# frozen_string_literal: true shared_context "when generating a new application" do let(:env) do |example| # # When tracking coverage, make sure the ruby environment points to the # local version, so we get the benefits of running `decidim` directly # without `bundler` (more realistic test), but also get code coverage # properly measured (we track coverage on the local version and not on the # installed version). # if ENV["SIMPLECOV"] { "RUBYOPT" => "-rsimplecov #{ENV.fetch("RUBYOPT", nil)}", "RUBYLIB" => "#{repo_root}/decidim-generators/lib:#{ENV.fetch("RUBYLIB", nil)}", "PATH" => "#{repo_root}/decidim-generators/exe:#{ENV.fetch("PATH", nil)}", "COMMAND_NAME" => example.full_description.tr(" ", "_") } else {} end end let(:result) do Bundler.with_original_env { Decidim::GemManager.capture(command, env:) } end # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll before(:all) do Bundler.with_original_env { Decidim::GemManager.install_all(out: File::NULL) } end after(:all) do Bundler.with_original_env { Decidim::GemManager.uninstall_all(out: File::NULL) } end # rubocop:enable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll end shared_examples_for "a new production application" do it "includes optional plugins commented out in Gemfile" do expect(result[1]).to be_success, result[0] expect(File.read("#{test_app}/Gemfile")) .to match(/^# gem "decidim-initiatives"/) .and match(/^# gem "decidim-elections"/) .and match(/^# gem "decidim-conferences"/) .and match(/^# gem "decidim-templates"/) end end shared_examples_for "a new development application" do it "includes optional plugins uncommented in Gemfile" do expect(result[1]).to be_success, result[0] expect(File.read("#{test_app}/Gemfile")) .to match(/^gem "decidim-initiatives"/) .and match(/^gem "decidim-elections"/) .and match(/^gem "decidim-conferences"/) .and match(/^gem "decidim-templates"/) # Checks that every table from a migration is included in the generated schema schema = File.read("#{test_app}/db/schema.rb") tables = [] dropped = [] Decidim::GemManager.plugins.each do |plugin| Dir.glob("#{plugin}db/migrate/*.rb").each do |migration| lines = File.readlines(migration) tables.concat(lines.filter { |line| line.match? "create_table" }.map { |line| line.match(/(:)([a-z_0-9]+)/)[2] }) dropped.concat(lines.filter { |line| line.match? "drop_table" }.map { |line| line.match(/(:)([a-z_0-9]+)/)[2] }) tables.concat(lines.filter { |line| line.match? "rename_table" }.map { |line| line.match(/(, :)([a-z_0-9]+)/)[2] }) dropped.concat(lines.filter { |line| line.match? "rename_table" }.map { |line| line.match(/(:)([a-z_0-9]+)/)[2] }) end end tables.each do |table| next if dropped.include? table expect(schema).to match(/create_table "#{table}"|create_table :#{table}/) end # Check that important node modules were installed expect(Pathname.new("#{test_app}/node_modules/shakapacker")).to be_directory # Check that the configuration tweaks are applied properly expect(File.read("#{test_app}/config/spring.rb")).to match(%r{^require "decidim/spring"}) end end shared_context "with application env vars" do # ensure that empty env behave like non-defined envs let(:env_off) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "OMNIAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_ID" => "", "OMNIAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET" => "", "OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_API_KEY" => "", "OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_API_SECRET" => "", "OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" => "", "OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET" => "", "MAPS_API_KEY" => "", "ETHERPAD_SERVER" => "", "ETHERPAD_API_KEY" => "", "DECIDIM_APPLICATION_NAME" => "", "DECIDIM_MAILER_SENDER" => "", "DECIDIM_AVAILABLE_LOCALES" => "", "DECIDIM_DEFAULT_LOCALE" => "", "DECIDIM_ENABLE_HTML_HEADER_SNIPPETS" => "", "DECIDIM_CURRENCY_UNIT" => "", "DECIDIM_IMAGE_UPLOADER_QUALITY" => "", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_SIZE" => "", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_AVATAR_SIZE" => "", "DECIDIM_MAX_REPORTS_BEFORE_HIDING" => "", "DECIDIM_THROTTLING_MAX_REQUESTS" => "", "DECIDIM_THROTTLING_PERIOD" => "", "DECIDIM_UNCONFIRMED_ACCESS_FOR" => "", "DECIDIM_SYSTEM_ACCESSLIST_IPS" => "", "DECIDIM_BASE_UPLOADS_PATH" => "", "DECIDIM_DEFAULT_CSV_COL_SEP" => "", "DECIDIM_CORS_ENABLED" => "", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_DAYS" => "", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH" => "", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_REPETITION_TIMES" => "", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_STRONG" => "", "DECIDIM_SERVICE_WORKER_ENABLED" => "", "RAILS_LOG_LEVEL" => "nonsense", "STORAGE_PROVIDER" => "" } end