/* DSC Kit Tree browser jQuery plugin */ (function($) { var div; var tree; var opts; var debug; var methods = { init : function(options) { opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.dsc_tree.defaults, options); div = $(this); debug = (opts.debug===true); opts.show_refresh_button = opts.refresh_button || true; opts.hide_locked = opts.hide_locked || false; opts.show_filter = opts.show_filter || true; opts.show_move_buttons = opts.show_move_buttons || true; opts.filter_on_path = opts.filter_on_path || false; opts.open_level = opts.open_level || 0; opts.initial_refresh = opts.initial_refresh || false; opts.click_page = opts.click_page || "edit"; opts.mode = opts.mode || "editor"; fetch_data(opts.initial_refresh); opts.is_popup = opts.mode==="popup"; }, get_node_data : function(id) { return find_node(tree, 'c', id); } }; var node_template = _.template("
    <%= node.t %>
  • "); var node_level; var max_id = -1; function fetch_data(refresh) { $.get(opts.url, {refresh: refresh ? "1" : "0"}, function(json) { tree = json; tree.is_root = true; redraw(); }); } function l_id(li) { var lid = $(li).attr('id'); return [lid.substring(0,1), lid.substring(2, lid.length)]; } function find_li(type, id) { return div.find('ul.tree #' + type + '_' + id); } function find_node_for_li(li) { var lid = l_id(li); var type = lid[0]; var id = lid[1]; return find_node(tree, type, id); } function find_node(n, type, id) { if (n.y==type && n.id==id) { return n; } if (n.c===undefined) { return null; } for(var i=0; i"); if (opts.show_filter || opts.show_move_buttons) { div.append(tree_options); } if (opts.show_filter) { add_filter(tree_options); } if (opts.show_move_buttons && opts.is_popup===false) { add_move_buttons(tree_options); } var listlist = $(""); var list = $(""); div.append(listlist); div.append(list); if (opts.show_refresh_button) { add_refresh_button(); } draw_node(tree, list, 0); $('.dsc_tree').on('mouseenter', '.control, .title, .cog', function(event) { hover_in_node(get_li_up(event)); }).on('mouseleave', '.control, .title, .cog', function(event) { hover_out_node(get_li_up(event)); }).on('click', 'div.cog', function(event) { $(event.target).parent('li').contextMenu({x:event.clientX,y:event.clientY}); event.stopPropagation(); }).on('click', 'li.type_c > div.control', function(event) { toggle_node($(event.target).parent('li')); event.stopPropagation(); }); $('.dsc_tree').on('click', 'li.type_s > div > span , li.type_p > div > span', function(event) { click_node($(event.target).parent('div').parent('li')); event.stopPropagation(); }).on('click', 'li.type_c > div > span', function(event) { toggle_node($(event.target).parent('div').parent('li')); event.stopPropagation(); }); if (opts.is_popup===false) { $.contextMenu({selector:'.dsc_tree li', build: function($trigger, e) { return context_menu($trigger); } }); } } function context_menu(target) { var li = target; if (!li.is("li")) li = li.parents('li'); var node = find_node_for_li(li); var content; var menu; if (node.y==='c') { var has_children = node.c && node.c.length>0; menu = { 'title1' : { html: "Category", icon:"category", type:"html" }, 'separator1': '--' , 'newcat' : { name: "New Category", callback: function(menuItem,menu) { new_sub_category(node, li)}, icon: "newcat" }, 'newpage' : { name: 'New Page', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { document.location = '/page/new?cat_id=' + node.id }, icon: "newpage" } , 'newpagestub' : { name: 'New Page Stub', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { new_stub(node, li); }, icon: "newpagestub" }, 'separator1': '--' , 'permissions' : { name: 'Permissions', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { document.location = '/category/' + node.id + '/permissions' }, icon: "permissions" }, 'separator1': '--' , 'rename' : {name: 'Rename', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { rename(li); }, icon:"rename", disabled: node.id==1, className: node.id==1 ? 'disabled':''} , 'delete' : {name: 'Delete', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { delete_category(li); }, disabled: has_children, className: has_children ? 