% if curation_concern.linked_resources.present? %>
Url | Actions |
<%= link_to link.url, link.url %> | <%- if can?(:edit, link) -%> <%= link_to( 'Edit', edit_polymorphic_path([:curation_concern, link]), { class: 'btn', title: "Edit #{link}" } ) %> <%- end -%> <%- if can?(:destroy, link) -%> <%= link_to( 'Delete', polymorphic_path([:curation_concern, link]), class: 'btn', method: :delete, title: "Delete #{link.to_s.inspect}", data: {confirm: "Deleting #{link.to_s.inspect} from #{t('sufia.product_name')} is permanent. Click OK to delete this from #{t('sufia.product_name')}, or Cancel to cancel this operation"} )%> <%- end -%> |
This <%= curation_concern.human_readable_type %> has no external links associated with it. You can add one using the "Add an External Link" button below.
<% end %>