# Papa [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/papa.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/papa) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/b-ggs/papa.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/b-ggs/papa) Helper tool for inDinero's git workflow. Ako ang papa mo. ## Contents * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Commands](#commands) * [papa release](#papa-release) * [papa hotfix](#papa-hotfix) * [papa integration](#papa-integration) * [papa deploy](#papa-deploy) * [papa sandbox](#papa-sandbox) ## Getting Started Install `papa` from Rubygems. ``` $ gem install papa ``` That's it, you're ready to go! ## Usage Detailed information about what these commands do can be found in [USAGE.md](https://github.com/b-ggs/papa/blob/master/USAGE.md). ### `papa release` #### Starting a release branch ``` $ papa release start -v 17.12.0 ``` #### Adding feature branches to a release branch If you want to specify the feature branches using `-b`: ``` $ papa release add -v 17.12.0 -b feature/1 feature/2 feature/3 ``` If you want to use vi to specify the feature branches: ``` $ papa release add -v 17.12.0 ``` #### Finishing a release branch ``` $ papa release finish -v 17.12.0 ``` ### `papa hotfix` #### Starting a hotfix branch ``` $ papa hotfix start -v 17.12.0 ``` #### Adding bugfix branches to a hotfix branch If you want to specify the bugfix branches using `-b`: ``` $ papa hotfix add -v 17.12.0 -b bugfix/1 bugfix/2 bugfix/3 ``` If you want to use vi to specify the bugfix branches: ``` $ papa hotfix add -v 17.12.0 ``` #### Finishing a hotfix branch ``` $ papa release hotfix -v 17.12.0 ``` ### `papa integration` #### Starting and deploying an integration branch ``` $ papa integration start -b feature/dunder-mifflin-this-is-pam ``` If you want to specify a hostname for this environment: ``` $ papa integration start -b feature/we-were-on-a-break -h ross-and-rachel ``` ### `papa sandbox` ``` $ papa sandbox generate ```