require_relative '../helper' require 'date' require 'fluent/test/helpers' require 'fluent/test/driver/output' require 'flexmock/test_unit' require 'fluent/plugin/out_opensearch_data_stream' class OpenSearchOutputDataStreamTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase include Fluent::Test::Helpers attr_accessor :bulk_records, :index_cmds OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE = "opensearch_data_stream" def setup Fluent::Test.setup @driver = nil log = Fluent::Engine.log log.out.logs.slice!(0, log.out.logs.length) @bulk_records = 0 end def driver(conf='', os_version=1, client_version="\"1.0\"") # For request stub to detect compatibility. @os_version ||= os_version @client_version ||= client_version Fluent::Plugin::OpenSearchOutputDataStream.module_eval(<<-CODE) def detect_os_major_version #{@os_version} end CODE @driver ||= { # v0.12's test driver assume format definition. This simulates ObjectBufferedOutput format if !defined?(Fluent::Plugin::Output) def format(tag, time, record) [time, record].to_msgpack end end }.configure(conf) end def sample_data_stream { 'data_streams': [ { 'name' => 'foo', 'timestamp_field' => { 'name' => '@timestamp' } } ] } end def sample_record {'@timestamp' =>, 'message' => 'Sample record'} end RESPONSE_ACKNOWLEDGED = {"acknowledged": true} DUPLICATED_DATA_STREAM_EXCEPTION = {"error": {}, "status": 400} NONEXISTENT_DATA_STREAM_EXCEPTION = {"error": {}, "status": 404} def stub_index_template(name="foo_tpl", url="http://localhost:9200") stub_request(:put, "#{url}/_index_template/#{name}").to_return(:status => [200, RESPONSE_ACKNOWLEDGED]) end def stub_data_stream(name="foo", url="localhost:9200") stub_request(:put, "#{url}/_data_stream/#{name}").to_return(:status => [200, RESPONSE_ACKNOWLEDGED]) end def stub_existent_data_stream?(name="foo", url="localhost:9200") stub_request(:get, "#{url}/_data_stream/#{name}").to_return(:status => [200, RESPONSE_ACKNOWLEDGED]) end def stub_existent_template?(name="foo_tpl", url="localhost:9200") stub_request(:get, "#{url}/_index_template/#{name}").to_return(:status => [200, RESPONSE_ACKNOWLEDGED]) end def stub_nonexistent_data_stream?(name="foo", url="localhost:9200") stub_request(:get, "#{url}/_data_stream/#{name}").to_return(:status => [404, OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound]) end def stub_nonexistent_template?(name="foo_tpl", url="http://localhost:9200") stub_request(:get, "#{url}/_index_template/#{name}").to_return(:status => [404, OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound]) end def stub_nonexistent_template_retry?(name="foo_tpl", url="http://localhost:9200") stub_request(:get, "#{url}/_index_template/#{name}"). to_return({ status: 500, body: 'Internal Server Error' }, { status: 404, body: '{}' }) end def stub_bulk_feed(datastream_name="foo", template_name="foo_tpl", url="http://localhost:9200") stub_request(:post, "#{url}/#{datastream_name}/_bulk").with do |req| # bulk data must be pair of OP and records # {"create": {}}\nhttp://localhost:9200/_data_stream/foo_bar # {"@timestamp": ...} @bulk_records += req.body.split("\n").size / 2 @index_cmds = req.body.split("\n").map {|r| JSON.parse(r) } end stub_request(:post, "http://#{url}#{template_name}/_bulk").with do |req| # bulk data must be pair of OP and records # {"create": {}}\nhttp://localhost:9200/_data_stream/foo_bar # {"@timestamp": ...} @bulk_records += req.body.split("\n").size / 2 @index_cmds = req.body.split("\n").map {|r| JSON.parse(r) } end end def stub_opensearch_info(url="http://localhost:9200/", version="1.2.2", headers={}) body ="{\"version\":{\"number\":\"#{version}\", \"distribution\":\"opensearch\"},\"tagline\":\"The OpenSearch Project:\"}" stub_request(:get, url).to_return({:status => 200, :body => body, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'json' }.merge(headers) }) end def stub_default(datastream_name="foo", template_name="foo_tpl", host="http://localhost:9200") stub_opensearch_info(host) stub_nonexistent_template?(template_name) stub_index_template(template_name) stub_nonexistent_data_stream?