Feature: Manage Plan As a admin user I want to be able to upgrade and downgrade my account So that I can pay what I want and get the features I want Scenario: Change the plan to another paid plan on an account with a paid plan Given a paid plan exists with a name of "Basic" And a paid plan exists with a name of "Premium" And the following account exists: | name | keyword | plan | cardholder_name | billing_email | card_number | verification_code | expiration_month | expiration_year | | Test | test | name: Basic | Joe Smith | jsmith@example.com | 4111111111115555 | 122 | 01 | 2015 | And I have signed in with "joe@example.com/test" And "joe@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page for the "Test" account Then I should see "Your Plan" And I should not see "Billing Information" And I should see "Basic" And I follow "Upgrade" Then I should see "Upgrade Your Plan" When I choose the "Premium" plan And I press "Upgrade" Then I should see "Plan changed successfully" Then I should see "Premium" Scenario: Change the plan from free to paid Given a plan exists with a name of "Free" And a paid plan exists with a name of "Basic" And the following account exists: | name | keyword | plan | | Test | test | name: Free | And I have signed in with "joe@example.com/test" And "joe@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page for the "Test" account Then I should not see "Billing" within ".subnav" Then I should see "Your Plan" And I follow "Upgrade" Then I should see "Upgrade Your Plan" When I choose the "Basic" plan Then I should see "Billing Information" And I fill in "Cardholder name" with "Ralph Robot" And I fill in "Billing email" with "accounting@example.com" And I fill in "Card number" with "4111111111111111" And I fill in "Verification code" with "123" And I select "March" from "Expiration month" And I select "2020" from "Expiration year" When I press "Upgrade" Then I should see "Plan changed successfully" And I should see "Basic" And I follow "Billing" Then I should see "card ending in 1111" Scenario: Change the plan from free to paid with an invalid credit card number Given that the credit card "4111112" is invalid And a plan exists with a name of "Free" And a paid plan exists with a name of "Basic" And the following account exists: | name | keyword | plan | | Test | test | name: Free | And I have signed in with "joe@example.com/test" And "joe@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page for the "Test" account Then I should not see "Billing" within ".subnav" Then I should see "Your Plan" And I follow "Upgrade" When I choose the "Basic" plan Then I should see "Billing Information" And I fill in "Cardholder name" with "Ralph Robot" And I fill in "Billing email" with "accounting@example.com" And I fill in "Card number" with "4111112" And I fill in "Verification code" with "123" And I select "March" from "Expiration month" And I select "2020" from "Expiration year" When I press "Upgrade" Then I should not see "Plan changed successfully" And "Card number" should have the error "is invalid" Scenario: Change the plan to a free on an account with a paid plan Given a paid plan exists with a name of "Basic" And a plan exists with a name of "Free" And the following account exists: | name | keyword | plan | cardholder_name | billing_email | card_number | verification_code | expiration_month | expiration_year | | Test | test | name: Basic | Joe Smith | jsmith@example.com | 4111111111115555 | 122 | 01 | 2015 | And I have signed in with "joe@example.com/test" And "joe@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page for the "Test" account Then I should see "Your Plan" And I should not see "Billing Information" And I should see "Basic" And I follow "Upgrade" Then I should see "Upgrade Your Plan" When I choose the "Free" plan And I press "Upgrade" Then I should see "Plan changed successfully" Then I should see "Free" Scenario: Attempting to downgrade when beyond the limits Given a paid plan exists with a name of "Basic" And a plan exists with a name of "Free" And the following account exists: | name | keyword | plan | cardholder_name | billing_email | card_number | verification_code | expiration_month | expiration_year | | Test | test | name: Basic | Joe Smith | jsmith@example.com | 4111111111115555 | 122 | 01 | 2015 | And the following limits exist: | plan | name | value | value_type | | name: Basic | users | 1 | number | | name: Free | users | 0 | number | | name: Basic | projects | 5 | number | | name: Free | projects | 1 | number | | name: Basic | ssl | 1 | boolean | | name: Free | ssl | 0 | boolean | And I have signed in with "joe@example.com/test" And "joe@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page for the "Test" account Then I should see "Your Plan" And I should not see "Billing Information" And I should see "Basic" And I follow "Upgrade" Then I should see "Upgrade Your Plan" And the "Free" plan should be disabled And I should see "Too big for Free." And I should see "1 user" within ".basic" And I should see "0 users" within ".free" And I should see "1 project" within ".free" And I should see "5 projects" within ".basic" And I should see "ssl" within ".basic" And I should not see "ssl" within ".free" Scenario: Viewing current usage Given a paid plan exists with a name of "Basic" And the following account exists: | name | keyword | plan | cardholder_name | billing_email | card_number | verification_code | expiration_month | expiration_year | | Test | test | name: Basic | Joe Smith | jsmith@example.com | 4111111111115555 | 122 | 01 | 2015 | And the following limits exist: | plan | name | value | value_type | | name: Basic | users | 1 | number | | name: Basic | projects | 5 | number | | name: Basic | ssl | 1 | boolean | And I have signed in with "joe@example.com/test" And "joe@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page for the "Test" account Then I should see "1/1" within ".users.meter" And I should see "100.000%" within ".users.meter" And I should see "0/5" within ".projects.meter" And I should see "0.000%" within ".projects.meter"