%section.section.manage %h1.section-title= title "Merge School" .form-container = simple_form_for @school, url: url_for(action: "perform_merge", controller: "schools"), html: { "data-validate" => "form" } do |f| %p#disclaimer %strong WARNING! This is an irreversible action! - if f.error_notification.present? #disclaimer = f.error_notification - if flash[:notice] #disclaimer = flash[:notice] %p You are going to merge %strong= @school.full_name into: .form-inputs = f.input :id, as: :school_selection, placeholder: "My University", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }, label: "Merge Into:", value: '' %p This will rename all future applications with the %strong= @school.full_name school name to this new school. %div{class:'center'} = f.button :submit, value: 'Merge' .form-container .center = link_to 'Back', manage_school_path(@school)