en: errors: no_api_version: API version not defined invalid_locale: Invalid locale access_not_allowed: Access not allowed authentication_required: Authentication required session_expired: Session expired invalid_login_parameters: Invalid login parameters. Required 'login' and 'password'. invalid_login_or_password: Invalid login or password invalid_menu_output: Invalid menu output internal_error: Internal error update_error: Error updating data on server delete_error: Error deleting data on server incorrect_parameters: Incorrect request parameters field_error: field error install: menu: anoubis/admin: title: Administration page_title: System administration anoubis/tenants: title: Tenants page_title: Tenants management short_title: Tenants anoubis/users: title: Users page_title: Users management short_title: Users anoubis: all: "All" success: "Successful" error: "Error" errors: incorrect_login: "Incorrect login or password" incorrect_user: "Incorrect user" access_not_allowed: "Access not allowed" session_expired: "Session expired" install: menu: dashboard: title: "Dashboard" page_title: "Dashboard" short_title: "Dashboard" default_tab: Default default_tab_hint: This is default tab install2: groups: admin: Administrators user: Users tenant_title: System Tenant system_title: Main System admins_group: Administrators admin_name: Administrator admin_surname: Main table: buttons: edit: "Edit: %{title}" delete: "Delete: %{title}" form: titles: edit: "Edit element: %{title}" new: "Add new element" tenants: errors: cant_change_ident: of system tetnant can't be changed cant_destroy: System tetant can't be destroyed has_childs: Tenant has child users or systems access systems: errors: cant_change_ident: of main system can't be changed cant_destroy: Main system can't be destroyed has_childs: System has child groups groups: errors: cant_change_admin_ident: of admin group can't be changed cant_destroy_admin_group: Admin group of main system can't be destroyed cant_destroy_group_with_users: Can't destroy group with users in it users: errors: different_passwords: must be identical cant_destroy_tenant_admin: Main Administrator can't be destroyed menus: errors: has_childs: This menu has child sub menu group_menus: errors: no_access: System of this group has no access to this menu activerecord: attributes: anoubis/tenant/tenant: title: Title ident: Identifier anoubis/tenant/system: title: Title ident: Identifier anoubis/tenant/group: title: Title ident: Identifier anoubis/tenant/user: login: Login email: Email name: Name surname: Surname timezone: Timezone password: Password password_confirmation: Password confirmation phone: Phone auth_key: Authorization key recover_key: Recovery key status: Status tenant: Tenant timeout: Session timeout anoubis/tenant/user_group: group: Group group_id: Group user: User anoubis/tenant/tenant_system: tenant: Tenant system: System anoubis/tenant/menu: mode: Path action: Action page_size: Page Size position: Position anoubis/tenant/menu_locale: title: Title page_title: Page Title short_title: Short Title