/*! * FullCalendar Scheduler v1.9.2 * Docs & License: https://fullcalendar.io/scheduler/ * (c) 2017 Adam Shaw */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("fullcalendar"), require("jquery"), require("moment")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["fullcalendar", "jquery", "moment"], factory); else { var a = typeof exports === 'object' ? factory(require("fullcalendar"), require("jquery"), require("moment")) : factory(root["FullCalendar"], root["jQuery"], root["moment"]); for(var i in a) (typeof exports === 'object' ? exports : root)[i] = a[i]; } })(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_0__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_2__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_15__) { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { /******/ configurable: false, /******/ enumerable: true, /******/ get: getter /******/ }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 36); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_0__; /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* derived from: https://github.com/Microsoft/tslib/blob/v1.6.0/tslib.js only include the helpers we need, to keep down filesize */ var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; exports.__extends = function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_2__; /***/ }), /* 3 */, /* 4 */, /* 5 */, /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceComponentFootprint = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceComponentFootprint, _super); function ResourceComponentFootprint(unzonedRange, isAllDay, resourceId) { var _this = _super.call(this, unzonedRange, isAllDay) || this; _this.resourceId = resourceId; return _this; } ResourceComponentFootprint.prototype.toLegacy = function (calendar) { var obj = _super.prototype.toLegacy.call(this, calendar); obj.resourceId = this.resourceId; return obj; }; return ResourceComponentFootprint; }(fullcalendar_1.ComponentFootprint)); exports.default = ResourceComponentFootprint; /***/ }), /* 7 */, /* 8 */, /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceViewMixin = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceViewMixin, _super); function ResourceViewMixin() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } ResourceViewMixin.mixInto = function (destClass) { var _this = this; fullcalendar_1.Mixin.mixInto.call(this, destClass); [ 'bindBaseRenderHandlers', 'queryScroll', 'applyScroll', 'triggerDayClick', 'triggerSelect', 'triggerExternalDrop', 'handleResourceAdd', 'handleResourceRemove' ].forEach(function (methodName) { destClass.prototype[methodName] = _this.prototype[methodName]; }); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.initResourceView = function () { var _this = this; // new task var resourceDeps = ['hasResources']; if (!this.canHandleSpecificResources) { resourceDeps.push('displayingDates'); } this.watch('displayingResources', resourceDeps, function () { _this.requestResourcesRender(_this.get('currentResources')); }, function () { _this.requestResourcesUnrender(); }); // start relying on displayingResources this.watch('displayingBusinessHours', [ 'businessHourGenerator', 'displayingResources', 'displayingDates' ], function (deps) { _this.requestBusinessHoursRender(deps.businessHourGenerator); }, function () { _this.requestBusinessHoursUnrender(); }); // start relying on resource displaying rather than just current resources this.watch('displayingEvents', ['displayingResources', 'hasEvents'], function () { _this.requestEventsRender(_this.get('currentEvents')); }, function () { _this.requestEventsUnrender(); }); }; // Logic: base render trigger should fire when BOTH the resources and dates have rendered, // but the unrender trigger should fire after ONLY the dates are about to be unrendered. ResourceViewMixin.prototype.bindBaseRenderHandlers = function () { var isResourcesRendered = false; var isDatesRendered = false; this.on('resourcesRendered', function () { if (!isResourcesRendered) { isResourcesRendered = true; if (isDatesRendered) { this.whenSizeUpdated(this.triggerViewRender); } } }); this.on('datesRendered', function () { if (!isDatesRendered) { isDatesRendered = true; if (isResourcesRendered) { this.whenSizeUpdated(this.triggerViewRender); } } }); this.on('before:resourcesUnrendered', function () { if (isResourcesRendered) { isResourcesRendered = false; } }); this.on('before:datesUnrendered', function () { if (isDatesRendered) { isDatesRendered = false; this.triggerViewDestroy(); } }); }; // Scroll // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceViewMixin.prototype.queryScroll = function () { var scroll = fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.queryScroll.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isResourcesRendered) { $.extend(scroll, this.queryResourceScroll()); } return scroll; }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.applyScroll = function (scroll) { fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.applyScroll.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isResourcesRendered) { this.applyResourceScroll(scroll); } }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.queryResourceScroll = function () { return {}; // subclasses must implement }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.applyResourceScroll = function () { // subclasses must implement }; // Rendering Utils // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceViewMixin.prototype.getResourceText = function (resource) { return this.getResourceTextFunc()(resource); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.getResourceTextFunc = function () { if (this.resourceTextFunc) { return this.resourceTextFunc; } else { var func = this.opt('resourceText'); if (typeof func !== 'function') { func = function (resource) { return resource.title || resource.id; }; } this.resourceTextFunc = func; return func; } }; // Resource Change Handling // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceViewMixin.prototype.handleResourceAdd = function (resource) { this.requestResourceRender(resource); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.handleResourceRemove = function (resource) { this.requestResourceUnrender(resource); }; // Resource Rendering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceViewMixin.prototype.requestResourcesRender = function (resources) { var _this = this; this.requestRender(function () { _this.executeResourcesRender(resources); }, 'resource', 'init'); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.requestResourcesUnrender = function () { var _this = this; this.requestRender(function () { _this.executeResourcesUnrender(); }, 'resource', 'destroy'); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.requestResourceRender = function (resource) { var _this = this; this.requestRender(function () { _this.executeResourceRender(resource); }, 'resource', 'add'); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.requestResourceUnrender = function (resource) { var _this = this; this.requestRender(function () { _this.executeResourceUnrender(resource); }, 'resource', 'remove'); }; // Resource High-level Rendering/Unrendering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceViewMixin.prototype.executeResourcesRender = function (resources) { this.renderResources(resources); this.isResourcesRendered = true; this.trigger('resourcesRendered'); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.executeResourcesUnrender = function () { this.trigger('before:resourcesUnrendered'); this.unrenderResources(); this.isResourcesRendered = false; }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.executeResourceRender = function (resource) { this.renderResource(resource); }; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.executeResourceUnrender = function (resource) { this.unrenderResource(resource); }; // Triggering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* footprint is a ResourceComponentFootprint */ ResourceViewMixin.prototype.triggerDayClick = function (footprint, dayEl, ev) { var dateProfile = this.calendar.footprintToDateProfile(footprint); this.publiclyTrigger('dayClick', { context: dayEl, args: [ dateProfile.start, ev, this, footprint.resourceId ? this.calendar.resourceManager.getResourceById(footprint.resourceId) : null ] }); }; /* footprint is a ResourceComponentFootprint */ ResourceViewMixin.prototype.triggerSelect = function (footprint, ev) { var dateProfile = this.calendar.footprintToDateProfile(footprint); this.publiclyTrigger('select', { context: this, args: [ dateProfile.start, dateProfile.end, ev, this, footprint.resourceId ? this.calendar.resourceManager.getResourceById(footprint.resourceId) : null ] }); }; // override the view's default trigger in order to provide a resourceId to the `drop` event // TODO: make more DRY with core ResourceViewMixin.prototype.triggerExternalDrop = function (singleEventDef, isEvent, el, ev, ui) { // trigger 'drop' regardless of whether element represents an event this.publiclyTrigger('drop', { context: el[0], args: [ singleEventDef.dateProfile.start.clone(), ev, ui, singleEventDef.getResourceIds()[0], this ] }); if (isEvent) { // signal an external event landed this.publiclyTrigger('eventReceive', { context: this, args: [ singleEventDef.buildInstance().toLegacy(), this ] }); } }; return ResourceViewMixin; }(fullcalendar_1.Mixin)); exports.default = ResourceViewMixin; ResourceViewMixin.prototype.isResourcesRendered = false; /***/ }), /* 10 */, /* 11 */, /* 12 */, /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceDayTableMixin_1 = __webpack_require__(21); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); var ResourceDayGrid = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceDayGrid, _super); function ResourceDayGrid(view) { var _this = _super.call(this, view) || this; _this.isResourceFootprintsEnabled = true; return _this; } ResourceDayGrid.prototype.renderDates = function (dateProfile) { this.dateProfile = dateProfile; }; ResourceDayGrid.prototype.renderResources = function (resources) { this.registerResources(resources); this.renderGrid(); if (this.headContainerEl) { this.processHeadResourceEls(this.headContainerEl); } }; // TODO: make DRY with ResourceTimeGrid ResourceDayGrid.prototype.getHitFootprint = function (hit) { var plainFootprint = _super.prototype.getHitFootprint.call(this, hit); return new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(plainFootprint.unzonedRange, plainFootprint.isAllDay, this.getColResource(hit.col).id); }; ResourceDayGrid.prototype.componentFootprintToSegs = function (componentFootprint) { var resourceCnt = this.resourceCnt; var genericSegs = this.datesAboveResources ? this.sliceRangeByDay(componentFootprint.unzonedRange) : // each day-per-resource will need its own column this.sliceRangeByRow(componentFootprint.unzonedRange); var resourceSegs = []; for (var _i = 0, genericSegs_1 = genericSegs; _i < genericSegs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = genericSegs_1[_i]; for (var resourceIndex = 0; resourceIndex < resourceCnt; resourceIndex++) { var resourceObj = this.flattenedResources[resourceIndex]; if (!(componentFootprint instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default) || (componentFootprint.resourceId === resourceObj.id)) { var copy = $.extend({}, seg); copy.resource = resourceObj; if (this.isRTL) { copy.leftCol = this.indicesToCol(resourceIndex, seg.lastRowDayIndex); copy.rightCol = this.indicesToCol(resourceIndex, seg.firstRowDayIndex); } else { copy.leftCol = this.indicesToCol(resourceIndex, seg.firstRowDayIndex); copy.rightCol = this.indicesToCol(resourceIndex, seg.lastRowDayIndex); } resourceSegs.push(copy); } } } return resourceSegs; }; return ResourceDayGrid; }(fullcalendar_1.DayGrid)); exports.default = ResourceDayGrid; ResourceDayTableMixin_1.default.mixInto(ResourceDayGrid); /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var moment = __webpack_require__(15); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ClippedScroller_1 = __webpack_require__(24); var ScrollerCanvas_1 = __webpack_require__(25); var ScrollJoiner_1 = __webpack_require__(16); var ScrollFollower_1 = __webpack_require__(26); var TimelineEventRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(17); var TimelineFillRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(28); var TimelineHelperRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(29); var TimelineEventDragging_1 = __webpack_require__(40); var TimelineEventResizing_1 = __webpack_require__(41); var TimelineView_defaults_1 = __webpack_require__(42); var TimelineView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(TimelineView, _super); function TimelineView(calendar, viewSpec) { var _this = _super.call(this, calendar, viewSpec) || this; _this.emphasizeWeeks = false; _this.isTimeBodyScrolled = false; _this.slotWidth = _this.opt('slotWidth'); return _this; } // Footprints // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* TODO: avoid using Moments. use slat system somehow THEN, can have componentFootprintToSegs handle this on its own */ TimelineView.prototype.normalizeComponentFootprint = function (componentFootprint) { var adjustedEnd; var adjustedStart; var unzonedRange = componentFootprint.unzonedRange; if (this.isTimeScale) { adjustedStart = this.normalizeGridDate(unzonedRange.getStart()); adjustedEnd = this.normalizeGridDate(unzonedRange.getEnd()); } else { var dayRange = this.computeDayRange(unzonedRange); if (this.largeUnit) { adjustedStart = dayRange.start.clone().startOf(this.largeUnit); adjustedEnd = dayRange.end.clone().startOf(this.largeUnit); // if date is partially through the interval, or is in the same interval as the start, // make the exclusive end be the *next* interval if (!adjustedEnd.isSame(dayRange.end) || !adjustedEnd.isAfter(adjustedStart)) { adjustedEnd.add(this.slotDuration); } } else { adjustedStart = dayRange.start; adjustedEnd = dayRange.end; } } return new fullcalendar_1.ComponentFootprint(new fullcalendar_1.UnzonedRange(adjustedStart, adjustedEnd), !this.isTimeScale // isAllDay ); }; TimelineView.prototype.componentFootprintToSegs = function (footprint) { var footprintStart = footprint.unzonedRange.getStart(); var footprintEnd = footprint.unzonedRange.getEnd(); var normalFootprint = this.normalizeComponentFootprint(footprint); var segs = []; // protect against when the span is entirely in an invalid date region if (this.computeDateSnapCoverage(footprintStart) < this.computeDateSnapCoverage(footprintEnd)) { // intersect the footprint's range with the grid'd range var segRange = normalFootprint.unzonedRange.intersect(this.normalizedUnzonedRange); if (segRange) { var segStart = segRange.getStart(); var segEnd = segRange.getEnd(); segs.push({ start: segStart, end: segEnd, isStart: segRange.isStart && this.isValidDate(segStart), isEnd: segRange.isEnd && this.isValidDate(segEnd.clone().subtract(1)) }); } } // TODO: what if month slots? should round it to nearest month // TODO: dragging/resizing in this situation? deltas for dragging/resizing breaks down return segs; }; // Date Computation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Makes the given date consistent with isTimeScale/largeUnit, so, either removes the times, ensures a time, or makes it the startOf largeUnit. Strips all timezones. Returns new copy. TODO: should maybe be called "normalizeRangeDate". */ TimelineView.prototype.normalizeGridDate = function (date) { var normalDate = date.clone(); this.calendar.localizeMoment(normalDate); // mostly for startOf if (this.isTimeScale) { if (!normalDate.hasTime()) { normalDate.time(0); } } else { normalDate = normalDate.clone().stripTime(); if (this.largeUnit) { normalDate.startOf(this.largeUnit); } } return normalDate; }; TimelineView.prototype.isValidDate = function (date) { if (this.isHiddenDay(date)) { return false; } else if (this.isTimeScale) { // determine if the time is within minTime/maxTime, which may have wacky values var ms = date.time() - this.dateProfile.minTime; // milliseconds since minTime ms = ((ms % 86400000) + 86400000) % 86400000; // make negative values wrap to 24hr clock return ms < this.timeWindowMs; // before the maxTime? } else { return true; } }; TimelineView.prototype.updateGridDates = function () { var snapIndex = -1; var snapDiff = 0; // index of the diff :( var snapDiffToIndex = []; var snapIndexToDiff = []; var date = this.normalizedUnzonedStart.clone(); while (date < this.normalizedUnzonedEnd) { if (this.isValidDate(date)) { snapIndex++; snapDiffToIndex.push(snapIndex); snapIndexToDiff.push(snapDiff); } else { snapDiffToIndex.push(snapIndex + 0.5); } date.add(this.snapDuration); snapDiff++; } this.snapDiffToIndex = snapDiffToIndex; this.snapIndexToDiff = snapIndexToDiff; this.snapCnt = snapIndex + 1; // is always one behind this.slotCnt = this.snapCnt / this.snapsPerSlot; }; // Skeleton Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.renderSkeleton = function () { this.el.addClass('fc-timeline'); if (this.opt('eventOverlap') === false) { this.el.addClass('fc-no-overlap'); } this.el.html(this.renderSkeletonHtml()); this.timeHeadEl = this.el.find('thead .fc-time-area'); this.timeBodyEl = this.el.find('tbody .fc-time-area'); this.timeHeadScroller = new ClippedScroller_1.default({ overflowX: 'clipped-scroll', overflowY: 'hidden' }); this.timeHeadScroller.canvas = new ScrollerCanvas_1.default(); this.timeHeadScroller.render(); this.timeHeadScroller.el.appendTo(this.timeHeadEl); this.timeBodyScroller = new ClippedScroller_1.default(); this.timeBodyScroller.canvas = new ScrollerCanvas_1.default(); this.timeBodyScroller.render(); this.timeBodyScroller.el.appendTo(this.timeBodyEl); this.isTimeBodyScrolled = false; // because if the grid has been rerendered, it will get a zero scroll this.timeBodyScroller.on('scroll', fullcalendar_1.proxy(this, 'handleTimeBodyScrolled')); this.slatContainerEl = $('
').appendTo(this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.bgEl); this.segContainerEl = $('
').appendTo(this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.contentEl); this.bgSegContainerEl = this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.bgEl; this.timeBodyBoundCache = new fullcalendar_1.CoordCache({ els: this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.el, isHorizontal: true, isVertical: true }); this.timeScrollJoiner = new ScrollJoiner_1.default('horizontal', [this.timeHeadScroller, this.timeBodyScroller]); // the date/time text on the top axis that stays put while scrolling happens this.headDateFollower = new ScrollFollower_1.default(this.timeHeadScroller, true); // allowPointerEvents=true // the event titles that stay put while scrolling happens this.eventTitleFollower = new ScrollFollower_1.default(this.timeBodyScroller); this.eventTitleFollower.minTravel = 50; // if (this.isRTL) { this.eventTitleFollower.containOnNaturalRight = true; } else { this.eventTitleFollower.containOnNaturalLeft = true; } _super.prototype.renderSkeleton.call(this); }; TimelineView.prototype.renderSkeletonHtml = function () { var theme = this.calendar.theme; return "
