/* * An OpenFlow message library. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_H #define OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_H #include #include "bool.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "byteorder.h" #include "linked_list.h" #include "packet_info.h" // A structure for storing OpenFlow actions typedef struct openflow_actions { int n_actions; list_element *list; } openflow_actions; // Initialization bool init_openflow_message( void ); // Functions for creating OpenFlow messages buffer *create_hello( const uint32_t transaction_id ); buffer *create_error( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t type, const uint16_t code, const buffer *data ); buffer *create_echo_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const buffer *body ); buffer *create_echo_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const buffer *body ); buffer *create_vendor( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint32_t vendor, const buffer *body ); buffer *create_features_request( const uint32_t transaction_id ); buffer *create_features_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint64_t datapath_id, const uint32_t n_buffers, const uint8_t n_tables, const uint32_t capabilities, const uint32_t actions, const list_element *ports ); buffer *create_get_config_request( const uint32_t transaction_id ); buffer *create_get_config_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint16_t miss_send_len ); buffer *create_set_config( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint16_t miss_send_len ); buffer *create_packet_in( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint16_t total_len, uint16_t in_port, const uint8_t reason, const buffer *data ); buffer *create_flow_removed( const uint32_t transaction_id, const struct ofp_match match, const uint64_t cookie, const uint16_t priority, const uint8_t reason, const uint32_t duration_sec, const uint32_t duration_nsec, const uint16_t idle_timeout, const uint64_t packet_count, const uint64_t byte_count ); buffer *create_port_status( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint8_t reason, const struct ofp_phy_port desc ); buffer *create_packet_out( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint16_t in_port, const openflow_actions *actions, const buffer *data ); buffer *create_flow_mod( const uint32_t transaction_id, const struct ofp_match match, const uint64_t cookie, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t idle_timeout, const uint16_t hard_timeout, const uint16_t priority, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint16_t out_port, const uint16_t flags, const openflow_actions *actions ); buffer *create_port_mod( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t port_no, const uint8_t hw_addr[ OFP_ETH_ALEN ], const uint32_t config, const uint32_t mask, const uint32_t advertise ); buffer *create_desc_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags ); buffer *create_flow_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const struct ofp_match match, const uint8_t table_id, const uint16_t out_port ); buffer *create_aggregate_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const struct ofp_match match, const uint8_t table_id, const uint16_t out_port ); buffer *create_table_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags ); buffer *create_port_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint16_t port_no ); buffer *create_queue_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint16_t port_no, const uint32_t queue_id ); buffer *create_vendor_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint32_t vendor, const buffer *body ); buffer *create_desc_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const char mfr_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ], const char hw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ], const char sw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ], const char serial_num[ SERIAL_NUM_LEN ], const char dp_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] ); buffer *create_flow_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const list_element *flows_stats_head ); buffer *create_aggregate_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint64_t packet_count, const uint64_t byte_count, const uint32_t flow_count ); buffer *create_table_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const list_element *table_stats_head ); buffer *create_port_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const list_element *port_stats_head ); buffer *create_queue_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const list_element *queue_stats_head ); buffer *create_vendor_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint32_t vendor, const buffer *body ); buffer *create_barrier_request( const uint32_t transaction_id ); buffer *create_barrier_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id ); buffer *create_queue_get_config_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t port ); buffer *create_queue_get_config_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t port, const list_element *queues ); uint32_t get_transaction_id( void ); uint64_t get_cookie( void ); openflow_actions *create_actions( void ); bool delete_actions( openflow_actions *actions ); bool append_action_output( openflow_actions *actions, const uint16_t port, const uint16_t max_len ); bool append_action_set_vlan_vid( openflow_actions *actions, const uint16_t vlan_vid ); bool append_action_set_vlan_pcp( openflow_actions *actions, const uint8_t vlan_pcp ); bool append_action_strip_vlan( openflow_actions *actions ); bool append_action_set_dl_src( openflow_actions *actions, const uint8_t hw_addr[ OFP_ETH_ALEN ] ); bool append_action_set_dl_dst( openflow_actions *actions, const uint8_t hw_addr[ OFP_ETH_ALEN ] ); bool append_action_set_nw_src( openflow_actions *actions, const uint32_t nw_addr ); bool append_action_set_nw_dst( openflow_actions *actions, const uint32_t nw_addr ); bool append_action_set_nw_tos( openflow_actions *actions, const uint8_t nw_tos ); bool append_action_set_tp_src( openflow_actions *actions, const uint16_t tp_port ); bool append_action_set_tp_dst( openflow_actions *actions, const uint16_t tp_port ); bool append_action_enqueue( openflow_actions *actions, const uint16_t port, const uint32_t queue_id ); bool append_action_vendor( openflow_actions *actions, const uint32_t vendor, const buffer *data ); // Return code definitions indicating the result of OpenFlow message validation. enum { SUCCESS = 0, ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = -60, ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_MESSAGE, ERROR_TOO_LONG_MESSAGE, ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, ERROR_UNDEFINED_TYPE, ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, ERROR_NO_TABLE_AVAILABLE, ERROR_INVALID_PORT_NO, ERROR_INVALID_PORT_CONFIG, ERROR_INVALID_PORT_STATE, ERROR_INVALID_PORT_FEATURES, ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH_CONFIG, ERROR_INVALID_PACKET_IN_REASON, ERROR_INVALID_FLOW_REMOVED_REASON, ERROR_INVALID_WILDCARDS, ERROR_INVALID_VLAN_VID, ERROR_INVALID_VLAN_PCP, ERROR_INVALID_NW_TOS, ERROR_INVALID_PORT_STATUS_REASON, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_QUEUE_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_QUEUE_PROPERTY, ERROR_TOO_LONG_QUEUE_PROPERTY, ERROR_UNDEFINED_QUEUE_PROPERTY, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION, ERROR_UNDEFINED_ACTION_TYPE, ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_OUTPUT, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_OUTPUT, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_VLAN_VID, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_VLAN_VID, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_VLAN_PCP, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_VLAN_PCP, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_STRIP_VLAN, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_STRIP_VLAN, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_DL_SRC, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_DL_SRC, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_DL_DST, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_DL_DST, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_SRC, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_NW_SRC, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_DST, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_NW_DST, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_TOS, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_NW_TOS, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_TP_SRC, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_TP_SRC, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_TP_DST, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_TP_DST, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_ENQUEUE, ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_ENQUEUE, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_VENDOR, ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH_ACTION_VENDOR, ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_STATS_TYPE, ERROR_INVALID_STATS_REPLY_FLAGS, ERROR_INVALID_FLOW_PRIORITY, ERROR_INVALID_FLOW_MOD_FLAGS, ERROR_INVALID_PORT_MASK, ERROR_INVALID_STATS_TYPE, ERROR_INVALID_STATS_REQUEST_FLAGS, ERROR_UNDEFINED_FLOW_MOD_COMMAND, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = -255 }; // Functions for validating OpenFlow messages int validate_hello( const buffer *message ); int validate_error( const buffer *message ); int validate_echo_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_echo_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_vendor( const buffer *message ); int validate_features_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_features_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_get_config_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_get_config_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_set_config( const buffer *message ); int validate_packet_in( const buffer *message ); int validate_flow_removed( const buffer *message ); int validate_port_status( const buffer *message ); int validate_packet_out( const buffer *message ); int validate_flow_mod( const buffer *message ); int validate_port_mod( const buffer *message ); int validate_desc_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_flow_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_aggregate_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_table_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_port_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_queue_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_vendor_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_stats_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_desc_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_flow_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_aggregate_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_table_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_port_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_queue_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_vendor_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_stats_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_barrier_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_barrier_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_queue_get_config_request( const buffer *message ); int validate_queue_get_config_reply( const buffer *message ); int validate_actions( struct ofp_action_header *actions_head, const uint16_t length ); int validate_action_output( const struct ofp_action_output *action ); int validate_action_set_vlan_vid( const struct ofp_action_vlan_vid *action ); int validate_action_set_vlan_pcp( const struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp *action ); int validate_action_strip_vlan( const struct ofp_action_header *action ); int validate_action_set_dl_src( const struct ofp_action_dl_addr *action ); int validate_action_set_dl_dst( const struct ofp_action_dl_addr *action ); int validate_action_set_nw_src( const struct ofp_action_nw_addr *action ); int validate_action_set_nw_dst( const struct ofp_action_nw_addr *action ); int validate_action_set_nw_tos( const struct ofp_action_nw_tos *action ); int validate_action_set_tp_src( const struct ofp_action_tp_port *action ); int validate_action_set_tp_dst( const struct ofp_action_tp_port *action ); int validate_action_enqueue( const struct ofp_action_enqueue *action ); int validate_action_vendor( const struct ofp_action_vendor_header *action ); int validate_openflow_message( const buffer *message ); bool valid_openflow_message( const buffer *message ); // Utility functions bool get_error_type_and_code( const uint8_t type, const int error_no, uint16_t *error_type, uint16_t *error_code ); void set_match_from_packet( struct ofp_match *match, const uint16_t in_port, const uint32_t wildcards, const buffer *packet ); void normalize_match( struct ofp_match *match ); #endif // OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_H /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */