# This is the model for the IDMB profile which is used # to find ImdbMovie meta data from either online or from # a cached file. # # Usage: # # profiles = ImdbProfile.all(:titles => ['The Alamo']) # # profile = ImdbProfile.first(:imdb_id => 'tt0123456') # or # profile = ImdbProfile.first(:titles => ['movie title 1', 'movie title 2',...] # :media_years => ['2000'], # :production_years => ['1999'], # :released_years => ['2002', '2008'] # :filespec => media.path_to(:imdb_xml)) # puts profile.movie['key'].first # puts profile.to_xml # puts profile.imdb_id # class ImdbProfile # options: # :imdb_id => self.imdb_id, # :titles => titles, # :media_years => [@media.year.to_i], # :production_years => @dvd_hash[:productionyear], # :released_years => @dvd_hash[:released] # returns Array of ImdbProfile instances def self.all(options={}) AppConfig[:logger].info { "ImdbProfile.all(#{options.inspect})" } result = [] if has_option?(options, :imdb_id) || (has_option?(options, :filespec) && File.exist?(options[:filespec])) result << ImdbProfile.new(options[:imdb_id], options[:filespec]) elsif has_option?(options, :titles) result += self.lookup(options[:titles], options[:media_years], options[:production_years], options[:released_years] ).collect{|ident| ImdbProfile.new(ident, options[:filespec])} end result end # options: # :imdb_id => self.imdb_id, # :titles => titles, # :media_years => [@media.year.to_i], # :production_years => @dvd_hash[:productionyear], # :released_years => @dvd_hash[:released] # returns ImdbProfile instance or nil def self.first(options={}) self.all(options).first end protected def self.has_option?(options, key) options.has_key?(key) && !options[key].blank? end def initialize(ident, filespec=nil) @imdb_id = ident @filespec = filespec load end public attr_reader :imdb_id, :movie def to_xml xml = '' unless @movie.blank? @movie.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? } xml = XmlSimple.xml_out(@movie, 'NoAttr' => true, 'RootName' => 'movie') end xml end protected # @movie keys => [:title, :directors, :poster_url, :tiny_poster_url, :poster, # :rating, :cast_members, :writers, :year, :genres, :plot, # :tagline, :aspect_ratio, :length, :release_date, :countries, # :languages, :color, :company, :photos, :raw_title, # :release_year, :also_known_as, :mpaa, :certifications] # returns Hash or nil def load if !@filespec.blank? && File.exist?(@filespec) AppConfig[:logger].debug { "loading movie filespec=> #{@filespec.inspect}" } @movie = from_xml(open(@filespec).read) elsif !@imdb_id.blank? AppConfig[:logger].debug { "loading movie from imdb.com, filespec=> #{@filespec.inspect}" } @movie = ImdbMovie.new(@imdb_id.gsub(/^tt/, '')).to_hash @movie['id'] = 'tt' + @imdb_id.gsub(/^tt/, '') unless @movie.blank? save(@filespec) unless @filespec.blank? end unless @movie.blank? @imdb_id = @movie['id'] else @movie = nil end end def from_xml(xml) begin movie = XmlSimple.xml_in(xml) rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].warn { "Error converting from xml: #{e.to_s}" } movie = nil end movie end def save(filespec) begin xml = self.to_xml unless xml.blank? AppConfig[:logger].debug { "saving #{filespec}" } DvdProfiler2Xbmc.save_to_file(filespec, xml) end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error "Unable to save imdb profile to #{filespec} - #{e.to_s}" end end # lookup IMDB title using years as the secondary search key # the titles should behave as an Array, the intent here is to be # able to try to find the exact title from DVD Profiler and if that # fails, to try to find the title pattern # The search order is: # 1) media_years should be from media filename # 2) production years # 3) production years plus/minus a year # 4) released years # 5) released years plus/minus a year # 6) no years def self.lookup(titles, media_years, production_years, released_years) AppConfig[:logger].info { "lookup(#{titles.inspect}, #{media_years.inspect}, #{production_years.inspect}, #{released_years.inspect})" } idents = [] year_sets = [] year_sets << media_years unless media_years.blank? year_sets << fuzzy_years(production_years, 0) year_sets << fuzzy_years(production_years, -1..1) year_sets << fuzzy_years(released_years, 0) year_sets << fuzzy_years(released_years, -1..1) year_sets << [] if media_years.blank? titles.flatten.uniq.compact.each do |title| [false, true].each do |search_akas| AppConfig[:logger].debug { (search_akas ? 'Search AKAs' : 'Do not search AKAs') } imdb_search = ImdbSearch.new(title, search_akas) @cache ||= {} imdb_search.set_cache(@cache) year_sets.each do |years| new_idents = find_id(imdb_search, title, years, search_akas) AppConfig[:logger].debug { "new_idents => #{new_idents.inspect}" } idents += new_idents break unless new_idents.blank? end break unless idents.blank? end break unless idents.blank? end idents.uniq.compact end # Different databases seem to mix up released versus production years. # So we combine both into a Array of integer years. # fuzzy is an integer range, basically expand each known year by the fuzzy range # i.e., let production and released year both be 2000 and fuzzy=-1..1, # then the returned years would be [1999, 2000, 2001] def self.fuzzy_years(source_years, fuzzy) years = [] unless source_years.blank? years = [source_years].flatten.collect do |date| a = [] if date.to_s =~ /(\d{4})/ y = $1.to_i a = [*fuzzy].collect do |f| y.to_i + f end end a end end result = years.flatten.uniq.compact.sort AppConfig[:logger].debug {"fuzzy_years(#{source_years}, #{fuzzy}) => #{result.join(', ')}"} result end # try to find the imdb id for the movie def self.find_id(imdb_search, title, years, search_akas) idents = [] AppConfig[:logger].info { "Searching IMDB for \"#{title}\" (#{years.join(", ")})" } unless title.blank? begin movies = imdb_search.movies AppConfig[:logger].debug { "movies => (#{movies.collect{|m| [m.id, m.year, m.title]}.inspect})"} if movies.size == 1 idents = [movies.first.id.to_s] elsif movies.size > 1 AppConfig[:logger].debug { "years => #{years.inspect}"} same_year_movies = movies.select{ |m| !m.year.blank? && years.include?(m.year.to_i) } idents = same_year_movies.collect{|m| m.id.to_s} AppConfig[:logger].debug { "same_year_movies => (#{same_year_movies.collect{|m| [m.id, m.year, m.title]}.inspect})"} end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Error searching IMDB - " + e.to_s } AppConfig[:logger].error { e.backtrace.join("\n") } end end AppConfig[:logger].debug { "IMDB id => #{idents.join(', ')}" } unless idents.blank? idents end end