(datastream_name) stub_data_stream(datastream_name) end def stub_opensearch_with_store_index_command_counts(url="http://localhost:9200/_bulk") if @index_command_counts == nil @index_command_counts = {} @index_command_counts.default = 0 end stub_request(:post, url).with do |req| index_cmds = req.body.split("\n").map {|r| JSON.parse(r) } @index_command_counts[url] += index_cmds.size end end # ref. class DataStreamNameTest < self def test_missing_data_stream_name conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => 'opensearch_datastream' }) assert_raise"'data_stream_name' parameter is required") do driver(conf).run end end sub_test_case "invalid uppercase" do def test_stream_name conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => 'opensearch_datastream', 'data_stream_name' => 'TEST', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'template' }) assert_raise"'data_stream_name' must be lowercase only: ") do driver(conf) end end def test_stream_template_name conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => 'opensearch_datastream', 'data_stream_name' => 'default', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'TEST-TPL' }) assert_raise"'data_stream_template_name' must be lowercase only: ") do driver(conf) end end end sub_test_case "invalid parameters" do data("backslash" => "\\", "slash" => "/", "asterisk" => "*", "question" => "?", "doublequote" => "\"", "lt" => "<", "gt" => ">", "bar" => "|", "space" => " ", "comma" => ",", "sharp" => "#", "colon" => ":") def test_stream_name(data) c, _ = data conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "TEST#{c}", 'data_stream_template_name' => "data_stream" }) label = Fluent::Plugin::OpenSearchOutputDataStream::INVALID_CHARACTERS.join(',') assert_raise"'data_stream_name' must not contain invalid characters #{label}: ") do driver(conf) end end data("backslash" => "\\", "slash" => "/", "asterisk" => "*", "question" => "?", "doublequote" => "\"", "lt" => "<", "gt" => ">", "bar" => "|", "space" => " ", "comma" => ",", "sharp" => "#", "colon" => ":") def test_stream_template_name(data) c, _ = data conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "default", 'data_stream_template_name' => "TEST#{c}" }) label = Fluent::Plugin::OpenSearchOutputDataStream::INVALID_CHARACTERS.join(',') assert_raise"'data_stream_template_name' must not contain invalid characters #{label}: ") do driver(conf) end end end sub_test_case "invalid start characters" do data("hyphen" => "-", "underscore" => "_", "plus" => "+", "period" => ".") def test_stream_name(data) c, _ = data conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "#{c}TEST", 'data_stream_template_name' => "template" }) label = Fluent::Plugin::OpenSearchOutputDataStream::INVALID_START_CHRACTERS.join(',') assert_raise"'data_stream_name' must not start with #{label}: <#{c}TEST>") do driver(conf) end end data("hyphen" => "-", "underscore" => "_", "plus" => "+", "period" => ".") def test_stream_template_name(data) c, _ = data conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "default", 'data_stream_template_name' => "#{c}TEST" }) label = Fluent::Plugin::OpenSearchOutputDataStream::INVALID_START_CHRACTERS.join(',') assert_raise"'data_stream_template_name' must not start with #{label}: <#{c}TEST>") do driver(conf) end end end sub_test_case "invalid dots" do data("current" => ".", "parents" => "..") def test_stream_name c, _ = data conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "#{c}", 'data_stream_template_name' => "template" }) assert_raise"'data_stream_name' must not be . or ..: <#{c}>") do driver(conf) end end data("current" => ".", "parents" => "..") def test_stream_template_name c, _ = data conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "default", 'data_stream_template_name' => "#{c}" }) assert_raise"'data_stream_template_name' must not be . or ..: <#{c}>") do driver(conf) end end end sub_test_case "invalid length" do def test_stream_name c = "a" * 256 conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "#{c}", 'data_stream_template_name' => "template" }) assert_raise"'data_stream_name' must not be longer than 255 bytes: <#{c}>") do driver(conf) end end def test_stream_template_name c = "a" * 256 conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => "default", 'data_stream_template_name' => "#{c}" }) assert_raise"'data_stream_template_name' must not be longer than 255 bytes: <#{c}>") do driver(conf) end end end end def test_datastream_configure stub_default conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => "foo_tpl" }) assert_equal "foo", driver(conf).instance.data_stream_name end def test_hosts_list_configure config = %{ hosts https://john:password@host1:443/elastic/,http://host2 path /default_path user default_user password default_password data_stream_name default } stub_opensearch_info("https://host1:443/elastic//", "1.2.2", {'Authorization'=>"Basic #{Base64.encode64('john:password').split.first}"}) stub_opensearch_info("http://host2/default_path/_data_stream/default", "1.2.2", {'Authorization'=>"Basic #{Base64.encode64('john:password').split.first}"}) stub_existent_data_stream?