module Adhearsion # Paths are a way for helpers to have Adhearsion manage dynamic # paths. module Paths # May need to build some kind of namespacing? @@path_managers = {} def self.manager_for(name, hash) globs = Array hash[:pattern] || hash[:patterns] directory = hash[:directory] name = name.to_s.underscore singular, plural = name.singularize, name.pluralize @@path_managers[singular] = globs #TODO: YAGNI. Bad magic Kernel.module_eval do define_method "#{singular}_path" do |query| target = nil globs.each do |mgr| Dir.glob(mgr).each do |f| #return f if File.basename(f) == query target = File.expand_path(f) if File.basename(f) == query end end target end define_method "all_#{plural}" do { |g| Dir.glob g }.flatten end end end def self.manager_for?(name) @@path_managers[name.to_s.underscore.singularize] end def self.remove_manager_for(name) name = name.to_s singular, plural = name.singularize, name.pluralize Kernel.module_eval do undef_method "all_#{plural}", "#{singular}_path" end end # When creating with a combined managers, the first # writable directory is returned. def self.combine_managers(name, *managers) # TODO: Searches several managers in sequence. name = name.to_s.underscore singular, plural = name.singularize, name.pluralize end end end