## 0.2.0.beta5, released 2014-03-18 #### New Features - Rendering output now goes to a 'output store' class rather than directly to the filesystem. The default output store mimics the existing functionality but it can be overridden by any Moneta compatible key-value store (e.g. Redis, Memcache). Another step closer to Heroku compatibility - Individual fields can now be hidden in the list view by specifying `list: false` in the field definition options - The navigation helper now accepts options for filtering the list of pages to include - Page controllers are now full Sinatra instances - The UI allows for images to be cleared - Deleting a schema entry now raises a modification error & prompts for confirmation. Before this a typo or other error could end up deleting db content - Modifying the schema will now automatically delete any stray, unmapped, instances from the db on deploy - You can specify the name that a type will appear as in the add list, this enables the same basic type to fill many roles without having to subclass it #### Fixes - Add tests for & fix current issues with Thor's handling of namespaces - Fix equality tests for PagePiece's i.e. `PagePiece#target == PagePiece` - Force every content query to include a list of `schema_id`s so that content entries with an invalid/unmapped schema class won't be returned #### Misc - Upgrade to Sequel 4.x - Use the `sequel_pg` gem for better performance with Sequel on Postgres - Change version specifiers in gemspec to a more liberal range (i.e. "~> 0.x.y" becomes "~> 0.x") - Improve layout of box tabs to handle cases with many boxes - `Site[:symbol]` now searches by UID - The 'back' stack now allows for insertion of Rack apps, rather than just Sinatra apps - Rename the `:text` fieldtype to `:markdown` to make this clearer - Rubinius 2 compatibility - Add a CHANGELOG