'disabled':'', icon: "catdelete" }, }; } else { var is_stub = node.y == 's'; var is_deleted = node.d; menu = {} if (node.y=='p') { menu['title'] = { html: "Page", icon:"page", type: "html" }; menu['title2'] = { html: "Status: " + node.u + "", type: "html" }; menu['separator1'] = "----"; menu['view'] = { name: 'View', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { document.location = node.p; }, disabled: is_stub, className: is_stub ? 'disabled' : '', icon:"view"}; menu['edit'] = { name: 'Edit', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { document.location = node.p + "?edit=1"; }, disabled: is_stub, className: is_stub ? 'disabled' : '', icon:"edit" }; } else { menu['title'] = { html: "Page Stub", icon:"stub", type:"html" }; menu['separator1'] = "----"; } menu['info'] = { name: 'View Info', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { document.location = '/page/' + node.id + '/info'; }, disabled: node.t=='s', className: node.t=='s' ? 'disabled' : '', icon:"info" } ; if (node.d==1) { menu['undelete'] = { name: 'Undelete', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { undelete_page(node,li); }, disabled: !is_deleted, className: is_deleted ? '' : 'disabled', icon:"undelete"}; } else { menu['delete'] = { name: 'Delete', callback: function(menuItem,menu) { delete_page(node,li); }, disabled: is_deleted, className: is_deleted ? 'disabled' : '', icon:"delete"}; } } var r = { callback: function() {}, items:menu }; return r; } function delete_page(node,li) { $.post("/page/" + node.id + "/delete", {}, function(resp) { node.d = 1; if (node.y=='s') { remove_child(node); li.remove(); } style_node(li, node); notify(resp.message); }); } function undelete_page(node,li) { $.post("/page/" + node.id + "/undelete", {}, function(resp) { node.d = 0; li.removeClass("deleted"); li.find("div.control").removeClass("d_page").addClass("page"); notify(resp.message); }); } function click_node(clicked) { var li = $(clicked); var node = find_node_for_li(li); if (node.y=='c') { toggle_node(clicked); } else if (opts.mode==="popup") { $('#' + opts.target_field, window.parent.document).val(node.p); window.parent.close_link_browsers(); } else { if (node.y == 's') { document.location = "/page/" + node.id + "/info"; } else { if (opts.click_page=='info') { document.location = "/page/" + node.id + "/info"; } else { document.location = node.p + '?edit=1'; } } } } function hover_in_node(node) { if (opts.is_popup===true) { return; } var li = $(node); if (li==cog_showing) { return ; } if (cog_showing) { hover_out_node(cog_showing); } cog_showing = li.find('div.cog').first(); if (!cog_showing.hasClass('cog_show')) { cog_showing.addClass("cog_show"); } } var cog_showing = null; function hover_out_node(node) { var li = $(node); li.find('div.cog').first().removeClass("cog_show"); } function toggle_node(to_open) { var li = $(to_open); var node = find_node_for_li(li); if (node.c==null || node.c.length==0) return; if (node.is_open) { close_node(node, li); } else { open_node(node, li); } set_tree_state(); } function open_node(node, li) { if (node.is_open) { return; } node.is_open = true; li.find('> div').first().removeClass().addClass('control cat_open'); li.find('ul').first().show(); } function close_node(node, li) { if (!node.is_open) { return; } node.is_open = false; li.find('> div').first().removeClass().addClass('control cat_can_open'); li.find('> ul').first().hide(); } function delete_category(li) { var node = find_node_for_li(li); if (node.is_new) { notify("Category deleted"); } else { $.post("/category/delete/" + node.id, {}, function(resp) { notify(resp.message); }); } // need to remove from LI and from node tree, then might need to change control icon of former parent... remove_child(node); li.remove(); } function remove_child(node) { var parent_li = find_li('c', node.parentid); var parent_node = find_node(tree,'c',node.parentid); var node_index = _.indexOf(parent_node.c, node); parent_node.c[node_index] = false; parent_node.c = _.compact(parent_node.c); style_node(parent_li, parent_node); } function rename(li) { var title = $(li).find('div.title').first(); var node = find_node_for_li(li); title.html(' Cancel'); li.find('a').on('click', function(event) { title.removeClass("not_saved"); var parent_node = find_node(tree, 'c', node.parentid); if (node.is_new===true) { remove_child(node); li.remove(); } else { title.html(node.t); } event.stopPropagation(); }); li.find('input').focus().on('keyup', function(event) { if (event.which==13) { var entry = $(event.target).val(); title.addClass("not_saved"); if (node.is_new===false) { var url = node.y=='c' ? "/category/rename" : "/page/stub/rename"; $.post(url + "/" + node.id, {name:entry}, function(resp) { if (resp.okay===true) { title.removeClass("not_saved"); node.t = resp.name; title.html(resp.name); node.is_new = false; } notify(resp.message); }); } else { var url = node.y=='c' ? "/category/new" : "/page/stub"; $.post(url + "/" + node.parentid, {name:entry}, function(resp) { if (resp.okay) { title.html(resp.name); title.removeClass("not_saved"); node.id = resp.id; li.attr('id', node.y + "_" + node.id); } notify(resp.message); }); } } }).focus(); } function new_stub(parent_node, parent_li) { new_item(parent_node, parent_li, 's'); style_node(parent_li, parent_node); } function new_sub_category(parent_node, parent_li) { new_item(parent_node, parent_li, 'c'); style_node(parent_li, parent_node); } function new_item(parent_node, parent_li, type) { var node = { t: "New " + (type=='c' ? "Category" :"Page Stub"), y: type, d: false, c: [], id: max_id + 1, parentid: parent_node.id, is_new: true, extended: true, is_open: false}; var new_li = add_node(node, parent_li); if (!parent_node.is_open) { toggle_node(parent_li); } rename(new_li); } function add_node(node, parent_li) { var parent_node = find_node_for_li(parent_li); parent_node.c.push(node); var parent_ul = parent_li.find('ul').first(); if (parent_ul.length==0) { parent_ul = $(""); parent_li.append(parent_ul); } return draw_node(node, parent_ul, parent_node.level + 1); } function style_node(li, node) { var control_class = ''; var control_div = li.find('div.control').first(); if (node.y=='c') { var has_children = node.c && node.c.length>0; if (!has_children) { node.is_open = false; } control_class = node.is_open ? 'cat_open' : (has_children ? 'cat_can_open' : 'cat_cant_open') if (node.is_root) { li.find('div.move').addClass('root_move'); } } else { if (node.d==1) { control_class = 'd_page' li.addClass("deleted"); } else { control_class = node.y=='s' ? 'stub' : 'page'; } if (node.b===true) { li.addClass("pub"); } } control_div.removeClass("cat_open cat_can_open cat_cant_open").addClass(control_class); } function draw_node(node, list, level) { if (node.id>max_id) { max_id = node.id; } node.level = level; var this_li = $(node_template({node: extend_node(node)})); style_node(this_li, node); if (opts.hide_locked==false || node.k!=true) { list.append(this_li); } if (node.y=='c') { var new_list_style = node.is_open ? '' : 'display: none;'; var new_list = $(""); this_li.append(new_list); if (node.c && node.c.length>0) { _.each(node.c, function(n) { n.parentid = node.id; draw_node(n, new_list, level + 1); }); } } return this_li; } function extend_node(node) { if (node.extended===undefined) { if (node.is_open===undefined) { node.is_open = (node.level <= opts.open_level); } node.extended = true; node.is_new = false; } return node; } function load_tree_state() { var state = $.cookie('tree'); if (state==null) { return; } var nodes = state.split(","); _.each(nodes, function(nid) { var node = find_node(tree, 'c', nid); if (node && node.c && node.c.length>0) { node.is_open = true; } }); } function set_tree_state() { var l = [] var list = get_open_list(tree, l); $.cookie("tree", list.join(','), {expires: 365, path: '/pages'}) } function get_open_list(node, list) { if (node.y!='c') { return list; } if (node.is_open===true) { list.push(node.id); } _.each(node.c, function(n) { list = get_open_list(n, list); }); return list } function add_refresh_button() { div.append($('Refresh').on('click', function() { fetch_data(true); notify("Refreshed"); })); } function add_move_buttons(options_div) { var buttons_div = $('