let(:env_false) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "OMNIAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_ID" => "false", "OMNIAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET" => "false", "OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_API_KEY" => "no", "OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_API_SECRET" => "false", "OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" => "FalSe", "OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET" => "false", "MAPS_API_KEY" => "0", "ETHERPAD_SERVER" => "No", "ETHERPAD_API_KEY" => "false", "DECIDIM_AVAILABLE_LOCALES" => "false", "DECIDIM_DEFAULT_LOCALE" => "false", "DECIDIM_ENABLE_HTML_HEADER_SNIPPETS" => "FalSe", "DECIDIM_CURRENCY_UNIT" => "false", "DECIDIM_IMAGE_UPLOADER_QUALITY" => "false", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_SIZE" => "false", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_AVATAR_SIZE" => "false", "DECIDIM_MAX_REPORTS_BEFORE_HIDING" => "false", "DECIDIM_THROTTLING_MAX_REQUESTS" => "false", "DECIDIM_THROTTLING_PERIOD" => "false", "DECIDIM_UNCONFIRMED_ACCESS_FOR" => "false", "DECIDIM_SYSTEM_ACCESSLIST_IPS" => "false", "DECIDIM_CORS_ENABLED" => "false", "DECIDIM_SERVICE_WORKER_ENABLED" => "false" } end let(:env_on) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "OMNIAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_ID" => "a-facebook-id", "OMNIAUTH_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET" => "a-facebook-secret", "OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_API_KEY" => "a-twitter-api-key", "OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_API_SECRET" => "a-twitter-api-secret", "OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" => "a-google-client-id", "OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET" => "a-google-client-secret", "SECRET_KEY_BASE" => "a-secret-key-base", "SMTP_USERNAME" => "a-smtp-username", "SMTP_PASSWORD" => "a-smtp-password", "SMTP_ADDRESS" => "a-smtp-address", "SMTP_DOMAIN" => "a-smtp-domain", "SMTP_PORT" => "12345", "SMTP_STARTTLS_AUTO" => "a-smtp-starttls-auto", "SMTP_AUTHENTICATION" => "a-smtp-authentication", "DECIDIM_APPLICATION_NAME" => "\"A test\" {application}", "DECIDIM_MAILER_SENDER" => "noreply@example.org", "DECIDIM_AVAILABLE_LOCALES" => "de, fr, zh-CN", "DECIDIM_DEFAULT_LOCALE" => "zh-CN", "DECIDIM_FORCE_SSL" => "", "DECIDIM_ENABLE_HTML_HEADER_SNIPPETS" => "true", "DECIDIM_CURRENCY_UNIT" => "$", "DECIDIM_IMAGE_UPLOADER_QUALITY" => "91", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_SIZE" => "25", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_AVATAR_SIZE" => "11", "DECIDIM_MAX_REPORTS_BEFORE_HIDING" => "4", "DECIDIM_TRACK_NEWSLETTER_LINKS" => "", "DECIDIM_DOWNLOAD_YOUR_DATA_EXPIRY_TIME" => "2", "DECIDIM_THROTTLING_MAX_REQUESTS" => "99", "DECIDIM_THROTTLING_PERIOD" => "2", "DECIDIM_UNCONFIRMED_ACCESS_FOR" => "3", "DECIDIM_SYSTEM_ACCESSLIST_IPS" => ",", "DECIDIM_BASE_UPLOADS_PATH" => "some-path/", "DECIDIM_DEFAULT_CSV_COL_SEP" => ",", "DECIDIM_CORS_ENABLED" => "true", "DECIDIM_SERVICE_WORKER_ENABLED" => "true", "DECIDIM_CONSENT_COOKIE_NAME" => ":weird-consent-cookie-name:", "DECIDIM_CACHE_KEY_SEPARATOR" => ":", "DECIDIM_EXPIRE_SESSION_AFTER" => "45", "DECIDIM_ENABLE_REMEMBER_ME" => "", "DECIDIM_SESSION_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL" => "33", "DECIDIM_FOLLOW_HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST" => "true", "DECIDIM_MAXIMUM_CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_LENGTH" => "1234", "DECIDIM_PASSWORD_SIMILARITY_LENGTH" => "4", "DECIDIM_DENIED_PASSWORDS" => "i-do-not-like-this-password, i-do-not,like,this,one,either, password123456", "DECIDIM_ALLOW_OPEN_REDIRECTS" => "true", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_DAYS" => "93", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH" => "18", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_REPETITION_TIMES" => "8", "DECIDIM_ADMIN_PASSWORD_STRONG" => "false", "RAILS_LOG_LEVEL" => "fatal", "RAILS_ASSET_HOST" => "http://assets.example.org", "ETHERPAD_SERVER" => "http://a-etherpad-server.com", "ETHERPAD_API_KEY" => "an-etherpad-key", "ETHERPAD_API_VERSION" => "1.2.2", "MAPS_PROVIDER" => "here", "MAPS_API_KEY" => "a-maps-api-key", "VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY" => "a-vapid-public-key", "VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY" => "a-vapid-private-key", "STORAGE_PROVIDER" => "test", "STORAGE_CDN_HOST" => "https://cdn.example.org", "API_SCHEMA_MAX_PER_PAGE" => "31", "API_SCHEMA_MAX_COMPLEXITY" => "3001", "API_SCHEMA_MAX_DEPTH" => "11", "PROPOSALS_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD" => "0.99", "PROPOSALS_SIMILARITY_LIMIT" => "3", "PROPOSALS_PARTICIPATORY_SPACE_HIGHLIGHTED_PROPOSALS_LIMIT" => "6", "PROPOSALS_PROCESS_GROUP_HIGHLIGHTED_PROPOSALS_LIMIT" => "5", "MEETINGS_UPCOMING_MEETING_NOTIFICATION" => "3", "MEETINGS_ENABLE_PROPOSAL_LINKING" => "false", "MEETINGS_EMBEDDABLE_SERVICES" => "www.youtube.com www.twitch.tv meet.jit.si 