LowPro = {};
LowPro.Version = '0.5';
LowPro.CompatibleWithPrototype = '1.6';

if (Prototype.Version.indexOf(LowPro.CompatibleWithPrototype) != 0 && window.console && window.console.warn)
  console.warn("This version of Low Pro is tested with Prototype " + LowPro.CompatibleWithPrototype +
                  " it may not work as expected with this version (" + Prototype.Version + ")");

if (!Element.addMethods)
  Element.addMethods = function(o) { Object.extend(Element.Methods, o) };

// Simple utility methods for working with the DOM
DOM = {};

// DOMBuilder for prototype
DOM.Builder = {
	tagFunc : function(tag) {
    return function() {
     var attrs, children;
     if (arguments.length>0) {
       if (arguments[0].constructor == Object) {
         attrs = arguments[0];
         children = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
       } else {
         children = arguments;
       children = $A(children).flatten()
     return DOM.Builder.create(tag, attrs, children);
	create : function(tag, attrs, children) {
		attrs = attrs || {}; children = children || []; tag = tag.toLowerCase();
		var el = new Element(tag, attrs);

		for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
			if (typeof children[i] == 'string')
			  children[i] = document.createTextNode(children[i]);
		return $(el);

// Automatically create node builders as $tagName.
(function() {
	var els = ("p|div|span|strong|em|img|table|tr|td|th|thead|tbody|tfoot|pre|code|" +
				     "h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|ol|li|form|input|textarea|legend|fieldset|" +
				     "select|option|blockquote|cite|br|hr|dd|dl|dt|address|a|button|abbr|acronym|" +
				     "script|link|style|bdo|ins|del|object|param|col|colgroup|optgroup|caption|" +
  var el, i=0;
	while (el = els[i++])
	  window['$' + el] = DOM.Builder.tagFunc(el);

DOM.Builder.fromHTML = function(html) {
  var root;
  if (!(root = arguments.callee._root))
    root = arguments.callee._root = document.createElement('div');
  root.innerHTML = html;
  return root.childNodes[0];

// Wraps the 1.6 contentloaded event for backwards compatibility
// Usage:
// Event.onReady(callbackFunction);
Object.extend(Event, {
  onReady : function(f) {
    if (document.body) f();
    else document.observe('dom:loaded', f);

// Based on event:Selectors by Justin Palmer
// http://encytemedia.com/event-selectors/
// Usage:
// Event.addBehavior({
//      "selector:event" : function(event) { /* event handler.  this refers to the element. */ },
//      "selector" : function() { /* runs function on dom ready.  this refers to the element. */ }
//      ...
// });
// Multiple calls will add to exisiting rules.  Event.addBehavior.reassignAfterAjax and
// Event.addBehavior.autoTrigger can be adjusted to needs.
Event.addBehavior = function(rules) {
  var ab = this.addBehavior;
  Object.extend(ab.rules, rules);

  if (!ab.responderApplied) {
      onComplete : function() {
        if (Event.addBehavior.reassignAfterAjax)
          setTimeout(function() { ab.reload() }, 10);
    ab.responderApplied = true;

  if (ab.autoTrigger) {
    this.onReady(ab.load.bind(ab, rules));


Event.delegate = function(rules) {
  return function(e) {
      var element = $(e.element());
      for (var selector in rules)
        if (element.match(selector)) return rules[selector].apply(this, $A(arguments));

Object.extend(Event.addBehavior, {
  rules : {}, cache : [],
  reassignAfterAjax : false,
  autoTrigger : true,

  load : function(rules) {
    for (var selector in rules) {
      var observer = rules[selector];
      var sels = selector.split(',');
      sels.each(function(sel) {
        var match = sel.match(/^([^:]*)(?::(.*)$)?/), css = match[1], event = match[2];
        $$(css).each(function(element) {
          if (event) {
            var wrappedObserver = Event.addBehavior._wrapObserver(observer);
            $(element).observe(event, wrappedObserver);
            Event.addBehavior.cache.push([element, event, wrappedObserver]);
          } else {
            if (!element.$$assigned || !element.$$assigned.include(observer)) {
              if (observer.attach) observer.attach(element);

              else observer.call($(element));
              element.$$assigned = element.$$assigned || [];

  unload : function() {
    this.cache.each(function(c) {
      Event.stopObserving.apply(Event, c);
    this.cache = [];

  reload: function() {
    var ab = Event.addBehavior;

  _wrapObserver: function(observer) {
    return function(event) {
      if (observer.call(this, event) === false) event.stop();


Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.addBehavior.unload.bind(Event.addBehavior));

// A silly Prototype style shortcut for the reckless
$$$ = Event.addBehavior.bind(Event);

// Behaviors can be bound to elements to provide an object orientated way of controlling elements
// and their behavior.  Use Behavior.create() to make a new behavior class then use attach() to
// glue it to an element.  Each element then gets it's own instance of the behavior and any
// methods called onxxx are bound to the relevent event.
// Usage:
// var MyBehavior = Behavior.create({
//   onmouseover : function() { this.element.addClassName('bong') }
// });
// Event.addBehavior({ 'a.rollover' : MyBehavior });
// If you need to pass additional values to initialize use:
// Event.addBehavior({ 'a.rollover' : MyBehavior(10, { thing : 15 }) })
// You can also use the attach() method.  If you specify extra arguments to attach they get passed to initialize.
// MyBehavior.attach(el, values, to, init);
// Finally, the rawest method is using the new constructor normally:
// var draggable = new Draggable(element, init, vals);
// Each behaviour has a collection of all its instances in Behavior.instances
var Behavior = {
  create: function() {
    var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments);
    if (Object.isFunction(properties[0]))
      parent = properties.shift();

      var behavior = function() {
        if (!this.initialize) {
          var args = $A(arguments);

          return function() {
            var initArgs = [this].concat(args);
            behavior.attach.apply(behavior, initArgs);
        } else {
          var args = (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] instanceof Array) ?
                      arguments[1] : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

          this.element = $(arguments[0]);
          this.initialize.apply(this, args);

    Object.extend(behavior, Class.Methods);
    Object.extend(behavior, Behavior.Methods);
    behavior.superclass = parent;
    behavior.subclasses = [];
    behavior.instances = [];

    if (parent) {
      var subclass = function() { };
      subclass.prototype = parent.prototype;
      behavior.prototype = new subclass;

    for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)

    if (!behavior.prototype.initialize)
      behavior.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction;

    behavior.prototype.constructor = behavior;

    return behavior;
  Methods : {
    attach : function(element) {
      return new this(element, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
    _bindEvents : function(bound) {
      for (var member in bound) {
        var matches = member.match(/^on(.+)/);
        if (matches && typeof bound[member] == 'function')
          bound.element.observe(matches[1], Event.addBehavior._wrapObserver(bound[member].bindAsEventListener(bound)));

Remote = Behavior.create({
  initialize: function(options) {
    if (this.element.nodeName == 'FORM') new Remote.Form(this.element, options);
    else new Remote.Link(this.element, options);

Remote.Base = {
  initialize : function(options) {
    this.options = Object.extend({
      evaluateScripts : true
    }, options || {});

  _makeRequest : function(options) {
    if (options.update) new Ajax.Updater(options.update, options.url, options);
    else new Ajax.Request(options.url, options);
    return false;
  _bindCallbacks: function() {
    $w('onCreate onComplete onException onFailure onInteractive onLoading onLoaded onSuccess').each(function(cb) {
      if (Object.isFunction(this.options[cb]))
        this.options[cb] = this.options[cb].bind(this);

Remote.Link = Behavior.create(Remote.Base, {
  onclick : function() {
    var options = Object.extend({ url : this.element.href, method : 'get' }, this.options);
    return this._makeRequest(options);

Remote.Form = Behavior.create(Remote.Base, {
  onclick : function(e) {
    var sourceElement = e.element();

    if (['input', 'button'].include(sourceElement.nodeName.toLowerCase()) &&
        sourceElement.type == 'submit')
      this._submitButton = sourceElement;
  onsubmit : function() {
    var options = Object.extend({
      url : this.element.action,
      method : this.element.method || 'get',
      parameters : this.element.serialize({ submit: this._submitButton.name })
    }, this.options);
    this._submitButton = null;
    return this._makeRequest(options);

Observed = Behavior.create({
  initialize : function(callback, options) {
    this.callback = callback.bind(this);
    this.options = options || {};
    this.observer = (this.element.nodeName == 'FORM') ? this._observeForm() : this._observeField();
  stop: function() {
  _observeForm: function() {
    return (this.options.frequency) ? new Form.Observer(this.element, this.options.frequency, this.callback) :
                                      new Form.EventObserver(this.element, this.callback);
  _observeField: function() {
    return (this.options.frequency) ? new Form.Element.Observer(this.element, this.options.frequency, this.callback) :
                                      new Form.Element.EventObserver(this.element, this.callback);