require 'cork' # TODO: i18n this. # TODO: Different modes depending on --verbose, and CI # TODO: Split output and UI code into seperate concerns. module Xcake class UI def self.register_ui_hooks board = EventHooks.after_cakefile_init do board.notice 'Open Cakefile to edit and run xcake make to get your xcode project' end EventHooks.before_cakefile_read do board.puts_indented '- Reading Cakefile' end EventHooks.before_creating_xcode_project do board.puts_indented '- Creating Project' end EventHooks.before_creating_target do |target| board.puts_indented "- Creating #{target}" end EventHooks.before_resolving_project_structure do board.puts_indented '- Resolving Project' end EventHooks.before_resolving_target_structure do |target| board.puts_indented "- Resolving #{target}" end EventHooks.before_creating_build_configurations do |configurable| board.puts_indented "- Creating build configurations for #{configurable}" end EventHooks.before_creating_build_configuration do |configuration, configurable| board.puts_indented "- Creating build configuration #{} for #{configurable}" end EventHooks.before_attaching_xcconfig do |configuration| board.puts_indented "- Attaching XCConfig #{configuration.configuration_file} to build configuration #{}" end EventHooks.before_adding_system_library do |target| board.puts_indented "- Integrating System Libraries #{target.system_libraries} for #{target}" end EventHooks.before_adding_system_library do |target| board.puts_indented "- Integrating System Libraries #{target.system_libraries} for #{target}" end EventHooks.before_adding_system_framework do |target| board.puts_indented "- Integrating System Frameworks #{target.system_frameworks} for #{target}" end EventHooks.before_adding_build_phases do |target| board.puts_indented "- Creating build phases for #{target}" end EventHooks.before_adding_user_schemes do board.puts_indented '- Creating User Schemes' end EventHooks.before_adding_file do |node| board.puts "- Adding #{node.path}" end EventHooks.before_adding_custom_build_phase do |phase, target| board.puts "- Adding custom phase \"#{}\" for #{target}" end EventHooks.before_adding_embed_watch_app_phase do board.puts '- Generating embed watch app phase...' end EventHooks.before_adding_embed_watch_extension_phase do board.puts '- Generating embed watch extension phase...' end EventHooks.after_project_save do board.notice 'Done!' end end end end