# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'model' require_relative 'gildable' require_relative 'moderatable' require_relative 'postable' require_relative 'replyable' require_relative 'reportable' require_relative 'user' require_relative 'subreddit' module Redd module Models # A text or link post. class Submission < Model # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include Gildable include Moderatable include Postable include Replyable include Reportable # @return [String] the sort order def sort_order exists_locally?(:sort_order) ? read_attribute(:sort_order) : nil end # Set the sort order of the comments and reload the comments. # @param new_order [:confidence, :top, :controversial, :old, :qa] the sort order def update_sort_order(new_order) return self if new_order == read_attribute(:sort_order) write_attribute(:sort_order, new_order) reload end # Get all submissions for the same url. # @param params [Hash] A list of optional params to send with the request. # @option params [String] :after return results after the given fullname # @option params [String] :before return results before the given fullname # @option params [Integer] :count (0) the number of items already seen in the listing # @option params [1..100] :limit (25) the maximum number of things to return # @return [Listing] def duplicates(**params) client.unmarshal(client.get("/duplicates/#{read_attribute(:id)}", params).body[1]) end # Mark the link as "Not Suitable For Work". def mark_as_nsfw client.get('/api/marknsfw', id: read_attribute(:name)) end # No longer mark the link as "Not Suitable For Work". def unmark_as_nsfw client.get('/api/unmarknsfw', id: read_attribute(:name)) end # Mark the link as a spoiler. def mark_as_spoiler client.get('/api/spoiler', id: read_attribute(:name)) end # No longer mark the link as a spoiler. def unmark_as_spoiler client.get('/api/unspoiler', id: read_attribute(:name)) end # Set the submission to "contest mode" (comments are randomly sorted) def enable_contest_mode client.post('/api/set_contest_mode', id: read_attribute(:name), state: true) end # Disable the "contest mode". def disable_contest_mode client.post('/api/set_contest_mode', id: read_attribute(:name), state: false) end # Set the submission as the sticky post of the subreddit. # @param slot [1, 2] which "slot" to place the sticky on def make_sticky(slot: nil) client.post('/api/set_subreddit_sticky', id: read_attribute(:name), num: slot, state: true) end # Unsticky the post from the subreddit. def remove_sticky client.post('/api/set_subreddit_sticky', id: read_attribute(:name), state: false) end # Prevent users from commenting on the link (and hide it as well). def lock client.post('/api/lock', id: read_attribute(:name)) end # Allow users to comment on the link again. def unlock client.post('/api/unlock', id: read_attribute(:name)) end # Set the suggested sort order for comments for all users. # @param suggested ['blank', 'confidence', 'top', 'new', 'controversial', 'old', 'random', # 'qa', 'live'] the sort type def set_suggested_sort(suggested) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName client.post('/api/set_suggested_sort', id: read_attribute(:name), sort: suggested) end # @!attribute [r] sort_order # @return [Symbol] the comment sort order property :sort_order, :nil # @!attribute [r] comments # @return [Array] the comment tree property :comments, :nil, with: ->(l) { Listing.new(client, l) if l } # @!attribute [r] domain # @return [String] the domain name of the link (or self.subreddit_name) property :domain # @!attribute [r] approved_at # @return [Time, nil] when the submission was last approved property :approved_at, from: :approved_at_utc, with: ->(t) { Time.at(t) if t } # @!attribute [r] banned_by # @return [String] not sure what this does property :banned_by # @!attribute [r] media_embed # @return [Hash] media embed properties property :media_embed # @!attribute [r] subreddit # @return [Subreddit] the subreddit the post belongs to. property :subreddit, with: ->(n) { Subreddit.new(client, display_name: n) } # @!attribute [r] selftext_html # @return [String, nil] the html-rendered self text, can be nil if link property :selftext_html # @!attribute [r] selftext # @return [String] the self text contents property :selftext # @!attribute [r] upvoted? # @return [Boolean, nil] whether the user upvoted/downvoted this post property :upvoted?, from: :likes # @!attribute [r] suggested_sort # @return [String, nil] the suggested sort property :suggested_sort # @!attribute [r] user_reports # @return [Array] user reports property :user_reports # @!attribute [r] secure_media # @return [Hash, nil] secure media details property :secure_media # @!attribute [r] link_flair_text # @return [String] the link flair text property :link_flair_text # @!attribute [r] link_flair_css_class # @return [String] the link flair css class property :link_flair_css_class # @!attribute [r] id # @return [String] the submission id property :id # @!attribute [r] banned_at # @return [Time, nil] the time the post was banned property :banned_at, from: :banned_at_utc, with: ->(t) { Time.at(t) if t } # @!attribute [r] view_count # @return [Integer, nil] the view count property :view_count # @!attribute [r] archived? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is archived property :archived?, from: :archived # @!attribute [r] clicked? # @return [Boolean] whether the post was clicked property :clicked?, from: :clicked # @!attribute [r] report_reasons # @return [Object] i think it's an array of strings? property :report_reasons # @!attribute [r] title # @return [String] the post title property :title # @!attribute [r] num_crossposts # @return [Integer] the number of crossposts made to other subreddits property :num_crossposts # @!attribute [r] saved? # @return [String] whether the post was saved by the logged-in user property :saved?, from: :saved # @!attribute [r] can_mod_post? # @return [Boolean] whether you can post as a mod, i think property :can_mod_post?, from: :can_mod_post # @!attribute [r] crosspostable? # @return [Boolean] whether the post can be crossposted property :crosspostable?, from: :is_crosspostable # @!attribute [r] pinned? