en: cancel: "Cancel" drag: "Drag" toggle_nav: "Toggle navigation" helpers: action: new: Add a new %{model} view: View edit: Edit edit_long: "Edit this %{model}" destroy: Delete cancel: Cancel destroy_are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to delete this %{model}?" update_all: "Save changes" spotlight/search: destroy: "Delete" edit_long: "Edit this saved search" acts_as_taggable_on/tag: destroy: "Delete tag" spotlight/role: create: "Add a new user" destroy: "Remove from site" spotlight/custom_field: create: "Add new field" spotlight/contact: create: "Add contact" spotlight/exhibit: create: "Create Exhibit" destroy: "Delete this exhibit" submit: spotlight_default: &spotlight_default create: "Save" submit: "Save changes" update: "Save changes" created: "The %{model} was created." updated: "The %{model} was successfully updated." batch_updated: "%{model} were successfully updated." batch_error: "There was an error updating the requested %{model}." destroyed: "The %{model} was deleted." contact: create: "Save" created: "The %{model} was created." destroyed: "The %{model} was destroyed." update: "Save" updated: "The %{model} was successfully updated." batch_updated: "Contacts were successfully updated." page: &spotlight_page create: "Add new page" submit: "Save changes" update: "Save changes" created: "The %{model} was created." updated: "The %{model} was successfully updated." batch_updated: "%{model} were successfully updated." batch_error: "There was an error updating the requested pages." destroyed: "The %{model} was deleted." exhibit: *spotlight_default search: *spotlight_default contact_form: create: "Send" created: "Thanks. Your feedback has been sent." feature_page: *spotlight_page about_page: *spotlight_page home_page: *spotlight_page blacklight_configuration: create: "Save" submit: "Save changes" update: "Save changes" updated: "The exhibit was successfully updated." solr_document: *spotlight_default users: *spotlight_default custom_field: *spotlight_default role: updated: "User has been updated." destroyed: "User has been removed." batch_error: "There was a problem saving the user(s)." label: solr_document: exhibit_tag_list: "Tags" activerecord: models: spotlight: page: Page attributes: "spotlight/contact": avatar: "Photo" "spotlight/page": display_sidebar?: "Show sidebar" display_title: "Show title" "spotlight/masthead": display: "Show background image in masthead" blacklight: search: fields: facet: exhibit_tag: Exhibit Tags spotlight: application_name: "%{exhibit} - %{application_name}" html_title: "%{title} | %{application_name}" html_admin_title: "%{section} - %{title}" configuration: sidebar: header: Configuration settings: General appearance: Appearance users: Users metadata: Metadata search_configuration: Search header: "Configuration" page_title: "Page title" settings: header: "Settings" appearances: edit: header: Appearance exhibit_style: heading: "Exhibit style" main_navigation: menu: Main menu help: > Select the menu items you want to be displayed in the main navigation menu (menu items are only displayed when published pages exist for that item). Click a menu item to change its display label. Drag and drop a menu item to change their order in the menu. restore_default: "Restore default" site_masthead: heading: Site masthead help: > You can select and crop an image to use as a background in your exhibit site's masthead. To use an image as a masthead background, you should use an image that is at least 120 pixels tall and 1200 pixels wide. For best results use an image at least 1800 pixels wide. You can crop larger images using the cropping tool below. site_thumbnail: heading: Site thumbnail help: "You can select and crop an image to visually represent this exhibit." thumbnail: small: Small medium: Medium large: Large contact_forms: new: header: "Feedback" curation: sidebar: header: Curation dashboard: Dashboard analytics: Analytics items: Items tags: Tags browse: Browse feature_pages: Feature pages about_pages: About pages nav: home: "Home" header: "Curation" search_configurations: document_index_view_types: label: Result page types default_per_page: label: Default per page edit: header: "Search" tab: options: "Options" facets: "Facets" results: "Results" search_fields: header: "Field-based search" help: > If the search box is displayed, you can also enable field-based search. Field-based search adds a dropdown menu to your exhibit site's search box that provides the user with an option to restrict a search query to a single metadata field. instructions: > If enabled, you can select below the metadata fields that are available for searching. Click a field name to edit its display label. Drag and drop fields to specify the order they are displayed in the search box dropdown menu. enable_feature: Display search box facets: help: > If the sidebar is visible, users can use the facets shown in the sidebar to limit a search. You can select the facets that are available for searching below. Click a facet field name to edit its display label. Drag and drop facets to specify the order they are displayed in the sidebar. document_count: one: "%{count} item" other: "%{count} items" value_count: one: "%{count} unique value" other: "%{count} unique values" sort_by: