// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('views/scroller'); /** @static @type Number @default 0.95 */ SC.NORMAL_SCROLL_DECELERATION = 0.95; /** @static @type Number @default 0.85 */ SC.FAST_SCROLL_DECELERATION = 0.85; /** @class Implements a complete scroll view. This class uses a manual implementation of scrollers in order to properly support clipping frames. Important Events: - contentView frame size changes (to autoshow/hide scrollbar - adjust scrollbar size) - horizontalScrollOffset change - verticalScrollOffsetChanges - scroll wheel events @extends SC.View @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.ScrollView = SC.View.extend({ /** @scope SC.ScrollView.prototype */ /** @type Array @default ['sc-scroll-view'] @see SC.View#classNames */ classNames: ['sc-scroll-view'], // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // /** Walk like a duck @type Boolean @default YES @readOnly */ isScrollable: YES, /** The content view you want the scroll view to manage. This will be assigned to the contentView of the clipView also. @type SC.View @default null */ contentView: null, /** The horizontal alignment for non-filling content inside of the ScrollView. Possible values: - SC.ALIGN_LEFT - SC.ALIGN_RIGHT - SC.ALIGN_CENTER @type String @default SC.ALIGN_LEFT */ horizontalAlign: SC.ALIGN_LEFT, /** The vertical alignment for non-filling content inside of the ScrollView. Possible values: - SC.ALIGN_TOP - SC.ALIGN_BOTTOM - SC.ALIGN_MIDDLE @type String @default SC.ALIGN_TOP */ verticalAlign: SC.ALIGN_TOP, /** The current horizontal scroll offset. Changing this value will update both the contentView and the horizontal scroller, if there is one. @field @type Number @default 0 */ horizontalScrollOffset: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { var minOffset = this.minimumHorizontalScrollOffset(), maxOffset = this.get('maximumHorizontalScrollOffset'); this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset = Math.max(minOffset,Math.min(maxOffset, value)) ; } return this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset||0; }.property().cacheable(), /** The current vertical scroll offset. Changing this value will update both the contentView and the vertical scroller, if there is one. @field @type Number @default 0 */ verticalScrollOffset: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { var minOffset = this.get('minimumVerticalScrollOffset'), maxOffset = this.get('maximumVerticalScrollOffset'); this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset = Math.max(minOffset,Math.min(maxOffset, value)) ; } return this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset||0; }.property().cacheable(), /** @private Calculates the maximum offset given content and container sizes, and the alignment. */ maximumScrollOffset: function(contentSize, containerSize, align) { // if our content size is larger than or the same size as the container, it's quite // simple to calculate the answer. Otherwise, we need to do some fancy-pants // alignment logic (read: simple math) if (contentSize >= containerSize) return contentSize - containerSize; // alignment, yeah if (align === SC.ALIGN_LEFT || align === SC.ALIGN_TOP) { // if we left-align something, and it is smaller than the view, does that not mean // that it's maximum (and minimum) offset is 0, because it should be positioned at 0? return 0; } else if (align === SC.ALIGN_MIDDLE || align === SC.ALIGN_CENTER) { // middle align means the difference divided by two, because we want equal parts on each side. return 0 - Math.round((containerSize - contentSize) / 2); } else { // right align means the entire difference, because we want all that space on the left return 0 - (containerSize - contentSize); } }, /** @private Calculates the minimum offset given content and container sizes, and the alignment. */ minimumScrollOffset: function(contentSize, containerSize, align) { // if the content is larger than the container, we have no need to change the minimum // away from the natural 0 position. if (contentSize > containerSize) return 0; // alignment, yeah if (align === SC.ALIGN_LEFT || align === SC.ALIGN_TOP) { // if we left-align something, and it is smaller than the view, does that not mean // that it's maximum (and minimum) offset is 0, because it should be positioned at 0? return 0; } else if (align === SC.ALIGN_MIDDLE || align === SC.ALIGN_CENTER) { // middle align means the difference divided by two, because we want equal parts on each side. return 0 - Math.round((containerSize - contentSize) / 2); } else { // right align means the entire difference, because we want all that space on the left return 0 - (containerSize - contentSize); } }, /** The maximum horizontal scroll offset allowed given the current contentView size and the size of the scroll view. If horizontal scrolling is disabled, this will always return 0. @field @type Number @default 0 */ maximumHorizontalScrollOffset: function() { var view = this.get('contentView') ; var contentWidth = view ? view.get('frame').width : 0, calculatedWidth = view ? view.get('calculatedWidth') : 0; // The following code checks if there is a calculatedWidth (collections) // to avoid looking at the incorrect value calculated by frame. if (calculatedWidth) { contentWidth = view.calculatedWidth; } contentWidth *= this._scale; var containerWidth = this.get('containerView').get('frame').width ; // we still must go through minimumScrollOffset even if we can't scroll // because we need to adjust for alignment. So, just make sure it won't allow scrolling. if (!this.get('canScrollHorizontal')) contentWidth = Math.min(contentWidth, containerWidth); return this.maximumScrollOffset(contentWidth, containerWidth, this.get("horizontalAlign")); }.property(), /** The maximum vertical scroll offset allowed given the current contentView size and the size of the scroll view. If vertical scrolling is disabled, this will always return 0 (or whatever alignment dictates). @field @type Number @default 0 */ maximumVerticalScrollOffset: function() { var view = this.get('contentView'), contentHeight = (view && view.get('frame')) ? view.get('frame').height : 0, calculatedHeight = view ? view.get('calculatedHeight') : 0; // The following code checks if there is a calculatedWidth (collections) // to avoid looking at the incorrect value calculated by frame. if(calculatedHeight){ contentHeight = calculatedHeight; } contentHeight *= this._scale; var containerHeight = this.get('containerView').get('frame').height ; // we still must go through minimumScrollOffset even if we can't scroll // because we need to adjust for alignment. So, just make sure it won't allow scrolling. if (!this.get('canScrollVertical')) contentHeight = Math.min(contentHeight, containerHeight); return this.maximumScrollOffset(contentHeight, containerHeight, this.get("verticalAlign")); }.property(), /** The minimum horizontal scroll offset allowed given the current contentView size and the size of the scroll view. If horizontal scrolling is disabled, this will always return 0 (or whatever alignment dictates). @field @type Number @default 0 */ minimumHorizontalScrollOffset: function() { var view = this.get('contentView') ; var contentWidth = view ? view.get('frame').width : 0, calculatedWidth = view ? view.get('calculatedWidth') : 0; // The following code checks if there is a calculatedWidth (collections) // to avoid looking at the incorrect value calculated by frame. if(calculatedWidth){ contentWidth = calculatedWidth; } contentWidth *= this._scale; var containerWidth = this.get('containerView').get('frame').width ; // we still must go through minimumScrollOffset even if we can't scroll // because we need to adjust for alignment. So, just make sure it won't allow scrolling. if (!this.get('canScrollHorizontal')) contentWidth = Math.min(contentWidth, containerWidth); return this.minimumScrollOffset(contentWidth, containerWidth, this.get("horizontalAlign")); }.property(), /** The minimum vertical scroll offset allowed given the current contentView size and the