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is pinned property :pinned?, from: :pinned # @!attribute [r] score # @return [Integer] the post's score property :score # @!attribute [r] approved_by # @return [Object] the person that approved this post (not sure about the schema) property :approved_by # @!attribute [r] over_18? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is marked as over 18 property :over_18?, from: :over_18 # @!attribute [r] hidden? # @return [Boolean] whether the logged-in user hid the post property :hidden?, from: :hidden # @!attribute [r] preview # @return [Hash] preview details property :preview # @!attribute [r] comment_count # @return [Integer] the post's comment count property :comment_count, from: :num_comments # @!attribute [r] thumbnail # @return [String] the thumbnail url property :thumbnail # @!attribute [r] thumbnail_height # @return [Integer] thumbnail height property :thumbnail_height # @!attribute [r] score_hidden? # @return [Boolean] whether the score is hidden property :score_hidden?, from: :hide_score # @!attribute [r] edited # @return [Time, false] the time of the last edit property :edited, with: ->(t) { Time.at(t) if t } # @!attribute [r] author_flair_text # @return [String] the author flair text property :author_flair_text # @!attribute [r] author_flair_css_class # @return [String] the author flair css class property :author_flair_css_class # @!attribute [r] contest_mode_enabled? # @return [Boolean] whether contest mode is turned on property :contest_mode_enabled?, from: :contest_mode # @!attribute [r] gilded # @return [Integer] the number of times the post was gilded property :gilded # @!attribute [r] locked? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is locked property :locked?, from: :locked # @!attribute [r] ups # @return [Integer] upvote count # @deprecated this doesn't return the raw upvote count - use {#score} instead property :ups # @!attribute [r] downs # @return [Integer] downvote count # @deprecated this always returns zero - use {#score} instead property :downs # @!attribute [r] brand_safe? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is marked as brand safe property :brand_safe?, from: :brand_safe # @!attribute [r] secure_media_embed # @return [Hash] secure media embed details property :secure_media_embed # @!attribute [r] removal_reason # @return [String] the removal reason property :removal_reason # @!attribute [r] post_hint # @return [String] a hint at what the link should contain property :post_hint # @!attribute [r] can_gild? # @return [Boolean] whether the user can gild this post property :can_gild?, from: :can_gild # @!attribute [r] parent_whitelist_status # @return [String] ad-related whitelist stuff property :parent_whitelist_status # @!attribute [r] name # @return [String] the fullname (i.e. t3_xxxxxx) property :name # @!attribute [r] spoiler? # @return [Boolean] whether the post was marked as a spoiler property :spoiler?, from: :spoiler # @!attribute [r] permalink # @return [String] the **relative** url permalink property :permalink # @!attribute [r] report_count # @return [Integer] the number of reports property :report_count, from: :num_reports # @!attribute [r] whitelist_status # @return [String] ad-related whitelist stuff property :whitelist_status # @!attribute [r] stickied? # @return [Boolean] whether the post was stickied property :stickied?, from: :stickied # @!attribute [r] url # @return [String] the link url property :url # @!attribute [r] quarantined? # @return [Boolean] whether the post has been quarantined property :quarantined?, from: :quarantine # @!attribute [r] author # @return [User] the post author property :author, with: ->(n) { User.new(client, name: n) } # @!attribute [r] created_at # @return [Time] creation time property :created_at, from: :created_utc, with: ->(t) { Time.at(t) } # @!attribute [r] subreddit_name_prefixed # @return [String] r/[subreddit name] property :subreddit_name_prefixed, default: -> { "r/#{read_attribute(:subreddit).display_name}" } # @!attribute [r] distinguished? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is distinguished property :distinguished?, from: :distinguished # @!attribute [r] media # @return [Hash] media details property :media # @!attribute [r] upvote_ratio # @return [Float] the upvote ratio (ups/downs) property :upvote_ratio # @!attribute [r] mod_reports # @return [Array] moderator reports property :mod_reports # @!attribute [r] self? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is a self post property :self?, from: :is_self # @!attribute [r] visited? # @return [Boolean] whether the post was visited property :visited?, from: :visited # @!attribute [r] subreddit_type # @return [String] the subreddit's type property :subreddit_type # @!attribute [r] video? # @return [Boolean] whether the post is probably a video property :video, from: :is_video private def lazer_reload # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize fully_loaded! # Ensure we have the link's id. id = exists_locally?(:id) ? read_attribute(:id) : read_attribute(:name).sub('t3_', '') # If a specific sort order was requested, provide it. params = {} params[:sort] = read_attribute(:sort_order) if exists_locally?(:sort_order) # `response` is a pair (2-element array): # - response[0] is a one-item listing containing the submission # - response[1] is listing of comments response = client.get("/comments/#{id}", params).body response[0][:data][:children][0][:data].merge(comments: response[1][:data]) end end end end