8x8.vc", "BUDGETS_ENABLE_PROPOSAL_LINKING" => "false", "ACCOUNTABILITY_ENABLE_PROPOSAL_LINKING" => "false", "INITIATIVES_CREATION_ENABLED" => "false", "INITIATIVES_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD" => "0.99", "INITIATIVES_SIMILARITY_LIMIT" => "10", "INITIATIVES_MINIMUM_COMMITTEE_MEMBERS" => "3", "INITIATIVES_DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_TIME_PERIOD_LENGTH" => "133", "INITIATIVES_DEFAULT_COMPONENTS" => "pages, proposals,budgets", "INITIATIVES_FIRST_NOTIFICATION_PERCENTAGE" => "10", "INITIATIVES_SECOND_NOTIFICATION_PERCENTAGE" => "70", "INITIATIVES_STATS_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME" => "7", "INITIATIVES_MAX_TIME_IN_VALIDATING_STATE" => "50", "INITIATIVES_PRINT_ENABLED" => "false", "INITIATIVES_DO_NOT_REQUIRE_AUTHORIZATION" => "true", "BULLETIN_BOARD_SERVER" => "a-bulletin-board-server", "BULLETIN_BOARD_PUBLIC_KEY" => "a-bulletin-public-key", "BULLETIN_BOARD_API_KEY" => "an-authority-api-key", "AUTHORITY_NAME" => "an-authority-name", "AUTHORITY_PRIVATE_KEY" => "an-authority-private-key", "ELECTIONS_SCHEME_NAME" => "an-elections-scheme-name", "ELECTIONS_NUMBER_OF_TRUSTEES" => "345", "ELECTIONS_QUORUM" => "987", "ELECTIONS_SETUP_MINIMUM_HOURS_BEFORE_START" => "4", "ELECTIONS_START_VOTE_MAXIMUM_HOURS_BEFORE_START" => "7", "ELECTIONS_VOTER_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_MINUTES" => "123", "VOTINGS_CHECK_CENSUS_MAX_REQUESTS" => "6", "VOTINGS_THROTTLING_PERIOD" => "2", "VOTINGS_CENSUS_ACCESS_CODES_EXPORT_EXPIRY_TIME" => "3" } end let(:env_maps_osm) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "MAPS_PROVIDER" => "osm", "MAPS_API_KEY" => "another-maps-api-key", "MAPS_DYNAMIC_URL" => "https://tiles.example.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={apiKey}&{foo}", "MAPS_STATIC_URL" => "https://staticmap.example.org/", "MAPS_ATTRIBUTION" => '© OpenStreetMap contributors', "MAPS_GEOCODING_HOST" => "nominatim.example.org" } end let(:env_maps_mix) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "MAPS_STATIC_PROVIDER" => "here", "MAPS_DYNAMIC_PROVIDER" => "osm", "MAPS_STATIC_API_KEY" => "a-maps-api-key", "MAPS_DYNAMIC_API_KEY" => "another-maps-api-key", "MAPS_DYNAMIC_URL" => "https://tiles.example.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={apiKey}&{foo}", "MAPS_ATTRIBUTION" => '© OpenStreetMap contributors', "MAPS_GEOCODING_HOST" => "nominatim.example.org", "MAPS_EXTRA_VARS" => URI.encode_www_form({ api_key: true, num: 123, foo: "bar=baz" }) } end end shared_examples_for "an application with configurable env vars" do include_context "with application env vars" let(:secrets_off) do { %w(omniauth facebook enabled) => false, %w(omniauth twitter enabled) => false, %w(omniauth google_oauth2 enabled) => false, %w(decidim application_name) => "My Application Name", %w(decidim mailer_sender) => "change-me@example.org", %w(decidim available_locales) => %w(ca cs de en es eu fi fr it ja nl pl pt ro), %w(decidim default_locale) => "en", %w(decidim force_ssl) => "auto", %w(decidim enable_html_header_snippets) => false, %w(decidim currency_unit) => "€", %w(decidim image_uploader_quality) => 80, %w(decidim maximum_attachment_size) => 10, %w(decidim maximum_avatar_size) => 5, %w(decidim max_reports_before_hiding) => 3, %w(decidim track_newsletter_links) => "auto", %w(decidim download_your_data_expiry_time) => 7, %w(decidim throttling_max_requests) => 100, %w(decidim throttling_period) => 1, %w(decidim unconfirmed_access_for) => 0, %w(decidim system_accesslist_ips) => [], %w(decidim base_uploads_path) => nil, %w(decidim default_csv_col_sep) => ";", %w(decidim cors_enabled) => false, %w(decidim service_worker_enabled) => true, %w(decidim consent_cookie_name) => "decidim-consent", %w(decidim cache_key_separator) => "/", %w(decidim expire_session_after) => 30, %w(decidim enable_remember_me) => "auto", %w(decidim session_timeout_interval) => 10, %w(decidim follow_http_x_forwarded_host) => false, %w(decidim maximum_conversation_message_length) => 1000, %w(decidim password_similarity_length) => 4, %w(decidim denied_passwords) => [], %w(decidim allow_open_redirects) => false, %w(decidim admin_password expiration_days) => 90, %w(decidim admin_password min_length) => 15, %w(decidim admin_password repetition_times) => 5, %w(decidim admin_password strong) => true, %w(etherpad server) => nil, %w(etherpad api_key) => nil, %w(etherpad api_version) => "1.2.1", %w(maps dynamic_provider) => nil, %w(maps static_provider) => nil, %w(maps static_api_key) => nil, %w(maps dynamic_api_key) => nil, %w(maps static_url) => nil, %w(maps dynamic_url) => nil, %w(maps attribution) => nil, %w(maps extra_vars) => nil, %w(maps geocoding_host) => nil, %w(vapid enabled) => false, %w(vapid public_key) => nil, %w(vapid private_key) => nil, %w(storage provider) => "local", %w(storage cdn_host) => nil, %w(decidim api schema_max_per_page) => 50, %w(decidim api schema_max_complexity) => 5000, %w(decidim api schema_max_depth) => 15, %w(decidim proposals similarity_threshold) => 0.25, %w(decidim proposals similarity_limit) => 10, %w(decidim proposals participatory_space_highlighted_proposals_limit) => 4, %w(decidim proposals