"; }; TimelineView.prototype.unrenderSkeleton = function () { this.handleTimeBodyScrolled(0); _super.prototype.unrenderSkeleton.call(this); }; // Date Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.renderDates = function (dateProfile) { TimelineView_defaults_1.initScaleProps(this); this.timeWindowMs = dateProfile.maxTime - dateProfile.minTime; // makes sure zone is stripped this.normalizedUnzonedStart = this.normalizeGridDate(dateProfile.renderUnzonedRange.getStart()); this.normalizedUnzonedEnd = this.normalizeGridDate(dateProfile.renderUnzonedRange.getEnd()); // apply minTime/maxTime // TODO: move towards .time(), but didn't play well with negatives. // TODO: View should be responsible. if (this.isTimeScale) { this.normalizedUnzonedStart.add(dateProfile.minTime); this.normalizedUnzonedEnd.subtract(1, 'day').add(dateProfile.maxTime); } this.normalizedUnzonedRange = new fullcalendar_1.UnzonedRange(this.normalizedUnzonedStart, this.normalizedUnzonedEnd); var slotDates = []; var date = this.normalizedUnzonedStart.clone(); this.calendar.localizeMoment(date); while (date < this.normalizedUnzonedEnd) { if (this.isValidDate(date)) { slotDates.push(date.clone()); } date.add(this.slotDuration); } this.slotDates = slotDates; this.updateGridDates(); var slatHtmlRes = this.renderSlatHtml(); this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.contentEl.html(slatHtmlRes.headHtml); this.timeHeadColEls = this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.contentEl.find('col'); this.slatContainerEl.html(slatHtmlRes.bodyHtml); this.slatColEls = this.slatContainerEl.find('col'); this.slatEls = this.slatContainerEl.find('td'); this.slatCoordCache = new fullcalendar_1.CoordCache({ els: this.slatEls, isHorizontal: true }); // for the inner divs within the slats // used for event rendering and scrollTime, to disregard slat border this.slatInnerCoordCache = new fullcalendar_1.CoordCache({ els: this.slatEls.find('> div'), isHorizontal: true, // we use this coord cache for getPosition* for event rendering. // workaround for .fc-content's negative margins. offsetParent: this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.el }); for (var i = 0; i < this.slotDates.length; i++) { date = this.slotDates[i]; this.publiclyTrigger('dayRender', { context: this, args: [date, this.slatEls.eq(i), this] }); } if (this.headDateFollower) { this.headDateFollower.setSpriteEls(this.timeHeadEl.find('tr:not(:last-child) .fc-cell-text')); } }; TimelineView.prototype.unrenderDates = function () { if (this.headDateFollower) { this.headDateFollower.clearSprites(); } this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.contentEl.empty(); this.slatContainerEl.empty(); // clear the widths, // for no jupiness when navigating this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.clearWidth(); this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.clearWidth(); }; TimelineView.prototype.renderSlatHtml = function () { var cell; var date; var rowCells; var format; var theme = this.calendar.theme; var labelInterval = this.labelInterval; var formats = this.headerFormats; var cellRows = formats.map(function (format) { return []; }); // indexed by row,col var leadingCell = null; var prevWeekNumber = null; var slotDates = this.slotDates; var slotCells = []; // meta var rowUnits = formats.map(function (format) { return (fullcalendar_1.queryMostGranularFormatUnit(format)); }); for (var _i = 0, slotDates_1 = slotDates; _i < slotDates_1.length; _i++) { date = slotDates_1[_i]; var weekNumber = date.week(); var isWeekStart = this.emphasizeWeeks && (prevWeekNumber !== null) && (prevWeekNumber !== weekNumber); for (var row = 0; row < formats.length; row++) { format = formats[row]; rowCells = cellRows[row]; leadingCell = rowCells[rowCells.length - 1]; var isSuperRow = (formats.length > 1) && (row < (formats.length - 1)); // more than one row and not the last var newCell = null; if (isSuperRow) { var text = date.format(format); if (!leadingCell || (leadingCell.text !== text)) { newCell = this.buildCellObject(date, text, rowUnits[row]); } else { leadingCell.colspan += 1; } } else { if (!leadingCell || fullcalendar_1.isInt(fullcalendar_1.divideRangeByDuration(this.normalizedUnzonedStart, date, labelInterval))) { var text = date.format(format); newCell = this.buildCellObject(date, text, rowUnits[row]); } else { leadingCell.colspan += 1; } } if (newCell) { newCell.weekStart = isWeekStart; rowCells.push(newCell); } } slotCells.push({ weekStart: isWeekStart }); prevWeekNumber = weekNumber; } var isChrono = labelInterval > this.slotDuration; var isSingleDay = this.slotDuration.as('days') === 1; var html = ''; html += ''; for (var _a = 0, slotDates_2 = slotDates; _a < slotDates_2.length; _a++) { date = slotDates_2[_a]; html += ''; } html += ''; html += ''; for (var i = 0; i < cellRows.length; i++) { rowCells = cellRows[i]; var isLast = i === (cellRows.length - 1); html += ''; for (var _b = 0, rowCells_1 = rowCells; _b < rowCells_1.length; _b++) { cell = rowCells_1[_b]; var headerCellClassNames = [theme.getClass('widgetHeader')]; if (cell.weekStart) { headerCellClassNames.push('fc-em-cell'); } if (isSingleDay) { headerCellClassNames = headerCellClassNames.concat(this.getDayClasses(cell.date, true) // adds "today" class and other day-based classes ); } html += ''; } html += ''; } html += '
1 ? ' colspan="' + cell.colspan + '"' : '') + '>' + '
' + cell.spanHtml + '
' + '
'; var slatHtml = ''; slatHtml += ''; for (var _c = 0, slotCells_1 = slotCells; _c < slotCells_1.length; _c++) { cell = slotCells_1[_c]; slatHtml += ''; } slatHtml += ''; slatHtml += ''; for (var i = 0; i < slotCells.length; i++) { cell = slotCells[i]; date = slotDates[i]; slatHtml += this.slatCellHtml(date, cell.weekStart); } slatHtml += '
'; return { headHtml: html, bodyHtml: slatHtml }; }; TimelineView.prototype.buildCellObject = function (date, text, rowUnit) { date = date.clone(); // ensure our own reference var spanHtml = this.buildGotoAnchorHtml({ date: date, type: rowUnit, forceOff: !rowUnit }, { 'class': 'fc-cell-text' }, fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(text)); return { text: text, spanHtml: spanHtml, date: date, colspan: 1 }; }; TimelineView.prototype.slatCellHtml = function (date, isEm) { var classes; var theme = this.calendar.theme; if (this.isTimeScale) { classes = []; classes.push(fullcalendar_1.isInt(fullcalendar_1.divideRangeByDuration(this.normalizedUnzonedStart, date, this.labelInterval)) ? 'fc-major' : 'fc-minor'); } else { classes = this.getDayClasses(date); classes.push('fc-day'); } classes.unshift(theme.getClass('widgetContent')); if (isEm) { classes.push('fc-em-cell'); } return '
'; }; // Business Hours // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.renderBusinessHours = function (businessHourPayload) { if (!this.largeUnit) { return _super.prototype.renderBusinessHours.call(this, businessHourPayload); } }; // Now Indicator // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.getNowIndicatorUnit = function () { // TODO: converge with largeUnit. precompute if (this.isTimeScale) { return fullcalendar_1.computeGreatestUnit(this.slotDuration); } }; // will only execute if isTimeScale TimelineView.prototype.renderNowIndicator = function (date) { var nodes = []; date = this.normalizeGridDate(date); if (this.normalizedUnzonedRange.containsDate(date)) { var coord = this.dateToCoord(date); var css = this.isRTL ? { right: -coord } : { left: coord }; nodes.push($("
") .css(css) .appendTo(this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.el)[0]); nodes.push($("
") .css(css) .appendTo(this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.el)[0]); } this.nowIndicatorEls = $(nodes); }; // will only execute if isTimeScale TimelineView.prototype.unrenderNowIndicator = function () { if (this.nowIndicatorEls) { this.nowIndicatorEls.remove(); this.nowIndicatorEls = null; } }; // Sizing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.updateSize = function (totalHeight, isAuto, isResize) { var bodyHeight; var containerMinWidth; var containerWidth; var nonLastSlotWidth; if (isAuto) { bodyHeight = 'auto'; } else { bodyHeight = totalHeight - this.headHeight() - this.queryMiscHeight(); } this.timeBodyScroller.setHeight(bodyHeight); // reason for this complicated method is that things went wrong when: // slots/headers didn't fill content area and needed to be stretched // cells wouldn't align (rounding issues with available width calculated // differently because of padding VS scrollbar trick) var isDatesRendered = this.timeHeadColEls; // TODO: refactor use of this if (isDatesRendered) { var slotWidth = Math.round(this.slotWidth || (this.slotWidth = this.computeSlotWidth())); containerWidth = slotWidth * this.slotDates.length; containerMinWidth = ''; nonLastSlotWidth = slotWidth; var availableWidth = this.timeBodyScroller.getClientWidth(); if (availableWidth > containerWidth) { containerMinWidth = availableWidth; containerWidth = ''; nonLastSlotWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth / this.slotDates.length); } } else { containerWidth = ''; containerMinWidth = ''; } this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.setWidth(containerWidth); this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.setMinWidth(containerMinWidth); this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.setWidth(containerWidth); this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.setMinWidth(containerMinWidth); if (isDatesRendered) { this.timeHeadColEls.slice(0, -1).add(this.slatColEls.slice(0, -1)) .css('width', nonLastSlotWidth); } this.timeHeadScroller.updateSize(); this.timeBodyScroller.updateSize(); this.timeScrollJoiner.update(); if (isDatesRendered) { this.buildCoords(); // TODO: left/right CSS assignment also happens earlier in renderFgSegs this.updateSegPositions(); // this updateSize method is triggered by callers who don't always subsequently call updateNowIndicator, // and updateSize always has the risk of changing horizontal spacing which will affect nowIndicator positioning, // so always call it here too. will often rerender twice unfortunately. // TODO: more closely integrate updateSize with updateNowIndicator this.updateNowIndicator(); } if (this.headDateFollower) { this.headDateFollower.update(); } if (this.eventTitleFollower) { this.eventTitleFollower.update(); } }; TimelineView.prototype.queryMiscHeight = function () { return this.el.outerHeight() - this.timeHeadScroller.el.outerHeight() - this.timeBodyScroller.el.outerHeight(); }; TimelineView.prototype.computeSlotWidth = function () { var maxInnerWidth = 0; // TODO: harness core's `matchCellWidths` for this var innerEls = this.timeHeadEl.find('tr:last-child th .fc-cell-text'); // TODO: cache innerEls.each(function (i, node) { var innerWidth = $(node).outerWidth(); return maxInnerWidth = Math.max(maxInnerWidth, innerWidth); }); var headerWidth = maxInnerWidth + 1; // assume no padding, and one pixel border var slotsPerLabel = fullcalendar_1.divideDurationByDuration(this.labelInterval, this.slotDuration); // TODO: rename labelDuration? var slotWidth = Math.ceil(headerWidth / slotsPerLabel); var minWidth = this.timeHeadColEls.eq(0).css('min-width'); if (minWidth) { minWidth = parseInt(minWidth, 10); if (minWidth) { slotWidth = Math.max(slotWidth, minWidth); } } return slotWidth; }; // Coordinates // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.buildCoords = function () { this.timeBodyBoundCache.build(); this.slatCoordCache.build(); this.slatInnerCoordCache.build(); }; // returned value is between 0 and the number of snaps TimelineView.prototype.computeDateSnapCoverage = function (date) { var snapDiff = fullcalendar_1.divideRangeByDuration(this.normalizedUnzonedStart, date, this.snapDuration); if (snapDiff < 0) { return 0; } else if (snapDiff >= this.snapDiffToIndex.length) { return this.snapCnt; } else { var snapDiffInt = Math.floor(snapDiff); var snapCoverage = this.snapDiffToIndex[snapDiffInt]; if (fullcalendar_1.isInt(snapCoverage)) { snapCoverage += snapDiff - snapDiffInt; // add the remainder } else { // a fractional value, meaning the date is not visible // always round up in this case. works for start AND end dates in a range. snapCoverage = Math.ceil(snapCoverage); } return snapCoverage; } }; // for LTR, results range from 0 to width of area // for RTL, results range from negative width of area to 0 TimelineView.prototype.dateToCoord = function (date) { var snapCoverage = this.computeDateSnapCoverage(date); var slotCoverage = snapCoverage / this.snapsPerSlot; var slotIndex = Math.floor(slotCoverage); slotIndex = Math.min(slotIndex, this.slotCnt - 1); var partial = slotCoverage - slotIndex; var coordCache = this.slatInnerCoordCache; if (this.isRTL) { return (coordCache.getRightPosition(slotIndex) - (coordCache.getWidth(slotIndex) * partial)) - this.timeBodyBoundCache.getWidth(0); } else { return (coordCache.getLeftPosition(slotIndex) + (coordCache.getWidth(slotIndex) * partial)); } }; TimelineView.prototype.rangeToCoords = function (range) { if (this.isRTL) { return { right: this.dateToCoord(range.start), left: this.dateToCoord(range.end) }; } else { return { left: this.dateToCoord(range.start), right: this.dateToCoord(range.end) }; } }; // a getter / setter TimelineView.prototype.headHeight = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } var table = this.timeHeadScroller.canvas.contentEl.find('table'); return table.height.apply(table, args); }; // this needs to be called if v scrollbars appear on body container. or zooming TimelineView.prototype.updateSegPositions = function () { var segs = [].concat(this.getEventSegs(), this.getBusinessHourSegs()); for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_1[_i]; var coords = this.rangeToCoords(seg); seg.el.css({ left: (seg.left = coords.left), right: -(seg.right = coords.right) }); } }; // Scrolling // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TimelineView.prototype.handleTimeBodyScrolled = function (top) { if (top) { if (!this.isTimeBodyScrolled) { this.isTimeBodyScrolled = true; this.el.addClass('fc-scrolled'); } } else { if (this.isTimeBodyScrolled) { this.isTimeBodyScrolled = false; this.el.removeClass('fc-scrolled'); } } }; TimelineView.prototype.computeInitialDateScroll = function () { var unzonedRange = this.get('dateProfile').activeUnzonedRange; var left = 0; if (this.isTimeScale) { var scrollTime = this.opt('scrollTime'); if (scrollTime) { scrollTime = moment.duration(scrollTime); left = this.dateToCoord(unzonedRange.getStart().time(scrollTime)); // TODO: fix this for RTL } } return { left: left }; }; TimelineView.prototype.queryDateScroll = function () { return { left: this.timeBodyScroller.getScrollLeft() }; }; TimelineView.prototype.applyDateScroll = function (scroll) { if (scroll.left != null) { // TODO: workaround for FF. the ScrollJoiner sibling won't react fast enough // to override the native initial crappy scroll that FF applies. // TODO: have the ScrollJoiner handle this // Similar code in ResourceTimelineView::setScroll this.timeHeadScroller.setScrollLeft(scroll.left); this.timeBodyScroller.setScrollLeft(scroll.left); } }; // Hit System // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimelineView.prototype.prepareHits = function () { this.buildCoords(); }; // FYI: we don't want to clear the slatCoordCache in releaseHits() // because those coordinates are needed for dateToCoord() TimelineView.prototype.queryHit = function (leftOffset, topOffset) { var snapsPerSlot = this.snapsPerSlot; var slatCoordCache = this.slatCoordCache; var timeBodyBoundCache = this.timeBodyBoundCache; // within scroll container's content rectangle? if (timeBodyBoundCache.isPointInBounds(leftOffset, topOffset)) { var slatIndex = slatCoordCache.getHorizontalIndex(leftOffset); if (slatIndex != null) { var localSnapIndex = void 0; var partial = void 0; var snapIndex = void 0; var snapLeft = void 0; var snapRight = void 0; var slatWidth = slatCoordCache.getWidth(slatIndex); if (this.isRTL) { var slatRight = slatCoordCache.getRightOffset(slatIndex); partial = (slatRight - leftOffset) / slatWidth; localSnapIndex = Math.floor(partial * snapsPerSlot); snapIndex = (slatIndex * snapsPerSlot) + localSnapIndex; snapRight = slatRight - ((localSnapIndex / snapsPerSlot) * slatWidth); snapLeft = snapRight - (((localSnapIndex + 1) / snapsPerSlot) * slatWidth); } else { var slatLeft = slatCoordCache.getLeftOffset(slatIndex); partial = (leftOffset - slatLeft) / slatWidth; localSnapIndex = Math.floor(partial * snapsPerSlot); snapIndex = (slatIndex * snapsPerSlot) + localSnapIndex; snapLeft = slatLeft + ((localSnapIndex / snapsPerSlot) * slatWidth); snapRight = slatLeft + (((localSnapIndex + 1) / snapsPerSlot) * slatWidth); } return { snap: snapIndex, component: this, left: snapLeft, right: snapRight, top: timeBodyBoundCache.getTopOffset(0), bottom: timeBodyBoundCache.getBottomOffset(0) }; } } }; TimelineView.prototype.getHitFootprint = function (hit) { return new fullcalendar_1.ComponentFootprint(this.getSnapUnzonedRange(hit.snap), !this.isTimeScale // isAllDay ); }; TimelineView.prototype.getHitEl = function (hit) { return this.getSnapEl(hit.snap); // TODO: write a test for this }; /* TODO: avoid using moments */ TimelineView.prototype.getSnapUnzonedRange = function (snapIndex) { var start = this.normalizedUnzonedStart.clone(); start.add(fullcalendar_1.multiplyDuration(this.snapDuration, this.snapIndexToDiff[snapIndex])); var end = start.clone().add(this.snapDuration); return new fullcalendar_1.UnzonedRange(start, end); }; TimelineView.prototype.getSnapEl = function (snapIndex) { return this.slatEls.eq(Math.floor(snapIndex / this.snapsPerSlot)); }; // Event Resizing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Renders a visual indication of an event being resized TimelineView.prototype.renderEventResize = function (eventFootprints, seg, isTouch) { for (var _i = 0, eventFootprints_1 = eventFootprints; _i < eventFootprints_1.length; _i++) { var eventFootprint = eventFootprints_1[_i]; this.renderHighlight(eventFootprint.componentFootprint); } return this.helperRenderer.renderEventResizingFootprints(eventFootprints, seg, isTouch); }; // Unrenders a visual indication of an event being resized TimelineView.prototype.unrenderEventResize = function () { this.unrenderHighlight(); return this.helperRenderer.unrender(); }; // DnD // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: different technique based on scale. // when dragging, middle of event is the drop. // should be the edges when isTimeScale. TimelineView.prototype.renderDrag = function (eventFootprints, seg, isTouch) { if (seg) { this.helperRenderer.renderEventDraggingFootprints(eventFootprints, seg, isTouch); return true; // signal helper rendered } else { for (var _i = 0, eventFootprints_2 = eventFootprints; _i < eventFootprints_2.length; _i++) { var eventFootprint = eventFootprints_2[_i]; this.renderHighlight(eventFootprint.componentFootprint); } return false; // signal helper not rendered } }; TimelineView.prototype.unrenderDrag = function () { this.helperRenderer.unrender(); return this.unrenderHighlight(); }; return TimelineView; }(fullcalendar_1.View)); exports.default = TimelineView; // config TimelineView.prototype.usesMinMaxTime = true; // for View. indicates that minTime/maxTime affects rendering // TODO: rename these TimelineView.prototype.eventRendererClass = TimelineEventRenderer_1.default; TimelineView.prototype.fillRendererClass = TimelineFillRenderer_1.default; TimelineView.prototype.businessHourRendererClass = fullcalendar_1.BusinessHourRenderer; TimelineView.prototype.helperRendererClass = TimelineHelperRenderer_1.default; TimelineView.prototype.eventDraggingClass = TimelineEventDragging_1.default; TimelineView.prototype.eventResizingClass = TimelineEventResizing_1.default; fullcalendar_1.StandardInteractionsMixin.mixInto(TimelineView); /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_15__; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var ScrollJoiner = /** @class */ (function () { function ScrollJoiner(axis, scrollers) { this.axis = axis; this.scrollers = scrollers; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollers; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var scroller = _a[_i]; this.initScroller(scroller); } } ScrollJoiner.prototype.initScroller = function (scroller) { var _this = this; // when the user scrolls via mousewheel, we know for sure the target // scroller should be the master. capture the various x-browser events that fire. scroller.scrollEl.on('wheel mousewheel DomMouseScroll MozMousePixelScroll', function () { _this.assignMasterScroller(scroller); }); scroller.on('scrollStart', function () { if (!