# frozen_string_literal: true require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') RSpec.describe "Routing" do describe "Paths Generated by Custom Routes:" do # paths generated by custom routes it "has a path for showing the email form" do expect(:get => "/catalog/email").to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'email') end it "has a path for sending the email" do expect(:post => "/catalog/email").to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'email') end it "maps GET {:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'sms'} to /catalog/sms" do expect(:get => "/catalog/sms").to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'sms') end it "maps POST {:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'sms'} to /catalog/sms" do expect(:post => "/catalog/sms").to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'sms') end it "maps { :controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 666 } to /catalog/666" do expect(:get => "/catalog/666").to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => "666") end end describe "solr_document_path for SolrDocument", :test => true do it "routes correctly" do expect(:get => solr_document_path(SolrDocument.new(:id => 'asdf'))).to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 'asdf') end context "should escape solr document ids" do it "pass-throughs url-valid ids" do expect(:get => solr_document_path(SolrDocument.new(:id => 'qwerty'))).to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 'qwerty') end it "routes url-like ids" do skip "This works if you configure your routing to have very liberal constraints on :id.. not sure how to go about testing it though" expect(:get => solr_document_path(SolrDocument.new(:id => 'http://example.com'))).to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 'http://example.com') end it "routes ids with whitespace" do expect(:get => solr_document_path(SolrDocument.new(:id => 'mm 123'))).to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 'mm 123') end it "routes ids with a literal '+'" do expect(:get => solr_document_path(SolrDocument.new(:id => 'this+that'))).to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 'this+that') end it "routes ids with a literal '/" do skip "This works if you configure your routing to have very liberal constraints on :id.. not sure how to go about testing it though" expect(:get => solr_document_path(SolrDocument.new(:id => 'and/or'))).to route_to(:controller => 'catalog', :action => 'show', :id => 'and/or') end end end end