process_group_highlighted_proposals_limit) => 3, %w(decidim meetings upcoming_meeting_notification) => 2, %w(decidim meetings enable_proposal_linking) => "auto", %w(decidim meetings embeddable_services) => [], %w(decidim budgets enable_proposal_linking) => "auto", %w(decidim accountability enable_proposal_linking) => "auto", %w(decidim initiatives creation_enabled) => "auto", %w(decidim initiatives similarity_threshold) => 0.25, %w(decidim initiatives similarity_limit) => 5, %w(decidim initiatives minimum_committee_members) => 2, %w(decidim initiatives default_signature_time_period_length) => 120, %w(decidim initiatives default_components) => %w(pages meetings), %w(decidim initiatives first_notification_percentage) => 33, %w(decidim initiatives second_notification_percentage) => 66, %w(decidim initiatives stats_cache_expiration_time) => 5, %w(decidim initiatives max_time_in_validating_state) => 60, %w(decidim initiatives print_enabled) => "auto", %w(decidim initiatives do_not_require_authorization) => false, %w(elections setup_minimum_hours_before_start) => 1, %w(elections start_vote_maximum_hours_before_start) => 6, %w(elections voter_token_expiration_minutes) => 120, %w(elections votings check_census_max_requests) => 5, %w(elections votings throttling_period) => 1, %w(elections votings census access_codes_export_expiry_time) => 2 } end let(:secrets_on) do { %w(omniauth facebook enabled) => true, %w(omniauth facebook app_id) => "a-facebook-id", %w(omniauth facebook app_secret) => "a-facebook-secret", %w(omniauth twitter enabled) => true, %w(omniauth twitter api_key) => "a-twitter-api-key", %w(omniauth twitter api_secret) => "a-twitter-api-secret", %w(omniauth google_oauth2 enabled) => true, %w(omniauth google_oauth2 client_id) => "a-google-client-id", %w(omniauth google_oauth2 client_secret) => "a-google-client-secret", %w(secret_key_base) => "a-secret-key-base", %w(smtp_username) => "a-smtp-username", %w(smtp_password) => "a-smtp-password", %w(smtp_address) => "a-smtp-address", %w(smtp_domain) => "a-smtp-domain", %w(smtp_port) => 12_345, %w(smtp_starttls_auto) => true, %w(smtp_authentication) => "a-smtp-authentication", %w(decidim application_name) => "\"A test\" {application}", %w(decidim mailer_sender) => "noreply@example.org", %w(decidim available_locales) => %w(de fr zh-CN), %w(decidim default_locale) => "zh-CN", %w(decidim force_ssl) => false, %w(decidim enable_html_header_snippets) => true, %w(decidim currency_unit) => "$", %w(decidim image_uploader_quality) => 91, %w(decidim maximum_attachment_size) => 25, %w(decidim maximum_avatar_size) => 11, %w(decidim max_reports_before_hiding) => 4, %w(decidim track_newsletter_links) => false, %w(decidim download_your_data_expiry_time) => 2, %w(decidim throttling_max_requests) => 99, %w(decidim throttling_period) => 2, %w(decidim unconfirmed_access_for) => 3, %w(decidim system_accesslist_ips) => ["", ""], %w(decidim base_uploads_path) => "some-path/", %w(decidim default_csv_col_sep) => ",", %w(decidim cors_enabled) => true, %w(decidim service_worker_enabled) => true, %w(decidim consent_cookie_name) => ":weird-consent-cookie-name:", %w(decidim cache_key_separator) => ":", %w(decidim expire_session_after) => 45, %w(decidim enable_remember_me) => false, %w(decidim session_timeout_interval) => 33, %w(decidim follow_http_x_forwarded_host) => true, %w(decidim maximum_conversation_message_length) => 1234, %w(decidim password_similarity_length) => 4, %w(decidim denied_passwords) => ["i-do-not-like-this-password", "i-do-not,like,this,one,either", "password123456"], %w(decidim allow_open_redirects) => true, %w(decidim admin_password expiration_days) => 93, %w(decidim admin_password min_length) => 18, %w(decidim admin_password repetition_times) => 8, %w(decidim admin_password strong) => false, %w(etherpad server) => "http://a-etherpad-server.com", %w(etherpad api_key) => "an-etherpad-key", %w(etherpad api_version) => "1.2.2", %w(maps dynamic_provider) => "here", %w(maps static_provider) => "here", %w(maps static_api_key) => "a-maps-api-key", %w(maps dynamic_api_key) => "a-maps-api-key", %w(maps static_url) => nil, %w(maps dynamic_url) => nil, %w(maps attribution) => nil, %w(maps extra_vars) => nil, %w(maps geocoding_host) => nil, %w(vapid enabled) => true, %w(vapid public_key) => "a-vapid-public-key", %w(vapid private_key) => "a-vapid-private-key", %w(storage provider) => "test", %w(storage cdn_host) => "https://cdn.example.org", %w(decidim api schema_max_per_page) => 31, %w(decidim api schema_max_complexity) => 3001, %w(decidim api schema_max_depth) => 11, %w(decidim proposals similarity_threshold) => 0.99, %w(decidim proposals similarity_limit) => 3, %w(decidim proposals participatory_space_highlighted_proposals_limit) => 6, %w(decidim proposals process_group_highlighted_proposals_limit) => 5, %w(decidim meetings upcoming_meeting_notification) => 3, %w(decidim meetings enable_proposal_linking) => false, %w(decidim meetings embeddable_services) => %w(www.youtube.com www.twitch.tv