("default", "https://host1/elastic/") instance = driver(config).instance assert_equal 2, instance.get_connection_options[:hosts].length host1, host2 = instance.get_connection_options[:hosts] assert_equal 'host1', host1[:host] assert_equal 443, host1[:port] assert_equal 'https', host1[:scheme] assert_equal 'john', host1[:user] assert_equal 'password', host1[:password] assert_equal '/elastic/', host1[:path] assert_equal 'host2', host2[:host] assert_equal 'http', host2[:scheme] assert_equal 'default_user', host2[:user] assert_equal 'default_password', host2[:password] assert_equal '/default_path', host2[:path] end def test_datastream_configure_retry stub_opensearch_info stub_nonexistent_template_retry? stub_index_template stub_nonexistent_data_stream? stub_data_stream conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => "foo_tpl" }) assert_equal "foo", driver(conf).instance.data_stream_name end def test_template_file stub_default cwd = File.dirname(__FILE__) conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => "foo_tpl", 'template_file' => File.join(cwd, 'datastream_template.json') }) assert_equal "foo", driver(conf).instance.data_stream_name end def test_existent_data_stream stub_index_template stub_existent_data_stream? stub_data_stream stub_opensearch_info conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => "foo_tpl" }) assert_equal "foo", driver(conf).instance.data_stream_name end def test_template_unset stub_index_template stub_existent_data_stream? stub_data_stream stub_opensearch_info conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', }) assert_equal "foo", driver(conf).instance.data_stream_name assert_equal "foo_template", driver(conf).instance.data_stream_template_name end def test_placeholder dsname = "foo_test" tplname = "foo_tpl_test" stub_default(dsname, tplname) stub_bulk_feed(dsname, tplname) conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo_${tag}', 'data_stream_template_name' => "foo_tpl_${tag}" }) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(sample_record) end assert_equal 1, @bulk_records end def test_placeholder_with_capital_letters dsname = "foo_test.capital_letters" tplname = "foo_tpl_test.capital_letters" stub_default(dsname, tplname) stub_bulk_feed(dsname, tplname) conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo_${tag}', 'data_stream_template_name' => "foo_tpl_${tag}" }) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'TEST.CAPITAL_LETTERS') do driver.feed(sample_record) end assert_equal 1, @bulk_records end def test_placeholder_params_unset dsname = "foo_test" tplname = "foo_test_template" stub_default(dsname, tplname) stub_bulk_feed(dsname, tplname) conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo_${tag}', }) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(sample_record) end assert_equal 1, @bulk_records end def test_time_placeholder time = dsname = "foo_#{time.strftime("%Y%m%d")}" tplname = "foo_tpl_#{time.strftime("%Y%m%d")}" stub_default(dsname, tplname) stub_bulk_feed(dsname, tplname) conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo_%Y%m%d', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl_%Y%m%d' }, [config_element('buffer', 'time', { 'timekey' => '1d' }, [])] ) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(sample_record) end assert_equal 1, @bulk_records end def test_custom_record_placeholder keys = ["bar", "baz"] keys.each do |key| dsname = "foo_#{key}" tplname = "foo_tpl_#{key}" stub_default(dsname, tplname) stub_bulk_feed(dsname, tplname) end conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo_${key1}', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl_${key1}' }, [config_element('buffer', 'tag,key1', { 'timekey' => '1d' }, [])] ) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do keys.each do |key| record = sample_record.merge({"key1" => key}) driver.feed(record) end end