module Piggybak class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order acts_as_changer belongs_to :payment_method validates_presence_of :status validates_presence_of :total validates_presence_of :payment_method_id validates_presence_of :month validates_presence_of :year attr_accessor :number attr_accessor :verification_value def status_enum ["paid"] end def month_enum 1.upto(12).to_a end def year_enum + 10).to_a end def credit_card { "number" => self.number, "month" => self.month, "year" => self.year, "verification_value" => self.verification_value, "first_name" => self.order.billing_address.firstname, "last_name" => self.order.billing_address.lastname } end def process ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = Piggybak.config.activemerchant_mode if self.new_record? payment_gateway = self.payment_method.klass.constantize gateway = p_credit_card = gateway_response = gateway.authorize(self.order.total_due*100, p_credit_card, :address => self.order.avs_address) if gateway_response.success? self.attributes = { :total => self.order.total_due, :transaction_id => payment_gateway.transaction_id(gateway_response), :masked_number => self.number.mask_cc_number } gateway.capture(self.order.total_due*100, gateway_response.authorization, { :credit_card => p_credit_card } ) return true else self.errors.add :payment_method_id, gateway_response.message return false end else return true end end # Note: It is not added now, because for methods that do not store # user profiles, a credit card number must be passed # If encrypted credit cards are stored on the system, # this can be updated def refund # TODO: Create ActiveMerchant refund integration return end def admin_label if !self.new_record? return "Payment ##{} (#{self.created_at.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")}): " + "$#{"%.2f" %}" else return "" end end alias :details :admin_label validates_each :payment_method_id do |record, attr, value| if record.new_record? credit_card = if !credit_card.valid? credit_card.errors.each do |key, value| if value.any? && !["first_name", "last_name", "type"].include?(key) record.errors.add key, (value.is_a?(Array) ? value.join(', ') : value) end end end end end end end