size of the scroll view. If vertical scrolling is disabled, this will always return 0 (or whatever alignment dictates). @field @type Number @default 0 */ minimumVerticalScrollOffset: function() { var view = this.get('contentView') ; var contentHeight = (view && view.get('frame')) ? view.get('frame').height : 0, calculatedHeight = view ? view.get('calculatedHeight') : 0; // The following code checks if there is a calculatedWidth (collections) // to avoid looking at the incorrect value calculated by frame. if(calculatedHeight){ contentHeight = view.calculatedHeight; } contentHeight *= this._scale; var containerHeight = this.get('containerView').get('frame').height ; // we still must go through minimumScrollOffset even if we can't scroll // because we need to adjust for alignment. So, just make sure it won't allow scrolling. if (!this.get('canScrollVertical')) contentHeight = Math.min(contentHeight, containerHeight); return this.minimumScrollOffset(contentHeight, containerHeight, this.get("verticalAlign")); }.property(), /** Amount to scroll one vertical line. Used by the default implementation of scrollDownLine() and scrollUpLine(). @type Number @default 20 */ verticalLineScroll: 20, /** Amount to scroll one horizontal line. Used by the default implementation of scrollLeftLine() and scrollRightLine(). @type Number @default 20 */ horizontalLineScroll: 20, /** Amount to scroll one vertical page. Used by the default implementation of scrollUpPage() and scrollDownPage(). @field @type Number @default value of frame.height @observes frame */ verticalPageScroll: function() { return this.get('frame').height; }.property('frame'), /** Amount to scroll one horizontal page. Used by the default implementation of scrollLeftPage() and scrollRightPage(). @field @type Number @default value of frame.width @observes frame */ horizontalPageScroll: function() { return this.get('frame').width; }.property('frame'), // .......................................................... // SCROLLERS // /** YES if the view should maintain a horizontal scroller. This property must be set when the view is created. @type Boolean @default YES */ hasHorizontalScroller: YES, /** The horizontal scroller view class. This will be replaced with a view instance when the ScrollView is created unless hasHorizontalScroller is NO. @type SC.View @default SC.ScrollerView */ horizontalScrollerView: SC.ScrollerView, /** The horizontal scroller view for touch. This will be replaced with a view instance when touch is enabled when the ScrollView is created unless hasHorizontalScroller is NO. @type SC.View @default SC.TouchScrollerView */ horizontalTouchScrollerView: SC.TouchScrollerView, /** YES if the horizontal scroller should be visible. You can change this property value anytime to show or hide the horizontal scroller. If you do not want to use a horizontal scroller at all, you should instead set hasHorizontalScroller to NO to avoid creating a scroller view in the first place. @type Boolean @default YES */ isHorizontalScrollerVisible: YES, /** Returns YES if the view both has a horizontal scroller, the scroller is visible. @field @type Boolean @default YES */ canScrollHorizontal: function() { return !!(this.get('hasHorizontalScroller') && this.get('horizontalScrollerView') && this.get('isHorizontalScrollerVisible')) ; }.property('isHorizontalScrollerVisible').cacheable(), /** If YES, the horizontal scroller will autohide if the contentView is smaller than the visible area. You must set hasHorizontalScroller to YES for this property to have any effect. @type Boolean @default YES */ autohidesHorizontalScroller: YES, /** YES if the view shuld maintain a vertical scroller. This property must be set when the view is created. @type Boolean @default YES */ hasVerticalScroller: YES, /** The vertical scroller view class. This will be replaced with a view instance when the ScrollView is created unless hasVerticalScroller is NO. @type SC.View @default SC.ScrollerView */ verticalScrollerView: SC.ScrollerView, /** The vertical touch scroller view class. This will be replaced with a view instance when the ScrollView is created. @type SC.View @default SC.TouchScrollerView */ verticalTouchScrollerView: SC.TouchScrollerView, /** YES if the vertical scroller should be visible. You can change this property value anytime to show or hide the vertical scroller. If you do not want to use a vertical scroller at all, you should instead set hasVerticalScroller to NO to avoid creating a scroller view in the first place. @type Boolean @default YES */ isVerticalScrollerVisible: YES, /** Returns YES if the view both has a horizontal scroller, the scroller is visible. @field @type Boolean @default YES */ canScrollVertical: function() { return !!(this.get('hasVerticalScroller') && this.get('verticalScrollerView') && this.get('isVerticalScrollerVisible')) ; }.property('isVerticalScrollerVisible').cacheable(), /** If YES, the vertical scroller will autohide if the contentView is smaller than the visible area. You must set hasVerticalScroller to YES for this property to have any effect. @type Boolean @default YES */ autohidesVerticalScroller: YES, /** Use this property to set the 'bottom' offset of your vertical scroller, to make room for a thumb view or other accessory view. Default is 0. @type Number @default 0 */ verticalScrollerBottom: 0, /** Use this to overlay the vertical scroller. This ensures that the container frame will not resize to accomodate the vertical scroller, hence overlaying the scroller on top of the container. @field @type Boolean @default NO */ verticalOverlay: function() { if (SC.platform.touch) return YES; return NO; }.property().cacheable(), /** Use this to overlay the horizontal scroller. This ensures that the container frame will not resize to accomodate the horizontal scroller, hence overlaying the scroller on top of the container @field @type Boolean @default NO */ horizontalOverlay: function() { if (SC.platform.touch) return YES; return NO; }.property().cacheable(), /** Use to control the positioning of the vertical scroller. If you do not set 'verticalOverlay' to YES, then the content view will be automatically sized to meet the left edge of the vertical scroller, wherever it may be. This allows you to easily, for example, have “one pixel higher and one pixel lower” scroll bars that blend into their parent views. If you do set 'verticalOverlay' to YES, then the scroller view will “float on top” of the content view. Example: { top: -1, bottom: -1, right: 0 } @type Hash @default null */ verticalScrollerLayout: null, /** Use to control the positioning of the horizontal scroller. If you do not set 'horizontalOverlay' to YES, then the content view will be automatically sized to meet the top edge of the horizontal scroller, wherever it may be. If you do set 'horizontalOverlay' to YES, then the scroller view will “float on top” of the content view. Example: { left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 } @type Hash @default null */ horizontalScrollerLayout: null, // .......................................................... // CUSTOM VIEWS // /** The container view that will contain your main content view. You can replace this property with your own custom subclass if you prefer. @type SC.ContainerView @default SC.ConainerView */ containerView: SC.ContainerView.extend({}), // .......................................................... // METHODS // /** Scrolls the receiver to the specified x,y coordinate. This should be the offset into the contentView you want to appear at the top-left corner of the scroll view. This method will contrain the actual scroll based on whether the view can scroll in the named direction and the maximum distance it can scroll. If you only want to scroll in one direction, pass null for the other direction. You can also optionally pass a Hash for the first parameter with x and y coordinates. @param {Number} x the x scroll location @param {Number} y the y scroll location @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollTo: function(x,y) { // normalize params if (y===undefined && SC.typeOf(x) === SC.T_HASH) { y = x.y; x = x.x; } if (!SC.none(x)) { this.set('horizontalScrollOffset', x) ; } if (!SC.none(y)) { this.set('verticalScrollOffset', y) ; } return this ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver in the horizontal and vertical directions by the amount specified, if allowed. The actual scroll amount will be constrained by the current scroll view settings. If you only want to scroll in one direction, pass null or 0 for the other direction. You can also optionally pass a Hash for the first parameter with x and y coordinates. @param {Number} x change in the x direction (or hash) @param {Number} y change in the y direction @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollBy: function(x , y) { // normalize params if (y===undefined && SC.typeOf(x) === SC.T_HASH) { y = x.y; x = x.x; } // if null, undefined, or 0, pass null; otherwise just add current offset x = (x) ? this.get('horizontalScrollOffset')+x : null ; y = (y) ? this.get('verticalScrollOffset')+y : null ; return this.scrollTo(x,y) ; }, /** Scroll the view to make the view's frame visible. For this to make sense, the view should be a subview of the contentView. Otherwise the results will be undefined. @param {SC.View} view view to scroll or null to scroll receiver visible @returns {Boolean} YES if scroll position was changed */ scrollToVisible: function(view) { // if no view is passed, do default if (arguments.length === 0) return sc_super(); var contentView = this.get('contentView') ; if (!contentView) return NO; // nothing to do if no contentView. // get the frame for the view - should work even for views with static // layout, assuming it has been added to the screen. var vf = view.get('frame'); if (!vf) return NO; // nothing to do // convert view's frame to an offset from the contentView origin. This // will become the new scroll offset after some adjustment. vf = contentView.convertFrameFromView(vf, view.get('parentView')) ; return this.scrollToRect(vf); }, /** Scroll to the supplied rectangle. @param {Rect} rect Rectangle to scroll to. @returns {Boolean} YES if scroll position was changed. */ scrollToRect: function(rect) { // find current visible frame. var vo = SC.cloneRect(this.get('containerView').get('frame')) ; vo.x = this.get('horizontalScrollOffset') ; vo.y = this.get('verticalScrollOffset') ; var origX = vo.x, origY = vo.y; // if top edge is not visible, shift origin vo.y -= Math.max(0, SC.minY(vo) - SC.minY(rect)) ; vo.x -= Math.max(0, SC.minX(vo) - SC.minX(rect)) ; // if bottom edge is not visible, shift origin vo.y += Math.max(0, SC.maxY(rect) - SC.maxY(vo)) ; vo.x += Math.max(0, SC.maxX(rect) - SC.maxX(vo)) ; // scroll to that origin. if ((origX !== vo.x) || (origY !== vo.y)) { this.scrollTo(vo.x, vo.y); return YES ; } else return NO; }, /** Scrolls the receiver down one or more lines if allowed. If number of lines is not specified, scrolls one line. @param {Number} lines number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollDownLine: function(lines) { if (lines === undefined) lines = 1 ; return this.scrollBy(null, this.get('verticalLineScroll')*lines) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver up one or more lines if allowed. If number of lines is not specified, scrolls one line. @param {Number} lines number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollUpLine: function(lines) { if (lines === undefined) lines = 1 ; return this.scrollBy(null, 0-this.get('verticalLineScroll')*lines) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver right one or more lines if allowed. If number of lines is not specified, scrolls one line. @param {Number} lines number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollRightLine: function(lines) { if (lines === undefined) lines = 1 ; return this.scrollTo(this.get('horizontalLineScroll')*lines, null) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver left one or more lines if allowed. If number of lines is not specified, scrolls one line. @param {Number} lines number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollLeftLine: function(lines) { if (lines === undefined) lines = 1 ; return this.scrollTo(0-this.get('horizontalLineScroll')*lines, null) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver down one or more page if allowed. If number of pages is not specified, scrolls one page. The page size is determined by the verticalPageScroll value. By default this is the size of the current scrollable area. @param {Number} pages number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollDownPage: function(pages) { if (pages === undefined) pages = 1 ; return this.scrollBy(null, this.get('verticalPageScroll')*pages) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver up one or more page if allowed. If number of pages is not specified, scrolls one page. The page size is determined by the verticalPageScroll value. By default this is the size of the current scrollable area. @param {Number} pages number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollUpPage: function(pages) { if (pages === undefined) pages = 1 ; return this.scrollBy(null, 0-(this.get('verticalPageScroll')*pages)) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver right one or more page if allowed. If number of pages is not specified, scrolls one page. The page size is determined by the verticalPageScroll value. By default this is the size of the current scrollable area. @param {Number} pages number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollRightPage: function(pages) { if (pages === undefined) pages = 1 ; return this.scrollBy(this.get('horizontalPageScroll')*pages, null) ; }, /** Scrolls the receiver left one or more page if allowed. If number of pages is not specified, scrolls one page. The page size is determined by the verticalPageScroll value. By default this is the size of the current scrollable area. @param {Number} pages number of lines @returns {SC.ScrollView} receiver */ scrollLeftPage: function(pages) { if (pages === undefined) pages = 1 ; return this.scrollBy(0-(this.get('horizontalPageScroll')*pages), null) ; }, /** @private Adjusts the layout for the various internal views. This method is called once when the scroll view is first configured and then anytime a scroller is shown or hidden. You can call this method yourself as well to retile. You may also want to override this method to handle layout for any additional controls you have added to the view. */ tile: function() { // get horizontal scroller/determine if we should have a scroller var hscroll = this.get('hasHorizontalScroller') ? this.get('horizontalScrollerView') : null ; var hasHorizontal = hscroll && this.get('isHorizontalScrollerVisible'); // get vertical scroller/determine if we should have a scroller var vscroll = this.get('hasVerticalScroller') ? this.get('verticalScrollerView') : null ; var hasVertical = vscroll && this.get('isVerticalScrollerVisible') ; // get the containerView var clip = this.get('containerView') ; var clipLayout = { left: 0, top: 0 } ; var t, layout, vo, ho, vl, hl; var ht = ((hasHorizontal) ? hscroll.get('scrollbarThickness') : 0) ; var vt = (hasVertical) ? vscroll.get('scrollbarThickness') : 0 ; if (hasHorizontal) { hl = this.get('horizontalScrollerLayout'); layout = { left: (hl ? hl.left : 0), bottom: (hl ? hl.bottom : 0), right: (hl ? hl.right + vt-1 : vt-1), height: ht }; hscroll.set('layout', layout) ; ho = this.get('horizontalOverlay'); clipLayout.bottom = ho ? 0 : (layout.bottom + ht) ; } else { clipLayout.bottom = 0 ; } if (hscroll) hscroll.set('isVisible', hasHorizontal) ; if (hasVertical) { ht = ht + this.get('verticalScrollerBottom') ; vl = this.get('verticalScrollerLayout'); layout = { top: (vl ? vl.top : 0), bottom: (vl ? vl.bottom + ht : ht), right: (vl ? vl.right : 0), width: vt }; vscroll.set('layout', layout) ; vo = this.get('verticalOverlay'); clipLayout.right = vo ? 