_user opts[:bastion_port] = gw_port end opts end # use_sudo - tells bootstrap to use the sudo command to run bootstrap # use_sudo_password - tells bootstrap to use the sudo command to run bootstrap # and to use the password specified with --password # TODO: I'd like to make our sudo options sane: # --sudo (bool) - use sudo # --sudo-password PASSWORD (default: :password) - use this password for sudo # --sudo-options "opt,opt,opt" to pass into sudo # --sudo-command COMMAND sudo command other than sudo # REVIEW NOTE: knife bootstrap did not pull sudo values from Chef::Config, # should we change that for consistency? def sudo_opts return {} if winrm? opts = { sudo: false } if config[:use_sudo] opts[:sudo] = true if config[:use_sudo_password] opts[:sudo_password] = config[:connection_password] end if config[:preserve_home] opts[:sudo_options] = "-H" end end opts end def winrm_opts return {} unless winrm? auth_method = config_value(:winrm_auth_method, :winrm_auth_method, "negotiate") opts = { winrm_transport: auth_method, # winrm gem and train calls auth method 'transport' winrm_basic_auth_only: config_value(:winrm_basic_auth_only) || false, ssl: config_value(:winrm_ssl) === true, ssl_peer_fingerprint: config_value(:winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint), } if auth_method == "kerberos" opts[:kerberos_service] = config_value(:kerberos_service) if config_value(:kerberos_service) opts[:kerberos_realm] = config_value(:kerberos_realm) if config_value(:kerberos_service) end if config_value(:ca_trust_file) opts[:ca_trust_path] = config_value(:ca_trust_file) end opts[:operation_timeout] = session_timeout opts end # Config overrides to force password auth. def force_ssh_password_opts(password) { password: password, non_interactive: false, keys_only: false, key_files: [], auth_methods: %i{password keyboard_interactive}, } end def force_winrm_password_opts(password) { password: password, } end # Knife plugins should just use the config hash and not call this method. In the # future there will be a way to deprecate Chef::Config options in addition to the # CLI options, which will eliminate this methods primary purpose. # # In Chef-16 the single-argument verison of this function will be deprecated and # config_value(:whatver) should be converted to config[:whatever]. That never had # any purpose and never should have been used this way. # # @api deprecated # def config_value(key, fallback_key = nil, default = nil) if config.key?(key) # the first key is the primary key so we check the merged hash first config[key] elsif config.key?(fallback_key) # we get the old config option here (the deprecated cli option shouldn't exist) config[fallback_key] else default end end def upload_bootstrap(content) script_name = connection.windows? ? "bootstrap.bat" : "bootstrap.sh" remote_path = connection.normalize_path(File.join(connection.temp_dir, script_name)) connection.upload_file_content!(content, remote_path) remote_path end # build the command string for bootrapping # @return String def bootstrap_command(remote_path) if connection.windows? "cmd.exe /C #{remote_path}" else "sh #{remote_path}" end end # To avoid cluttering the CLI options, some flags (such as port and user) # are shared between protocols. However, there is still a need to allow the operator # to specify defaults separately, since they may not be the same values for different # protocols. # These keys are available in Chef::Config, and are prefixed with the protocol name. # For example, :user CLI option will map to :winrm_user and :ssh_user Chef::Config keys, # based on the connection protocol in use. def knife_key_for_protocol(new_option, option = nil) option = new_option if option.nil? # hacky compat with both old Chef-15 style and new Chef-16 style API signature "#{connection_protocol}_#{option}".to_sym end private # True if policy_name and run_list are both given def policyfile_and_run_list_given? run_list_given? && policyfile_options_given? end def run_list_given? !config[:run_list].nil? && !config[:run_list].empty? end def policyfile_options_given? !!config[:policy_name] end # True if one of policy_name or policy_group was given, but not both def incomplete_policyfile_options? (!!config[:policy_name] ^ config[:policy_group]) end # session_timeout option has a default that may not arrive, particularly if # we're being invoked from a plugin that doesn't merge_config. def session_timeout timeout = config_value(:session_timeout) return options[:session_timeout][:default] if timeout.nil? timeout.to_i end end end end