assert_equal keys.count, @bulk_records end def test_bulk_insert_feed stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl' }) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(sample_record) end assert_equal 1, @bulk_records end def test_placeholder_writes_to_multi_hosts stub_default("foo_bar", "foo_tpl_bar") hosts = [['', 9201], ['', 9201], ['', 9201]] hosts_string = {|x| "#{x[0]}:#{x[1]}"}.compact.join(',') hosts.each do |host_info| host, port = host_info stub_opensearch_with_store_index_command_counts("http://#{host}:#{port}/foo_bar/_bulk") stub_opensearch_info("http://#{host}:#{port}/") stub_request(:get, "http://#{host}:#{port}/_data_stream/foo_bar"). to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) end conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo_${key1}', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl_${key1}', 'hosts' => "#{hosts_string}" }, [config_element('buffer', 'tag,key1', { 'timekey' => '1d' }, [])]) driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do hashes = { 'age' => rand(100), 'key1' => 'bar' } 1000.times do driver.feed(sample_record.merge(hashes)) end end # @note: we cannot make multi chunks with options (flush_interval, buffer_chunk_limit) # it's Fluentd test driver's constraint # so @index_command_counts.size is always 1 assert(@index_command_counts.size > 0, "not working with hosts options") total = 0 @index_command_counts.each do |_, count| total += count end assert_equal(2000, total) end def test_template_retry_install_fails cwd = File.dirname(__FILE__) template_file = File.join(cwd, 'test_index_template.json') config = %{ host port 778 scheme https data_stream_name foo data_stream_template_name foo_tpl user john password doe template_name logstash template_file #{template_file} max_retry_putting_template 3 } connection_resets = 0 # check if template exists stub_request(:get, "") .with(basic_auth: ['john', 'doe']) do |req| connection_resets += 1 raise Faraday::ConnectionFailed, "Test message" end stub_opensearch_info("") assert_raise(Fluent::Plugin::OpenSearchError::RetryableOperationExhaustedFailure) do driver(config) end assert_equal(4, connection_resets) end def test_uses_custom_time_key stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl', 'time_key' => 'vtm' }) ts =,2,3).iso8601(9) record = { 'vtm' => ts, 'message' => 'Sample Record' } driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(record) end assert(index_cmds[1].has_key? '@timestamp') assert_equal(ts, index_cmds[1]['@timestamp']) end def test_uses_custom_time_key_with_format stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl', 'time_key' => 'vtm', 'time_key_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N%z' }) ts = "2021-02-03 13:14:01.673+02:00" record = { 'vtm' => ts, 'message' => 'Sample Record' } driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(record) end assert(index_cmds[1].has_key? '@timestamp') assert_equal(DateTime.parse(ts).iso8601(9), index_cmds[1]['@timestamp']) end def test_record_no_timestamp stub_default stub_bulk_feed stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl' }) record = { 'message' => 'Sample Record' } driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(record) end assert(index_cmds[1].has_key? '@timestamp') end def test_record_with_include_tag_key stub_default stub_bulk_feed stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl', 'include_tag_key' => true, 'tag_key' => 'test_tag' }) record = { 'message' => 'Sample Record' } driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(record) end assert(index_cmds[1].has_key?('test_tag')) end def test_record_without_include_tag_key stub_default stub_bulk_feed stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl', 'include_tag_key' => false }) record = { 'message' => 'Sample Record' } driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(record) end assert(!index_cmds[1].has_key?('test')) end def test_record_with_remove_keys stub_default stub_bulk_feed stub_default stub_bulk_feed conf = config_element( 'ROOT', '', { '@type' => OPENSEARCH_DATA_STREAM_TYPE, 'data_stream_name' => 'foo', 'data_stream_template_name' => 'foo_tpl', 'remove_keys' => 'remove_me' }) record = { 'message' => 'Sample Record', 'remove_me' => 'foo' } driver(conf).run(default_tag: 'test') do driver.feed(record) end assert(!index_cmds[1].has_key?('remove_me')) end end