0 : (layout.right + vt) ; } else { clipLayout.right = 0 ; } if (vscroll) vscroll.set('isVisible', hasVertical) ; clip.adjust(clipLayout) ; }, /** @private Called whenever a scroller visibility changes. Calls the tile() method. */ scrollerVisibilityDidChange: function() { this.tile(); }.observes('isVerticalScrollerVisible', 'isHorizontalScrollerVisible'), // .......................................................... // SCROLL WHEEL SUPPORT // /** @private */ _scroll_wheelDeltaX: 0, /** @private */ _scroll_wheelDeltaY: 0, /** @private */ mouseWheel: function(evt) { var deltaAdjust = (SC.browser.webkit && SC.browser.version > 533.0) ? 120 : 1; this._scroll_wheelDeltaX += evt.wheelDeltaX / deltaAdjust; this._scroll_wheelDeltaY += evt.wheelDeltaY / deltaAdjust; this.invokeLater(this._scroll_mouseWheel, 10) ; return this.get('canScrollHorizontal') || this.get('canScrollVertical') ; }, /** @private */ _scroll_mouseWheel: function() { this.scrollBy(this._scroll_wheelDeltaX, this._scroll_wheelDeltaY); if (SC.WHEEL_MOMENTUM && this._scroll_wheelDeltaY > 0) { this._scroll_wheelDeltaY = Math.floor(this._scroll_wheelDeltaY*0.950); this._scroll_wheelDeltaY = Math.max(this._scroll_wheelDeltaY, 0); this.invokeLater(this._scroll_mouseWheel, 10) ; } else if (SC.WHEEL_MOMENTUM && this._scroll_wheelDeltaY < 0){ this._scroll_wheelDeltaY = Math.ceil(this._scroll_wheelDeltaY*0.950); this._scroll_wheelDeltaY = Math.min(this._scroll_wheelDeltaY, 0); this.invokeLater(this._scroll_mouseWheel, 10) ; } else { this._scroll_wheelDeltaY = 0; this._scroll_wheelDeltaX = 0; } }, /*.............................................. SCALING SUPPORT */ /** Determines whether scaling is allowed. @type Boolean @default NO */ canScale: NO, /** @private The current scale. */ _scale: 1.0, /** @field @type Number @default 1.0 */ scale: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this._scale = Math.min(Math.max(this.get("minimumScale"), value), this.get("maximumScale")); } return this._scale; }.property().cacheable(), /** The minimum scale. @type Number @default 0.25 */ minimumScale: 0.25, /** The maximum scale. @type Number @default 2.0 */ maximumScale: 2.0, /** Whether to automatically determine the scale range based on the size of the content. @type Boolean @default NO */ autoScaleRange: NO, /** @private */ _scale_css: "", /** @private */ updateScale: function(scale) { var contentView = this.get("contentView"); if (!contentView) return; if (contentView.isScalable) { this.get("contentView").applyScale(scale); this._scale_css = ""; } else { this._scale_css = "scale3d(" + scale + ", " + scale + ", 1)"; } }, // .......................................................... // Touch Support // /** @type Boolean @default YES @readOnly */ acceptsMultitouch: YES, /** The scroll deceleration rate. @type Number @default SC.NORMAL_SCROLL_DECELERATION */ decelerationRate: SC.NORMAL_SCROLL_DECELERATION, /** If YES, bouncing will always be enabled in the horizontal direction, even if the content is smaller or the same size as the view. @type Boolean @default NO */ alwaysBounceHorizontal: NO, /** If NO, bouncing will not be enabled in the vertical direction when the content is smaller or the same size as the scroll view. @type Boolean @default YES */ alwaysBounceVertical: YES, /** Whether to delay touches from passing through to the content. @type Boolean @default YES */ delaysContentTouches: YES, /** @private If the view supports it, this */ _touchScrollDidChange: function() { if (this.get("contentView").touchScrollDidChange) { this.get("contentView").touchScrollDidChange( this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset, this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset ); } // tell scrollers if (this.verticalScrollerView && this.verticalScrollerView.touchScrollDidChange) { this.verticalScrollerView.touchScrollDidChange(this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset); } if (this.horizontalScrollerView && this.horizontalScrollerView.touchScrollDidChange) { this.horizontalScrollerView.touchScrollDidChange(this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset); } }, /** @private */ _touchScrollDidStart: function() { if (this.get("contentView").touchScrollDidStart) { this.get("contentView").touchScrollDidStart(this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset, this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset); } // tell scrollers if (this.verticalScrollerView && this.verticalScrollerView.touchScrollDidStart) { this.verticalScrollerView.touchScrollDidStart(this._touch_verticalScrollOffset); } if (this.horizontalScrollerView && this.horizontalScrollerView.touchScrollDidStart) { this.horizontalScrollerView.touchScrollDidStart(this._touch_horizontalScrollOffset); } }, /** @private */ _touchScrollDidEnd: function() { if (this.get("contentView").touchScrollDidEnd) { this.get("contentView").touchScrollDidEnd(this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset, this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset); } // tell scrollers if (this.verticalScrollerView && this.verticalScrollerView.touchScrollDidEnd) { this.verticalScrollerView.touchScrollDidEnd(this._touch_verticalScrollOffset); } if (this.horizontalScrollerView && this.horizontalScrollerView.touchScrollDidEnd) { this.horizontalScrollerView.touchScrollDidEnd(this._touch_horizontalScrollOffset); } }, /** @private */ _applyCSSTransforms: function(layer) { var transform = ""; this.updateScale(this._scale); transform += 'translate3d('+ -this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset +'px, '+ -Math.round(this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset)+'px,0) '; transform += this._scale_css; if (layer) { layer.style.webkitTransform = transform; layer.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "top left"; } }, /** @private */ captureTouch: function(touch) { return YES; }, /** @private */ touchGeneration: 0, /** @private */ touchStart: function(touch) { var generation = ++this.touchGeneration; if (!this.tracking && this.get("delaysContentTouches")) { this.invokeLater(this.beginTouchesInContent, 150, generation); } else if (!this.tracking) { // NOTE: We still have to delay because we don't want to call touchStart // while touchStart is itself being called... this.invokeLater(this.beginTouchesInContent, 1, generation); } this.beginTouchTracking(touch, YES); return YES; }, /** @private */ beginTouchesInContent: function(gen) { if (gen !== this.touchGeneration) return; var touch = this.touch, itemView; if (touch && this.tracking && !this.dragging && !touch.touch.scrollHasEnded) { // try to capture the touch touch.touch.captureTouch(this, YES); if (!touch.touch.touchResponder) { // if it DIDN'T WORK!!!!! // then we need to take possession again. touch.touch.makeTouchResponder(this); } else { // Otherwise, it did work, and if we had a pending scroll end, we must do it now if (touch.needsScrollEnd) { this._touchScrollDidEnd(); } } } }, /** @private Initializes the start state of the gesture. We keep information about the initial location of the touch so we can disambiguate between a tap and a drag. @param {Event} evt */ beginTouchTracking: function(touch, starting) { var avg = touch.averagedTouchesForView(this, starting); var verticalScrollOffset = this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset || 0, horizontalScrollOffset = this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset || 0, startClipOffsetX = horizontalScrollOffset, startClipOffsetY = verticalScrollOffset, needsScrollEnd = NO; if (this.touch && this.touch.timeout) { // clear the timeout clearTimeout(this.touch.timeout); this.touch.timeout = null; // get the scroll offsets startClipOffsetX = this.touch.startClipOffset.x; startClipOffsetY = this.touch.startClipOffset.y; needsScrollEnd = YES; } // calculate container+content width/height var view = this.get('contentView') ; var contentWidth = view ? view.get('frame').width : 0, contentHeight = view ? view.get('frame').height : 0; if(view.calculatedWidth && view.calculatedWidth!==0) contentWidth = view.calculatedWidth; if (view.calculatedHeight && view.calculatedHeight !