_this.masterScroller) { _this.assignMasterScroller(scroller); } }).on('scroll', function () { if (scroller === _this.masterScroller) { for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.scrollers; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var otherScroller = _a[_i]; if (otherScroller !== scroller) { switch (_this.axis) { case 'horizontal': otherScroller.setNativeScrollLeft(scroller.getNativeScrollLeft()); break; case 'vertical': otherScroller.setScrollTop(scroller.getScrollTop()); break; } } } } }).on('scrollEnd', function () { if (scroller === _this.masterScroller) { _this.unassignMasterScroller(); } }); }; ScrollJoiner.prototype.assignMasterScroller = function (scroller) { this.unassignMasterScroller(); this.masterScroller = scroller; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollers; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var otherScroller = _a[_i]; if (otherScroller !== scroller) { otherScroller.disableTouchScroll(); } } }; ScrollJoiner.prototype.unassignMasterScroller = function () { if (this.masterScroller) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollers; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var otherScroller = _a[_i]; otherScroller.enableTouchScroll(); } this.masterScroller = null; } }; ScrollJoiner.prototype.update = function () { var allWidths = this.scrollers.map(function (scroller) { return scroller.getScrollbarWidths(); }); var maxLeft = 0; var maxRight = 0; var maxTop = 0; var maxBottom = 0; var scroller; var widths; var i; for (var _i = 0, allWidths_1 = allWidths; _i < allWidths_1.length; _i++) { widths = allWidths_1[_i]; maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, widths.left); maxRight = Math.max(maxRight, widths.right); maxTop = Math.max(maxTop, widths.top); maxBottom = Math.max(maxBottom, widths.bottom); } for (i = 0; i < this.scrollers.length; i++) { scroller = this.scrollers[i]; widths = allWidths[i]; scroller.canvas.setGutters(this.axis === 'horizontal' ? { left: maxLeft - widths.left, right: maxRight - widths.right } : { top: maxTop - widths.top, bottom: maxBottom - widths.bottom }); } }; return ScrollJoiner; }()); exports.default = ScrollJoiner; /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ScrollFollowerSprite_1 = __webpack_require__(27); var TimelineEventRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(TimelineEventRenderer, _super); function TimelineEventRenderer() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } /* component must be { segContainerEl, segContainerHeight, rangeToCoords } */ TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.computeDisplayEventTime = function () { return !this.view.isTimeScale; // because times should be obvious via axis }; TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.computeDisplayEventEnd = function () { return false; }; // Computes a default event time formatting string if `timeFormat` is not explicitly defined TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.computeEventTimeFormat = function () { return this.view.opt('extraSmallTimeFormat'); }; TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.renderFgSegs = function (segs) { var eventTitleFollower = this.view.eventTitleFollower; for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_1[_i]; // TODO: centralize logic (also in updateSegPositions) var coords = this.component.rangeToCoords(seg); seg.el.css({ left: (seg.left = coords.left), right: -(seg.right = coords.right) }); } // attach segs for (var _a = 0, segs_2 = segs; _a < segs_2.length; _a++) { var seg = segs_2[_a]; seg.el.appendTo(this.component.segContainerEl); } // compute seg verticals for (var _b = 0, segs_3 = segs; _b < segs_3.length; _b++) { var seg = segs_3[_b]; seg.height = seg.el.outerHeight(true); // include margin } this.buildSegLevels(segs); this.component.segContainerHeight = computeOffsetForSegs(segs); // returns this value! // assign seg verticals for (var _c = 0, segs_4 = segs; _c < segs_4.length; _c++) { var seg = segs_4[_c]; seg.el.css('top', seg.top); } this.component.segContainerEl.height(this.component.segContainerHeight); for (var _d = 0, segs_5 = segs; _d < segs_5.length; _d++) { var seg = segs_5[_d]; var titleEl = seg.el.find('.fc-title'); if (titleEl.length) { seg.scrollFollowerSprite = new ScrollFollowerSprite_1.default(titleEl); eventTitleFollower.addSprite(seg.scrollFollowerSprite); } } }; // NOTE: this modifies the order of segs TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.buildSegLevels = function (segs) { var segLevels = []; this.sortEventSegs(segs); for (var _i = 0, segs_6 = segs; _i < segs_6.length; _i++) { var unplacedSeg = segs_6[_i]; unplacedSeg.above = []; // determine the first level with no collisions var level = 0; // level index while (level < segLevels.length) { var isLevelCollision = false; // determine collisions for (var _a = 0, _b = segLevels[level]; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var placedSeg = _b[_a]; if (timeRowSegsCollide(unplacedSeg, placedSeg)) { unplacedSeg.above.push(placedSeg); isLevelCollision = true; } } if (isLevelCollision) { level += 1; } else { break; } } // insert into the first non-colliding level. create if necessary (segLevels[level] || (segLevels[level] = [])) .push(unplacedSeg); // record possible colliding segments below (TODO: automated test for this) level += 1; while (level < segLevels.length) { for (var _c = 0, _d = segLevels[level]; _c < _d.length; _c++) { var belowSeg = _d[_c]; if (timeRowSegsCollide(unplacedSeg, belowSeg)) { belowSeg.above.push(unplacedSeg); } } level += 1; } } return segLevels; }; TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.unrenderFgSegs = function (segs) { if (this.component.segContainerEl) { var eventTitleFollower = this.view.eventTitleFollower; for (var _i = 0, segs_7 = segs; _i < segs_7.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_7[_i]; if (seg.scrollFollowerSprite) { eventTitleFollower.removeSprite(seg.scrollFollowerSprite); } } this.component.segContainerEl.empty(); this.component.segContainerEl.height(''); this.component.segContainerHeight = null; } }; TimelineEventRenderer.prototype.fgSegHtml = function (seg, disableResizing) { var eventDef = seg.footprint.eventDef; var isDraggable = this.view.isEventDefDraggable(eventDef); var isResizableFromStart = seg.isStart && this.view.isEventDefResizableFromStart(eventDef); var isResizableFromEnd = seg.isEnd && this.view.isEventDefResizableFromEnd(eventDef); var classes = this.getSegClasses(seg, isDraggable, isResizableFromStart || isResizableFromEnd); classes.unshift('fc-timeline-event', 'fc-h-event'); var timeText = this.getTimeText(seg.footprint); return '' + '
' + (timeText ? '' + fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(timeText) + '' : '') + '' + (eventDef.title ? fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(eventDef.title) : ' ') + '' + '
' + '
' + (isResizableFromStart ? '
' : '') + (isResizableFromEnd ? '
' : '') + '
'; }; return TimelineEventRenderer; }(fullcalendar_1.EventRenderer)); exports.default = TimelineEventRenderer; // Seg Rendering Utils // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function computeOffsetForSegs(segs) { var max = 0; for (var _i = 0, segs_8 = segs; _i < segs_8.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_8[_i]; max = Math.max(max, computeOffsetForSeg(seg)); } return max; } function computeOffsetForSeg(seg) { if ((seg.top == null)) { seg.top = computeOffsetForSegs(seg.above); } return seg.top + seg.height; } function timeRowSegsCollide(seg0, seg1) { return (seg0.left < seg1.right) && (seg0.right > seg1.left); } /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var util_1 = __webpack_require__(44); /* An abstract node in a row-hierarchy tree. May be a self-contained single row, a row with subrows, OR a grouping of rows without its own distinct row. */ var RowParent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(RowParent, _super); function RowParent(view) { var _this = _super.call(this, view) // will assign this.view || this; _this.children = []; _this.depth = 0; _this.trHash = {}; _this.trs = $(); _this.isExpanded = _this.view.opt('resourcesInitiallyExpanded'); return _this; } // Hierarchy // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Adds the given node as a child. Will be inserted at the `index`. If not given, will be appended to the end. */ RowParent.prototype.addChildRowNode = function (child, index) { child.removeFromParentAndDom(); // in case it belonged somewhere else previously var children = this.children; // insert into the children array if (index != null) { children.splice(index, 0, child); } else { index = children.length; children.push(child); } // compute the previous sibling of child child.prevSibling = index > 0 ? children[index - 1] : null; // update the next sibling's prevSibling if (index < (children.length - 1)) { children[index + 1].prevSibling = child; } child.parent = this; child.depth = this.depth + (this.hasOwnRow ? 1 : 0); this.descendantAdded(child); }; /* Removes the given child from the node. Assumes it is a direct child. If not a direct child, returns false and nothing happens. */ RowParent.prototype.removeChild = function (child) { var i; var children = this.children; var isFound = false; // look for the node in the children array for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var testChild = children[i]; if (testChild === child) { isFound = true; break; // after this, `i` will contain the index } } if (!isFound) { return false; // return false if not found } else { // rewire the next sibling's prevSibling to skip if (i < (children.length - 1)) { children[i + 1].prevSibling = child.prevSibling; } children.splice(i, 1); // remove node from the array // unwire child from the parent/siblings child.parent = null; child.prevSibling = null; this.descendantRemoved(child); return child; // return on success (needed?) } }; /* Removes all of the node's children from the hierarchy. */ RowParent.prototype.removeChildren = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; this.descendantRemoved(child); } this.children = []; }; /* Removes this node from its parent */ RowParent.prototype.removeFromParentAndDom = function () { if (this.parent) { this.parent.removeChild(this); } if (this.get('isInDom')) { this.removeElement(); } }; /* Gets the last direct child node */ RowParent.prototype.getLastChild = function () { var children = this.children; return children[children.length - 1]; }; /* Walks backward in the hierarchy to find the previous row leaf node. When looking at the hierarchy in a flat linear fashion, this is the revealed row just before the current. */ RowParent.prototype.getPrevRowInDom = function () { var node = this; while (node) { if (node.prevSibling) { // attempt to go into the deepest last child of the previous sibling var lastChild = void 0; node = node.prevSibling; while ((lastChild = node.getLastChild())) { node = lastChild; } } else { // otherwise, move up to the parent node = node.parent; } // return this "previous" node if it has an exposed row if (node && node.get('isInDom') && node.hasOwnRow) { return node; } } return null; }; /* Returns the first node in the subtree that has a revealed row */ RowParent.prototype.getLeadingRow = function () { if (this.hasOwnRow) { return this; } else if (this.isExpanded && this.children.length) { return this.children[0].getLeadingRow(); } }; /* Generates a flat array containing all the row-nodes of the subtree. Descendants + self */ RowParent.prototype.getRows = function (batchArray) { if (batchArray === void 0) { batchArray = []; } if (this.hasOwnRow) { batchArray.push(this); } for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; child.getRows(batchArray); } return batchArray; }; /* Generates a flat array containing all the nodes (row/non-row) of the subtree. Descendants + self */ RowParent.prototype.getNodes = function (batchArray) { if (batchArray === void 0) { batchArray = []; } batchArray.push(this); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; child.getNodes(batchArray); } return batchArray; }; /* Generates a flat array containing all the descendant nodes the current node */ RowParent.prototype.getDescendants = function () { var batchArray = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; child.getNodes(batchArray); } return batchArray; }; // Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RowParent.prototype.show = function () { if (!this.get('isInDom')) { this.renderSkeleton(); } }; RowParent.prototype.hide = function () { if (this.get('isInDom')) { this.removeElement(); } }; /* Builds and populates the TRs for each row type. Inserts them into the DOM. Does this only for this single row. Not recursive. If not a row (hasOwnRow=false), does not render anything. PRECONDITION: assumes the parent has already been rendered. */ RowParent.prototype.renderSkeleton = function () { this.trHash = {}; var trNodes = []; if (this.hasOwnRow) { var prevRow = this.getPrevRowInDom(); // the row before this row, in the overall linear flat list // let the view's tbody structure determine which TRs should be rendered for (var type in this.view.tbodyHash) { // build the TR and record it // assign before calling the render methods, because they might rely var tbody = this.view.tbodyHash[type]; var tr = $(''); this.trHash[type] = tr; trNodes.push(tr[0]); // call the subclass' render method for this row type (if available) var renderMethodName = 'render' + fullcalendar_1.capitaliseFirstLetter(type) + 'Skeleton'; if (this[renderMethodName]) { this[renderMethodName](tr); } // insert the TR into the DOM if (prevRow) { prevRow.trHash[type].after(tr); } else { tbody.prepend(tr); // belongs in the very first position } } // build a single jQuery object. use event delegation for calling toggleExpanded this.trs = $(trNodes) .on('click', '.fc-expander', fullcalendar_1.proxy(this, 'toggleExpanded')); this.thisRowShown(); } this.set('isInDom', true); if (this.isExpanded) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; child.renderSkeleton(); } } }; /* Unpopulates and removes all of this row's TRs from the DOM. Only for this single row. Not recursive. Will trigger "hidden". */ RowParent.prototype.removeElement = function () { // call the subclass' render method for each row type (if available) for (var type in this.trHash) { var tr = this.trHash[type]; var unrenderMethodName = 'unrender' + fullcalendar_1.capitaliseFirstLetter(type) + 'Skeleton'; if (this[unrenderMethodName]) { this[unrenderMethodName](tr); } } this.unset('isInDom'); this.thisRowHidden(); this.trHash = {}; this.trs.remove(); // remove from DOM this.trs = $(); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; if (child.get('isInDom')) { child.removeElement(); } } }; /* A simple getter for retrieving a TR jQuery object of a certain row type */ RowParent.prototype.getTr = function (type) { return this.trHash[type]; }; // Expanding / Collapsing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Use by row groups and rows with subrows /* Reveals this node's children if they have not already been revealed. Changes any expander icon. */ RowParent.prototype.expand = function () { if (!this.isExpanded) { this.isExpanded = true; this.indicateExpanded(); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; child.show(); } this.view.calendar.updateViewSize(); // notify view of dimension change this.animateExpand(); } }; /* Hides this node's children if they are not already hidden. Changes any expander icon. */ RowParent.prototype.collapse = function () { if (this.isExpanded) { this.isExpanded = false; this.indicateCollapsed(); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; child.hide(); } this.view.calendar.updateViewSize(); // notify view of dimension change } }; /* Switches between expanded/collapsed states */ RowParent.prototype.toggleExpanded = function () { if (this.isExpanded) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); } }; /* Changes the expander icon to the "expanded" state */ RowParent.prototype.indicateExpanded = function () { this.trs.find('.fc-expander .fc-icon') .removeClass(this.getCollapsedIcon()) .addClass(this.getExpandedIcon()); }; /* Changes the expander icon to the "collapsed" state */ RowParent.prototype.indicateCollapsed = function () { this.trs.find('.fc-expander .fc-icon') .removeClass(this.getExpandedIcon()) .addClass(this.getCollapsedIcon()); }; RowParent.prototype.indicateExpandingEnabled = function () { this.trs.find('.fc-expander-space') .addClass('fc-expander'); if (this.isExpanded) { this.indicateExpanded(); } else { this.indicateCollapsed(); } }; RowParent.prototype.indicateExpandingDisabled = function () { this.trs.find('.fc-expander-space') .removeClass('fc-expander') .find('.fc-icon') .removeClass(this.getExpandedIcon()) .removeClass(this.getCollapsedIcon()); }; RowParent.prototype.updateExpandingEnabled = function () { if (this.hasOwnRow && this.children.length) { this.indicateExpandingEnabled(); } else { this.indicateExpandingDisabled(); } }; RowParent.prototype.getExpandedIcon = function () { return 'fc-icon-down-triangle'; }; RowParent.prototype.getCollapsedIcon = function () { var dir = this.view.isRTL ? 