meet.jit.si 8x8.vc), %w(decidim budgets enable_proposal_linking) => false, %w(decidim accountability enable_proposal_linking) => false, %w(decidim initiatives creation_enabled) => false, %w(decidim initiatives similarity_threshold) => 0.99, %w(decidim initiatives similarity_limit) => 10, %w(decidim initiatives minimum_committee_members) => 3, %w(decidim initiatives default_signature_time_period_length) => 133, %w(decidim initiatives default_components) => %w(pages proposals budgets), %w(decidim initiatives first_notification_percentage) => 10, %w(decidim initiatives second_notification_percentage) => 70, %w(decidim initiatives stats_cache_expiration_time) => 7, %w(decidim initiatives max_time_in_validating_state) => 50, %w(decidim initiatives print_enabled) => false, %w(decidim initiatives do_not_require_authorization) => true, %w(elections bulletin_board_server) => "a-bulletin-board-server", %w(elections bulletin_board_public_key) => "a-bulletin-public-key", %w(elections authority_api_key) => "an-authority-api-key", %w(elections authority_name) => "an-authority-name", %w(elections authority_private_key) => "an-authority-private-key", %w(elections scheme_name) => "an-elections-scheme-name", %w(elections number_of_trustees) => 345, %w(elections quorum) => 987, %w(elections setup_minimum_hours_before_start) => 4, %w(elections start_vote_maximum_hours_before_start) => 7, %w(elections voter_token_expiration_minutes) => 123, %w(elections votings check_census_max_requests) => 6, %w(elections votings throttling_period) => 2, %w(elections votings census access_codes_export_expiry_time) => 3 } end let(:initializer_off) do { "application_name" => "My Application Name", "mailer_sender" => "change-me@example.org", "available_locales" => %w(ca cs de en es eu fi fr it ja nl pl pt ro), "default_locale" => "en", "force_ssl" => true, "enable_html_header_snippets" => false, "currency_unit" => "€", "image_uploader_quality" => 80, "maximum_attachment_size" => 10_485_760, # 10 megabytes "maximum_avatar_size" => 5_242_880, # 5 megabytes "max_reports_before_hiding" => 3, "track_newsletter_links" => true, "download_your_data_expiry_time" => 604_800, # 7 days "throttling_max_requests" => 100, "throttling_period" => 60, # 1 minute "unconfirmed_access_for" => 0, "system_accesslist_ips" => [], "base_uploads_path" => nil, "default_csv_col_sep" => ";", "cors_enabled" => false, "consent_cookie_name" => "decidim-consent", "cache_key_separator" => "/", "expire_session_after" => 1800, # 30 minutes "enable_remember_me" => true, "session_timeout_interval" => 10, "follow_http_x_forwarded_host" => false, "maximum_conversation_message_length" => 1000, "password_similarity_length" => 4, "denied_passwords" => [], "allow_open_redirects" => false, "etherpad" => nil, "maps" => nil } end let(:initializer_on) do { "application_name" => "\"A test\" {application}", "mailer_sender" => "noreply@example.org", "available_locales" => %w(de fr zh-CN), "default_locale" => "zh-CN", "force_ssl" => false, "enable_html_header_snippets" => true, "currency_unit" => "$", "image_uploader_quality" => 91, "maximum_attachment_size" => 26_214_400, # 25 megabytes "maximum_avatar_size" => 11_534_336, # 11 megabytes "max_reports_before_hiding" => 4, "track_newsletter_links" => false, "download_your_data_expiry_time" => 172_800, # 2 days "throttling_max_requests" => 99, "throttling_period" => 120, # 2 minutes "unconfirmed_access_for" => 259_200, # 3 days "system_accesslist_ips" => ["", ""], "base_uploads_path" => "some-path/", "default_csv_col_sep" => ",", "cors_enabled" => true, "consent_cookie_name" => ":weird-consent-cookie-name:", "cache_key_separator" => ":", "expire_session_after" => 2700, # 45 minutes "enable_remember_me" => false, "session_timeout_interval" => 33, "follow_http_x_forwarded_host" => true, "maximum_conversation_message_length" => 1234, "password_similarity_length" => 4, "denied_passwords" => ["i-do-not-like-this-password", "i-do-not,like,this,one,either", "password123456"], "allow_open_redirects" => true, "etherpad" => { "server" => "http://a-etherpad-server.com", "api_key" => "an-etherpad-key", "api_version" => "1.2.2" }, "maps" => { "provider" => "here", "api_key" => "a-maps-api-key", "static" => { "url" => "https://image.maps.ls.hereapi.com/mia/1.6/mapview" }, "dynamic" => { "provider" => "here", "api_key" => "a-maps-api-key", "tile_layer" => {} } } } end let(:initializer_maps_osm) do { "maps" => { "provider" => "osm", "api_key" => "another-maps-api-key", "static" => { "url" => "https://staticmap.example.org/" }, "dynamic" => { "provider" => "osm", "api_key" => "another-maps-api-key", "tile_layer" => { "url" => "https://tiles.example.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={apiKey}&{foo}", "attribution" => '© OpenStreetMap contributors' } }, "geocoding" => { "host" => "nominatim.example.org", "use_https" => true } } } end let(:initializer_maps_mix) do { "maps" => { "provider" => "here", "api_key" => "a-maps-api-key", "static" => { "url" => "https://image.maps.ls.hereapi.com/mia/1.6/mapview" }, "dynamic" => { "provider" => "osm", "api_key" => "another-maps-api-key", "tile_layer" => { "url" => "https://tiles.example.