==0) contentHeight = view.calculatedHeight; var containerWidth = this.get('containerView').get('frame').width, containerHeight = this.get('containerView').get('frame').height; // calculate position in content var globalFrame = this.convertFrameToView(this.get("frame"), null), positionInContentX = (horizontalScrollOffset + (avg.x - globalFrame.x)) / this._scale, positionInContentY = (verticalScrollOffset + (avg.y - globalFrame.y)) / this._scale; this.touch = { startTime: touch.timeStamp, notCalculated: YES, enableScrolling: { x: contentWidth * this._scale > containerWidth || this.get("alwaysBounceHorizontal"), y: contentHeight * this._scale > containerHeight || this.get("alwaysBounceVertical") }, scrolling: { x: NO, y: NO }, enableBouncing: SC.platform.bounceOnScroll, // offsets and velocities startClipOffset: { x: startClipOffsetX, y: startClipOffsetY }, lastScrollOffset: { x: horizontalScrollOffset, y: verticalScrollOffset }, startTouchOffset: { x: avg.x, y: avg.y }, scrollVelocity: { x: 0, y: 0 }, startTouchOffsetInContent: { x: positionInContentX, y: positionInContentY }, containerSize: { width: containerWidth, height: containerHeight }, contentSize: { width: contentWidth, height: contentHeight }, startScale: this._scale, startDistance: avg.d, canScale: this.get("canScale") && SC.platform.pinchToZoom, minimumScale: this.get("minimumScale"), maximumScale: this.get("maximumScale"), globalFrame: globalFrame, // cache some things layer: this.get("contentView").get('layer'), // some constants resistanceCoefficient: 0.998, resistanceAsymptote: 320, decelerationFromEdge: 0.05, accelerationToEdge: 0.1, // how much percent of the other drag direction you must drag to start dragging that direction too. scrollTolerance: { x: 15, y: 15 }, scaleTolerance: 5, secondaryScrollTolerance: 30, scrollLock: 500, decelerationRate: this.get("decelerationRate"), // general status lastEventTime: touch.timeStamp, // the touch used touch: (starting ? touch : (this.touch ? this.touch.touch : null)), // needsScrollEnd will cause a scrollDidEnd even if this particular touch does not start a scroll. // the reason for this is because we don't want to say we've stopped scrolling just because we got // another touch, but simultaneously, we still need to send a touch end eventually. // there are two cases in which this will be used: // // 1. If the touch was sent to content touches (in which case we will not be scrolling) // 2. If the touch ends before scrolling starts (no scrolling then, either) needsScrollEnd: needsScrollEnd }; if (!this.tracking) { this.tracking = YES; this.dragging = NO; } }, /** @private */ _adjustForEdgeResistance: function(offset, minOffset, maxOffset, resistanceCoefficient, asymptote) { var distanceFromEdge; // find distance from edge if (offset < minOffset) distanceFromEdge = offset - minOffset; else if (offset > maxOffset) distanceFromEdge = maxOffset - offset; else return offset; // manipulate logarithmically distanceFromEdge = Math.pow(resistanceCoefficient, Math.abs(distanceFromEdge)) * asymptote; // adjust mathematically if (offset < minOffset) distanceFromEdge = distanceFromEdge - asymptote; else distanceFromEdge = -distanceFromEdge + asymptote; // generate final value return Math.min(Math.max(minOffset, offset), maxOffset) + distanceFromEdge; }, /** @private */ touchesDragged: function(evt, touches) { var avg = evt.averagedTouchesForView(this); this.updateTouchScroll(avg.x, avg.y, avg.d, evt.timeStamp); }, /** @private */ updateTouchScroll: function(touchX, touchY, distance, timeStamp) { // get some vars var touch = this.touch, touchXInFrame = touchX - touch.globalFrame.x, touchYInFrame = touchY - touch.globalFrame.y, offsetY, maxOffsetY, offsetX, maxOffsetX, minOffsetX, minOffsetY; // calculate new position in content var positionInContentX = ((this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset||0) + touchXInFrame) / this._scale, positionInContentY = ((this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset||0) + touchYInFrame) / this._scale; // calculate deltas var deltaX = positionInContentX - touch.startTouchOffset.x, deltaY = positionInContentY - touch.startTouchOffset.y; var isDragging = touch.dragging; if (!touch.scrolling.x && Math.abs(deltaX) > touch.scrollTolerance.x && touch.enableScrolling.x) { // say we are scrolling isDragging = YES; touch.scrolling.x = YES; touch.scrollTolerance.y = touch.secondaryScrollTolerance; // reset position touch.startTouchOffset.x = touchX; deltaX = 0; } if (!touch.scrolling.y && Math.abs(deltaY) > touch.scrollTolerance.y && touch.enableScrolling.y) { // say we are scrolling isDragging = YES; touch.scrolling.y = YES; touch.scrollTolerance.x = touch.secondaryScrollTolerance; // reset position touch.startTouchOffset.y = touchY; deltaY = 0; } // handle scroll start if (isDragging && !touch.dragging) { touch.dragging = YES; this.dragging = YES; this._touchScrollDidStart(); } // calculate new offset if (!touch.scrolling.x && !touch.scrolling.y && !touch.canScale) return; if (touch.scrolling.x && !touch.scrolling.y) { if (deltaX > touch.scrollLock && !touch.scrolling.y) touch.enableScrolling.y = NO; } if (touch.scrolling.y && !touch.scrolling.x) { if (deltaY > touch.scrollLock && !touch.scrolling.x) touch.enableScrolling.x = NO; } // handle scaling through pinch gesture if (touch.canScale) { var startDistance = touch.startDistance, dd = distance - startDistance; if (Math.abs(dd) > touch.scaleTolerance) { touch.scrolling.y = YES; // if you scale, you can scroll. touch.scrolling.x = YES; // we want to say something that was the startDistance away from each other should now be // distance away. So, if we are twice as far away as we started... var scale = touch.startScale * (distance / Math.max(startDistance, 50)); var newScale = this._adjustForEdgeResistance(scale, touch.minimumScale, touch.maximumScale, touch.resistanceCoefficient, touch.resistanceAsymptote); this.dragging = YES; this._scale = newScale; var newPositionInContentX = positionInContentX * this._scale, newPositionInContentY = positionInContentY * this._scale; } } // these do exactly what they sound like. So, this comment is just to // block off the code a bit // In english, these calculate the minimum X/Y offsets minOffsetX = this.minimumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.width * this._scale, touch.containerSize.width, this.get("horizontalAlign")); minOffsetY = this.minimumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.height * this._scale, touch.containerSize.height, this.get("verticalAlign")); // and now, maximum... maxOffsetX = this.maximumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.width * this._scale, touch.containerSize.width, this.get("horizontalAlign")); maxOffsetY = this.maximumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.height * this._scale, touch.containerSize.height, this.get("verticalAlign")); // So, the following is the completely written out algebra: // (offsetY + touchYInFrame) / this._scale = touch.startTouchOffsetInContent.y // offsetY + touchYInFrame = touch.startTouchOffsetInContent.y * this._scale; // offsetY = touch.startTouchOffset * this._scale - touchYInFrame // and the result applied: offsetX = touch.startTouchOffsetInContent.x * this._scale - touchXInFrame; offsetY = touch.startTouchOffsetInContent.y * this._scale - touchYInFrame; // we need to adjust for edge resistance, or, if bouncing is disabled, just stop flat. if (touch.enableBouncing) { offsetX = this._adjustForEdgeResistance(offsetX, minOffsetX, maxOffsetX, touch.resistanceCoefficient, touch.resistanceAsymptote); offsetY = this._adjustForEdgeResistance(offsetY, minOffsetY, maxOffsetY, touch.resistanceCoefficient, touch.resistanceAsymptote); } else { offsetX = Math.max(minOffsetX, Math.min(maxOffsetX, offsetX)); offsetY = Math.max(minOffsetY, Math.min(maxOffsetY, offsetY)); } // and now, _if_ scrolling is enabled, set the new coordinates if (touch.scrolling.x) this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset = offsetX; if (touch.scrolling.y) this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset = offsetY; // and apply the CSS transforms. this._applyCSSTransforms(touch.layer); this._touchScrollDidChange(); // now we must prepare for momentum scrolling by calculating the momentum. if (timeStamp - touch.lastEventTime >= 1 || touch.notCalculated) { touch.notCalculated = NO; var horizontalOffset = this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset; var verticalOffset = this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset; touch.scrollVelocity.x = ((horizontalOffset - touch.lastScrollOffset.x) / Math.max(1, timeStamp - touch.lastEventTime)); // in px per ms touch.scrollVelocity.y = ((verticalOffset - touch.lastScrollOffset.y) / Math.max(1, timeStamp - touch.lastEventTime)); // in px per ms touch.lastScrollOffset.x = horizontalOffset; touch.lastScrollOffset.y = verticalOffset; touch.lastEventTime = timeStamp; } }, /** @private */ touchEnd: function(touch) { var touchStatus = this.touch, avg = touch.averagedTouchesForView(this); touch.scrollHasEnded = YES; if (avg.touchCount > 0) { this.beginTouchTracking(touch, NO); } else { if (this.dragging) { touchStatus.dragging = NO; // reset last event time touchStatus.lastEventTime = touch.timeStamp; this.startDecelerationAnimation(); } else { // well. The scrolling stopped. Let us tell everyone if there was a pending one that this non-drag op interrupted. if (touchStatus.needsScrollEnd) this._touchScrollDidEnd(); // this part looks weird, but it is actually quite simple. // First, we send the touch off for capture+starting again, but telling it to return to us // if nothing is found or if it is released. touch.captureTouch(this, YES); // if we went anywhere, did anything, etc., call end() if (touch.touchResponder && touch.touchResponder !== this) { touch.end(); } else if (!touch.touchResponder || touch.touchResponder === this) { // if it was released to us or stayed with us the whole time, or is for some // wacky reason empty (in which case it is ours still). If so, and there is a next responder, // relay to that. if (touch.nextTouchResponder) touch.makeTouchResponder(touch.nextTouchResponder); } else { // in this case, the view that captured it and changed responder should have handled // everything for us. } this.touch = null; } this.tracking = NO; this.dragging = NO; } }, /** @private */ touchCancelled: function(touch) { var touchStatus = this.touch, avg = touch.averagedTouchesForView(this); // if we are decelerating, we don't want to stop that. That would be bad. Because there's no point. if (!this.touch || !this.touch.timeout) { this.beginPropertyChanges(); this.set("scale", this._scale); this.set("verticalScrollOffset", this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset); this.set("horizontalScrollOffset", this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset); this.endPropertyChanges(); this.tracking = NO; if (this.dragging) { this._touchScrollDidEnd(); } this.dragging = NO; this.touch = null; } }, /** @private */ startDecelerationAnimation: function(evt) { var touch = this.touch; touch.decelerationVelocity = { x: touch.scrollVelocity.x * 10, y: touch.scrollVelocity.y * 10 }; this.decelerateAnimation(); }, /** @private Does bounce calculations, adjusting velocity. Bouncing is fun. Functions that handle it should have fun names, don'tcha think? P.S.: should this be named "bouncityBounce" instead? */ bouncyBounce: function(velocity, value, minValue, maxValue, de, ac, additionalAcceleration) { // we have 4 possible paths. On a higher level, we have two leaf paths that can be applied // for either of two super-paths. // // The first path is if we are decelerating past an edge: in this case, this function must // must enhance that deceleration. In this case, our math boils down to taking the amount // by which we are past the edge, multiplying it by our deceleration factor, and reducing // velocity by that amount. // // The second path is if we are not decelerating, but are still past the edge. In this case, // we must start acceleration back _to_ the edge. The math here takes the distance we are from // the edge, multiplies by the acceleration factor, and then performs two additional things: // First, it speeds up the acceleration artificially with additionalAcceleration; this will // make the stop feel more sudden, as it will still have this additional acceleration when it reaches // the edge. Second, it ensures the result does not go past the final value, so we don't end up // bouncing back and forth all crazy-like. if (value < minValue) { if (velocity < 0) velocity = velocity + ((minValue - value) * de); else { velocity = Math.min((minValue-value) * ac + additionalAcceleration, minValue - value - 0.01); } } else if (value > maxValue) { if (velocity > 0) velocity = velocity - ((value - maxValue) * de); else { velocity = -Math.min((value - maxValue) * ac + additionalAcceleration, value - maxValue - 0.01); } } return velocity; }, /** @private */ decelerateAnimation: function() { // get a bunch of properties. They are named well, so not much explanation of what they are... // However, note maxOffsetX/Y takes into account the scale; // also, newX/Y adds in the current deceleration velocity (the deceleration velocity will // be changed later in this function). var touch = this.touch, scale = this._scale, minOffsetX = this.minimumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.width * this._scale, touch.containerSize.width, this.get("horizontalAlign")), minOffsetY = this.minimumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.height * this._scale, touch.containerSize.height, this.get("verticalAlign")), maxOffsetX = this.maximumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.width * this._scale, touch.containerSize.width, this.get("horizontalAlign")), maxOffsetY = this.maximumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.height * this._scale, touch.containerSize.height, this.get("verticalAlign")), now = Date.now(), t = Math.max(now - touch.lastEventTime, 1), newX = this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset + touch.decelerationVelocity.x * (t/10), newY = this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset + touch.decelerationVelocity.y * (t/10); var de = touch.decelerationFromEdge, ac = touch.accelerationToEdge; // under a few circumstances, we may want to force a valid X/Y position. // For instance, if bouncing is disabled, or if position was okay before // adjusting scale. var forceValidXPosition = !touch.enableBouncing, forceValidYPosition = !touch.enableBouncing; // determine if position was okay before adjusting scale (which we do, in // a lovely, animated way, for the scaled out/in too far bounce-back). // if the position was okay, then we are going to make sure that we keep the // position okay when adjusting the scale. // // Position OKness, here, referring to if the position is valid (within // minimum and maximum scroll offsets) if (newX >= minOffsetX && newX <= maxOffsetX) forceValidXPosition = YES; if (newY >= minOffsetY && newY <= maxOffsetY) forceValidYPosition = YES; // We are going to change scale in a moment, but the position should stay the // same, if possible (unless it would be more jarring, as described above, in // the case of starting with a valid position and ending with an invalid one). // // Because we are changing the scale, we need to make the position scale-neutral. // we'll make it non-scale-neutral after applying scale. // // Question: might it be better to save the center position instead, so scaling // bounces back around the center of the screen? newX /= this._scale; newY /= this._scale; // scale velocity (amount to change) starts out at 0 each time, because // it is calculated by how far out of bounds it is, rather than by the // previous such velocity. var sv = 0; // do said calculation; we'll use the same bouncyBounce method used for everything // else, but our adjustor that gives a minimum amount to change by and (which, as we'll // discuss, is to make the stop feel slightly more