require_relative './element_handle/bounding_box' require_relative './element_handle/box_model' require_relative './element_handle/point' class Puppeteer::ElementHandle < Puppeteer::JSHandle include Puppeteer::IfPresent using Puppeteer::AsyncAwaitBehavior # @param context [Puppeteer::ExecutionContext] # @param client [Puppeteer::CDPSession] # @param remote_object [Puppeteer::RemoteObject] # @param page [Puppeteer::Page] # @param frame_manager [Puppeteer::FrameManager] def initialize(context:, client:, remote_object:, page:, frame_manager:) super(context: context, client: client, remote_object: remote_object) @page = page @frame_manager = frame_manager @disposed = false end def as_element self end def content_frame node_info = @remote_object.node_info frame_id = node_info['node']['frameId'] if frame_id.is_a?(String) @frame_manager.frame(frame_id) else nil end end class ScrollIntoViewError < StandardError; end def scroll_into_view_if_needed js = <<~JAVASCRIPT async(element, pageJavascriptEnabled) => { if (!element.isConnected) return 'Node is detached from document'; if (element.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return 'Node is not of type HTMLElement'; element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded({block: 'center', inline: 'center', behavior: 'instant'}); return false; } JAVASCRIPT error = evaluate(js, @page.javascript_enabled) # returns String or false if error raise end # clickpoint is often calculated before scrolling is completed. # So, just sleep about 10 frames sleep 0.16 end class ElementNotVisibleError < StandardError def initialize super("Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement") end end def clickable_point result = @remote_object.content_quads(@client) if !result || result["quads"].empty? raise end # Filter out quads that have too small area to click into. layout_metrics = @client.send_message('Page.getLayoutMetrics') client_width = layout_metrics["layoutViewport"]["clientWidth"] client_height = layout_metrics["layoutViewport"]["clientHeight"] quads = result["quads"]. map { |quad| from_protocol_quad(quad) }. map { |quad| intersect_quad_with_viewport(quad, client_width, client_height) }. select { |quad| compute_quad_area(quad) > 1 } if quads.empty? raise end # Return the middle point of the first quad. quads.first.reduce(:+) / 4 end # @param quad [Array] # @return [Array] private def from_protocol_quad(quad) quad.each_slice(2).map do |x, y| x, y: y) end end # @param quad [Array] # @param width [number] # @param height [number] # @return [Array] private def intersect_quad_with_viewport(quad, width, height) do |point| x: [[point.x, 0].max, width].min, y: [[point.y, 0].max, height].min, ) end end # async hover() { # await this._scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); # const {x, y} = await this._clickablePoint(); # await this._page.mouse.move(x, y); # } # @param delay [Number] # @param button [String] "left"|"right"|"middle" # @param click_count [Number] def click(delay: nil, button: nil, click_count: nil) scroll_into_view_if_needed point = clickable_point, point.y, delay: delay, button: button, click_count: click_count) end # @param delay [Number] # @param button [String] "left"|"right"|"middle" # @param click_count [Number] async def async_click(delay: nil, button: nil, click_count: nil) click(delay: delay, button: button, click_count: click_count) end # @return [Array] def select(*values) if nonstring = values.find { |value| !value.is_a?(String) } raise"Values must be strings. Found value \"#{nonstring}\" of type \"#{nonstring.class}\"") end fn = <<~JAVASCRIPT (element, values) => { if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'select') { throw new Error('Element is not a ') end if error_path = file_paths.find { |file_path| !File.exist?(file_path) } raise"#{error_path} does not exist or is not readable") end backend_node_id = @remote_object.node_info(@client)["node"]["backendNodeId"] # The zero-length array is a special case, it seems that DOM.setFileInputFiles does # not actually update the files in that case, so the solution is to eval the element # value to a new FileList directly. if file_paths.empty? fn = <<~JAVASCRIPT (element) => { element.files = new DataTransfer().files; // Dispatch events for this case because it should behave akin to a user action. element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); } JAVASCRIPT await this.evaluate(fn) else @remote_object.set_file_input_files(@client, file_paths, backend_node_id) end end def tap(&block) return super(&block) if block scroll_into_view_if_needed point = clickable_point @page.touchscreen.tap(point.x, point.y) end async def async_tap tap end def focus evaluate('element => element.focus()') end async def async_focus focus end # @param text [String] # @param delay [number|nil] def type_text(text, delay: nil) focus @page.keyboard.type_text(text, delay: delay) end # @param text [String] # @param delay [number|nil] # @return [Future] async def async_type_text(text, delay: nil) type_text(text, delay: delay) end # @param key [String] # @param delay [number|nil] def press(key, delay: nil) focus, delay: delay) end # @param key [String] # @param delay [number|nil] # @return [Future] async def async_press(key, delay: nil) press(key, delay: delay) end # @return [BoundingBox|nil] def bounding_box if_present(box_model) do |result_model| quads = result_model.border x = y = x: x, y: y, width: - x, height: - y, ) end end # @return [BoxModel|nil] def box_model if_present(@remote_object.box_model(@client)) do |result|['model']) end end def screenshot(options = {}) needs_viewport_reset = false box = bounding_box unless box raise end viewport = @page.viewport if viewport && (box.width > viewport.width || box.height > viewport.height) new_viewport = viewport.merge( width: [viewport.width, box.width.to_i].min, height: [viewport.height, box.height.to_i].min, ) @page.viewport = new_viewport needs_viewport_reset = true end scroll_into_view_if_needed box = bounding_box unless box raise end if box.width == 0 raise 'Node has 0 width.' end if box.height == 0 raise 'Node has 0 height.' end layout_metrics = @client.send_message('Page.getLayoutMetrics') page_x = layout_metrics["layoutViewport"]["pageX"] page_y = layout_metrics["layoutViewport"]["pageY"] clip = { x: page_x + box.x, y: page_y + box.y, width: box.width, height: box.height, } @page.screenshot({ clip: clip }.merge(options)) ensure if needs_viewport_reset @page.viewport = viewport end end # `$()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param selector [String] def S(selector) handle = evaluate_handle( '(element, selector) => element.querySelector(selector)', selector, ) element = handle.as_element if element return element end handle.dispose nil end # `$$()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param selector [String] def SS(selector) handles = evaluate_handle( '(element, selector) => element.querySelectorAll(selector)', selector, ) properties = handles.dispose end class ElementNotFoundError < StandardError def initialize(selector) super("failed to find element matching selector \"#{selector}\"") end end # `$eval()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param selector [String] # @param page_function [String] # @return [Object] def Seval(selector, page_function, *args) element_handle = S(selector) unless element_handle raise end result = element_handle.evaluate(page_function, *args) element_handle.dispose result end # `$eval()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param selector [String] # @param page_function [String] # @return [Object] async def async_Seval(selector, page_function, *args) Seval(selector, page_function, *args) end # `$$eval()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param selector [String] # @param page_function [String] # @return [Object] def SSeval(selector, page_function, *args) handles = evaluate_handle( '(element, selector) => Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(selector))', selector, ) result = handles.evaluate(page_function, *args) handles.dispose result end # `$$eval()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param selector [String] # @param page_function [String] # @return [Object] async def async_SSeval(selector, page_function, *args) SSeval(selector, page_function, *args) end # `$x()` in JavaScript. $ is not allowed to use as a method name in Ruby. # @param expression [String] # @return [Array] def Sx(expression) fn = <<~JAVASCRIPT (element, expression) => { const document = element.ownerDocument || element; const iterator = document.evaluate(expression, element, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE); const array = []; let item; while ((item = iterator.iterateNext())) array.push(item); return array; } JAVASCRIPT handles = evaluate_handle(fn, expression) properties = handles.dispose end # /** # * @returns {!Promise} # */ # isIntersectingViewport() { # return this.evaluate(async element => { # const visibleRatio = await new Promise(resolve => { # const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { # resolve(entries[0].intersectionRatio); # observer.disconnect(); # }); # observer.observe(element); # }); # return visibleRatio > 0; # }); # } # @param quad [Array] private def compute_quad_area(quad) # Compute sum of all directed areas of adjacent triangles # { |p1, p2| (p1.x * p2.y - p2.x * p1.y) / 2 }.reduce(:+).abs end end