module ThreeScaleToolbox module Commands module ActiveDocsCommand module Apply class ApplySubcommand < Cri::CommandRunner include ThreeScaleToolbox::Command include ThreeScaleToolbox::ResourceReader def self.command Cri::Command.define do name 'apply' usage 'apply ' summary 'Update activedocs' description 'Create or update an ActiveDocs' runner ApplySubcommand param :remote param :activedocs_id_or_system_name option :i, :'service-id', "Specify the Service ID associated to the ActiveDocs", argument: :required option :p, :'publish', "Specify it to publish the ActiveDocs on the Developer Portal. Otherwise it will be hidden", argument: :forbidden option nil, :'hide', "Specify it to hide the ActiveDocs on the Developer Portal", argument: :forbidden option nil, :'skip-swagger-validations', "Specify it to skip validation of the Swagger specification", argument: :forbidden option :d, :'description', "Specify the description of the ActiveDocs", argument: :required option :s, :'name', "Specify the name of the ActiveDocs", argument: :required option nil, :'openapi-spec', "Specify the swagger spec. Can be a file, an URL or '-' to read from stdin. This option is mandatory when applying the ActiveDoc for the first time", argument: :required end end def run res = activedocs validate_option_params if !res res = Entities::ActiveDocs::create(remote: remote, attrs: create_activedocs_attrs) else res.update(activedocs_attrs) unless activedocs_attrs.empty? end output_msg_array = ["Applied ActiveDocs id: #{}"] output_msg_array << "Published" if option_publish output_msg_array << "Hidden" if option_hide puts output_msg_array.join(";") end private def remote @remote ||= threescale_client(arguments[:remote]) end def validate_option_params if option_publish && option_hide raise"--publish and --hide are mutually exclusive") end end def check_openapi_spec_defined if !option_openapi_spec raise"--openapi-spec is mandatory when ActiveDocs is created") end end def activedocs @activedocs ||= find_activedocs end def ref arguments[:activedocs_id_or_system_name] end def find_activedocs Entities::ActiveDocs.find(remote: remote, ref: ref) end def option_publish options.fetch(:publish, false) end def option_hide options.fetch(:hide, false) end def option_openapi_spec options[:'openapi-spec'] end def activedocs_json_spec @json_spec ||= read_activedocs_json_spec end def read_activedocs_json_spec activedoc_spec = option_openapi_spec activedoc_spec_content = load_resource(activedoc_spec) JSON.pretty_generate(activedoc_spec_content) end def activedocs_attrs activedocs_basic_attrs.tap do |params| params["body"] = activedocs_json_spec if !option_openapi_spec.nil? params["published"] = true if option_publish params["published"] = false if option_hide end end def activedocs_basic_attrs { "service_id" => options[:'service-id'], "skip_swagger_validations" => options[:'skip-swagger-validations'], "description" => options[:'description'], "system_name" => options[:'system-name'], "name" => options[:name], }.compact end def create_activedocs_attrs check_openapi_spec_defined activedocs_attrs.merge( "system_name" => ref, "name" => ref, "body" => activedocs_json_spec, ) { |_key, oldval, _newval| oldval } # receiver of the merge message has key priority end end end end end end