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={apiKey}&{foo}", "attribution" => '© OpenStreetMap contributors', "api_key" => true, "num" => 123, "foo" => "bar=baz" } }, "geocoding" => { "host" => "nominatim.example.org", "use_https" => true } } } end let(:api_initializer_off) do { "schema_max_per_page" => 50, "schema_max_complexity" => 5000, "schema_max_depth" => 15 } end let(:api_initializer_on) do { "schema_max_per_page" => 31, "schema_max_complexity" => 3001, "schema_max_depth" => 11 } end let(:proposals_initializer_off) do { "similarity_threshold" => 0.25, "similarity_limit" => 10, "participatory_space_highlighted_proposals_limit" => 4, "process_group_highlighted_proposals_limit" => 3 } end let(:proposals_initializer_on) do { "similarity_threshold" => 0.99, "similarity_limit" => 3, "participatory_space_highlighted_proposals_limit" => 6, "process_group_highlighted_proposals_limit" => 5 } end let(:meetings_initializer_off) do { "upcoming_meeting_notification" => 172_800, # 2.days "enable_proposal_linking" => true, "embeddable_services" => %w(www.youtube.com www.twitch.tv meet.jit.si) } end let(:meetings_initializer_on) do { "upcoming_meeting_notification" => 259_200, # 3.days "enable_proposal_linking" => false, "embeddable_services" => %w(www.youtube.com www.twitch.tv meet.jit.si 8x8.vc) } end let(:budgets_initializer_off) do { "enable_proposal_linking" => true } end let(:budgets_initializer_on) do { "enable_proposal_linking" => false } end let(:accountability_initializer_off) do { "enable_proposal_linking" => true } end let(:accountability_initializer_on) do { "enable_proposal_linking" => false } end # The logs settings have changed between Rails 6.0 abd 6.1 and this may be here # https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/73079940111e8b85bf87953e5ef9fafeece5b5da let(:rails_off) do { "Rails.logger.level" => 1, "Rails.application.config.log_level" => "info", "Rails.application.config.action_controller.asset_host" => nil, "Rails.application.config.active_storage.service" => "local", "Decidim::EngineRouter.new(nil, {}).send(:configured_default_url_options)" => { "protocol" => "https" } } end let(:rails_on) do { "Rails.logger.level" => 4, "Rails.application.config.log_level" => "fatal", "Rails.application.config.action_controller.asset_host" => "http://assets.example.org", "Rails.application.config.active_storage.service" => "test", "Decidim::AssetRouter::Storage.new(nil).send(:default_options)" => { "host" => "https://cdn.example.org" }, "Decidim::Api::Schema.default_max_page_size" => 31, "Decidim::Api::Schema.max_complexity" => 3001, "Decidim::Api::Schema.max_depth" => 11 } end # This is using a big example to avoid recreating the application every time it "env vars generate secrets application" do expect(result[1]).to be_success, result[0] # Test onto the secret generated when ENV vars are empty strings or undefined json_off = json_secrets_for(test_app, env_off) secrets_off.each do |keys, value| current = json_off.dig(*keys) expect(current).to eq(value), "Secret #{keys} = (#{current}) expected to match Env:OFF (#{value})" end # Test onto the secret generated when ENV vars are set json_on = json_secrets_for(test_app, env_on) secrets_on.each do |keys, value| current = json_on.dig(*keys) expect(current).to eq(value), "Secret #{keys} = (#{current}) expected to match Env:ON (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer when ENV vars are empty strings or undefined json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off) initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:OFF (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer when ENV vars are set to the string "false" json_false = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_false) initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_false[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:FALSE (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer when ENV vars are set json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on) initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:ON (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer when ENV vars are set to OpenstreetMap configuration json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_maps_osm) initializer_maps_osm.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:Maps OSM (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer when ENV vars are set to OpenstreetMap-HERE mix configuration json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_maps_mix) initializer_maps_mix.