require 'kameleon/utils' require 'shellwords' module Kameleon class Shell ECHO_CMD = "echo" READ_CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576 EXIT_TIMEOUT = 60 attr :exit_status, :process def initialize(context_name, cmd, shell_workdir, local_workdir, kwargs = {}) @logger ="kameleon::[shell]") @cmd = cmd.chomp @context_name = context_name @local_workdir = local_workdir @shell_workdir = shell_workdir @bashrc_file = "/tmp/kameleon_#{@context_name}_bash_rc" @bash_history_file = "/tmp/kameleon_#{@context_name}_bash_history" @bash_env_file = "/tmp/kameleon_#{@context_name}_bash_env" change_dir_cmd = "" if @shell_workdir unless @shell_workdir.eql? "/" change_dir_cmd = "mkdir -p #{@shell_workdir} &&" end change_dir_cmd = "#{change_dir_cmd} cd #{@shell_workdir} && " end @default_bashrc_file = File.join(Kameleon.source_root, "contrib", "") bash_cmd = "bash --rcfile #{@bashrc_file}" @shell_cmd = "source #{@default_bashrc_file} 2> /dev/null; "\ "#{@cmd} -c '#{change_dir_cmd}#{bash_cmd}'" @logger.debug("Initialize shell (#{self})") # Injecting all variables of the options and assign the variables instance_variables.each do |v| @logger.debug(" #{v} = #{instance_variable_get(v)}") end end def start @sent_first_cmd = false @process, @stdout, @stderr = fork("pipe") end def stop @process.stop end def exited? @process.exited? end def restart stop start end def send_file(source_path, remote_dest_path, chunk_size=READ_CHUNK_SIZE) copy_process, = fork("pipe") << "cat > #{remote_dest_path}\n" open(source_path, "rb") do |f| begin << end until f.eof? end copy_process.wait copy_process.poll_for_exit(EXIT_TIMEOUT) end def init_shell_cmd bashrc_content = "" if File.file?(@default_bashrc_file) tpl = bashrc_content = tpl.result(binding) end bashrc = Shellwords.escape(bashrc_content) shell_cmd = "mkdir -p $(dirname #{@bashrc_file})\n" shell_cmd << "echo #{bashrc} > #{@bashrc_file}\n" shell_cmd << "source #{@bashrc_file}\n" shell_cmd end def send_command cmd shell_cmd = "#{ ECHO_CMD } -n #{ cmd.begin_err } 1>&2\n" shell_cmd << "#{ ECHO_CMD } -n #{ cmd.begin_out }\n" unless @sent_first_cmd shell_cmd << init_shell_cmd @sent_first_cmd = true end shell_cmd << "KAMELEON_LAST_COMMAND=#{Shellwords.escape(cmd.value)}\n" shell_cmd << "( set -o posix ; set ) > #{@bash_env_file}\n" shell_cmd << "env | xargs -I {} echo export {} >> #{@bash_env_file}\n" shell_cmd << "#{ cmd.value }\nexport __exit_status__=$?\n" shell_cmd << "#{ ECHO_CMD } $KAMELEON_LAST_COMMAND >> \"$HISTFILE\"\n" shell_cmd << "#{ ECHO_CMD } -n #{ cmd.end_err } 1>&2\n" shell_cmd << "#{ ECHO_CMD } -n #{ cmd.end_out }\n" shell_cmd end def execute(cmd, kwargs = {}) cmd_obj = send_command cmd_obj = iodata = {:stderr => { :io => @stderr, :name => 'stderr', :begin => false, :end => false, :begin_pat => cmd_obj.begin_err_pat, :end_pat => cmd_obj.end_err_pat, :redirect => kwargs[:stderr], :yield => lambda{|buf| yield(nil, buf)} }, :stdout => { :io => @stdout, :name => 'stdout', :begin => false, :end => false, :begin_pat => cmd_obj.begin_out_pat, :end_pat => cmd_obj.end_out_pat, :redirect => kwargs[:stdout], :yield => lambda{|buf| yield(buf, nil)} } } while true iodata.each do |_, iodat| if iodat[:end] and not iodat[:begin] raise ShellError, "Cannot read #{iodat[:begin]} from shell" end end if iodata.all? { |k, iodat| iodat[:end] and iodat[:begin]} break end readers = ( { |_, v| v[:io] unless v[:end] }) ready =, nil, nil, 0.1) ready ||= [[]] readers = ready[0] # Check the readers to see if they're ready if readers && !readers.empty? readers.each do |r| # Read from the IO object iodat = r == @stdout ? iodata[:stdout] : iodata[:stderr] data = read_io(r) # We don't need to do anything if the data is empty next if data.empty? if !iodat[:begin] && (m = iodat[:begin_pat].match(data)) iodat[:begin] = true data = m[1] end next unless iodat[:begin] and not iodat[:end] # ignore chaff if !iodat[:end] && (m = iodat[:end_pat].match(data)) iodat[:end] = true data = m[1] end next if data.empty? if iodat[:redirect] iodat[:redirect] << data else iodat[:yield].call data if block_given? end end end end iodata = nil return get_status end def fork_and_wait process, = fork("inherit") process.wait end protected def get_status var_name = "__exit_status__" << "#{ ECHO_CMD } \"#{ var_name }=${#{ var_name }}\"\n" while((line = @stdout.gets)) if (m = %r/#{ var_name }\s*=\s*(.*)/.match line) exit_status = m[1] unless exit_status =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/o raise ShellError, "could not determine exit status from <#{ exit_status.inspect }>" end @exit_status = Integer exit_status return @exit_status end end end def read_io(io) data = "" while true begin # Do a simple non-blocking read on the IO object data << io.read_nonblock(READ_CHUNK_SIZE) rescue Exception => e breakable = false if e.is_a?(EOFError) # An `EOFError` means this IO object is done! breakable = true elsif defined?(IO::WaitReadable) && e.is_a?(IO::WaitReadable) breakable = true elsif e.is_a?(Errno::EAGAIN) breakable = true end break if breakable raise end end data end def fork(io) command = ["bash", "-c", @shell_cmd] @logger.notice("Starting process: #{@cmd.inspect}") ChildProcess.posix_spawn = true process =*command) # Create the pipes so we can read the output in real time as # we execute the command. if io.eql? "pipe" stdout, stdout_writer = IO.pipe stderr, stderr_writer = IO.pipe = stdout_writer = stderr_writer # sets up pipe so will be available after .start process.duplex = true elsif io.eql? "inherit"! end # Start the process begin process.cwd = @local_workdir process.start # Wait to child starting sleep(0.2) rescue ChildProcess::LaunchError => e # Raise our own version of the error raise ShellError, "Cannot launch #{command.inspect}: #{e.message}" end if io.eql? "pipe" # Make sure the stdin does not buffer = true stdout_writer.close() stderr_writer.close() return process, stdout, stderr else return process, $stdout, $stderr end end class Command class << self def counter; @counter ||= 0; end def counter= n; @counter = n; end end attr :value attr :number attr :id attr :slug attr :begin_out attr :begin_out_pat attr :end_out attr :end_out_pat attr :begin_err attr :begin_err_pat attr :end_err attr :end_err_pat def initialize(raw) @value = raw.to_s.strip @number = self.class.counter @slug = Kameleon::Utils.generate_slug(@value)[0...30] @id = "%d_%d_%d" % [$$, @number, rand(] @begin_out = "__CMD_OUT_%s_BEGIN__" % @id @end_out = "__CMD_OUT_%s_END__" % @id @begin_out_pat = %r/#{ Regexp.escape(@begin_out) }(.*)/m @end_out_pat = %r/(.*)#{ Regexp.escape(@end_out) }/m @begin_err = "__CMD_ERR_%s_BEGIN__" % @id @end_err = "__CMD_ERR_%s_END__" % @id @begin_err_pat = %r/#{ Regexp.escape(@begin_err) }(.*)/m @end_err_pat = %r/(.*)#{ Regexp.escape(@end_err) }/m self.class.counter += 1 end end end end