'left' : 'right'; return 'fc-icon-' + dir + '-triangle'; }; /* Causes a slide-down CSS transition to demonstrate that the expand has happened */ RowParent.prototype.animateExpand = function () { var firstChild = this.children[0]; var leadingRow = firstChild && firstChild.getLeadingRow(); var trs = leadingRow && leadingRow.trs; if (trs) { trs.addClass('fc-collapsed'); setTimeout(function () { trs.addClass('fc-transitioning'); // enable transitioning trs.removeClass('fc-collapsed'); // transition back to non-collapsed state }); // cross-browser way to determine when the transition finishes trs.one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend', function () { trs.removeClass('fc-transitioning'); // will remove the overflow:hidden }); } }; // Sizing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Find each TRs "inner div" (div within first cell). This div controls each TRs height. Returns the max pixel height. */ RowParent.prototype.getMaxTrInnerHeight = function () { var max = 0; $.each(this.trHash, function (type, tr) { // exclude multi-rowspans (probably done for row grouping) var innerEl = util_1.getOwnCells(tr).find('> div:not(.fc-cell-content):first'); max = Math.max(innerEl.height(), max); }); return max; }; /* Find each TRs "inner div" and sets all of their heights to the same value. */ RowParent.prototype.setTrInnerHeight = function (height) { // exclude multi-rowspans (probably done for row grouping) $.each(this.trHash, function (type, tr) { util_1.getOwnCells(tr).find('> div:not(.fc-cell-content):first') .height(height); }); }; // Triggering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RowParent.prototype.descendantAdded = function (row) { if (this.get('isInDom') && this.hasOwnRow && (this.children.length === 1)) { this.indicateExpandingEnabled(); } (this.parent || this.view).descendantAdded(row); }; RowParent.prototype.descendantRemoved = function (row) { if (this.get('isInDom') && this.hasOwnRow && (this.children.length === 0)) { this.indicateExpandingDisabled(); } (this.parent || this.view).descendantRemoved(row); }; RowParent.prototype.thisRowShown = function () { (this.parent || this.view).descendantShown(this); }; RowParent.prototype.thisRowHidden = function () { (this.parent || this.view).descendantHidden(this); }; RowParent.prototype.descendantShown = function (row) { (this.parent || this.view).descendantShown(row); }; RowParent.prototype.descendantHidden = function (row) { (this.parent || this.view).descendantHidden(row); }; return RowParent; }(fullcalendar_1.DateComponent)); exports.default = RowParent; RowParent.prototype.hasOwnRow = false; /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Resource = /** @class */ (function () { function Resource() { } Resource.extractIds = function (rawProps, calendar) { var resourceField = calendar.opt('eventResourceField') || 'resourceId'; var resourceIds = []; if (rawProps.resourceIds) { for (var _i = 0, _a = rawProps.resourceIds; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rawResourceId = _a[_i]; resourceIds.push(Resource.normalizeId(rawResourceId)); } } if (rawProps[resourceField] != null) { resourceIds.push(Resource.normalizeId(rawProps[resourceField])); } return resourceIds; }; Resource.normalizeId = function (rawId) { return String(rawId); }; return Resource; }()); exports.default = Resource; /***/ }), /* 20 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceViewMixin_1 = __webpack_require__(9); var ResourceDayGrid_1 = __webpack_require__(13); var ResourceTimeGrid_1 = __webpack_require__(38); var ResourceAgendaView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceAgendaView, _super); function ResourceAgendaView(calendar, viewSpec) { var _this = _super.call(this, calendar, viewSpec) || this; _this.initResourceView(); return _this; } return ResourceAgendaView; }(fullcalendar_1.AgendaView)); exports.default = ResourceAgendaView; ResourceAgendaView.prototype.timeGridClass = ResourceTimeGrid_1.default; ResourceAgendaView.prototype.dayGridClass = ResourceDayGrid_1.default; ResourceViewMixin_1.default.mixInto(ResourceAgendaView); /***/ }), /* 21 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); /* Requirements: - must be a Grid - grid must have a view that's a ResourceView - DayTableMixin must already be mixed in */ var ResourceDayTableMixin = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceDayTableMixin, _super); function ResourceDayTableMixin() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } ResourceDayTableMixin.mixInto = function (destClass) { var _this = this; fullcalendar_1.Mixin.mixInto.call(this, destClass); [ 'updateDayTableCols', 'computeColCnt', 'getColDayIndex', 'renderHeadTrHtml', 'renderBgCellsHtml', 'renderBusinessHours', 'allowCrossResource' ].forEach(function (methodName) { destClass.prototype[methodName] = _this.prototype[methodName]; }); }; // Resource Data // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // does not do any rendering. rendering is responsibility of host object ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.registerResources = function (resources) { this.flattenedResources = this.flattenResources(resources); this.resourceCnt = this.flattenedResources.length; this.updateDayTable(); // will call computeColCnt }; // flattens and sorts ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.flattenResources = function (resources) { var sortFunc; var orderVal = this.opt('resourceOrder'); if (orderVal) { var orderSpecs_1 = fullcalendar_1.parseFieldSpecs(orderVal); sortFunc = function (a, b) { return fullcalendar_1.compareByFieldSpecs(a, b, orderSpecs_1); }; } else { sortFunc = null; } var res = []; this.accumulateResources(resources, sortFunc, res); return res; }; // just flattens ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.accumulateResources = function (resources, sortFunc, res) { var sortedResources; if (sortFunc) { sortedResources = resources.slice(0); // make copy sortedResources.sort(sortFunc); // sorts in place } else { sortedResources = resources; } for (var _i = 0, sortedResources_1 = sortedResources; _i < sortedResources_1.length; _i++) { var resource = sortedResources_1[_i]; res.push(resource); this.accumulateResources(resource.children, sortFunc, res); } }; // Table Layout // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.updateDayTableCols = function () { this.datesAboveResources = this.opt('groupByDateAndResource'); fullcalendar_1.DayTableMixin.prototype.updateDayTableCols.call(this); }; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.computeColCnt = function () { return this.resourceCnt * this.daysPerRow; }; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.getColDayIndex = function (col) { if (this.isRTL) { col = this.colCnt - 1 - col; } if (this.datesAboveResources) { return Math.floor(col / (this.resourceCnt || 1)); } else { return col % this.daysPerRow; } }; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.getColResource = function (col) { return this.flattenedResources[this.getColResourceIndex(col)]; }; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.getColResourceIndex = function (col) { if (this.isRTL) { col = this.colCnt - 1 - col; } if (this.datesAboveResources) { return col % (this.resourceCnt || 1); } else { return Math.floor(col / this.daysPerRow); } }; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.indicesToCol = function (resourceIndex, dayIndex) { var col = this.datesAboveResources ? (dayIndex * (this.resourceCnt || 1)) + resourceIndex : (resourceIndex * this.daysPerRow) + dayIndex; if (this.isRTL) { col = this.colCnt - 1 - col; } return col; }; // Header Rendering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderHeadTrHtml = function () { if (this.daysPerRow > 1) { // do two levels if (this.datesAboveResources) { return this.renderHeadDateAndResourceHtml(); } else { return this.renderHeadResourceAndDateHtml(); } } else { // do one level return this.renderHeadResourceHtml(); } }; // renders one row of resources header cell ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderHeadResourceHtml = function () { var _this = this; var resourceHtmls = this.flattenedResources.map(function (resource) { return (_this.renderHeadResourceCellHtml(resource)); }); if (!resourceHtmls.length) { resourceHtmls.push(' '); } return this.wrapTr(resourceHtmls, 'renderHeadIntroHtml'); }; // renders resource cells above date cells ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderHeadResourceAndDateHtml = function () { var resourceHtmls = []; var dateHtmls = []; var daysPerRow = this.daysPerRow; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.flattenedResources; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var resource = _a[_i]; resourceHtmls.push(this.renderHeadResourceCellHtml(resource, null, this.daysPerRow)); for (var dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < daysPerRow; dayIndex++) { var date = this.dayDates[dayIndex].clone(); dateHtmls.push(this.renderHeadResourceDateCellHtml(date, resource)); } } if (!resourceHtmls.length) { resourceHtmls.push(' '); } if (!dateHtmls.length) { dateHtmls.push(' '); } return this.wrapTr(resourceHtmls, 'renderHeadIntroHtml') + this.wrapTr(dateHtmls, 'renderHeadIntroHtml'); }; // renders date cells above resource cells ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderHeadDateAndResourceHtml = function () { var dateHtmls = []; var resourceHtmls = []; var daysPerRow = this.daysPerRow; for (var dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < daysPerRow; dayIndex++) { var date = this.dayDates[dayIndex].clone(); dateHtmls.push(this.renderHeadDateCellHtml(date, this.resourceCnt) // with colspan ); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.flattenedResources; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var resource = _a[_i]; resourceHtmls.push(this.renderHeadResourceCellHtml(resource, date)); } } if (!dateHtmls.length) { dateHtmls.push(' '); } if (!resourceHtmls.length) { resourceHtmls.push(' '); } return this.wrapTr(dateHtmls, 'renderHeadIntroHtml') + this.wrapTr(resourceHtmls, 'renderHeadIntroHtml'); }; // given a resource and an optional date ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderHeadResourceCellHtml = function (resource, date, colspan) { if (colspan === void 0) { colspan = 1; } return ' 1 ? ' colspan="' + colspan + '"' : '') + '>' + fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(this.view.getResourceText(resource)) + ''; }; // given a date and a required resource ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderHeadResourceDateCellHtml = function (date, resource, colspan) { if (colspan === void 0) { colspan = 1; } return this.renderHeadDateCellHtml(date, colspan, 'data-resource-id="' + resource.id + '"'); }; // given a container with already rendered resource cells ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.processHeadResourceEls = function (containerEl) { var _this = this; containerEl.find('.fc-resource-cell').each(function (col, node) { var resource; if (_this.datesAboveResources) { // each resource is a distinct column resource = _this.getColResource(col); } else { // each resource covers multiple columns of dates resource = _this.flattenedResources[_this.isRTL ? _this.flattenedResources.length - 1 - col : col]; } _this.publiclyTrigger('resourceRender', { context: resource, args: [ resource, $(node), $(), _this.view ] }); }); }; // Bg Rendering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: unify with DayTableMixin more, instead of completely redefining ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderBgCellsHtml = function (row) { var htmls = []; var colCnt = this.colCnt; for (var col = 0; col < colCnt; col++) { var date = this.getCellDate(row, col); var resource = this.getColResource(col); htmls.push(this.renderResourceBgCellHtml(date, resource)); } if (!htmls.length) { htmls.push(' '); } return htmls.join(''); // already accounted for RTL }; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderResourceBgCellHtml = function (date, resource) { return this.renderBgCellHtml(date, 'data-resource-id="' + resource.id + '"'); }; // Rendering Utils // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // only works for when given cells are ordered chronologically // mutates cellHtmls // TODO: make this a DayTableMixin utility ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.wrapTr = function (cellHtmls, introMethodName) { if (this.isRTL) { cellHtmls.reverse(); return '' + cellHtmls.join('') + this[introMethodName]() + ''; } else { return '' + this[introMethodName]() + cellHtmls.join('') + ''; } }; // Business Hours // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.renderBusinessHours = function (businessHourGenerator) { var isAllDay = this.hasAllDayBusinessHours; var unzonedRange = this.dateProfile.activeUnzonedRange; var eventFootprints = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.flattenedResources; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var resource = _a[_i]; var eventInstanceGroup = (resource.businessHourGenerator || businessHourGenerator) .buildEventInstanceGroup(isAllDay, unzonedRange); if (eventInstanceGroup) { for (var _b = 0, _c = eventInstanceGroup.sliceRenderRanges(unzonedRange); _b < _c.length; _b++) { var eventRange = _c[_b]; eventFootprints.push(new fullcalendar_1.EventFootprint(new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(eventRange.unzonedRange, isAllDay, resource.id), eventRange.eventDef, eventRange.eventInstance)); } } } return this.businessHourRenderer.renderEventFootprints(eventFootprints); }; return ResourceDayTableMixin; }(fullcalendar_1.Mixin)); exports.default = ResourceDayTableMixin; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.resourceCnt = 0; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.datesAboveResources = false; ResourceDayTableMixin.prototype.allowCrossResource = false; /***/ }), /* 22 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceViewMixin_1 = __webpack_require__(9); var ResourceDayGrid_1 = __webpack_require__(13); var ResourceBasicView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceBasicView, _super); function ResourceBasicView(calendar, viewSpec) { var _this = _super.call(this, calendar, viewSpec) || this; _this.initResourceView(); return _this; } return ResourceBasicView; }(fullcalendar_1.BasicView)); exports.default = ResourceBasicView; ResourceBasicView.prototype.dayGridClass = ResourceDayGrid_1.default; ResourceViewMixin_1.default.mixInto(ResourceBasicView); /***/ }), /* 23 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceViewMixin_1 = __webpack_require__(9); var ResourceDayGrid_1 = __webpack_require__(13); var ResourceMonthView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceMonthView, _super); function ResourceMonthView(calendar, viewSpec) { var _this = _super.call(this, calendar, viewSpec) || this; _this.initResourceView(); return _this; } return ResourceMonthView; }(fullcalendar_1.MonthView)); exports.default = ResourceMonthView; ResourceMonthView.prototype.dayGridClass = ResourceDayGrid_1.default; ResourceViewMixin_1.default.mixInto(ResourceMonthView); /***/ }), /* 24 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var EnhancedScroller_1 = __webpack_require__(39); /* A Scroller, but with a wrapping div that allows "clipping" away of native scrollbars, giving the appearance that there are no scrollbars. */ var ClippedScroller = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ClippedScroller, _super); /* Received overflows can be set to 'clipped', meaning scrollbars shouldn't be visible to the user, but the area should still scroll. */ function ClippedScroller(options) { var _this = _super.call(this, options) || this; _this.isHScrollbarsClipped = false; _this.isVScrollbarsClipped = false; if (_this.overflowX === 'clipped-scroll') { _this.overflowX = 'scroll'; _this.isHScrollbarsClipped = true; } if (_this.overflowY === 'clipped-scroll') { _this.overflowY = 'scroll'; _this.isVScrollbarsClipped = true; } return _this; } ClippedScroller.prototype.renderEl = function () { var scrollEl = _super.prototype.renderEl.call(this); return $('
').append(scrollEl); // return value }; ClippedScroller.prototype.updateSize = function () { var scrollEl = this.scrollEl; var scrollbarWidths = fullcalendar_1.getScrollbarWidths(scrollEl); // the native ones var cssProps = { marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0 }; // give the inner scrolling div negative margins so that its scrollbars // are nudged outside of the bounding box of the wrapper, which is overflow:hidden if (this.isHScrollbarsClipped) { cssProps.marginTop = -scrollbarWidths.top; cssProps.marginBottom = -scrollbarWidths.bottom; } if (this.isVScrollbarsClipped) { cssProps.marginLeft = -scrollbarWidths.left; cssProps.marginRight = -scrollbarWidths.right; } scrollEl.css(cssProps); // if we are attempting to hide the scrollbars offscreen, OSX/iOS will still // display the floating scrollbars. attach a className to force-hide them. return scrollEl.toggleClass('fc-no-scrollbars', (this.isHScrollbarsClipped || (this.overflowX === 'hidden')) && // should never show? (this.isVScrollbarsClipped || (this.overflowY === 'hidden')) && // should never show? !(scrollbarWidths.top || scrollbarWidths.bottom || scrollbarWidths.left || scrollbarWidths.right)); }; /* Accounts for 'clipped' scrollbars */ ClippedScroller.prototype.getScrollbarWidths = function () { var widths = fullcalendar_1.getScrollbarWidths(this.scrollEl); if (this.isHScrollbarsClipped) { widths.top = 0; widths.bottom = 0; } if (this.isVScrollbarsClipped) { widths.left = 0; widths.right = 0; } return widths; }; return ClippedScroller; }(EnhancedScroller_1.default)); exports.default = ClippedScroller; /***/ }), /* 25 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); /* A rectangular area of content that lives within a Scroller. Can have "gutters", areas of dead spacing around the perimeter. Also very useful for forcing a width, which a Scroller cannot do alone. Has a content area that lives above a background area. */ var ScrollerCanvas = /** @class */ (function () { function ScrollerCanvas() { this.gutters = {}; } ScrollerCanvas.prototype.render = function () { this.el = $("
"); this.contentEl = this.el.find('.fc-content'); this.bgEl = this.el.find('.fc-bg'); }; /* If falsy, resets all the gutters to 0 */ ScrollerCanvas.prototype.setGutters = function (gutters) { if (!gutters) { this.gutters = {}; } else { $.extend(this.gutters, gutters); } this.updateSize(); }; ScrollerCanvas.prototype.setWidth = function (width) { this.width = width; this.updateSize(); }; ScrollerCanvas.prototype.setMinWidth = function (minWidth) { this.minWidth = minWidth; this.updateSize(); }; ScrollerCanvas.prototype.clearWidth = function () { this.width = null; this.minWidth = null; this.updateSize(); }; ScrollerCanvas.prototype.updateSize = function () { var gutters = this.gutters; this.el // is border-box (width includes padding) .toggleClass('fc-gutter-left', Boolean(gutters.left)) .toggleClass('fc-gutter-right', Boolean(gutters.right)) .toggleClass('fc-gutter-top', Boolean(gutters.top)) .toggleClass('fc-gutter-bottom', Boolean(gutters.bottom)) .css({ paddingLeft: gutters.left || '', paddingRight: gutters.right || '', paddingTop: gutters.top || '', paddingBottom: gutters.bottom || '', width: (this.width != null) ? this.width + (gutters.left || 0) + (gutters.right || 0) : '', minWidth: (this.minWidth != null) ? this.minWidth + (gutters.left || 0) + (gutters.right || 0) : '' }); this.bgEl.css({ left: gutters.left || '', right: gutters.right || '', top: gutters.top || '', bottom: gutters.bottom || '' }); }; return ScrollerCanvas; }()); exports.default = ScrollerCanvas; /***/ }), /* 26 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ScrollFollowerSprite_1 = __webpack_require__(27); var ScrollFollower = /** @class */ (function () { function ScrollFollower(scroller, allowPointerEvents) { if (allowPointerEvents === void 0) { allowPointerEvents = false; } var _this = this; this.isHFollowing = true; this.isVFollowing = false; this.allowPointerEvents = false; this.containOnNaturalLeft = false; this.containOnNaturalRight = false; this.minTravel = 0; this.allowPointerEvents = allowPointerEvents; this.scroller = scroller; this.spritesById = {}; scroller.on('scroll', function () { if (scroller.isTouchedEver) { // touch devices should only updated after the scroll is over _this.isTouch = true; _this.isForcedRelative = true; // touch devices scroll too quick to make absolute ever look good } else { _this.isTouch = false; // this.isForcedRelative = false // why? _this.handleScroll(); } }); // for touch devices scroller.on('scrollEnd', function () { _this.handleScroll(); }); } // TODO: have a destroy method. // View's whose skeletons get destroyed should unregister their scrollfollowers. /* `els` is as a jQuery set of elements. If elements are already position:relative, is a performance benefit. */ ScrollFollower.prototype.setSpriteEls = function (els) { var _this = this; this.clearSprites(); els.each(function (i, node) { _this.addSprite(new ScrollFollowerSprite_1.default($(node))); }); }; ScrollFollower.prototype.clearSprites = function () { this.iterSprites(function (sprite) { return sprite.clear(); }); this.spritesById = {}; }; ScrollFollower.prototype.addSprite = function (sprite) { sprite.follower = this; this.spritesById[sprite.id] = sprite; }; ScrollFollower.prototype.removeSprite = function (sprite) { sprite.clear(); delete this.spritesById[sprite.id]; }; ScrollFollower.prototype.handleScroll = function () { this.updateViewport(); this.updatePositions(); }; ScrollFollower.prototype.cacheDimensions = function () { this.updateViewport(); this.scrollbarWidths = this.scroller.getScrollbarWidths(); this.contentOffset = this.scroller.canvas.el.offset(); this.iterSprites(function (sprite) { return sprite.cacheDimensions(); }); }; ScrollFollower.prototype.updateViewport = function () { var scroller = this.scroller; var left = scroller.getScrollFromLeft(); var top = scroller.getScrollTop(); // TODO: use getViewportRect() for getting this rect return this.viewportRect = { left: left, right: left + scroller.getClientWidth(), top: top, bottom: top + scroller.getClientHeight() }; }; ScrollFollower.prototype.forceRelative = function () { if (!this.isForcedRelative) { this.isForcedRelative = true; this.iterSprites(function (sprite) { if (sprite.doAbsolute) { return sprite.assignPosition(); } }); } }; ScrollFollower.prototype.clearForce = function () { if (this.isForcedRelative && !this.isTouch) { this.isForcedRelative = false; this.iterSprites(function (sprite) { return sprite.assignPosition(); }); } }; ScrollFollower.prototype.update = function () { this.cacheDimensions(); this.updatePositions(); }; ScrollFollower.prototype.updatePositions = function () { this.iterSprites(function (sprite) { return sprite.updatePosition(); }); }; // relative to inner content pane ScrollFollower.prototype.getContentRect = function (el) { return fullcalendar_1.getContentRect(el, this.contentOffset); }; // relative to inner content pane ScrollFollower.prototype.getBoundingRect = function (el) { return fullcalendar_1.getOuterRect(el, this.contentOffset); }; ScrollFollower.prototype.iterSprites = function (func) { for (var id in this.spritesById) { var sprite = this.spritesById[id]; func(sprite, id); } }; return ScrollFollower; }()); exports.default = ScrollFollower; /***/ }), /* 27 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ScrollFollowerSprite = /** @class */ (function () { /* If given el is already position:relative, is a performance gain */ function ScrollFollowerSprite(el) { this.isEnabled = true; this.isHFollowing = false; this.isVFollowing = false; this.doAbsolute = false; this.isAbsolute = false; this.isCentered = false; this.isBlock = false; this.el = el; this.id = String(ScrollFollowerSprite.uid++); this.isBlock = this.el.css('display') === 'block'; if (this.el.css('position') !