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:Maps MIX (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the API module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Api") api_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "API Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the API module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Api") api_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "API Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Proposals module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Proposals") proposals_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Proposals Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Proposals module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Proposals") proposals_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Proposals Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Meetings module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Meetings") meetings_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Meetings Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Meetings module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Meetings") meetings_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Meetings Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Budgets module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Budgets") budgets_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Budgets Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Budgets module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Budgets") budgets_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Budgets Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Accountability module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Accountability") accountability_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Accountability Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Accountability module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Accountability") accountability_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Accountability Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto some extra Rails configs when ENV vars are empty or undefined rails_off.each do |key, value| current = rails_value(key, test_app, env_off) expect(current).to eq(value), "Rails config (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:OFF (#{value})" end # Test onto some extra Rails configs when ENV vars are set rails_on.each do |key, value| current = rails_value(key, test_app, env_on) expect(current).to eq(value), "Rails config (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env:ON (#{value})" end end end shared_examples_for "an application with extra configurable env vars" do include_context "with application env vars" let(:initiatives_initializer_off) do { "creation_enabled" => true, "similarity_threshold" => 0.25, "similarity_limit" => 5, "minimum_committee_members" => 2, "default_signature_time_period_length" => 120, "default_components" => %w(pages meetings), "first_notification_percentage" => 33, "second_notification_percentage" => 66, "stats_cache_expiration_time" => 300, # 5.minutes "max_time_in_validating_state" => 5_184_000, # 60.days "print_enabled" => false, "do_not_require_authorization" => false } end let(:initiatives_initializer_on) do { "creation_enabled" => false, "similarity_threshold" => 0.99, "similarity_limit" => 10, "minimum_committee_members" => 3, "default_signature_time_period_length" => 133, "default_components" => %w(pages proposals budgets), "first_notification_percentage" => 10, "second_notification_percentage" => 70, "stats_cache_expiration_time" => 420, # 7.minutes "max_time_in_validating_state" => 4_320_000, # 50.days "print_enabled" => false, "do_not_require_authorization" => true } end let(:elections_initializer_off) do { "setup_minimum_hours_before_start" => 1, "start_vote_maximum_hours_before_start" => 6, "voter_token_expiration_minutes" => 120 } end let(:elections_initializer_on) do { "setup_minimum_hours_before_start" => 4, "start_vote_maximum_hours_before_start" => 7, "voter_token_expiration_minutes" => 123 } end let(:votings_initializer_off) do { "check_census_max_requests" => 5, "throttling_period" => 60 # 1.minute } end let(:votings_initializer_on) do { "check_census_max_requests" => 6, "throttling_period" => 120 # 2.minutes } end let(:census_initializer_off) do { "census_access_codes_export_expiry_time" => 172_800 # 2.days } end let(:census_initializer_on) do { "census_access_codes_export_expiry_time" => 259_200 # 3.days } end it "env vars generate secrets application" do expect(result[1]).to be_success, result[0] # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Initiatives module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Initiatives") initiatives_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initiatives Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Initiatives module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Initiatives") initiatives_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Initiatives Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Elections