require File.dirname(File.expand_path __FILE__) + '/../lib/sane' require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' require 'spec/autorun' describe Sane do before do #Object.send(:remove_const, 'Klass') rescue nil end it "should have working __DIR__" do __DIR__.should_not == nil end it "should write to files" do filename = __DIR__ + '/test' File.write(filename, "abc\n") assert(File.exist?(filename)) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ assert(File.binread(filename) == "abc\r\n") # it should have written it out *not* in binary mode end File.delete filename end it "should have __dir__ too" do __dir__.should_not be_nil end class A def go; 3; end end it "should have a singleton_class method" do class A; end A.singleton_class.module_eval { def go; end } A.go end it "should have a binread method" do"bin_test", "wb") do |f|; f.write "a\r\n"; end assert File.binread("bin_test") == "a\r\n" end it "should have a binwrite method" do File.binwrite 'bin_test', "a\r\n" assert File.binread("bin_test") == "a\r\n" end it "should hash hashes right" do a = {} # this fails in 1.8.6, or works, rather a[{:a => 3, :b => 4}] = 3 assert a[{:b => 4, :a => 3}] == 3 assert a[{:b => 3, :a => 4}] == nil a = {:a => 3} a - {:a => 4} assert a.length == 1 end it "should allow regexes to be added" do /a/ + /b/ end # my first implementation of this was *awful* LOL # leave out for now # it "should allow for brackets on enumerators" do # require 'backports' # ugh # assert "ab\r\nc".lines[0] == "ab\r\n" # end it "should have good looking float#inspect" do assert( (1.1 - 0.9).inspect.include? '0.2000000' ) # 0.20000000000000006661 or something close to it end it "should return false if you call File.executable? non_existent_file" do assert !File.executable?('nonexistent') end it "should have ave method" do [1,2,3].ave.should == 2 end it "should have an sputs method " do sputs 1,2,3 end it "should allow for map_by" do ["1"].map_by(:to_i).should == [1] ["1"].collect_by(:to_i).should == [1] end it "should allow for contain? and include?" do assert "a".include? "a" assert "a".contain? "a" assert !("a".contain? "b") end it "should have include and contain for arrays" do assert ['a'].include? "a" assert ['a'].contain? "a" end it "should have blank? and empty? for arrays and strings" do assert ''.blank? assert ''.empty? assert [].blank? assert [].empty? end it "should have a select!" do a = [1,2,3].select!{|n| n < 3} a.length.should == 2 a = [1,2,3]!{|n| n < 3} a.length.should == 2 end end