== 'relative') { this.el.css('position', 'relative'); } } ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.disable = function () { if (this.isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = false; this.resetPosition(); this.unabsolutize(); } }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.enable = function () { if (!this.isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = true; this.assignPosition(); } }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.clear = function () { this.disable(); this.follower = null; this.absoluteEl = null; }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.cacheDimensions = function () { var isHFollowing = false; var isVFollowing = false; var isCentered = false; this.naturalWidth = this.el.width(); this.resetPosition(); var follower = this.follower; var naturalRect = (this.naturalRect = follower.getBoundingRect(this.el)); var parentEl = this.el.parent(); this.parentRect = follower.getBoundingRect(parentEl); var containerRect = (this.containerRect = joinRects(follower.getContentRect(parentEl), naturalRect)); var minTravel = follower.minTravel; if (follower.containOnNaturalLeft) { containerRect.left = naturalRect.left; } if (follower.containOnNaturalRight) { containerRect.right = naturalRect.right; } if (follower.isHFollowing) { if ((getRectWidth(containerRect) - getRectWidth(naturalRect)) >= minTravel) { isCentered = this.el.css('text-align') === 'center'; isHFollowing = true; } } if (follower.isVFollowing) { if ((getRectHeight(containerRect) - getRectHeight(naturalRect)) >= minTravel) { isVFollowing = true; } } this.isHFollowing = isHFollowing; this.isVFollowing = isVFollowing; this.isCentered = isCentered; }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.computePosition(); this.assignPosition(); }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.resetPosition = function () { this.el.css({ top: '', left: '' }); }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.computePosition = function () { var viewportRect = this.follower.viewportRect; var parentRect = this.parentRect; var containerRect = this.containerRect; var visibleParentRect = fullcalendar_1.intersectRects(viewportRect, parentRect); var rect = null; var doAbsolute = false; if (visibleParentRect) { rect = copyRect(this.naturalRect); var subjectRect = fullcalendar_1.intersectRects(rect, parentRect); // will we need to reposition? if ((this.isCentered && !testRectContains(viewportRect, parentRect)) || // centering and container not completely in view? (subjectRect && !testRectContains(viewportRect, subjectRect))) { doAbsolute = true; if (this.isHFollowing) { if (this.isCentered) { var rectWidth = getRectWidth(rect); rect.left = ((visibleParentRect.left + visibleParentRect.right) / 2) - (rectWidth / 2); rect.right = rect.left + rectWidth; } else { if (!hContainRect(rect, viewportRect)) { doAbsolute = false; } } if (hContainRect(rect, containerRect)) { doAbsolute = false; } } if (this.isVFollowing) { if (!vContainRect(rect, viewportRect)) { doAbsolute = false; } if (vContainRect(rect, containerRect)) { doAbsolute = false; } } if (!testRectContains(viewportRect, rect)) { doAbsolute = false; } } } this.rect = rect; this.doAbsolute = doAbsolute; }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.assignPosition = function () { if (this.isEnabled) { if (!this.rect) { this.unabsolutize(); } else if (this.doAbsolute && !this.follower.isForcedRelative) { this.absolutize(); this.absoluteEl.css({ top: (this.rect.top - this.follower.viewportRect.top) + this.follower.scrollbarWidths.top, left: (this.rect.left - this.follower.viewportRect.left) + this.follower.scrollbarWidths.left, width: this.isBlock ? this.naturalWidth : '' }); } else { var top_1 = this.rect.top - this.naturalRect.top; var left = this.rect.left - this.naturalRect.left; this.unabsolutize(); this.el.toggleClass('fc-following', Boolean(top_1 || left)) .css({ top: top_1, left: left }); } } }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.absolutize = function () { if (!this.isAbsolute) { if (!this.absoluteEl) { this.absoluteEl = this.buildAbsoluteEl(); } this.absoluteEl.appendTo(this.follower.scroller.el); this.el.css('visibility', 'hidden'); this.isAbsolute = true; } }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.unabsolutize = function () { if (this.isAbsolute) { this.absoluteEl.detach(); this.el.css('visibility', ''); this.isAbsolute = false; } }; ScrollFollowerSprite.prototype.buildAbsoluteEl = function () { var el = this.el.clone().addClass('fc-following'); el.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': 1000, 'font-weight': this.el.css('font-weight'), 'font-size': this.el.css('font-size'), 'font-family': this.el.css('font-family'), 'text-decoration': this.el.css('text-decoration'), 'color': this.el.css('color'), 'padding-top': this.el.css('padding-top'), 'padding-bottom': this.el.css('padding-bottom'), 'padding-left': this.el.css('padding-left'), 'padding-right': this.el.css('padding-right') }); if (!this.follower.allowPointerEvents) { el.css('pointer-events', 'none'); } return el; }; ScrollFollowerSprite.uid = 0; return ScrollFollowerSprite; }()); exports.default = ScrollFollowerSprite; // Geometry Utils // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: move somewhere more common function copyRect(rect) { return { left: rect.left, right: rect.right, top: rect.top, bottom: rect.bottom }; } function getRectWidth(rect) { return rect.right - rect.left; } function getRectHeight(rect) { return rect.bottom - rect.top; } function testRectContains(rect, innerRect) { return testRectHContains(rect, innerRect) && testRectVContains(rect, innerRect); } function testRectHContains(rect, innerRect) { return (innerRect.left >= rect.left) && (innerRect.right <= rect.right); } function testRectVContains(rect, innerRect) { return (innerRect.top >= rect.top) && (innerRect.bottom <= rect.bottom); } function hContainRect(rect, outerRect) { if (rect.left < outerRect.left) { rect.right = outerRect.left + getRectWidth(rect); rect.left = outerRect.left; return true; } else if (rect.right > outerRect.right) { rect.left = outerRect.right - getRectWidth(rect); rect.right = outerRect.right; return true; } else { return false; } } function vContainRect(rect, outerRect) { if (rect.top < outerRect.top) { rect.bottom = outerRect.top + getRectHeight(rect); rect.top = outerRect.top; return true; } else if (rect.bottom > outerRect.bottom) { rect.top = outerRect.bottom - getRectHeight(rect); rect.bottom = outerRect.bottom; return true; } else { return false; } } function joinRects(rect1, rect2) { return { left: Math.min(rect1.left, rect2.left), right: Math.max(rect1.right, rect2.right), top: Math.min(rect1.top, rect2.top), bottom: Math.max(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom) }; } /***/ }), /* 28 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var TimelineFillRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(TimelineFillRenderer, _super); function TimelineFillRenderer() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } /* component must be { bgSegContainerEl, rangeToCoords } */ TimelineFillRenderer.prototype.attachSegEls = function (type, segs) { if (segs.length) { var className = void 0; if (type === 'businessHours') { className = 'bgevent'; } else { className = type.toLowerCase(); } // making a new container each time is OKAY // all types of segs (background or business hours or whatever) are rendered in one pass var containerEl = $('
') .appendTo(this.component.bgSegContainerEl); for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_1[_i]; var coords = this.component.rangeToCoords(seg); // TODO: make DRY seg.el.css({ left: (seg.left = coords.left), right: -(seg.right = coords.right) }); seg.el.appendTo(containerEl); } return containerEl; // return value } }; return TimelineFillRenderer; }(fullcalendar_1.FillRenderer)); exports.default = TimelineFillRenderer; /***/ }), /* 29 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var TimelineHelperRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(TimelineHelperRenderer, _super); function TimelineHelperRenderer() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } /* component must be { innerEl, rangeToCoords, ?resource } */ TimelineHelperRenderer.prototype.renderSegs = function (segs, sourceSeg) { var helperNodes = []; // .fc-event-container for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_1[_i]; // TODO: centralize logic (also in renderFgSegsInContainers) var coords = this.component.rangeToCoords(seg); seg.el.css({ left: (seg.left = coords.left), right: -(seg.right = coords.right) }); // TODO: detangle the concept of resources // TODO: how to identify these two segs as the same!? if (sourceSeg && (sourceSeg.resourceId === (this.component.resource != null ? this.component.resource.id : undefined))) { seg.el.css('top', sourceSeg.el.css('top')); } else { seg.el.css('top', 0); } } var helperContainerEl = $('
') .appendTo(this.component.innerEl); helperNodes.push(helperContainerEl[0]); for (var _a = 0, segs_2 = segs; _a < segs_2.length; _a++) { var seg = segs_2[_a]; helperContainerEl.append(seg.el); } return $(helperNodes); // return value. TODO: need to accumulate across calls? }; return TimelineHelperRenderer; }(fullcalendar_1.HelperRenderer)); exports.default = TimelineHelperRenderer; /***/ }), /* 30 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ScrollJoiner_1 = __webpack_require__(16); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); var ResourceViewMixin_1 = __webpack_require__(9); var TimelineView_1 = __webpack_require__(14); var Spreadsheet_1 = __webpack_require__(43); var ResourceTimelineEventRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(45); var RowParent_1 = __webpack_require__(18); var ResourceRow_1 = __webpack_require__(46); var HRowGroup_1 = __webpack_require__(47); var VRowGroup_1 = __webpack_require__(31); var EventRow_1 = __webpack_require__(33); var ResourceTimelineView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceTimelineView, _super); function ResourceTimelineView(calendar, viewSpec) { var _this = _super.call(this, calendar, viewSpec) || this; _this.canHandleSpecificResources = true; _this.isResourceFootprintsEnabled = true; _this.nestingCnt = 0; _this.indiBizCnt = 0; _this.isIndiBizRendered = false; _this.isGenericBizRendered = false; _this.initResourceView(); _this.processResourceOptions(); _this.spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet_1.default(_this); _this.rowHierarchy = new RowParent_1.default(_this); _this.rowHierarchy.isExpanded = true; // hack to always show, regardless of resourcesInitiallyExpanded _this.resourceRowHash = {}; return _this; } // Resource Options // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.processResourceOptions = function () { var allColSpecs = this.opt('resourceColumns') || []; var labelText = this.opt('resourceLabelText'); // TODO: view.override var defaultLabelText = 'Resources'; // TODO: view.defaults var superHeaderText = null; if (!allColSpecs.length) { allColSpecs.push({ labelText: labelText || defaultLabelText, text: this.getResourceTextFunc() }); } else { superHeaderText = labelText; } var plainColSpecs = []; var groupColSpecs = []; var groupSpecs = []; var isVGrouping = false; var isHGrouping = false; for (var _i = 0, allColSpecs_1 = allColSpecs; _i < allColSpecs_1.length; _i++) { var colSpec = allColSpecs_1[_i]; if (colSpec.group) { groupColSpecs.push(colSpec); } else { plainColSpecs.push(colSpec); } } plainColSpecs[0].isMain = true; if (groupColSpecs.length) { groupSpecs = groupColSpecs; isVGrouping = true; } else { var hGroupField = this.opt('resourceGroupField'); if (hGroupField) { isHGrouping = true; groupSpecs.push({ field: hGroupField, text: this.opt('resourceGroupText'), render: this.opt('resourceGroupRender') }); } } var allOrderSpecs = fullcalendar_1.parseFieldSpecs(this.opt('resourceOrder')); var plainOrderSpecs = []; for (var _a = 0, allOrderSpecs_1 = allOrderSpecs; _a < allOrderSpecs_1.length; _a++) { var orderSpec = allOrderSpecs_1[_a]; var isGroup = false; for (var _b = 0, groupSpecs_1 = groupSpecs; _b < groupSpecs_1.length; _b++) { var groupSpec = groupSpecs_1[_b]; if (groupSpec.field === orderSpec.field) { groupSpec.order = orderSpec.order; // -1, 0, 1 isGroup = true; break; } } if (!isGroup) { plainOrderSpecs.push(orderSpec); } } this.superHeaderText = superHeaderText; this.isVGrouping = isVGrouping; this.isHGrouping = isHGrouping; this.groupSpecs = groupSpecs; this.colSpecs = groupColSpecs.concat(plainColSpecs); this.orderSpecs = plainOrderSpecs; }; // Skeleton Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderSkeleton = function () { _super.prototype.renderSkeleton.call(this); var theme = this.calendar.theme; this.spreadsheet.el = this.el.find('tbody .fc-resource-area'); this.spreadsheet.headEl = this.el.find('thead .fc-resource-area'); this.spreadsheet.renderSkeleton(); // ^ is not a Grid/DateComponent // only non-resource grid needs this, so kill it // TODO: look into better solution this.segContainerEl.remove(); this.segContainerEl = null; var timeBodyContainerEl = $("
").appendTo(this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.contentEl); this.timeBodyTbodyEl = timeBodyContainerEl.find('tbody'); this.tbodyHash = { spreadsheet: this.spreadsheet.tbodyEl, event: this.timeBodyTbodyEl }; this.resourceScrollJoiner = new ScrollJoiner_1.default('vertical', [ this.spreadsheet.bodyScroller, this.timeBodyScroller ]); this.initDividerMoving(); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderSkeletonHtml = function () { var theme = this.calendar.theme; return "
"; }; // Divider Moving // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.initDividerMoving = function () { var _this = this; var left = this.opt('resourceAreaWidth'); this.dividerEls = this.el.find('.fc-divider'); // tableWidth available after spreadsheet.renderSkeleton this.dividerWidth = left != null ? left : this.spreadsheet.tableWidth; if (this.dividerWidth != null) { this.positionDivider(this.dividerWidth); } this.dividerEls.on('mousedown', function (ev) { _this.dividerMousedown(ev); }); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.dividerMousedown = function (ev) { var _this = this; var isRTL = this.opt('isRTL'); var minWidth = 30; var maxWidth = this.el.width() - 30; var origWidth = this.getNaturalDividerWidth(); var dragListener = new fullcalendar_1.DragListener({ dragStart: function () { _this.dividerEls.addClass('fc-active'); }, drag: function (dx, dy) { var width; if (isRTL) { width = origWidth - dx; } else { width = origWidth + dx; } width = Math.max(width, minWidth); width = Math.min(width, maxWidth); _this.dividerWidth = width; _this.positionDivider(width); _this.calendar.updateViewSize(); }, dragEnd: function () { _this.dividerEls.removeClass('fc-active'); } }); dragListener.startInteraction(ev); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.getNaturalDividerWidth = function () { return this.el.find('.fc-resource-area').width(); // TODO: don't we have this cached? }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.positionDivider = function (w) { this.el.find('.fc-resource-area').css('width', w); // TODO: don't we have this cached? }; // Sizing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.updateSize = function (totalHeight, isAuto, isResize) { var bodyHeight; if (this.rowsNeedingHeightSync) { this.syncRowHeights(this.rowsNeedingHeightSync); this.rowsNeedingHeightSync = null; } else { this.syncRowHeights(); // sync all } var headHeight = this.syncHeadHeights(); if (isAuto) { bodyHeight = 'auto'; } else { bodyHeight = totalHeight - headHeight - this.queryMiscHeight(); } this.timeBodyScroller.setHeight(bodyHeight); this.spreadsheet.bodyScroller.setHeight(bodyHeight); this.spreadsheet.updateSize(); // do children AFTER because of ScrollFollowerSprite abs position issues _super.prototype.updateSize.call(this, totalHeight, isAuto, isResize); // do once spreadsheet area and event slat area have correct height, for gutters this.resourceScrollJoiner.update(); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.queryMiscHeight = function () { return this.el.outerHeight() - Math.max(this.spreadsheet.headScroller.el.outerHeight(), this.timeHeadScroller.el.outerHeight()) - Math.max(this.spreadsheet.bodyScroller.el.outerHeight(), this.timeBodyScroller.el.outerHeight()); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.syncHeadHeights = function () { this.spreadsheet.headHeight('auto'); this.headHeight('auto'); var headHeight = Math.max(this.spreadsheet.headHeight(), this.headHeight()); this.spreadsheet.headHeight(headHeight); this.headHeight(headHeight); return headHeight; }; // Scrolling // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // this is useful for scrolling prev/next dates while resource is scrolled down ResourceTimelineView.prototype.queryResourceScroll = function () { var scroll = {}; var scrollerTop = this.timeBodyScroller.scrollEl.offset().top; // TODO: use getClientRect for (var _i = 0, _a = this.getVisibleRows(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rowObj = _a[_i]; if (rowObj.resource) { var el = rowObj.getTr('event'); var elBottom = el.offset().top + el.outerHeight(); if (elBottom > scrollerTop) { scroll.resourceId = rowObj.resource.id; scroll.bottom = elBottom - scrollerTop; break; } } } // TODO: what about left scroll state for spreadsheet area? return scroll; }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.applyResourceScroll = function (scroll) { if (scroll.resourceId) { var row = this.getResourceRow(scroll.resourceId); if (row) { var el = row.getTr('event'); if (el) { var innerTop = this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.el.offset().top; // TODO: use -scrollHeight or something var elBottom = el.offset().top + el.outerHeight(); var scrollTop = elBottom - scroll.bottom - innerTop; this.timeBodyScroller.