like a stop), we'll leave at 0 // (scale doesn't really need it as much; if you disagree, at least come up with // numbers more appropriate for scale than the ones for X/Y) sv = this.bouncyBounce(sv, scale, touch.minimumScale, touch.maximumScale, de, ac, 0); // add the amount to scale. This is linear, rather than multiplicative. If you think // it should be multiplicative (or however you say that), come up with a new formula. this._scale = scale = scale + sv; // now we can convert newX/Y back to scale-specific coordinates... newX *= this._scale; newY *= this._scale; // It looks very weird if the content started in-bounds, but the scale animation // made it not be in bounds; it causes the position to animate snapping back, and, // well, it looks very weird. It is more proper to just make sure it stays in a valid // position. So, we'll determine the new maximum/minimum offsets, and then, if it was // originally a valid position, we'll adjust the new position to a valid position as well. // determine new max offset minOffsetX = this.minimumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.width * this._scale, touch.containerSize.width, this.get("horizontalAlign")); minOffsetY = this.minimumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.height * this._scale, touch.containerSize.height, this.get("verticalAlign")); maxOffsetX = this.maximumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.width * this._scale, touch.containerSize.width, this.get("horizontalAlign")); maxOffsetY = this.maximumScrollOffset(touch.contentSize.height * this._scale, touch.containerSize.height, this.get("verticalAlign")); // see if scaling messed up the X position (but ignore if 'tweren't right to begin with). if (forceValidXPosition && (newX < minOffsetX || newX > maxOffsetX)) { // Correct the position newX = Math.max(minOffsetX, Math.min(newX, maxOffsetX)); // also, make the velocity be ZERO; it is obviously not needed... touch.decelerationVelocity.x = 0; } // now the y if (forceValidYPosition && (newY < minOffsetY || newY > maxOffsetY)) { // again, correct it... newY = Math.max(minOffsetY, Math.min(newY, maxOffsetY)); // also, make the velocity be ZERO; it is obviously not needed... touch.decelerationVelocity.y = 0; } // now that we are done modifying the position, we may update the actual scroll this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset = newX; this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset = newY; this._applyCSSTransforms(touch.layer); // <- Does what it sounds like. this._touchScrollDidChange(); // Now we have to adjust the velocities. The velocities are simple x and y numbers that // get added to the scroll X/Y positions each frame. // The default decay rate is .950 per frame. To achieve some semblance of accuracy, we // make it to the power of the elapsed number of frames. This is not fully accurate, // as this is applying the elapsed time between this frame and the previous time to // modify the velocity for the next frame. My mind goes blank when I try to figure out // a way to fix this (given that we don't want to change the velocity on the first frame), // and as it seems to work great as-is, I'm just leaving it. var decay = touch.decelerationRate; touch.decelerationVelocity.y *= Math.pow(decay, (t / 10)); touch.decelerationVelocity.x *= Math.pow(decay, (t / 10)); // We have a bouncyBounce method that adjusts the velocity for bounce. That is, if it is // out of range and still going, it will slow it down. This step is decelerationFromEdge. // If it is not moving (or has come to a stop from decelerating), but is still out of range, // it will start it moving back into range (accelerationToEdge) // we supply de and ac as these properties. // The .3 artificially increases the acceleration by .3; this is actually to make the final // stop a bit more abrupt. touch.decelerationVelocity.x = this.bouncyBounce(touch.decelerationVelocity.x, newX, minOffsetX, maxOffsetX, de, ac, 0.3); touch.decelerationVelocity.y = this.bouncyBounce(touch.decelerationVelocity.y, newY, minOffsetY, maxOffsetY, de, ac, 0.3); // if we ain't got no velocity... then we must be finished, as there is no where else to go. // to determine our velocity, we take the absolue value, and use that; if it is less than .01, we // must be done. Note that we check scale's most recent velocity, calculated above using bouncyBounce, // as well. var absXVelocity = Math.abs(touch.decelerationVelocity.x); var absYVelocity = Math.abs(touch.decelerationVelocity.y); if (absYVelocity < 0.05 && absXVelocity < 0.05 && Math.abs(sv) < 0.05) { // we can reset the timeout, as it will no longer be required, and we don't want to re-cancel it later. touch.timeout = null; this.touch = null; // trigger scroll end this._touchScrollDidEnd(); // set the scale, vertical, and horizontal offsets to what they technically already are, // but don't know they are yet. This will finally update things like, say, the clipping frame. this.beginPropertyChanges(); this.set("scale", this._scale); this.set("verticalScrollOffset", this._scroll_verticalScrollOffset); this.set("horizontalScrollOffset", this._scroll_horizontalScrollOffset); this.endPropertyChanges(); return; } // We now set up the next round. We are doing this as raw as we possibly can, not touching the // run loop at all. This speeds up performance drastically--keep in mind, we're on comparatively // slow devices, here. So, we'll just make a closure, saving "this" into "self" and calling // 10ms later (or however long it takes). Note also that we save both the last event time // (so we may calculate elapsed time) and the timeout we are creating, so we may cancel it in future. var self = this; touch.lastEventTime = Date.now(); this.touch.timeout = setTimeout(function(){ SC.run(self.decelerateAnimation(), self); }, 10); }, // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // /** @private Instantiate scrollers & container views as needed. Replace their classes in the regular properties. */ createChildViews: function() { var childViews = [] , view; // create the containerView. We must always have a container view. // also, setup the contentView as the child of the containerView... if (SC.none(view = this.containerView)) view = SC.ContainerView; childViews.push(this.containerView = this.createChildView(view, { contentView: this.contentView, isScrollContainer: YES })); // and replace our own contentView... this.contentView = this.containerView.get('contentView'); // create a horizontal scroller view if needed... view = SC.platform.touch ? this.get("horizontalTouchScrollerView") : this.get("horizontalScrollerView"); if (view) { if (this.get('hasHorizontalScroller')) { view = this.horizontalScrollerView = this.createChildView(view, { layoutDirection: SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, valueBinding: '*owner.horizontalScrollOffset' }) ; childViews.push(view); } else this.horizontalScrollerView = null ; } // create a vertical scroller view if needed... view = SC.platform.touch ? this.get("verticalTouchScrollerView") : this.get("verticalScrollerView"); if (view) { if (this.get('hasVerticalScroller')) { view = this.verticalScrollerView = this.createChildView(view, { layoutDirection: SC.LAYOUT_VERTICAL, valueBinding: '*owner.verticalScrollOffset' }) ; childViews.push(view); } else this.verticalScrollerView = null ; } // set childViews array. this.childViews = childViews ; this.contentViewDidChange() ; // setup initial display... this.tile() ; // set up initial tiling }, /** @private */ init: function() { sc_super(); // start observing initial content view. The content view's frame has // already been setup in prepareDisplay so we don't need to call // viewFrameDidChange... this._scroll_contentView = this.get('contentView') ; var contentView = this._scroll_contentView ; if (contentView) { contentView.addObserver('frame', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); contentView.addObserver('calculatedWidth', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); contentView.addObserver('calculatedHeight', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); } if (this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) this._scsv_registerAutoscroll() ; }, /** @private Registers/deregisters view with SC.Drag for autoscrolling */ _scsv_registerAutoscroll: function() { if (this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) SC.Drag.addScrollableView(this); else SC.Drag.removeScrollableView(this); }.observes('isVisibleInWindow'), /** @private Whenever the contentView is changed, we need to observe the content view's frame to be notified whenever it's size changes. */ contentViewDidChange: function() { var newView = this.get('contentView'), oldView = this._scroll_contentView, frameObserver = this.contentViewFrameDidChange, layerObserver = this.contentViewLayerDidChange; if (newView !