label: "Sort by:" count: Frequency index: Value sort: header: "Sort fields" help: > Select the fields you want to be available to users for sorting results. Click a field title to change its display label. Drag and drop fields to change their order in the sort dropdown menu. The field listed first is the default sort field. keys: asc: ascending desc: descending score: relevancy score sort_date_dtsi: date sort_title_ssi: title sort_type_ssi: type sort_source_ssi: source id: id metadata_configurations: edit: field: label: "Field name" deselect_all: "Deselect all" select_all: "Select all" header: "Metadata" order_header: "Display and Order Metadata Fields" exhibit_specific: header: "Exhibit-Specific Fields" instructions: "You can add metadata fields to supplement the metadata fields that are part of the repository item record." view: show: "Item Details" instructions: > Select metadata fields to display on each type of page. Click a field name to edit its display label. Drag and drop fields to specify the order in which they are displayed. catalog: breadcrumb: index: 'Search Results' edit_default: blank_field_warning_html: > This field is currently hidden on all pages. You can make it visible on the Curation > %{link} page. full_title_tesim: "Title" url-field: help: "Valid file types: %{extensions}" facets: exhibit_visibility: label: "Item Visibility" private: "Private" fields: title: "Title" date_added: "Date Added" visibility: Public document_visibility_control: make_public: label: "" button: Make Public make_private: label: "" button: Make Private inprogress: label: "" private: "Private" admin: title: Curation - Items header: Items admin_header: reindex: "Reindex items" new: repo_item: "Add repository item" non_repo_item: "Add non-repository item" new: header: Import items invitation_mailer: invitation_instructions: hello: "Hello %{email}!" someone_invited_you: "The Exhibits Administrator has invited to be a member of '%{exhibit_name}' at %{url}. You can accept it through the link below." accept: "Accept invitation" ignore_html: "If you don't want to accept the invitation, please ignore this email.
Your account won't be created until you access the link above." confirmation_mailer: confirmation_instructions: welcome: "Welcome %{email}!" instructions: "You can confirm your account email through the link below:" confirm: Confirm my account contact_form: new: header: "Feedback" custom_fields: edit: header: Edit Exhibit-Specific Field new: header: Add Exhibit-Specific Field form: field_type: label: "Type" vocab: "Controlled vocabulary" text: "Free text" dashboards: show: header: Dashboard page_activity: header: Recent Site Building Activity new_feature_page: "Add new Feature page" new_about_page: "Add new About page" field: title: Title last_edited_by: User updated_at: Last Edited solr_document_activity: header: Recently Updated Items no_documents: There are no documents in this exhibit analytics: header: "Analytics" monthly_header: "User Activity Over the Past Month" pageviews: "page views" users: "unique visits" sessions: "visitors" pagetitle: "page title" pages: header: "Most popular pages" exhibits: breadcrumb: Home index: private: Private exhibits delete: heading: Delete exhibit warning_html: > This action is irreversible. Be sure to back up the exhibit settings and content using the %{export_link} feature before proceeding. edit: header: General basic_settings: heading: Basic settings form: fields: contact_emails: help_block: Each contact email will receive feedback submissions published: label: "Published" help_block: "" new_exhibit_form: fields: title: label: Title help_block: This can be changed later. slug: label: URL slug help_block: A hyphenated name to be displayed in the URL for the exhibit (e.g., "maps-of-africa"). exhibit_card: visit_exhibit: "Visit exhibit" new: header: Create a new exhibit import: heading: Import data instructions: You can import an exhibit JSON file exported from this application to use that data file to define this exhibit. button: Import data export: heading: Export data instructions: > You can create a backup of this exhibit by exporting the data that defines it to a JSON file. You can then import that JSON file into new exhibit to restore the exhibit data or to use as a starting point for a new exhibit. download: Export data confirmation_status: confirmed: Confirmed. confirmation_sent: Confirmation sent. not_validated: Not validated. resend: Resend confirmation? main_navigation: about: "About" browse: "Browse" curated_features: "Curated Features" pages: order_pages: pages_header: Custom Pages instructions: Add new pages below. Drag and drop pages to change the order in which they are displayed in the sidebar. new_page: "Add new page" save: "Save" cancel: "Cancel" index: home_pages: title: Exhibit Home header: Exhibit Home feature_pages: title: Feature Pages header: Feature Pages home_pages_header: Homepage about_pages: title: About Pages header: About Pages new: header: New page edit: header: Edit page locked: "This page is currently being edited by %{user} (%{created_at})" form: title_placeholder: "Title" page_content: "Content" page_options: "Options" page_thumbnail: "Thumbnail" thumbnail: help: > You can select and crop an image to visually