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.spreadsheet.bodyScroller.setScrollTop(scrollTop); } } } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.scrollToResource = function (resource) { var row = this.getResourceRow(resource.id); if (row) { var el = row.getTr('event'); if (el) { var innerTop = this.timeBodyScroller.canvas.el.offset().top; // TODO: use -scrollHeight or something var scrollTop = el.offset().top - innerTop; this.timeBodyScroller.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.spreadsheet.bodyScroller.setScrollTop(scrollTop); } } }; // Hit System // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.prepareHits = function () { var shownEventRows = []; _super.prototype.prepareHits.call(this); this.eventRows = this.getEventRows(); this.eventRows.forEach(function (row) { if (row.get('isInDom')) { shownEventRows.push(row); } }); var trArray = shownEventRows.map(function (row) { return (row.getTr('event')[0]); }); this.shownEventRows = shownEventRows; this.rowCoordCache = new fullcalendar_1.CoordCache({ els: trArray, isVertical: true }); this.rowCoordCache.build(); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.releaseHits = function () { _super.prototype.releaseHits.call(this); this.eventRows = null; this.shownEventRows = null; this.rowCoordCache.clear(); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.queryHit = function (leftOffset, topOffset) { var simpleHit = _super.prototype.queryHit.call(this, leftOffset, topOffset); if (simpleHit) { var rowIndex = this.rowCoordCache.getVerticalIndex(topOffset); if (rowIndex != null) { return { resourceId: this.shownEventRows[rowIndex].resource.id, snap: simpleHit.snap, component: this, left: simpleHit.left, right: simpleHit.right, top: this.rowCoordCache.getTopOffset(rowIndex), bottom: this.rowCoordCache.getBottomOffset(rowIndex) }; } } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.getHitFootprint = function (hit) { var componentFootprint = _super.prototype.getHitFootprint.call(this, hit); return new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(componentFootprint.unzonedRange, componentFootprint.isAllDay, hit.resourceId); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.getHitEl = function (hit) { return this.getSnapEl(hit.snap); }; // Resource Data // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderResources = function (resources) { for (var _i = 0, resources_1 = resources; _i < resources_1.length; _i++) { var resource = resources_1[_i]; this.renderResource(resource); } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.unrenderResources = function () { this.rowHierarchy.removeElement(); this.rowHierarchy.removeChildren(); for (var id in this.resourceRowHash) { this.removeChild(this.resourceRowHash[id]); // for DateComponent! } this.resourceRowHash = {}; }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderResource = function (resource) { this.insertResource(resource); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.unrenderResource = function (resource) { this.removeResource(resource); }; // Event Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.executeEventRender = function (eventsPayload) { var payloadsByResourceId = {}; var genericPayload = {}; var resourceId; for (var eventDefId in eventsPayload) { var eventInstanceGroup = eventsPayload[eventDefId]; var eventDef = eventInstanceGroup.getEventDef(); var resourceIds = eventDef.getResourceIds(); if (resourceIds.length) { for (var _i = 0, resourceIds_1 = resourceIds; _i < resourceIds_1.length; _i++) { resourceId = resourceIds_1[_i]; var bucket = payloadsByResourceId[resourceId] || (payloadsByResourceId[resourceId] = {}); bucket[eventDefId] = eventInstanceGroup; } // only render bg segs that have no resources } else if (eventDef.hasBgRendering()) { genericPayload[eventDefId] = eventInstanceGroup; } } this.eventRenderer.render(genericPayload); for (resourceId in payloadsByResourceId) { var resourceEventsPayload = payloadsByResourceId[resourceId]; var row = this.getResourceRow(resourceId); if (row) { row.executeEventRender(resourceEventsPayload); } } }; // Business Hours Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderBusinessHours = function (businessHourGenerator) { this.genericBiz = businessHourGenerator; // save for later this.isIndiBizRendered = false; this.isGenericBizRendered = false; if (this.indiBizCnt) { this.isIndiBizRendered = true; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.getEventRows(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var row = _a[_i]; row.renderBusinessHours(row.resource.businessHourGenerator || businessHourGenerator); } } else { this.isGenericBizRendered = true; this.businessHourRenderer.render(businessHourGenerator); } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.updateIndiBiz = function () { if ((this.indiBizCnt && this.isGenericBizRendered) || (!this.indiBizCnt && this.isIndiBizRendered)) { this.unrenderBusinessHours(); this.renderBusinessHours(this.genericBiz); } }; // Row Management // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // creates a row for the given resource and inserts it into the hierarchy. // if `parentResourceRow` is given, inserts it as a direct child // does not render ResourceTimelineView.prototype.insertResource = function (resource, parentResourceRow) { var noExplicitParent = !parentResourceRow; var row = new ResourceRow_1.default(this, resource); if (!parentResourceRow) { if (resource.parent) { parentResourceRow = this.getResourceRow(resource.parent.id); } else if (resource.parentId) { parentResourceRow = this.getResourceRow(resource.parentId); } } if (parentResourceRow) { this.insertRowAsChild(row, parentResourceRow); } else { this.insertRow(row); } this.addChild(row); // for DateComponent! this.resourceRowHash[resource.id] = row; if (resource.businessHourGenerator) { this.indiBizCnt++; // hack to get dynamically-added resources with custom business hours to render if (this.isIndiBizRendered) { row.businessHourGenerator = resource.businessHourGenerator; } this.updateIndiBiz(); } for (var _i = 0, _a = resource.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var childResource = _a[_i]; this.insertResource(childResource, row); } if (noExplicitParent && computeIsChildrenVisible(row.parent)) { row.renderSkeleton(); } return row; }; // does not unrender ResourceTimelineView.prototype.removeResource = function (resource) { var row = this.resourceRowHash[resource.id]; if (row) { delete this.resourceRowHash[resource.id]; this.removeChild(row); // for DateComponent! row.removeFromParentAndDom(); if (resource.businessHourGenerator) { this.indiBizCnt--; this.updateIndiBiz(); } } return row; }; // inserts the given row into the hierarchy. // `parent` can be any tree root of the hierarchy. // `orderSpecs` will recursively create groups within the root before inserting the row. ResourceTimelineView.prototype.insertRow = function (row, parent, groupSpecs) { if (parent === void 0) { parent = this.rowHierarchy; } if (groupSpecs === void 0) { groupSpecs = this.groupSpecs; } if (groupSpecs.length) { var group = this.ensureResourceGroup(row, parent, groupSpecs[0]); if (group instanceof HRowGroup_1.default) { this.insertRowAsChild(row, group); // horizontal rows can only be one level deep } else { this.insertRow(row, group, groupSpecs.slice(1)); } } else { this.insertRowAsChild(row, parent); } }; // inserts the given row as a direct child of the given parent ResourceTimelineView.prototype.insertRowAsChild = function (row, parent) { return parent.addChildRowNode(row, this.computeChildRowPosition(row, parent)); }; // computes the position at which the given node should be inserted into the parent's children // if no specific position is determined, returns null ResourceTimelineView.prototype.computeChildRowPosition = function (child, parent) { if (this.orderSpecs.length) { for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { var sibling = parent.children[i]; var cmp = this.compareResources(sibling.resource || {}, child.resource || {}); if (cmp > 0) { return i; } } } return null; }; // given two resources, returns a cmp value (-1, 0, 1) ResourceTimelineView.prototype.compareResources = function (a, b) { return fullcalendar_1.compareByFieldSpecs(a, b, this.orderSpecs); }; // given information on how a row should be inserted into one of the parent's child groups, // ensure a child group exists, creating it if necessary, and then return it. // spec MIGHT NOT HAVE AN ORDER ResourceTimelineView.prototype.ensureResourceGroup = function (row, parent, spec) { var i; var testGroup; var groupValue = (row.resource || {})[spec.field]; // the groupValue of the row var group = null; // find an existing group that matches, or determine the position for a new group if (spec.order) { for (i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { testGroup = parent.children[i]; var cmp = fullcalendar_1.flexibleCompare(testGroup.groupValue, groupValue) * spec.order; if (cmp === 0) { group = testGroup; break; } else if (cmp > 0) { break; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { testGroup = parent.children[i]; if (testGroup.groupValue === groupValue) { group = testGroup; break; } } } // `i` will be at the end if group was not found // create a new group if (!group) { if (this.isVGrouping) { group = new VRowGroup_1.default(this, spec, groupValue); } else { group = new HRowGroup_1.default(this, spec, groupValue); } parent.addChildRowNode(group, i); group.renderSkeleton(); // always immediately render groups } return group; }; // Row Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.descendantAdded = function (row) { var wasNesting = this.isNesting; var isNesting = Boolean(this.nestingCnt += row.depth ? 1 : 0); if (wasNesting !== isNesting) { this.el.toggleClass('fc-nested', isNesting) .toggleClass('fc-flat', !isNesting); this.isNesting = isNesting; } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.descendantRemoved = function (row) { var wasNesting = this.isNesting; var isNesting = Boolean(this.nestingCnt -= row.depth ? 1 : 0); if (wasNesting !== isNesting) { this.el.toggleClass('fc-nested', isNesting) .toggleClass('fc-flat', !isNesting); this.isNesting = isNesting; } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.descendantShown = function (row) { (this.rowsNeedingHeightSync || (this.rowsNeedingHeightSync = [])).push(row); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.descendantHidden = function (row) { if (!this.rowsNeedingHeightSync) { this.rowsNeedingHeightSync = []; } }; // visibleRows is flat. does not do recursive ResourceTimelineView.prototype.syncRowHeights = function (visibleRows, safe) { if (visibleRows === void 0) { visibleRows = this.getVisibleRows(); } if (safe === void 0) { safe = false; } for (var _i = 0, visibleRows_1 = visibleRows; _i < visibleRows_1.length; _i++) { var row = visibleRows_1[_i]; row.setTrInnerHeight(''); } var innerHeights = visibleRows.map(function (row) { var h = row.getMaxTrInnerHeight(); if (safe) { h += h % 2; // FF and zoom only like even numbers for alignment } return h; }); for (var i = 0; i < visibleRows.length; i++) { var row = visibleRows[i]; row.setTrInnerHeight(innerHeights[i]); } if (!safe) { var h1 = this.spreadsheet.tbodyEl.height(); var h2 = this.timeBodyTbodyEl.height(); if (Math.abs(h1 - h2) > 1) { this.syncRowHeights(visibleRows, true); } } }; // Row Querying // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.getVisibleRows = function () { var result = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.rowHierarchy.getRows(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var row = _a[_i]; if (row.get('isInDom')) { result.push(row); } } return result; }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.getEventRows = function () { return this.rowHierarchy.getRows().filter(function (row) { return (row instanceof EventRow_1.default); }); }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.getResourceRow = function (resourceId) { return this.resourceRowHash[resourceId]; }; // Selection // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderSelectionFootprint = function (componentFootprint) { if (componentFootprint.resourceId) { var rowObj = this.getResourceRow(componentFootprint.resourceId); if (rowObj) { return rowObj.renderSelectionFootprint(componentFootprint); } } else { return _super.prototype.renderSelectionFootprint.call(this, componentFootprint); } }; // Event Resizing (route to rows) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderEventResize = function (eventFootprints, seg, isTouch) { var map = groupEventFootprintsByResourceId(eventFootprints); for (var resourceId in map) { var resourceEventFootprints = map[resourceId]; var rowObj = this.getResourceRow(resourceId); // render helpers rowObj.helperRenderer.renderEventDraggingFootprints(resourceEventFootprints, seg, isTouch); // render highlight for (var _i = 0, resourceEventFootprints_1 = resourceEventFootprints; _i < resourceEventFootprints_1.length; _i++) { var eventFootprint = resourceEventFootprints_1[_i]; rowObj.renderHighlight(eventFootprint.componentFootprint); } } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.unrenderEventResize = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.getEventRows(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rowObj = _a[_i]; rowObj.helperRenderer.unrender(); rowObj.unrenderHighlight(); } }; // DnD (route to rows) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceTimelineView.prototype.renderDrag = function (eventFootprints, seg, isTouch) { var map = groupEventFootprintsByResourceId(eventFootprints); var resourceEventFootprints; var resourceId; var rowObj; if (seg) { // draw helper for (resourceId in map) { resourceEventFootprints = map[resourceId]; rowObj = this.getResourceRow(resourceId); rowObj.helperRenderer.renderEventDraggingFootprints(resourceEventFootprints, seg, isTouch); } return true; // signal helper rendered } else { // draw highlight for (resourceId in map) { resourceEventFootprints = map[resourceId]; for (var _i = 0, resourceEventFootprints_2 = resourceEventFootprints; _i < resourceEventFootprints_2.length; _i++) { var eventFootprint = resourceEventFootprints_2[_i]; rowObj = this.getResourceRow(resourceId); rowObj.renderHighlight(eventFootprint.componentFootprint); } } return false; // signal helper not rendered } }; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.unrenderDrag = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.getEventRows(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rowObj = _a[_i]; rowObj.helperRenderer.unrender(); rowObj.unrenderHighlight(); } }; return ResourceTimelineView; }(TimelineView_1.default)); exports.default = ResourceTimelineView; ResourceTimelineView.prototype.eventRendererClass = ResourceTimelineEventRenderer_1.default; ResourceViewMixin_1.default.mixInto(ResourceTimelineView); // Utils // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function groupEventFootprintsByResourceId(eventFootprints) { var map = {}; for (var _i = 0, eventFootprints_1 = eventFootprints; _i < eventFootprints_1.length; _i++) { var eventFootprint = eventFootprints_1[_i]; (map[eventFootprint.componentFootprint.resourceId] || (map[eventFootprint.componentFootprint.resourceId] = [])) .push(eventFootprint); } return map; } /* if `current` is null, returns true */ function computeIsChildrenVisible(current) { while (current) { if (!current.isExpanded) { return false; } current = current.parent; } return true; } /***/ }), /* 31 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var RowGroup_1 = __webpack_require__(32); /* A row grouping that renders as a tall multi-cell vertical span in the "spreadsheet" area */ var VRowGroup = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(VRowGroup, _super); function VRowGroup(view, groupSpec, groupValue) { var _this = _super.call(this, view, groupSpec, groupValue) || this; _this.rowspan = 0; return _this; } /* Makes sure the groupTd has the correct rowspan / place in the DOM. PRECONDITION: in the case of multiple group nesting, a child's renderRowspan() will be called before the parent's renderRowspan(). */ VRowGroup.prototype.renderRowspan = function () { var leadingTr; var theme = this.view.calendar.theme; if (this.rowspan) { // ensure the TD element if (!this.groupTd) { this.groupTd = $('') .append(this.renderGroupContentEl()); } this.groupTd.attr('rowspan', this.rowspan); // (re)insert groupTd if it was never inserted, or the first TR is different leadingTr = this.getLeadingRow().getTr('spreadsheet'); if (leadingTr !== this.leadingTr) { if (leadingTr) { leadingTr.prepend(this.groupTd); // parents will later prepend their own } this.leadingTr = leadingTr; } } else { // remove the TD element if it was rendered if (this.groupTd) { this.groupTd.remove(); this.groupTd = null; } this.leadingTr = null; } }; /* Called when a row somewhere within the grouping is shown */ VRowGroup.prototype.descendantShown = function (row) { this.rowspan += 1; this.renderRowspan(); _super.prototype.descendantShown.call(this, row); // will bubble to parent }; /* Called when a row somewhere within the grouping is hidden */ VRowGroup.prototype.descendantHidden = function (row) { this.rowspan -= 1; this.renderRowspan(); _super.prototype.descendantHidden.call(this, row); }; return VRowGroup; }(RowGroup_1.default)); exports.default = VRowGroup; /***/ }), /* 32 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var RowParent_1 = __webpack_require__(18); /* An abstract node in a row-hierarchy tree that contains other nodes. Will have some sort of rendered label indicating the grouping, up to the subclass for determining what to do with it. */ var RowGroup = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(RowGroup, _super); function RowGroup(view, groupSpec, groupValue) { var _this = _super.call(this, view) || this; _this.groupSpec = groupSpec; _this.groupValue = groupValue; return _this; } /* Called when this row (if it renders a row) or a subrow is removed */ RowGroup.prototype.descendantRemoved = function (row) { _super.prototype.descendantRemoved.call(this, row); // bubble up to the view and let the node be fully removed // and there are no more children in the group, implictly remove this group as well if (!this.children.length) { this.removeFromParentAndDom(); } }; /* Renders the content wrapper element that will be inserted into this row's TD cell */ RowGroup.prototype.renderGroupContentEl = function () { var contentEl = $('
