== 0.8.1 * Bug Fix * rake assets:precompile now works due to Sprockets 2.1.2 incorrectly assuming that .src was a x-wais-source file instead of a javascript file == 0.8.0 * Enhancements * Updated to require Rails 3.2.x for ~> 0.8.0 * Google Omniauth authentication now uses OpenID protocol # Replace provider :google_apps, OpenID::Store::Filesystem.new('/tmp') # With provider :open_id, OpenID::Store::Filesystem.new('/tmp'), :name => 'google_apps', :identifier => 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id' * Added icons from gentleface.com (see LICENSE in /app/assets/images/contour/gentleface/LICENSE) * Added qTip2, http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/, distributed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ * Bug Fix * Fixed Rails 3.2.x deprecation warning due to passing the format in the template name for render :template == 0.7.2 * Bug Fix * Print layouts can now be specified using @media print{} block in CSS == 0.7.1 * Bug Fix * Settings default menu item removed * Documentation * Contour Menu Items no longer require a unique id * README updated to reflects that Contour requires Rails 3.1.3 for ~> 0.7.0 == 0.7.0 * Enhancements * Restructuring gem to be more in line with a gem created by 'rails plugin new' * Menu system updated to use embedded ul and li tags, and jQuery to capture mouseenter and mouseleave * GUI updates for alert and notice popups * Testing * Adding dummy app and tests * Bug Fix * New Menu system is now IE7+ compatible == 0.6.1 * Bug Fix * Samples Index page now correctly displays the Contour version number == 0.6.0 * Enhancements * Underlying HighCharts Library updated to 2.1.9 to work with jQuery 1.7.0 * Added jquery-rails ~> 1.0.17 as a dependency * Bug Fix * CSS classes negative and positive now properly apply color to their corresponding links == 0.5.7 * Enhancements * Authentications link is now hidden by default if no additional providers have been specified for Omniauth * Bug Fix * Dependency added for jquery-rails 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 since jquery-rails 1.0.17 switches to jQuery 1.7.0 which is incompatible with HighCharts 2.1.4 which requires jQuery 1.6.4 == 0.5.6 * Bug Fix * SSL Verify Mode set to VERIFY_NONE so that RSS feeds using https can be read and parsed == 0.5.5 * Bug Fix * after_inactive_sign_up_path_for is now set to redirect to new_session_path(resource) to properly show message and to avoid redirect when the root_path is not publicly available == 0.5.4 * Enhancements * Added arrow.png image asset * Added config.news_feed options that allows users to specify an RSS feed url that is displayed on the login page * Added config.news_feed_items to be able to specify the maximum number of items displayed in the News Feed * Refactoring * Code cleanup and additional logger information for Devise Registrations (Omniauth) controller == 0.5.3 * Enhancements * Added warning.png image asset == 0.5.2 * Bug Fix * Password reset functionality fixed == 0.5.1 * Refactoring * Removed debug output * Documentation * Contour Walkthrough from an empty Rails 3.1 application now works correctly (# Devise.config.sign_out_via = :delete) == 0.5.0 * Enhancements * rails generate contour:install now appends routes * Authentication icons can be overridden in the application if the application has a contour folder in the assets directory * ex: if the web app contains a special logo for LDAP authentication, the app/assets/images/contour folder would contain specialized ldap_64.png and ldap_32.png where 64 and 32 represent the height * Removing reliance on Contour.application_site_url and using request.script_name instead * Contour now handles fixes to other libraries in the background, no longer needs to add omniauth_fix.rb and rack_fix.rb to the config/initializers folder * Bug Fix * Removed registration page requirement for first_name and last_name * Incorrect redirect on LDAP authentication failure for Rails apps on subdomains fixed == 0.4.0 * Enhancements * Added new image assets * :target allowed as a parameter for a link in the menu, ex: :target => '_blank' * Added application_name_html configuration so that users can specify the html for the application name * :image and :image_options can now be passed to links to specify an image that appears to the right of the link == 0.3.2 * Bug Fix * Fixing asset paths in production and development by restructuring asset (image and stylesheet) relative placement == 0.3.1 * Bug Fix * Fixed assets location for images specified in the stylesheets == 0.3.0 * Enhancements * Update dependencies to Devise 1.4.4, (needed for Rails 3.1.0) * Menu items are now rendered using html_safe * Links and menu items can now have a :condition parameter passed to it which is a string that can be evaluated to true or false * ex: :condition => 'current_user.admin?' * Testing * Created limited tests for authentications controller and registrations == 0.2.1 * Bug Fix * Apparently add_dependency doesn't work with (= ) signs either == 0.2.0 * Enhancements * Stock assets added * Sign in, password reset, and registration pages redesigned == 0.1.1 * Bug Fix * Apparently add_dependency doesn't currently work without ~> Set Omniauth dependency to increment on bug fix revision == 0.1.0 * Enhancements * Contour can now be used as a default template for the application layout * Contour provides assets, (images, css, and javascript), to provide an easy authentication system built on top of Devise and Omniauth * Contour provides CSS based on Bluetrip to provide cross-browser compatiblity * Contour rails generator provides fixes to Rack and Omniauth to allow correct reverse proxy (chaining) authentication to machines behind firewalls == 0.0.0 * Skeleton files to compile gem and make it available on rubygems.org