represent this page. It will be used as the thumbnail image if you include this page using the 'Highlight Featured Pages' widget. contacts: edit: header: "Edit Contact" new: header: "Add Exhibit Contact" form: name: placeholder: First and last name email: placeholder: Valid email address title: placeholder: Job title most relevant to this exhibit location: placeholder: Name of library or other physical location telephone: placeholder: Telephone number (optional) about_pages: contacts_form: header: Contacts contact: legend: Contact Details instructions: > Enter details for each librarian, curator or other contact person for this exhibit. Select the contacts you want to be show in the sidebar of the About Pages. Drag and drop contacts to specify the order in which they are shown in the sidebar. nav_link: About page_options: published: "Publish" # Possibly no longer used sidebar: nav_link: About contacts: header: "Contacts" feature_pages: nav_link: Curated Features page_options: published: "Publish" featured_images: form: source: header: "Image source" exhibit: label: "From this exhibit" help: "To find an image, start typing the title of an exhibit item." remote: label: "Upload an image" header: "Cropped image" help: > Adjust the cropping box to cover the area of the image you want to use as the thumbnail image. Click "Save Changes" to save the cropped area. resources: new: header: "Add Resource" form: needs_provider: "Could not find an appropriate importer" has_provider: "Ready to import" upload: csv: success: "'%{file_name}' has been uploaded. An email will be sent to you once indexing is complete." new: header: "Add non-repository items" single_item_form: "Single item" multi_item_form: "Multiple items using CSV file" error: "There was a problem uploading your object." multi_item_form: add_item: "Add item" help_html: "%{link}" template: "Download template" file_label: "CSV File" success: "Object uploaded successfully." single_item_form: add_item: "Add item" add_item_and_continue: "Add item and continue adding" full_title_tesim: "Title" url-field: help: "Valid file types: %{extensions}" bookmarklet: instructions: "Drag this button to the bookmarks toolbar in your web browser" bookmarklet: "%{application_name} widget" reindexing_in_progress: "Reindexing all resources" roles: edit_fields: invite_html: "This user does not yet exist. Would you like to send them an %{link}?" invite_link: invite index: title: Site Configuration - Users invite_pending: pending header: Users name: Username email: "Email Address" role: "Role" actions: "Actions" searches: &search nav_link: "Browse" index: header: "Browse" title: "Curation - Browse" categories_header: "Browse Categories" instructions: > Use the Save search button on a search results page to create a new browse category. Select the categories you want to be displayed on the browse landing page. Drag and drop categories to change the order in which they appear on that page." no_saved_searches: > You can save search results while in curation mode to create browse categories, which will be displayed here. not_searchable_html: > This exhibit is not currently searchable. To perform searches that can be saved as additional browse categories, temporarily turn on the Display search box option in the Options section of the Configuration > %{href} page. edit: header: "Edit Browse Category" title: "Curation - Browse" query_params: "Active search constraints" search: item_count: one: "%{count} item" other: "%{count} items" missing_description_html: "%{link} to add a description." form: search_description: "Description" search_masthead: "Masthead" search_thumbnail: "Thumbnail" masthead: help: > You can select and crop an image to use as a browse category-specific masthead, instead of the default site masthead, for this browse category's detail page. help_secondary: > To create a browse category-specific masthead, you should use an image that is at least 120 pixels tall and 1200 pixels wide. For best results use an image at least 1800 pixels wide. You can crop larger images using the cropping tool below. thumbnail: help: "You can select and crop an image to visually represent this search." browse: nav_link: "Browse" index: header: "Browse Exhibit" search: item_count: one: "%{count} item" other: "%{count} items" tags: index: title: "Curation - Tags" header: "Tags" name: "Tag name" taggings: count: "Items tagged" actions: "Actions" no_tags: "No items in this exhibit have been tagged. You can add tags to an item on the Item Details page while in curation mode." role: admin: "Admin" curator: "Curator" header_links: login: "Sign in" logout: "Sign out" contact: "Feedback" saved_search: label: "Save this search" title: "Saved search title" shared: report_a_problem: title: Contact Us indexing_complete_mailer: documents_indexed: title: "Your CSV file has just finished being processed." body: one: "%{count} document has been indexed from the CSV file and added to the exhibit %{title}." other: "%{count} documents have been indexed from the CSV file and added to the exhibit %{title}." versions: undo: Undo changes redo: Redo changes undo_error: Unable to undo changes shared: share_follow: share_follow: "Share & Follow" home_sidebar: create_exhibit: 'Create a new exhibit'