    '); options_div.append(buttons_div); buttons_div.append($('')); buttons_div.append($('Move').on('click', function() { move_mode(); })); buttons_div.append($('Copy').on('click', function() { copy_mode(); })); buttons_div.append($('').on('click', function() { cancel_move(); })); } function cancel_move() { div.find('div.buttons a.copy_icon').show(); div.find('div.buttons a.move_icon').show(); div.find('div.buttons a.cancel').hide(); div.find('li div.move').hide(); div.find('li.type_c > div.move').droppable('destroy'); div.find('.dd_accept').removeClass('dd_accept'); } var dd = null; function move_mode() { dd = "move"; setup_dd(); } function copy_mode() { dd = "copy"; setup_dd(); } function setup_dd() { div.find('div.buttons a.copy_icon').hide(); div.find('div.buttons a.move_icon').hide(); div.find('div.buttons a.cancel').show(); div.find('li div.move').show().draggable({ addClasses: false, revert: true }); div.find('li.type_c > div.move').droppable({ over: function(event, ui) { var li = get_li_up(event); //$(event.target).parent('li').first(); li.find('div.title').first().addClass("dd_accept"); }, out: function(event, ui) { var li = get_li_up(event); // $(event.target).parent('li').first(); li.find('div.title').first().removeClass("dd_accept"); }, drop: function(event, ui) { move($(ui.draggable).parent('li'), get_li_up(event)); } }); } function add_filter(options_div) { options_div.append("
    "); options_div.find('input[name=filter]').on('keyup', function(event) { do_filter(); }).focus(); } function do_filter() { var filter_el = div.find("input[name=filter]").first(); if (filter_el===undefined || filter_el===null) { return; } var filter = filter_el.val(); if (filter.trim().length==0) { div.find('ul.list').hide(); div.find('ul.tree').show(); return; } div.find('ul.tree').hide(); var list_el = div.find('ul.list'); list_el.html(''); list_el.show(); div.find('div.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); add_node_to_filtered_list(list_el, tree, filter); } function add_node_to_filtered_list(el, node, filter) { if (node.t.indexOf(filter)>=0 || (node.g && node.g.indexOf(filter)>=0) || (opts.filter_on_path && node.p && node.p.indexOf(filter)>=0)) { el.append("
  • " + node.p + "
  • ").on('click', function(event) { div.find('ul.list').hide(); div.find('ul.tree').show(); highlight_li($(event.target.parentElement)); }); } _.each(node.c, function(n) { add_node_to_filtered_list(el, n, filter); }); } function highlight_li(li) { // walk up tree to root, opening as you go var lid = l_id(li); var lip = find_li(lid[0], lid[1]); find_li(lid[0],lid[1]).find('div.title').first().addClass('highlight'); node = find_node_for_li(li); if (node.y!='c') { node = find_node(tree,'c',node.parentid); } var done = false; while (!done) { open_node(node, find_li('c',node.id)); if (node.is_root === undefined) { node = find_node(tree,'c',node.parentid); } else { done = true; } } } function move(src, target) { var src_lid = l_id(src); var target_lid = l_id(target); var src_node = find_node(tree, src_lid[0], src_lid[1]); var target_node = find_node(tree, target_lid[0], target_lid[1]); if (src_node.parentid == target_node.id) { return; } if (src_node.y=='c') { // walk up from target to root - if we find the source, disallow // var okay = true; var node = target_node; while (node!=tree) { if (node.id == src_node.id) { okay = false; break; } node = find_node(tree, 'c', node.parentid); } if (!okay) { notify("Sorry, you can't do this - it would leave an orphaned category"); return; } } var move = dd=="move"; $.post("/category/move", { mode: dd, source_id: src_lid[1], target_id: target_lid[1], is_cat: src_lid[0]=='c' ? 1 : 0 }, function(resp) { if (resp.okay) { if (target_node.c===undefined) { target_node.c = []; } if (move) { remove_child(src_node); src_node.parentid = target_node.id; target_node.c.push(src_node); target.find('ul').first().append(src); } else { var copy_src_node = $.extend(true, {}, src_node); copy_src_node.id = resp.new_id; target_node.c.push(copy_src_node); var new_li = src.clone(); new_li.attr("id", copy_src_node.y + "_" + resp.new_id); target.find('ul').first().append(new_li); } open_node(target_node, target); style_node(target, target_node); cancel_move(); } else { log("Move failed " + resp.message); } notify(resp.message); }); cc = null; } function log(message) { if (debug) { console.debug(message); } } $.fn.dsc_tree = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 )); } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on JQuery.dsc_tree'); } } })(jQuery);