require 'irt/prompter' module IRT def cli? !!ENV['IRT_COMMAND'] end def lib_path File.expand_path '../../../lib', __FILE__ end # this fixes a little imperfection of the YAML::dump method # which adds a space at the end of the class def yaml_dump(val) yml = "\n" + YAML.dump(val) yml.gsub(/ +\n/, "\n") end module Utils def create_tmp_file() require 'tempfile' tmp_file =['', '.irt']) tmp_file << "\n" # one empty line makes irb of 1.9.2 happy tmp_file.flush # ENV used because with IRT.cli? 2 different processes need to access the same path ENV['IRT_TMP_PATH'] = tmp_file.path at_exit { check_save_tmp_file(tmp_file) } ENV['IRT_TMP_PATH'] end def save_as(file_path, source_path=IRT.irt_file, tmp=false) new_file_path = File.expand_path(file_path) if File.exists?(new_file_path) return false if %(Do you want to overwrite "#{new_file_path}"?), :hint => '[y| 'n' end dirname = File.dirname(new_file_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless FileUtils.cp source_path, new_file_path ask_run_new_file new_file_path, source_path, tmp end def edit_with(editor, file, line=nil) cmd_format = IRT.send("#{editor}_command_format".to_sym) raise IRT::NotImplementedError, "#{cmd}_command_format missing" unless cmd_format system sprintf(cmd_format, file, line||0) end def version @version ||='../../../VERSION', __FILE__)).strip end def copyright @copyrignt ||= Dye.dye "irt #{version} (c) 2010-2011 Domizio Demichelis", :blue, :bold end private def ask_run_new_file(new_file_path, source_path, tmp) if IRT::Prompter.yes?( %(Do you want to run the file "#{File.basename(new_file_path)}" now?) ) # if we are saving a tmp_file from a save_as command (not from an at_exit block) if ENV['IRT_TMP_PATH'] && IRT.respond_to?(:irt_file) && IRT.irt_file ==['IRT_TMP_PATH']).realpath ENV.delete('IRT_TMP_PATH') # reset tmp file content so check_save_tmp_file will be skipped, 'w'){|f| f.puts "\n"} end if tmp && IRT.cli? ENV['IRT_COMMAND'] = ENV['IRT_COMMAND'].sub(/#{Regexp.quote(source_path)}/, new_file_path) exec ENV['IRT_COMMAND'] else IRT::Session.run_file new_file_path end end end def check_save_tmp_file(tmp_file) if tmp_file.size > 1 IRT::Prompter.yes? %(The template file has been modified, do you want to save it?) do IRT::Prompter.choose %(Enter the file path to save:), /[\w0-9_]/ do |file_path| save_as(file_path, tmp_file.path, tmp=true) end end end end end extend self extend Utils end