# Author:: Eric Crane (mailto:eric.crane@mac.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2019 Eric Crane. All rights reserved. # # The System Object. # A virtual Object: the system object can be used to access # system level variables and functions. But it is not # actually an object in the normal sense of the word. # require 'tty-platform' module GlooLang module Core class GlooSystem < Obj KEYWORD = 'gloo'.freeze KEYWORD_SHORT = '$'.freeze attr_reader :pn # Set up the object. def initialize( pn ) @pn = pn end # # The name of the object type. # def self.typename return KEYWORD end # # The short name of the object type. # def self.short_typename return KEYWORD_SHORT end # # The object type, suitable for display. # def type_display return self.class.typename end # Is this the root object? def root? return false end # Can this object be created? # This is true by default and only false for some special cases # such as the System object. def self.can_create? false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Value # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Get the parameter. # def param return nil unless @pn && @pn.segments.count > 1 return @pn.segments[ 1..-1 ].join( '_' ) end # # Get the system value. # def value return dispatch param end # # There is no value object in the system. # def set_value( new_value ) # overriding base functionality with dummy function end # # Get the value for display purposes. # def value_display return value end # # Is the value a String? # def value_string? return true end # # Is the value an Array? # def value_is_array? return false end # # Is the value a blank string? # def value_is_blank? return true end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Children # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Does this object have children to add when an object # is created in interactive mode? # This does not apply during obj load, etc. def add_children_on_create? return false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Get a list of message names that this object receives. # def self.messages return [] end # Dispatch the message and get the value. def dispatch( msg ) o = "msg_#{msg}" return self.public_send( o ) if self.respond_to? o $log.error "Message #{msg} not implemented" return false end # Get the system hostname. def msg_hostname return Socket.gethostname end # Get the logged in User. def msg_user return ENV[ 'USER' ] end # Get the user's home directory. def msg_user_home return File.expand_path( '~' ) end # Get the working directory. def msg_working_dir return Dir.pwd end # Get the Gloo home directory def msg_gloo_home return $settings.user_root end # Get the Gloo configuration directory def msg_gloo_config return $settings.config_path end # Get the Gloo projects directory def msg_gloo_projects return $settings.project_path end # Get the Gloo log directory def msg_gloo_log return $settings.log_path end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special chars # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Carriage return (line feed) def msg_line return "\n" end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Screen Messages # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the number of lines on screen. def msg_screen_lines return GlooLang::App::Settings.lines end # Get the number of columns on screen. def msg_screen_cols return GlooLang::App::Settings.cols end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Platform Messages # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the platform CPU def msg_platform_cpu platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.cpu end # Get the platform Operating System def msg_platform_os platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.os end # Get the platform version def msg_platform_version platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.version end # Is the platform Windows? def msg_platform_windows? platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.windows? end # Is the platform Unix? def msg_platform_unix? platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.unix? end # Is the platform Linux? def msg_platform_linux? platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.linux? end # Is the platform Mac? def msg_platform_mac? platform = TTY::Platform.new return platform.mac? end # # Get the command to open a file on this platform. # def self.open_for_platform platform = TTY::Platform.new return 'open' if platform.mac? return 'xdg-open' if platform.linux? return nil end end end end