# cohort_analysis
Lets you do cohort analysis based on two strategies: "big", which discards characteristics for the maximum cohort result, and "strict", which discards characteristics in order until a minimum cohort size is reached.
Replaces [`cohort_scope`](https://github.com/seamusabshere/cohort_scope).
## Where it's used
* [Brighter Planet CM1 Impact Estimate web service](http://impact.brighterplanet.com)
* [Flight environmental impact model](https://github.com/brighterplanet/flight)
## Strategies
- Default. Iteratively discards the characteristic that is most "restrictive," yielding the largest possible cohort. Note that it stops discarding after the minimum cohort size is reached.
- Discards characteristics according to
### `:big` example
This is straight from the tests:
# make some fixtures
1_000.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax) }
100.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo) }
10.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_co) }
3.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_a320) }
1.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_aa_a320) }
lax_sfo_aa_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :dest => 'SFO', :airline => 'American', :plane => 'A320'}
# don't discard anything
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320).count.must_equal 1
# discard airline
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :minimum_size => 2).count.must_equal 4
# discard plane and airline
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :minimum_size => 5).count.must_equal 114
# discard plane and airline and dest
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :minimum_size => 115).count.must_equal 1_114
lax_sfo_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :dest => 'SFO', :plane => 'A320'}
# don't discard anything
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_a320).count.must_equal 4
# discard plane
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_a320, :minimum_size => 5).count.must_equal 114
# discard plane and dest
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_a320, :minimum_size => 115).count.must_equal 1_114
# off the rails here a bit
woah_lax_co_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :airline => 'Continental', :plane => 'A320'}
# discard plane
Flight.cohort(woah_lax_co_a320).count.must_equal 10
# discard plane and airline
Flight.cohort(woah_lax_co_a320, :minimum_size => 11).count.must_equal 1_114
### `:strict` example
Also from the tests...
# make some fixtures
1_000.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax) }
100.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo) }
10.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_co) }
3.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_a320) }
1.times { FactoryGirl.create(:lax_sfo_aa_a320) }
lax_sfo_aa_a320 = {:origin => 'LAX', :dest => 'SFO', :airline => 'American', :plane => 'A320'}
priority = [:origin, :dest, :airline, :plane]
# discard nothing
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority).count.must_equal 1
# (force) discard plane, then (force) discard airline
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 2).count.must_equal 114
# (force) discard plane, then (force) discard airline, then (force) discard dest
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 115).count.must_equal 1_114
priority = [:plane, :airline, :dest, :origin]
# discard nothing
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority).count.must_equal 1
# (force) discard origin, then (force) discard dest, then (force) discard airline
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 2).count.must_equal 4
# gives up!
Flight.cohort(lax_sfo_aa_a320, :strategy => :strict, :priority => priority, :minimum_size => 5).count.must_equal 0
## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2012 Brighter Planet, Inc.