title: Home
  - section_id: hero
    type: section_hero
    title: LedgerSync
    image: images/5.jpg
    content: An open-source library for easily syncing with accounting software, general ledgers, ERPs, and other ledgers.
      - label: Get Started
        url: guides
        type: primary
  - section_id: features
    type: section_grid
    col_number: three
      - title: Guides
        content: >-
          Check out our Quick Start guide to start syncing.  You can also view other detailed guides for various use cases, ledgers, customizability, and more.
          - label: Get Started
            url: /guides
            type: link
      - title: Reference
        content: >-
          The Reference gives you detailed information about each ledger, operation, and resource.  The Reference will help you know what attributes are required for which operations.
          - label: View Reference
            url: /reference
            type: link
      - title: Contribute
        content: >-
          Want to help build LedgerSync?  Check out our guidelines and resources for extending LedgerSync to new
          legders, resources, and more.
          - label: Learn More
            url: /guides/contribute
            type: link
  # - section_id: text-img
  #   type: section_content
  #   image: images/10.jpg
  #   image_position: left
  #   title: A Section With An Image
  #   content: >-
  #     Nam pulvinar ante eu ultricies volutpat. Sed nulla nibh, dapibus sit amet
  #     cursus quis, fringilla nec sapien. Vestibulum imperdiet nunc bibendum
  #     consectetur lobortis.
  #   actions:
  #     - label: View Demo
  #       url: /guides/getting-started/index.html
  #       type: primary
  #     - label: Get Started
  #       url: /guides/getting-started/index.html
  #       type: secondary
  # - section_id: features-two-col
  #   type: section_grid
  #   title: Sample Layouts
  #   subtitle: An optional subtitle of the section
  #   col_number: two
  #   grid_items:
  #     - title: Overview
  #       content: >-
  #         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisl
  #         ligula, cursus id molestie vel, maximus aliquet risus. Vivamus in nibh
  #         fringilla, fringilla tortor at, pulvinar orci.
  #       actions:
  #         - label: Learn More
  #           url: /overview.html
  #           type: link
  #     - title: Showcase
  #       content: >-
  #         Donec lobortis velit sed suscipit lobortis. Ut non quam metus. Nullam
  #         a maximus mi. Quisque justo nunc, sollicitudin euismod euismod at,
  #         tincidunt ut tellus. Vivamus rhoncus mattis varius.
  #       actions:
  #         - label: Learn More
  #           url: /showcase.html
  #           type: link
  # - section_id: cta
  #   type: section_cta
  #   title: The Title of The Call to Action Block
  #   subtitle: This is an optional description for the call to action block.
  #   actions:
  #     - label: Get Started
  #       url: /guides/getting-started/installation.html
  #       type: primary
  # - section_id: text-no-img
  #   type: section_content
  #   title: A Section Without Image
  #   content: >-
  #     Nam pulvinar ante eu ultricies volutpat. Sed nulla nibh, dapibus sit amet
  #     cursus quis, fringilla nec sapien. Vestibulum imperdiet nunc bibendum
  #     consectetur lobortis.
  #   actions:
  #     - label: Get Started
  #       url: /guides/getting-started/installation.html
  #       type: primary
layout: advanced