# TableGo simple, flexible and fast html table generator ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'table_go' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install table_go ## Usage example in HAML = table_go_for @orders, Order, :title => 'one Table', :table_html => { :id => :the_table }, :row_html => { :class => lambda { cycle('even', 'odd') }, :id => lambda { |record| dom_id(record, :special) }} do |t| - t.column :id, :column_html => { :class => lambda { |record, column, value| value.even? ? :even : :odd } } - t.column :my_type, :send => :titleize - t.column :vat, :label => 'as percent', :as => :percent - t.column :price, :label => 'as € currency', :as => :currency - t.column :date_of_order, :header_html => { :class => :date, :style => :xyz, :id => :date_column }, :column_html => { :class => :date, :style => :xyz, :id => lambda { |record, column, value| "date_#{record.id}" }} - t.column :date_of_order, :as => :date, :as_options => { :format => :short } - t.column :date_of_order, :label => 'with custom formatter', :as => lambda { |value, record, column| value.to_s.reverse } - t.column :date_of_order, :label => 'with block level custom formatter' do |value, record, column| %b do it %br = value %b like u want - t.column :xmas_bonus, :as => :boolean, :label => 'as boolean' - t.column :customer, :method => :name ## TODO: - add sorting for column ## Changelog #### 0.2.4 - new method: table_rows_for - table options: render_rows_only, without_header #### 0.2.3 - speed optimisation for haml templates - allowing block style table options #### 0.2.2 - small fixes - tests #### 0.2.1 - tests #### 0.2.0 - allow multiline block level customization of columns #### 0.1.9 - simple, flexible and fast html table generator ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request