require 'tempfile' require 'socket' # just for gethostname! require 'pathname' require 'rmail' module Redwood class SendmailCommandFailed < StandardError; end class EditMessageMode < LineCursorMode DECORATION_LINES = 1 FORCE_HEADERS = %w(From To Cc Bcc Subject) MULTI_HEADERS = %w(To Cc Bcc) NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS = %w(Message-Id Date) HookManager.register "signature", < @header, :body => @body super opts regen_text end def lines; @text.length + (@selectors.empty? ? 0 : (@selectors.length + DECORATION_LINES)) end def [] i if @selectors.empty? @text[i] elsif i < @selectors.length @selectors[i].line @selector_label_width elsif i == @selectors.length "" else @text[i - @selectors.length - DECORATION_LINES] end end ## hook for subclasses. i hate this style of programming. def handle_new_text header, body; end def edit_message_or_field lines = DECORATION_LINES + @selectors.size if lines > curpos return elsif (curpos - lines) >= @header_lines.length edit_message else edit_field @header_lines[curpos - lines] end end def edit_to; edit_field "To" end def edit_cc; edit_field "Cc" end def edit_subject; edit_field "Subject" end def edit_message @file = "sup.#{*::/, '').camel_to_hyphy}" @file.puts format_headers(@header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS).first @file.puts @file.puts @body @file.close editor = $config[:editor] || ENV['EDITOR'] || "/usr/bin/vi" mtime = File.mtime @file.path BufferManager.shell_out "#{editor} #{@file.path}" @edited = true if File.mtime(@file.path) > mtime return @edited unless @edited header, @body = parse_file @file.path @header = header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS handle_new_text @header, @body update @edited end def killable? !edited? || BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("Discard message?") end def attach_file fn = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :attachment, "File name (enter for browser): " return unless fn begin @attachments << RMail::Message.make_file_attachment(fn) @attachment_names << fn update rescue SystemCallError => e BufferManager.flash "Can't read #{fn}: #{e.message}" end end def delete_attachment i = curpos - @attachment_lines_offset - DECORATION_LINES - 1 if i >= 0 && i < @attachments.size && BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("Delete attachment #{@attachment_names[i]}?") @attachments.delete_at i @attachment_names.delete_at i update end end protected def move_cursor_left if curpos < @selectors.length @selectors[curpos].roll_left buffer.mark_dirty else col_left end end def move_cursor_right if curpos < @selectors.length @selectors[curpos].roll_right buffer.mark_dirty else col_right end end def add_selector s @selectors << s @selector_label_width = [@selector_label_width, s.label.length].max end def update regen_text buffer.mark_dirty if buffer end def regen_text header, @header_lines = format_headers(@header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS) + [""] @text = header + [""] + @body @text += sig_lines unless $config[:edit_signature] @attachment_lines_offset = 0 unless @attachments.empty? @text += [""] @attachment_lines_offset = @text.length @text += (0 ... @attachments.size).map { |i| [[:attachment_color, "+ Attachment: #{@attachment_names[i]} (#{@attachments[i].body.size.to_human_size})"]] } end end def parse_file fn do |f| header = MBox::read_header f body = f.readlines header.delete_if { |k, v| NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS.member? k } header.each { |k, v| header[k] = parse_header k, v } [header, body] end end def parse_header k, v if MULTI_HEADERS.include?(k) do |name| (p = ContactManager.contact_for(name)) && p.full_address || name end else v end end def format_headers header header_lines = [] headers = (FORCE_HEADERS + (header.keys - FORCE_HEADERS)).map do |h| lines = make_lines "#{h}:", header[h] lines.length.times { header_lines << h } lines end.flatten.compact [headers, header_lines] end def make_lines header, things case things when nil, [] [header + " "] when String [header + " " + things] else if things.empty? [header] else things.map_with_index do |name, i| raise "an array: #{name.inspect} (things #{things.inspect})" if Array === name if i == 0 header + " " + name else (" " * (header.length + 1)) + name end + (i == things.length - 1 ? "" : ",") end end end end def send_message return false if !edited? && !BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("Message unedited. Really send?") return false if $config[:confirm_no_attachments] && mentions_attachments? && @attachments.size == 0 && !BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("You haven't added any attachments. Really send?")#" stupid ruby-mode return false if $config[:confirm_top_posting] && top_posting? && !BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("You're top-posting. That makes you a bad person. Really send?") #" stupid ruby-mode from_email = if @header["From"] =~ /?$/ $1 else end acct = AccountManager.account_for(from_email) || AccountManager.default_account BufferManager.flash "Sending..." begin date = m = build_message date IO.popen(acct.sendmail, "w") { |p| p.puts m } raise SendmailCommandFailed, "Couldn't execute #{acct.sendmail}" unless $? == 0 SentManager.write_sent_message(date, from_email) { |f| f.puts sanitize_body(m.to_s) } BufferManager.kill_buffer buffer BufferManager.flash "Message sent!" true rescue SystemCallError, SendmailCommandFailed, CryptoManager::Error => e Redwood::log "Problem sending mail: #{e.message}" BufferManager.flash "Problem sending mail: #{e.message}" false end end def save_as_draft DraftManager.write_draft { |f| write_message f, false } BufferManager.kill_buffer buffer BufferManager.flash "Saved for later editing." end def build_message date m = m.header["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=#{$encoding}" m.body = @body.join m.body = m.body m.body += sig_lines.join("\n") unless $config[:edit_signature] ## there are attachments, so wrap body in an attachment of its own unless @attachments.empty? body_m = m body_m.header["Content-Disposition"] = "inline" m = m.add_part body_m @attachments.each { |a| m.add_part a } end ## do whatever crypto transformation is necessary if @crypto_selector && @crypto_selector.val != :none from_email = PersonManager.person_for(@header["From"]).email to_email = (@header["To"] + @header["Cc"] + @header["Bcc"]).map { |p| PersonManager.person_for(p).email } m = CryptoManager.send @crypto_selector.val, from_email, to_email, m end ## finally, set the top-level headers @header.each do |k, v| next if v.nil? || v.empty? m.header[k] = case v when String v when Array v.join ", " end end m.header["Date"] = date.rfc2822 m.header["Message-Id"] = @message_id m.header["User-Agent"] = "Sup/#{Redwood::VERSION}" m end ## TODO: remove this. redundant with write_full_message_to. ## ## this is going to change soon: draft messages (currently written ## with full=false) will be output as yaml. def write_message f, full=true, raise ArgumentError, "no pre-defined date: header allowed" if @header["Date"] f.puts format_headers(@header).first f.puts <From ") end def mentions_attachments? @body.any? { |l| l =~ /^[^>]/ && l =~ /\battach(ment|ed|ing|)\b/i } end def top_posting? @body.join =~ /(\S+)\s*Excerpts from.*\n(>.*\n)+\s*\Z/ end def sig_lines p = PersonManager.person_for(@header["From"]) from_email = p && ## first run the hook hook_sig = "signature", :header => @header, :from_email => from_email return ["", "-- "] + hook_sig.split("\n") if hook_sig ## no hook, do default signature generation based on config.yaml return [] unless from_email sigfn = (AccountManager.account_for(from_email) || AccountManager.default_account).signature if sigfn && File.exists?(sigfn) ["", "-- "] + File.readlines(sigfn).map { |l| l.chomp } else [] end end end end