== oldView) { // stop observing old content view if (oldView) { oldView.removeObserver('calculatedWidth', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); oldView.removeObserver('calculatedHeight', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); oldView.removeObserver('frame', this, frameObserver); oldView.removeObserver('layer', this, layerObserver); } // update cache this._scroll_contentView = newView; if (newView) { newView.addObserver('frame', this, frameObserver); newView.addObserver('calculatedWidth', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); newView.addObserver('calculatedHeight', this, this.contentViewFrameDidChange); newView.addObserver('layer', this, layerObserver); } // replace container this.containerView.set('contentView', newView); this.contentViewFrameDidChange(); } }.observes('contentView'), /** @private If we redraw after the initial render, we need to make sure that we reset the scrollTop/scrollLeft properties on the content view. This ensures that, for example, the scroll views displays correctly when switching views out in a ContainerView. */ render: function(context, firstTime) { this.invokeLast(this.adjustElementScroll); if (firstTime) { context.push('
'); } return sc_super(); }, /** @private */ oldMaxHOffset: 0, /** @private */ oldMaxVOffset: 0, /** @private Invoked whenever the contentView's frame changes. This will update the scroller maxmimum and optionally update the scroller visibility if the size of the contentView changes. We don't care about the origin since that is tracked separately from the offset values. @param {Boolean} force (optional) Re-calculate everything even if the contentView’s frame didn’t change size */ contentViewFrameDidChange: function(force) { var view = this.get('contentView'), f = (view) ? view.get('frame') : null, scale = this._scale, width = 0, height = 0, dim, dimWidth, dimHeight, calculatedWidth, calculatedHeight; // If no view has been set yet, or it doesn't have a frame, // we can avoid doing any work. if (!view || !f) { return; } width = view.get('calculatedWidth') || f.width || 0; height = view.get('calculatedHeight') || f.height || 0; width *= scale; height *= scale; // cache out scroll settings... if (!force && (width === this._scroll_contentWidth) && (height === this._scroll_contentHeight)) return ; this._scroll_contentWidth = width; this._scroll_contentHeight = height; dim = this.getPath('containerView.frame'); dimWidth = dim.width; dimHeight = dim.height; if (this.get('hasHorizontalScroller') && (view = this.get('horizontalScrollerView'))) { // decide if it should be visible or not if (this.get('autohidesHorizontalScroller')) { this.set('isHorizontalScrollerVisible', width > dimWidth); } view.setIfChanged('maximum', width-dimWidth) ; view.setIfChanged('proportion', dimWidth/width); } if (this.get('hasVerticalScroller') && (view = this.get('verticalScrollerView'))) { // decide if it should be visible or not if (this.get('autohidesVerticalScroller')) { this.set('isVerticalScrollerVisible', height > dimHeight); } view.setIfChanged('maximum', height-dimHeight) ; view.setIfChanged('proportion', dimHeight/height); } // If there is no vertical scroller and auto hiding is on, make // sure we are at the top if not already there if (!this.get('isVerticalScrollerVisible') && (this.get('verticalScrollOffset') !== 0) && this.get('autohidesVerticalScroller')) { this.set('verticalScrollOffset', 0); } // Same thing for horizontal scrolling. if (!this.get('isHorizontalScrollerVisible') && (this.get('horizontalScrollOffset') !== 0) && this.get('autohidesHorizontalScroller')) { this.set('horizontalScrollOffset', 0); } // This forces to recalculate the height of the frame when is at the bottom // of the scroll and the content dimension are smaller that the previous one var mxVOffSet = this.get('maximumVerticalScrollOffset'), vOffSet = this.get('verticalScrollOffset'), mxHOffSet = this.get('maximumHorizontalScrollOffset'), hOffSet = this.get('horizontalScrollOffset'), forceHeight = mxVOffSet < vOffSet, forceWidth = mxHOffSet < hOffSet; if (forceHeight || forceWidth) { this.forceDimensionsRecalculation(forceWidth, forceHeight, vOffSet, hOffSet); } }, /** @private If our frame changes, then we need to re-calculate the visiblility of our scrollers, etc. */ frameDidChange: function() { this.contentViewFrameDidChange(YES); }.observes('frame'), /** @private If the layer of the content view changes, we need to readjust the scrollTop and scrollLeft properties on the new DOM element. */ contentViewLayerDidChange: function() { // Invalidate these cached values, as they're no longer valid if (this._verticalScrollOffset !== 0) this._verticalScrollOffset = -1; if (this._horizontalScrollOffset !== 0) this._horizontalScrollOffset = -1; this.invokeLast(this.adjustElementScroll); }, /** @private Whenever the horizontal scroll offset changes, update the scrollers and edit the location of the contentView. */ _scroll_horizontalScrollOffsetDidChange: function() { this.invokeLast(this.adjustElementScroll); }.observes('horizontalScrollOffset'), /** @private Whenever the vertical scroll offset changes, update the scrollers and edit the location of the contentView. */ _scroll_verticalScrollOffsetDidChange: function() { this.invokeLast(this.adjustElementScroll); }.observes('verticalScrollOffset'), /** @private Called at the end of the run loop to actually adjust the scrollTop and scrollLeft properties of the container view. */ adjustElementScroll: function() { var container = this.get('containerView'), content = this.get('contentView'), verticalScrollOffset = this.get('verticalScrollOffset'), horizontalScrollOffset = this.get('horizontalScrollOffset'); // We notify the content view that its frame property has changed // before we actually update the scrollTop/scrollLeft properties. // This gives views that use incremental rendering a chance to render // newly-appearing elements before they come into view. if (content) { // Use accelerated drawing if the browser supports it if (SC.platform.touch) { this._applyCSSTransforms(content.get('layer')); } if (content._viewFrameDidChange) { content._viewFrameDidChange(); } } if (container && !SC.platform.touch) { container = container.$()[0]; if (container) { if (verticalScrollOffset !== this._verticalScrollOffset) { container.scrollTop = verticalScrollOffset; this._verticalScrollOffset = verticalScrollOffset; } if (horizontalScrollOffset !== this._horizontalScrollOffset) { container.scrollLeft = horizontalScrollOffset; this._horizontalScrollOffset = horizontalScrollOffset; } } } }, /** @private */ forceDimensionsRecalculation: function (forceWidth, forceHeight, vOffSet, hOffSet) { var oldScrollHOffset = hOffSet; var oldScrollVOffset = vOffSet; this.scrollTo(0,0); if(forceWidth && forceHeight){ this.scrollTo(this.get('maximumHorizontalScrollOffset'), this.get('maximumVerticalScrollOffset')); } if(forceWidth && !forceHeight){ this.scrollTo(this.get('maximumHorizontalScrollOffset'), oldScrollVOffset); } if(!forceWidth && forceHeight){ this.scrollTo(oldScrollHOffset ,this.get('maximumVerticalScrollOffset')); } }, /** @private */ _scroll_verticalScrollOffset: 0, /** @private */ _scroll_horizontalScrollOffset: 0 });