# cohort_analysis Lets you do cohort analysis based on two strategies: "big", which discards characteristics for the maximum cohort result, and "strict", which discards characteristics in order until a minimum cohort size is reached. Replaces [`cohort_scope`](https://github.com/seamusabshere/cohort_scope). ## Where it's used * [Brighter Planet CM1 Impact Estimate web service](http://impact.brighterplanet.com) * [Flight environmental impact model](https://github.com/brighterplanet/flight) ## Strategies
Default. Iteratively discards the characteristic that is most "restrictive," yielding the largest possible cohort. Note that it stops discarding after the minimum cohort size is reached.
Discards characteristics according to :priority.
### `:big` example This is straight from the tests: # make some fixtures 1_000.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax) } 100.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo) } 10.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_co) } 3.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_a320) } 1.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_aa_a320) } lax_sfo_aa_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :dest => 'SFO', :airline => 'American', :plane => 'A320'} # don't discard anything Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320).count.must_equal 1 # discard airline Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :minimum_size => 2).count.must_equal 4 # discard plane and airline Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :minimum_size => 5).count.must_equal 114 # discard plane and airline and dest Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :minimum_size => 115).count.must_equal 1_114 lax_sfo_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :dest => 'SFO', :plane => 'A320'} # don't discard anything Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_a320).count.must_equal 4 # discard plane Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_a320, :minimum_size => 5).count.must_equal 114 # discard plane and dest Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_a320, :minimum_size => 115).count.must_equal 1_114 # off the rails here a bit woah_lax_co_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :airline => 'Continental', :plane => 'A320'} # discard plane Flight.cohort(woah_lax_co_a320).count.must_equal 10 # discard plane and airline Flight.cohort(woah_lax_co_a320, :minimum_size => 11).count.must_equal 1_114 ### `:strict` example Also from the tests... # make some fixtures 1_000.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax) } 100.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo) } 10.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_co) } 3.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_a320) } 1.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_aa_a320) } lax_sfo_aa_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :dest => 'SFO', :airline => 'American', :plane => 'A320'} priority = [:origin, :dest, :airline, :plane] # discard nothing Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority).count.must_equal 1 # (force) discard plane, then (force) discard airline Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 2).count.must_equal 114 # (force) discard plane, then (force) discard airline, then (force) discard dest Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 115).count.must_equal 1_114 priority = [:plane, :airline, :dest, :origin] # discard nothing Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority).count.must_equal 1 # (force) discard origin, then (force) discard dest, then (force) discard airline Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 2).count.must_equal 4 # gives up! Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 5).count.must_equal 0 ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Brighter Planet, Inc.