module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Elections") elections_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Elections Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Elections module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Elections") elections_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Elections Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Votings module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Votings") votings_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Votings Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Votings module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Votings") votings_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Votings Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars OFF for the Votings::Census module json_off = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_off, "Decidim::Votings::Census") census_initializer_off.each do |key, value| current = json_off[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Votings::Census Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end # Test onto the initializer with ENV vars ON for the Votings::Census module json_on = initializer_config_for(test_app, env_on, "Decidim::Votings::Census") census_initializer_on.each do |key, value| current = json_on[key] expect(current).to eq(value), "Votings::Census Initializer (#{key}) = (#{current}) expected to match Env (#{value})" end end end shared_examples_for "an application with wrong cloud storage options" do it "creating fails" do expect(result[1]).not_to be_success, result[0] end end shared_examples_for "an application with cloud storage gems" do let(:services) do %w(local s3 gcs azure) end let(:storage_envs) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" => "my-aws-id", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" => "my-aws-secret", "AWS_REGION" => "eu-west-1", # "AWS_ENDPOINT" => "https://s3.amazonaws.com", "AWS_BUCKET" => "test", "AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" => "test", "AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY" => "dGVzdA==\n", # Base64 of "test" "AZURE_CONTAINER" => "test" } end it "includes cloud storage gems in the Gemfile" do expect(result[1]).to be_success, result[0] expect(File.read("#{test_app}/Gemfile")) .to match(/gem ["']+aws-sdk-s3["']+/) .and match(/gem ["']+azure-storage-blob["']+/) .and match(/gem ["']+google-cloud-storage["']+/) services.each do |service| current = rails_value("Rails.application.config.active_storage.service", test_app, storage_envs.merge({ "STORAGE_PROVIDER" => service })) expect(current).to eq(service), "Rails storage service (#{current}) expected to match provider (#{service})" end end end shared_examples_for "an application with storage and queue gems" do let(:queue_envs_off) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production" } end let(:queue_envs_on) do { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "QUEUE_ADAPTER" => "sidekiq", "SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY" => "11" } end it "includes storage and queue gems in the Gemfile" do expect(result[1]).to be_success, result[0] expect(File.read("#{test_app}/Gemfile")) .to match(/gem ["']+aws-sdk-s3["']+/) .and match(/gem ["']+sidekiq["']+/) current = rails_value("Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter", test_app, queue_envs_off) expect(current).to eq("async"), "sidekiq queue (#{current}) expected to be async" current = rails_value("Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter", test_app, queue_envs_on) expect(current).to eq("sidekiq"), "sidekiq queue (#{current}) expected to be sidekiq" current = rails_value("YAML.load(ERB.new(IO.read(\"config/sidekiq.yml\")).result)", test_app, queue_envs_off) expect(current["concurrency"]).to eq(5), "sidekiq concurrency (#{current["concurrency"]}) expected to eq 5" current = rails_value("YAML.load(ERB.new(IO.read(\"config/sidekiq.yml\")).result)", test_app, queue_envs_on) expect(current["concurrency"]).to eq(11), "sidekiq concurrency (#{current["concurrency"]}) expected to eq 11" queues = %w(mailers vote_reminder reminders default newsletter newsletters_opt_in conference_diplomas events translations user_report block_user metrics exports close_meeting_reminder) expect(current["queues"].flatten).to include(*queues), "sidekiq queues (#{current["queues"].flatten}) expected to eq containt (#{queues})" end end def json_secrets_for(path, env) JSON.parse cmd_capture(path, "bin/rails runner 'puts Rails.application.secrets.to_json'", env:) end def initializer_config_for(path, env, mod = "Decidim") JSON.parse cmd_capture(path, "bin/rails runner 'puts #{mod}.config.to_json'", env:) end def rails_value(value, path, env) JSON.parse cmd_capture(path, "bin/rails runner 'puts #{value}.to_json'", env:) end def repo_root File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "..", "..", ".."), __dir__) end def cmd_capture(path, cmd, env: {}) Bundler.with_unbundled_env do Decidim::GemManager.new(path).capture(cmd, env:, with_stderr: false)[0] end end