module Concen class GridFile include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps embedded_in :page, :class_name => "Concen::Page" field :filename, :type => String field :original_filename, :type => String field :private, :type => Boolean field :grid_id, :type => BSON::ObjectId validates_presence_of :filename validates_presence_of :original_filename validates_presence_of :grid_id after_destroy :destroy_gridfs def path "/gridfs/" + self.filename end def url(root_url) root_url.gsub!("concen.", "") # Remove concen subdomain. root_url = root_url[0..-2] # Remove trailing slash. root_url + self.path end def read grid = grid.get(self.grid_id).read end def size grid = grid.get(self.grid_id).file_length end def text? grid = grid.get(self.grid_id).content_type.include?("text") || grid.get(self.grid_id).content_type.include?("javascript") end def store(content, filename) grid = # First, delete if a GridFS file already exists. # There is no update. grid.delete(self.grid_id) if self.grid_id original_filename = filename.dup file_extension = File.extname(original_filename).downcase content_type = content_type_for original_filename # Pre generate ObjectId for the new GridFS file. grid_id = filename = File.basename(original_filename, file_extension).downcase.parameterize.gsub("_", "-") filename = "#{grid_id.to_s}-#{filename}#{file_extension}" if grid.put(content, :_id => grid_id, :filename => filename, :content_type => content_type, :safe => true) self.update_attributes(:grid_id => grid_id, :filename => filename, :original_filename => original_filename) else return false end end def content_type_for(filename) content_type = MIME::Types.type_for(filename).first.to_s # Special cases when mime-types fails to recognize content_type = "video/mp4" if filename.include?(".mp4") content_type = "video/x-m4v" if filename.include?(".m4v") return content_type end protected def destroy_gridfs grid = grid.delete(self.grid_id) end end end