require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) describe "error_email plugin" do def app(opts={}) @emails = emails = [] unless defined?(@emails) @app ||= super(:bare) do plugin :error_email, {:to=>'t', :from=>'f', :emailer=>lambda{|h| emails << h}}.merge(opts) route do |r| raise ArgumentError rescue error_email($!) 'e' end end end def email @emails.last end it "adds error_email method for emailing exceptions" do app body('rack.input'=>, 'QUERY_STRING'=>'b=c', 'rack.session'=>{'d'=>'e'}).should == 'e' email[:to].should == 't' email[:from].should == 'f' email[:host].should == 'localhost' email[:message].should =~ /^Subject: ArgumentError/ email[:message].should =~ /^Backtrace:$.+^ENV:$.+^"rack\.input" => .+^Params:$\s+^"b" => "c"$\s+^Session:$\s+^"d" => "e"$/m end it "uses :host option" do app(:host=>'') body('rack.input'=> == 'e' email[:host].should == '' end it "handles error messages with new lines" do app.route do |r| raise "foo\nbar\nbaz" rescue error_email($!) 'e' end body('rack.input'=> == 'e' email[:message].should =~ %r{From: f\r\nSubject: RuntimeError: foo\r\n bar\r\n baz\r\nTo: t\r\n\r\n} end it "adds :prefix option to subject line" do app(:prefix=>'TEST ') body('rack.input'=> == 'e' email[:message].should =~ /^Subject: TEST ArgumentError/ end it "uses :headers option for additional headers" do app(:headers=>{'Foo'=>'Bar', 'Baz'=>'Quux'}) body('rack.input'=> == 'e' email[:message].should =~ /^Foo: Bar/ email[:message].should =~ /^Baz: Quux/ end it "requires the :to and :from options" do proc{app :from=>nil}.should raise_error(Roda::RodaError) proc{app :to=>nil}.should raise_error(Roda::RodaError) end it "works correctly in subclasses" do @app = @app.route do |r| raise ArgumentError rescue error_email($!) 'e' end body('rack.input'=> == 'e' email[:to].should == 't' email[:from].should == 'f' email[:host].should == 'localhost' email[:message].should =~ /^Subject: ArgumentError/ email[:message].should =~ /Backtrace.*ENV/m end end