%D5l@hA  9)> N\AFVu =<"_((,Q~Dq"N -q -T / $ 0 1 f% j  Kg}'C6SB'+7#t[&.&N% /M6,6c %!$  #"   All images are usable as either ISOs or as disk images, including being written to a USB disk with `dd`.BackBoot diskBoot disksCommand to generate ISO image, use genisoimage or mkisofsDownload generic imageDownload host imageFull host '%s' imageFull host imageGeneric imageGeneric images are a reusable disk image that works for any host registered in Foreman. It requires a basic DHCP and DNS service to function and contact the server, but does not require DHCP reservations or static IP addresses.HelpHost '%s' imageHost has no IP address definedHost has no domain definedHost has no subnet definedHost imageHost is not in build mode, so the template cannot be renderedISO build failedISO hybrid conversion failedInstallation media files will be cached for full host imagesOnce chainloaded, the OS bootloader and installer are downloaded directly from the installation media configured in Foreman, and the provisioning script (kickstart/preseed) is downloaded from Foreman.Path to directory containing iPXE imagesPath to directory containing syslinux imagesPer-host images contain data about a particular host registered in Foreman and set up fully static networking, avoiding the requirement for DHCP. After networking is configured, they chainload from Foreman, picking up the current OS configuration and build state from the server.Please ensure the ipxe-bootimgs and syslinux packages are installed.Plugin for Foreman that creates iPXE-based boot disks to provision hosts without the need for PXE infrastructure.Subnet (%s) has no gateway definedSubnet (%s) has no primary DNS server definedThe OS install continues using the installation media configured in Foreman, and it will typically configure static networking, depending on how the OS iPXE template is configured.True for full, false for basic reusable imageUnable to find template specified by %s settingUnable to generate disk template: %sVarious types of boot disks can be created to provision hosts without the need for PXE services. Boot disks can be attached to the host (physical or virtual) which boots from the disk, contacts Foreman and begins the OS installation.iPXE template to use for generic host boot disksiPXE template to use for host-specific boot disksProject-Id-Version: Foreman Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2016-03-24 09:54+0000 Last-Translator: Lukáš Zapletal Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/zh_TW/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_TW Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 所有映像檔皆能作為 ISO 或是磁碟映像檔使用,包括以 `dd` 寫入一個 USB 磁碟中。上一步開機磁碟開機磁碟請使用 genisoimage 或是 mkisofs 來作為產生 ISO 映像檔的指令下載泛型映像檔下載主機映像檔完整的主機 '%s' 映像檔完整的主機映像檔泛型映像檔泛型映像檔是個可重複使用的磁碟映像檔,並且可使用於任何向 Foreman 註冊過的主機上。它需要一項基本的 DHCP 和 DNS 服務才能運作和聯絡伺服器,不過並不需要 DHCP 預留或靜態 IP 位址。協助主機「%s」映像檔主機尚未定義 IP 位址主機尚未定義區域主機尚未定義子網路主機映像檔主機不在組建模式下,因此無法編寫範本建立 ISO 失敗ISO 混合式轉換失敗安裝媒介檔案將會被快取以作為完整的主機映像檔在 chainload 之後,OS 開機載入程式和安裝程式將會直接從 Foreman 中所配置的安裝媒介下載,而佈建 script(kickstart/preseed)則會由 Foreman 下載。包含 iPXE 映像檔的目錄之路徑包含 syslinux 映像檔的目錄之路徑個別主機的映像檔包含了有關於向 Foreman 註冊的特定主機的資料,並且會設置完整靜態的網路,以避免需要使用到 DHCP。在配置了網路後,它們便會由 Foreman 進行 chainload,取得目前的 OS 配置,並由伺服器建立狀態。請確認 ipxe-bootimgs 和 syslinux 套件已安裝。能建立基於 iPXE 的開機磁碟的 Foreman 外掛程式,以在不需要 PXE 設備的情況下佈建主機。子網路(%s)尚未定義閘道器子網路(%s)尚未定義主 DNS 伺服器OS 安裝程序會繼續使用配置於 Foreman 中的安裝媒介,並且它一般會根據 OS iPXE 範本的配置方法來配置靜態網路。「true」代表完整,「false」則代表可重複使用的基本映像檔找不到 %s 設定所指定的範本無法產生磁碟範本:%s您可建立各種不同類型的開機磁碟來在不使用 PXE 服務的情況下佈建主機。開機磁碟能連接至由磁碟開機的主機(實體或虛擬),聯絡 Foreman 並開始進行 OS 的安裝程序。使用來作為泛型主機開機磁碟的 iPXE 範本使用來作為主機特屬開機磁碟的 iPXE 範本