') .append(this.renderGroupTextEl()); var filter = this.groupSpec.render; if (typeof filter === 'function') { contentEl = filter(contentEl, this.groupValue) || contentEl; } return contentEl; }; /* Renders the text span element that will be inserted into this row's TD cell. Goes within the content element. */ RowGroup.prototype.renderGroupTextEl = function () { var text = this.groupValue || ''; // might be null/undefined if an ad-hoc grouping var filter = this.groupSpec.text; if (typeof filter === 'function') { text = filter(text) || text; } return $('').text(text); }; return RowGroup; }(RowParent_1.default)); exports.default = RowGroup; /***/ }), /* 33 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var RowParent_1 = __webpack_require__(18); var TimelineFillRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(28); var TimelineEventRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(17); var TimelineHelperRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(29); var EventRow = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(EventRow, _super); function EventRow() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } EventRow.prototype.renderEventSkeleton = function (tr) { var theme = this.view.calendar.theme; tr.html("
"); this.segContainerEl = tr.find('.fc-event-container'); this.innerEl = (this.bgSegContainerEl = tr.find('td > div')); }; EventRow.prototype.rangeToCoords = function (range) { return this.view.rangeToCoords(range); }; EventRow.prototype.componentFootprintToSegs = function (componentFootprint) { return this.view.componentFootprintToSegs(componentFootprint); }; return EventRow; }(RowParent_1.default)); exports.default = EventRow; EventRow.prototype.fillRendererClass = TimelineFillRenderer_1.default; EventRow.prototype.eventRendererClass = TimelineEventRenderer_1.default; EventRow.prototype.helperRendererClass = TimelineHelperRenderer_1.default; EventRow.prototype.businessHourRendererClass = fullcalendar_1.BusinessHourRenderer; EventRow.prototype.hasOwnRow = true; /***/ }), /* 34 */, /* 35 */, /* 36 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var exportHooks = __webpack_require__(0); // imports solely for side-effects __webpack_require__(37); __webpack_require__(48); __webpack_require__(50); __webpack_require__(51); __webpack_require__(53); __webpack_require__(54); __webpack_require__(55); __webpack_require__(56); __webpack_require__(57); __webpack_require__(58); __webpack_require__(59); __webpack_require__(60); __webpack_require__(61); __webpack_require__(62); __webpack_require__(63); __webpack_require__(64); __webpack_require__(65); __webpack_require__(66); __webpack_require__(67); __webpack_require__(68); var schedulerVersion = '1.9.2'; exportHooks.schedulerVersion = schedulerVersion; /* When the required internal version is upped, also update the .json files with a new minor version requirement. Example: bump ~2.7.2 to ~2.8.0 Use a tilde to match future patch-level changes only! */ if (exportHooks.internalApiVersion !== 12) { throw new Error('v' + schedulerVersion + ' of FullCalendar Scheduler ' + 'is incompatible with v' + exportHooks.version + ' of the core.\n' + 'Please see http://fullcalendar.io/support/ for more information.'); } /***/ }), /* 37 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var exportHooks = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceAgendaView_1 = __webpack_require__(20); var ResourceBasicView_1 = __webpack_require__(22); var ResourceMonthView_1 = __webpack_require__(23); var TimelineView_1 = __webpack_require__(14); var ResourceTimelineView_1 = __webpack_require__(30); // TODO: find a better way exportHooks.ResourceAgendaView = ResourceAgendaView_1.default; exportHooks.ResourceBasicView = ResourceBasicView_1.default; exportHooks.ResourceMonthView = ResourceMonthView_1.default; exportHooks.TimelineView = TimelineView_1.default; exportHooks.ResourceTimelineView = ResourceTimelineView_1.default; /***/ }), /* 38 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceDayTableMixin_1 = __webpack_require__(21); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); var ResourceTimeGrid = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceTimeGrid, _super); function ResourceTimeGrid(view) { var _this = _super.call(this, view) || this; _this.isResourceFootprintsEnabled = true; return _this; } ResourceTimeGrid.prototype.renderDates = function (dateProfile) { this.dateProfile = dateProfile; this.renderSlats(); }; ResourceTimeGrid.prototype.renderResources = function (resources) { this.registerResources(resources); this.renderColumns(); if (this.headContainerEl) { this.processHeadResourceEls(this.headContainerEl); } }; // TODO: make DRY with ResourceDayGrid ResourceTimeGrid.prototype.getHitFootprint = function (hit) { var plainFootprint = _super.prototype.getHitFootprint.call(this, hit); return new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(plainFootprint.unzonedRange, plainFootprint.isAllDay, this.getColResource(hit.col).id); }; ResourceTimeGrid.prototype.componentFootprintToSegs = function (componentFootprint) { var resourceCnt = this.resourceCnt; var genericSegs = this.sliceRangeByTimes(componentFootprint.unzonedRange); // no assigned resources var resourceSegs = []; for (var _i = 0, genericSegs_1 = genericSegs; _i < genericSegs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = genericSegs_1[_i]; for (var resourceIndex = 0; resourceIndex < resourceCnt; resourceIndex++) { var resourceObj = this.flattenedResources[resourceIndex]; if (!(componentFootprint instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default) || (componentFootprint.resourceId === resourceObj.id)) { var copy = $.extend({}, seg); copy.resource = resourceObj; copy.col = this.indicesToCol(resourceIndex, seg.dayIndex); resourceSegs.push(copy); } } } return resourceSegs; }; return ResourceTimeGrid; }(fullcalendar_1.TimeGrid)); exports.default = ResourceTimeGrid; ResourceDayTableMixin_1.default.mixInto(ResourceTimeGrid); /***/ }), /* 39 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var rtlScrollSystem = null; /* A Scroller with additional functionality: - optional ScrollerCanvas for content - fired events for scroll start/end - cross-browser normalization of horizontal scroll for RTL */ var EnhancedScroller = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(EnhancedScroller, _super); function EnhancedScroller(options) { var _this = _super.call(this, options) || this; _this.isScrolling = false; _this.isTouching = false; _this.isTouchedEver = false; _this.isMoving = false; _this.isTouchScrollEnabled = true; _this.requestMovingEnd = fullcalendar_1.debounce(_this.reportMovingEnd, 500); return _this; } EnhancedScroller.prototype.render = function () { _super.prototype.render.call(this); if (this.canvas) { this.canvas.render(); this.canvas.el.appendTo(this.scrollEl); } this.bindHandlers(); }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.destroy = function () { _super.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.unbindHandlers(); }; // Touch scroll prevention // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnhancedScroller.prototype.disableTouchScroll = function () { this.isTouchScrollEnabled = false; this.bindPreventTouchScroll(); // will be unbound in enableTouchScroll or reportTouchEnd }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.enableTouchScroll = function () { this.isTouchScrollEnabled = true; // only immediately unbind if a touch event is NOT in progress. // otherwise, it will be handled by reportTouchEnd. if (!this.isTouching) { this.unbindPreventTouchScroll(); } }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.bindPreventTouchScroll = function () { if (!this.preventTouchScrollHandler) { this.scrollEl.on('touchmove', (this.preventTouchScrollHandler = fullcalendar_1.preventDefault)); } }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.unbindPreventTouchScroll = function () { if (this.preventTouchScrollHandler) { this.scrollEl.off('touchmove', this.preventTouchScrollHandler); this.preventTouchScrollHandler = null; } }; // Handlers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnhancedScroller.prototype.bindHandlers = function () { return this.listenTo(this.scrollEl, { scroll: this.reportScroll, touchstart: this.reportTouchStart, touchend: this.reportTouchEnd }); }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.unbindHandlers = function () { return this.stopListeningTo(this.scrollEl); }; // Scroll Events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnhancedScroller.prototype.reportScroll = function () { if (!this.isScrolling) { this.reportScrollStart(); } this.trigger('scroll'); this.isMoving = true; this.requestMovingEnd(); }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.reportScrollStart = function () { if (!this.isScrolling) { this.isScrolling = true; this.trigger('scrollStart', this.isTouching); // created in constructor } }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.reportMovingEnd = function () { this.isMoving = false; // only end the scroll if not currently touching. // if touching, the scrolling will end later, on touchend. if (!this.isTouching) { this.reportScrollEnd(); } }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.reportScrollEnd = function () { if (this.isScrolling) { this.trigger('scrollEnd'); this.isScrolling = false; } }; // Touch Events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // will fire *before* the scroll event is fired EnhancedScroller.prototype.reportTouchStart = function () { this.isTouching = true; this.isTouchedEver = true; }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.reportTouchEnd = function () { if (this.isTouching) { this.isTouching = false; // if touch scrolling was re-enabled during a recent touch scroll // then unbind the handlers that are preventing it from happening. if (this.isTouchScrollEnabled) { this.unbindPreventTouchScroll(); // won't do anything if not bound } // if the user ended their touch, and the scroll area wasn't moving, // we consider this to be the end of the scroll. if (!this.isMoving) { this.reportScrollEnd(); // won't fire if already ended } } }; // Horizontal Scroll Normalization // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24276619/better-way-to-get-the-viewport-of-a-scrollable-div-in-rtl-mode/24394376#24394376 /* If RTL, and scrolled to the left, returns NEGATIVE value (like Firefox) */ EnhancedScroller.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () { var direction = this.scrollEl.css('direction'); var node = this.scrollEl[0]; var val = node.scrollLeft; if (direction === 'rtl') { switch (rtlScrollSystem) { case 'positive': val = (val + node.clientWidth) - node.scrollWidth; break; case 'reverse': val = -val; break; } } return val; }; /* Accepts a NEGATIVE value for when scrolled in RTL */ EnhancedScroller.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (val) { var direction = this.scrollEl.css('direction'); var node = this.scrollEl[0]; if (direction === 'rtl') { switch (rtlScrollSystem) { case 'positive': val = (val - node.clientWidth) + node.scrollWidth; break; case 'reverse': val = -val; break; } } node.scrollLeft = val; }; /* Always returns the number of pixels scrolled from the leftmost position (even if RTL). Always positive. */ EnhancedScroller.prototype.getScrollFromLeft = function () { var direction = this.scrollEl.css('direction'); var node = this.scrollEl[0]; var val = node.scrollLeft; if (direction === 'rtl') { switch (rtlScrollSystem) { case 'negative': val = (val - node.clientWidth) + node.scrollWidth; break; case 'reverse': val = (-val - node.clientWidth) + node.scrollWidth; break; } } return val; }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.getNativeScrollLeft = function () { return this.scrollEl[0].scrollLeft; }; EnhancedScroller.prototype.setNativeScrollLeft = function (val) { this.scrollEl[0].scrollLeft = val; }; return EnhancedScroller; }(fullcalendar_1.Scroller)); exports.default = EnhancedScroller; fullcalendar_1.EmitterMixin.mixInto(EnhancedScroller); fullcalendar_1.ListenerMixin.mixInto(EnhancedScroller); // Horizontal Scroll System Detection // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function detectRtlScrollSystem() { var el = $("
").appendTo('body'); var node = el[0]; var system = (function () { if (node.scrollLeft > 0) { return 'positive'; } else { node.scrollLeft = 1; if (node.scrollLeft > 0) { return 'reverse'; } else { return 'negative'; } } })(); el.remove(); return system; } $(function () { rtlScrollSystem = detectRtlScrollSystem(); }); /***/ }), /* 40 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); /* TODO: use pubsub instead? */ var TimelineEventDragging = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(TimelineEventDragging, _super); function TimelineEventDragging() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } TimelineEventDragging.prototype.segDragStart = function (seg, ev) { _super.prototype.segDragStart.call(this, seg, ev); if (this.component.eventTitleFollower) { this.component.eventTitleFollower.forceRelative(); } }; TimelineEventDragging.prototype.segDragStop = function (seg, ev) { _super.prototype.segDragStop.call(this, seg, ev); if (this.component.eventTitleFollower) { this.component.eventTitleFollower.clearForce(); } }; return TimelineEventDragging; }(fullcalendar_1.EventDragging)); exports.default = TimelineEventDragging; /***/ }), /* 41 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); /* TODO: use pubsub instead? */ var TimelineEventResizing = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(TimelineEventResizing, _super); function TimelineEventResizing() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } TimelineEventResizing.prototype.segResizeStart = function (seg, ev) { _super.prototype.segResizeStart.call(this, seg, ev); if (this.component.eventTitleFollower) { return this.component.eventTitleFollower.forceRelative(); } }; TimelineEventResizing.prototype.segResizeStop = function (seg, ev) { _super.prototype.segResizeStop.call(this, seg, ev); if (this.component.eventTitleFollower) { return this.component.eventTitleFollower.clearForce(); } }; return TimelineEventResizing; }(fullcalendar_1.EventResizing)); exports.default = TimelineEventResizing; /***/ }), /* 42 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var moment = __webpack_require__(15); var core = __webpack_require__(0); var MIN_AUTO_LABELS = 18; // more than `12` months but less that `24` hours var MAX_AUTO_SLOTS_PER_LABEL = 6; // allows 6 10-min slots in an hour var MAX_AUTO_CELLS = 200; // allows 4-days to have a :30 slot duration core.MAX_TIMELINE_SLOTS = 1000; // potential nice values for slot-duration and interval-duration var STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS = [ { years: 1 }, { months: 1 }, { days: 1 }, { hours: 1 }, { minutes: 30 }, { minutes: 15 }, { minutes: 10 }, { minutes: 5 }, { minutes: 1 }, { seconds: 30 }, { seconds: 15 }, { seconds: 10 }, { seconds: 5 }, { seconds: 1 }, { milliseconds: 500 }, { milliseconds: 100 }, { milliseconds: 10 }, { milliseconds: 1 } ]; function initScaleProps(timelineView) { timelineView.labelInterval = queryDurationOption(timelineView, 'slotLabelInterval'); timelineView.slotDuration = queryDurationOption(timelineView, 'slotDuration'); validateLabelAndSlot(timelineView); // validate after computed grid duration ensureLabelInterval(timelineView); ensureSlotDuration(timelineView); var input = timelineView.opt('slotLabelFormat'); var type = $.type(input); timelineView.headerFormats = type === 'array' ? input : type === 'string' ? [input] : computeHeaderFormats(timelineView); timelineView.isTimeScale = core.durationHasTime(timelineView.slotDuration); var largeUnit = null; if (!timelineView.isTimeScale) { var slotUnit = core.computeGreatestUnit(timelineView.slotDuration); if (/year|month|week/.test(slotUnit)) { largeUnit = slotUnit; } } timelineView.largeUnit = largeUnit; timelineView.emphasizeWeeks = (timelineView.slotDuration.as('days') === 1) && (timelineView.currentRangeAs('weeks') >= 2) && !timelineView.opt('businessHours'); /* console.log('label interval =', timelineView.labelInterval.humanize()) console.log('slot duration =', timelineView.slotDuration.humanize()) console.log('header formats =', timelineView.headerFormats) console.log('isTimeScale', timelineView.isTimeScale) console.log('largeUnit', timelineView.largeUnit) */ var rawSnapDuration = timelineView.opt('snapDuration'); timelineView.snapDuration = rawSnapDuration ? moment.duration(rawSnapDuration) : timelineView.slotDuration; timelineView.snapsPerSlot = core.divideDurationByDuration(timelineView.slotDuration, timelineView.snapDuration); } exports.initScaleProps = initScaleProps; function queryDurationOption(timelineView, name) { var input = timelineView.opt(name); if (input != null) { var dur = moment.duration(input); if (+dur) { return dur; } } } function validateLabelAndSlot(timelineView) { var currentUnzonedRange = timelineView.dateProfile.currentUnzonedRange; // make sure labelInterval doesn't exceed the max number of cells if (timelineView.labelInterval) { var labelCnt = core.divideRangeByDuration(currentUnzonedRange.getStart(), currentUnzonedRange.getEnd(), timelineView.labelInterval); if (labelCnt > core.MAX_TIMELINE_SLOTS) { core.warn('slotLabelInterval results in too many cells'); timelineView.labelInterval = null; } } // make sure slotDuration doesn't exceed the maximum number of cells if (timelineView.slotDuration) { var slotCnt = core.divideRangeByDuration(currentUnzonedRange.getStart(), currentUnzonedRange.getEnd(), timelineView.slotDuration); if (slotCnt > core.MAX_TIMELINE_SLOTS) { core.warn('slotDuration results in too many cells'); timelineView.slotDuration = null; } } // make sure labelInterval is a multiple of slotDuration if (timelineView.labelInterval && timelineView.slotDuration) { var slotsPerLabel = core.divideDurationByDuration(timelineView.labelInterval, timelineView.slotDuration); if (!core.isInt(slotsPerLabel) || (slotsPerLabel < 1)) { core.warn('slotLabelInterval must be a multiple of slotDuration'); return timelineView.slotDuration = null; } } } function ensureLabelInterval(timelineView) { var currentUnzonedRange = timelineView.dateProfile.currentUnzonedRange; var labelInterval = timelineView.labelInterval; if (!labelInterval) { // compute based off the slot duration // find the largest label interval with an acceptable slots-per-label var input = void 0; if (timelineView.slotDuration) { for (var _i = 0, STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_1 = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS; _i < STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_1.length; _i++) { input = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_1[_i]; var tryLabelInterval = moment.duration(input); var slotsPerLabel = core.divideDurationByDuration(tryLabelInterval, timelineView.slotDuration); if (core.isInt(slotsPerLabel) && (slotsPerLabel <= MAX_AUTO_SLOTS_PER_LABEL)) { labelInterval = tryLabelInterval; break; } } // use the slot duration as a last resort if (!labelInterval) { labelInterval = timelineView.slotDuration; } // compute based off the view's duration // find the largest label interval that yields the minimum number of labels } else { for (var _a = 0, STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_2 = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS; _a < STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_2.length; _a++) { input = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_2[_a]; labelInterval = moment.duration(input); var labelCnt = core.divideRangeByDuration(currentUnzonedRange.getStart(), currentUnzonedRange.getEnd(), labelInterval); if (labelCnt >= MIN_AUTO_LABELS) { break; } } } timelineView.labelInterval = labelInterval; } return labelInterval; } function ensureSlotDuration(timelineView) { var currentUnzonedRange = timelineView.dateProfile.currentUnzonedRange; var slotDuration = timelineView.slotDuration; if (!slotDuration) { var labelInterval = ensureLabelInterval(timelineView); // will compute if necessary // compute based off the label interval // find the largest slot duration that is different from labelInterval, but still acceptable for (var _i = 0, STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_3 = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS; _i < STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_3.length; _i++) { var input = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS_3[_i]; var trySlotDuration = moment.duration(input); var slotsPerLabel = core.divideDurationByDuration(labelInterval, trySlotDuration); if (core.isInt(slotsPerLabel) && (slotsPerLabel > 1) && (slotsPerLabel <= MAX_AUTO_SLOTS_PER_LABEL)) { slotDuration = trySlotDuration; break; } } // only allow the value if it won't exceed the view's # of slots limit if (slotDuration) { var slotCnt = core.divideRangeByDuration(currentUnzonedRange.getStart(), currentUnzonedRange.getEnd(), slotDuration); if (slotCnt > MAX_AUTO_CELLS) { slotDuration = null; } } // use the label interval as a last resort if (!slotDuration) { slotDuration = labelInterval; } timelineView.slotDuration = slotDuration; } return slotDuration; } function computeHeaderFormats(timelineView) { var format1; var format2; var labelInterval = timelineView.labelInterval; var unit = core.computeGreatestUnit(labelInterval); var weekNumbersVisible = timelineView.opt('weekNumbers'); var format0 = (format1 = (format2 = null)); // NOTE: weekNumber computation function wont work if ((unit === 'week') && !weekNumbersVisible) { unit = 'day'; } switch (unit) { case 'year': format0 = 'YYYY'; // '2015' break; case 'month': if (timelineView.currentRangeAs('years') > 1) { format0 = 'YYYY'; // '2015' } format1 = 'MMM'; // 'Jan' break; case 'week': if (timelineView.currentRangeAs('years') > 1) { format0 = 'YYYY'; // '2015' } format1 = timelineView.opt('shortWeekFormat'); // 'Wk4' break; case 'day': if (timelineView.currentRangeAs('years') > 1) { format0 = timelineView.opt('monthYearFormat'); // 'January 2014' } else if (timelineView.currentRangeAs('months') > 1) { format0 = 'MMMM'; // 'January' } if (weekNumbersVisible) { format1 = timelineView.opt('weekFormat'); // 'Wk 4' } // TODO: would use smallDayDateFormat but the way timeline does RTL, // we don't want the text to be flipped format2 = 'dd D'; // @opt('smallDayDateFormat') # 'Su 9' break; case 'hour': if (weekNumbersVisible) { format0 = timelineView.opt('weekFormat'); // 'Wk 4' } if (timelineView.currentRangeAs('days') > 1) { format1 = timelineView.opt('dayOfMonthFormat'); // 'Fri 9/15' } format2 = timelineView.opt('smallTimeFormat'); // '6pm' break; case 'minute': // sufficiently large number of different minute cells? if ((labelInterval.asMinutes() / 60) >= MAX_AUTO_SLOTS_PER_LABEL) { format0 = timelineView.opt('hourFormat'); // '6pm' format1 = '[:]mm'; // ':30' } else { format0 = timelineView.opt('mediumTimeFormat'); // '6:30pm' } break; case 'second': // sufficiently large number of different second cells? if ((labelInterval.asSeconds() / 60) >= MAX_AUTO_SLOTS_PER_LABEL) { format0 = 'LT'; // '8:30 PM' format1 = '[:]ss'; // ':30' } else { format0 = 'LTS'; // '8:30:45 PM' } break; case 'millisecond': format0 = 'LTS'; // '8:30:45 PM' format1 = '[.]SSS'; // '750' break; } return [].concat(format0 || [], format1 || [], format2 || []); } /***/ }), /* 43 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ClippedScroller_1 = __webpack_require__(24); var ScrollerCanvas_1 = __webpack_require__(25); var ScrollJoiner_1 = __webpack_require__(16); var ScrollFollower_1 = __webpack_require__(26); var VRowGroup_1 = __webpack_require__(31); var COL_MIN_WIDTH = 30; var Spreadsheet = /** @class */ (function () { function Spreadsheet(view) { this.colGroupHtml = ''; this.view = view; this.isRTL = this.view.opt('isRTL'); // doesn't descend from Grid, so needs to do this this.givenColWidths = this.colWidths = this.view.colSpecs.map(function (colSpec) { return colSpec.width; }); } Spreadsheet.prototype.renderSkeleton = function () { var theme = this.view.calendar.theme; this.headScroller = new ClippedScroller_1.default({ overflowX: 'clipped-scroll', overflowY: 'hidden' }); this.headScroller.canvas = new ScrollerCanvas_1.default(); this.headScroller.render(); this.headScroller.canvas.contentEl.html(this.renderHeadHtml()); this.headEl.append(this.headScroller.el); this.bodyScroller = new ClippedScroller_1.default({ overflowY: 'clipped-scroll' }); this.bodyScroller.canvas = new ScrollerCanvas_1.default(); this.bodyScroller.render(); this.bodyScroller.canvas.contentEl.html("
" + this.colGroupHtml + "
"); // colGroupHtml hack this.tbodyEl = this.bodyScroller.canvas.contentEl.find('tbody'); this.el.append(this.bodyScroller.el); this.scrollJoiner = new ScrollJoiner_1.default('horizontal', [this.headScroller, this.bodyScroller]); this.headTable = this.headEl.find('table'); this.headColEls = this.headEl.find('col'); this.headCellEls = this.headScroller.canvas.contentEl.find('tr:last-child th'); this.bodyColEls = this.el.find('col'); this.bodyTable = this.el.find('table'); this.colMinWidths = this.computeColMinWidths(); this.applyColWidths(); this.initColResizing(); }; Spreadsheet.prototype.renderHeadHtml = function () { var theme = this.view.calendar.theme; var colSpecs = this.view.colSpecs; var html = ''; var colGroupHtml = ''; for (var _i = 0, colSpecs_1 = colSpecs; _i < colSpecs_1.length; _i++) { var o = colSpecs_1[_i]; if (o.isMain) { colGroupHtml += ''; } else { colGroupHtml += ''; } } colGroupHtml += ''; this.colGroupHtml = colGroupHtml; html += colGroupHtml; html += ''; if (this.view.superHeaderText) { html += '' + '' + ''; } html += ''; for (var i = 0; i < colSpecs.length; i++) { var o = colSpecs[i]; var isLast = i === (colSpecs.length - 1); html += "'; } html += ''; html += '
' + '
' + '' + fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(this.view.superHeaderText) + '' + '
' + '
" + '
' + '
' + (o.isMain ? '' + '' + '' : '') + '' + fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(o.labelText || '') + // what about normalizing this value ahead of time? '' + '
' + (!isLast ? '
' : '') + '
' + '
'; return html; }; Spreadsheet.prototype.initColResizing = function () { var _this = this; this.headEl.find('th .fc-col-resizer').each(function (i, resizerEl) { resizerEl = $(resizerEl); resizerEl.on('mousedown', function (ev) { _this.colResizeMousedown(i, ev, resizerEl); }); }); }; Spreadsheet.prototype.colResizeMousedown = function (i, ev, resizerEl) { var _this = this; var colWidths = (this.colWidths = this.queryColWidths()); colWidths.pop(); colWidths.push(null); // will result in 'auto' or '' var origColWidth = colWidths[i]; var minWidth = Math.min(this.colMinWidths[i], COL_MIN_WIDTH); // if given width is smaller, allow it var dragListener = new fullcalendar_1.DragListener({ dragStart: function () { resizerEl.addClass('fc-active'); }, drag: function (dx, dy) { var width = origColWidth + (_this.isRTL ? -dx : dx); width = Math.max(width, minWidth); colWidths[i] = width; _this.applyColWidths(); }, dragEnd: function () { resizerEl.removeClass('fc-active'); } }); dragListener.startInteraction(ev); }; Spreadsheet.prototype.applyColWidths = function () { var cssWidth; var i; var colWidth; var colMinWidths = this.colMinWidths; var colWidths = this.colWidths; var allNumbers = true; var anyPercentages = false; var total = 0; for (var _i = 0, colWidths_1 = colWidths; _i < colWidths_1.length; _i++) { colWidth = colWidths_1[_i]; if (typeof colWidth === 'number') { total += colWidth; } else { allNumbers = false; if (colWidth) { anyPercentages = true; } } } // percentage widths play better with 'auto' but h-grouped cells don't var defaultCssWidth = anyPercentages && !this.view.isHGrouping ? 'auto' : ''; var cssWidths = colWidths.map(function (colWidth) { return (colWidth != null ? colWidth : defaultCssWidth); }); // if allNumbers // cssWidths.pop() // cssWidths.push('auto') var tableMinWidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < cssWidths.length; i++) { cssWidth = cssWidths[i]; tableMinWidth += typeof cssWidth === 'number' ? cssWidth : colMinWidths[i]; } for (i = 0; i < cssWidths.length; i++) { cssWidth = cssWidths[i]; this.headColEls.eq(i).css('width', cssWidth); this.bodyColEls.eq(i).css('width', cssWidth); } this.headScroller.canvas.setMinWidth(tableMinWidth); // not really a table width anymore this.bodyScroller.canvas.setMinWidth(tableMinWidth); this.tableMinWidth = tableMinWidth; this.tableWidth = allNumbers ? total : undefined; }; Spreadsheet.prototype.computeColMinWidths = function () { var _this = this; return this.givenColWidths.map(function (width, i) { return (typeof width === 'number' ? width : parseInt(_this.headColEls.eq(i).css('min-width'), 10) || COL_MIN_WIDTH); }); }; Spreadsheet.prototype.queryColWidths = function () { return this.headCellEls.map(function (i, node) { return ($(node).outerWidth()); }).get(); }; // Sizing // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spreadsheet.prototype.updateSize = function () { this.headScroller.updateSize(); this.bodyScroller.updateSize(); this.scrollJoiner.update(); this.updateCellFollower(); }; Spreadsheet.prototype.headHeight = function () { var table = this.headScroller.canvas.contentEl.find('table'); return table.height.apply(table, arguments); }; // completely reninitializes every time there's add/remove // TODO: optimize Spreadsheet.prototype.updateCellFollower = function () { if (this.cellFollower) { this.cellFollower.clearSprites(); // the closest thing to a destroy } this.cellFollower = new ScrollFollower_1.default(this.bodyScroller, true); // allowPointerEvents this.cellFollower.isHFollowing = false; this.cellFollower.isVFollowing = true; var nodes = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.view.rowHierarchy.getNodes(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var row = _a[_i]; if (row instanceof VRowGroup_1.default) { if (row.groupTd) { var cellContent = row.groupTd.find('.fc-cell-content'); if (cellContent.length) { nodes.push(cellContent[0]); } } } } this.cellFollower.setSpriteEls($(nodes)); this.cellFollower.update(); }; return Spreadsheet; }()); exports.default = Spreadsheet; /***/ }), /* 44 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /* Given a jQuery set, returns the 's that do not have multi-line rowspans. Would use the [rowspan] selector, but never not defined in IE8. */ function getOwnCells(trs) { return trs.find('> td').filter(function (i, tdNode) { return (tdNode.rowSpan <= 1); }); } exports.getOwnCells = getOwnCells; /***/ }), /* 45 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var TimelineEventRenderer_1 = __webpack_require__(17); var ResourceTimelineEventRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceTimelineEventRenderer, _super); function ResourceTimelineEventRenderer() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } // don't render any fg segs ResourceTimelineEventRenderer.prototype.renderFgRanges = function (eventRanges) { // subclasses can implement }; ResourceTimelineEventRenderer.prototype.unrenderFgRanges = function () { // otherwise will try do manip DOM, js error }; return ResourceTimelineEventRenderer; }(TimelineEventRenderer_1.default)); exports.default = ResourceTimelineEventRenderer; /***/ }), /* 46 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var EventRow_1 = __webpack_require__(33); /* A row that renders information about a particular resource, as well as it events (handled by superclass) */ var ResourceRow = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceRow, _super); function ResourceRow(view, resource) { var _this = _super.call(this, view) || this; _this.resource = resource; _this.eventRenderer.designatedResource = _this.resource; return _this; } ResourceRow.prototype.renderSkeleton = function () { _super.prototype.renderSkeleton.call(this); this.updateExpandingEnabled(); if (this.eventsPayload) { EventRow_1.default.prototype.executeEventRender.call(this, this.eventsPayload); } if (this.businessHourGenerator) { EventRow_1.default.prototype.renderBusinessHours.call(this, this.businessHourGenerator); } this.view.publiclyTrigger('resourceRender', { context: this.resource, args: [ this.resource, this.getTr('spreadsheet').find('> td'), this.getTr('event').find('> td'), this.view ] }); }; ResourceRow.prototype.removeElement = function () { _super.prototype.removeElement.call(this); if (this.eventsPayload) { EventRow_1.default.prototype.executeEventUnrender.call(this, this.eventsPayload); } if (this.businessHourGenerator) { EventRow_1.default.prototype.unrenderBusinessHours.call(this, this.businessHourGenerator); } }; ResourceRow.prototype.renderEventSkeleton = function (tr) { _super.prototype.renderEventSkeleton.call(this, tr); tr.attr('data-resource-id', this.resource.id); }; ResourceRow.prototype.executeEventRender = function (eventsPayload) { this.eventsPayload = eventsPayload; if (this.get('isInDom')) { _super.prototype.executeEventRender.call(this, this.eventsPayload); } }; ResourceRow.prototype.executeEventUnrender = function () { _super.prototype.executeEventUnrender.call(this); this.eventsPayload = null; }; ResourceRow.prototype.renderBusinessHours = function (businessHourGenerator) { this.businessHourGenerator = businessHourGenerator; if (this.get('isInDom')) { _super.prototype.renderBusinessHours.call(this, this.businessHourGenerator); } }; ResourceRow.prototype.unrenderBusinessHours = function () { _super.prototype.unrenderBusinessHours.call(this); this.businessHourGenerator = null; }; /* Populates the TR with cells containing data about the resource */ ResourceRow.prototype.renderSpreadsheetSkeleton = function (tr) { var theme = this.view.calendar.theme; var resource = this.resource; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.view.colSpecs; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var colSpec = _a[_i]; if (colSpec.group) { continue; } var input = colSpec.field ? resource[colSpec.field] || null : resource; var text = typeof colSpec.text === 'function' ? colSpec.text(resource, input) : // the colspec provided a text filter function input; var contentEl = $('
' + (colSpec.isMain ? this.renderGutterHtml() : '') + '' + (text ? fullcalendar_1.htmlEscape(text) : ' ') + '' + '
'); if (typeof colSpec.render === 'function') { contentEl = colSpec.render(resource, contentEl, input) || contentEl; } var td = $('') .append(contentEl); // the first cell of the row needs to have an inner div for setTrInnerHeight if (colSpec.isMain) { td.wrapInner('
'); } tr.append(td); } tr.attr('data-resource-id', resource.id); }; /* Renders the HTML responsible for the subrow expander area, as well as the space before it (used to align expanders of similar depths) */ ResourceRow.prototype.renderGutterHtml = function () { var html = ''; var depth = this.depth; for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { html += ''; } html += '' + '' + ''; return html; }; return ResourceRow; }(EventRow_1.default)); exports.default = ResourceRow; /***/ }), /* 47 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var RowGroup_1 = __webpack_require__(32); /* A row grouping that renders as a single solid row that spans width-wise (like a horizontal rule) */ var HRowGroup = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(HRowGroup, _super); function HRowGroup() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } HRowGroup.prototype.renderSkeleton = function () { _super.prototype.renderSkeleton.call(this); this.updateExpandingEnabled(); }; /* Renders this row's TR for the "spreadsheet" quadrant, the area with info about each resource */ HRowGroup.prototype.renderSpreadsheetSkeleton = function (tr) { var contentEl = this.renderGroupContentEl(); // add an expander icon. binding handlers and updating are done by RowParent contentEl.prepend('' + '' + ''); return $('') .attr('colspan', this.view.colSpecs.length) // span across all columns .append($('
').append(contentEl) // needed by setTrInnerHeight ) .appendTo(tr); }; /* Renders this row's TR for the quadrant that contains a resource's events */ HRowGroup.prototype.renderEventSkeleton = function (tr) { // insert a single cell, with a single empty
(needed by setTrInnerHeight). // there will be no content return tr.append("
"); }; return HRowGroup; }(RowGroup_1.default)); exports.default = HRowGroup; HRowGroup.prototype.hasOwnRow = true; // actually renders its own row and takes up height /***/ }), /* 48 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var Resource_1 = __webpack_require__(19); var ResourceManager_1 = __webpack_require__(49); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); // NOTE: for public methods, always be sure of the return value. for chaining var origMethods = { constructed: fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.constructed, buildSelectFootprint: fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.buildSelectFootprint }; // option defaults fullcalendar_1.Calendar.defaults.refetchResourcesOnNavigate = false; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.defaults.filterResourcesWithEvents = false; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.resourceManager = null; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.constructed = function () { origMethods.constructed.apply(this, arguments); this.resourceManager = new ResourceManager_1.default(this); }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.instantiateView = function (viewType) { var spec = this.viewSpecManager.getViewSpec(viewType); var viewClass = spec['class']; if (this.opt('resources') && (spec.options.resources !== false)) { if (spec.queryResourceClass) { viewClass = spec.queryResourceClass(spec) || viewClass; // might return falsy } else if (spec.resourceClass) { viewClass = spec.resourceClass; } } return new viewClass(this, spec); }; // for the API only // retrieves what is currently in memory. no fetching fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getResources = function () { return Array.prototype.slice.call(// make a copy this.resourceManager.topLevelResources); }; // assumes all resources already loaded fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.addResource = function (resourceInput, scroll) { var _this = this; if (scroll === void 0) { scroll = false; } this.resourceManager.addResource(resourceInput) .then(function (resource) { if (scroll && _this.view.scrollToResource) { return _this.view.scrollToResource(resource); } }); }; // assumes all resources already loaded fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.removeResource = function (idOrResource) { return this.resourceManager.removeResource(idOrResource); }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.refetchResources = function () { this.resourceManager.clear(); this.view.flash('initialResources'); }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.rerenderResources = function () { this.resourceManager.resetCurrentResources(); }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.buildSelectFootprint = function (zonedStartInput, zonedEndInput, resourceId) { var plainFootprint = origMethods.buildSelectFootprint.apply(this, arguments); if (resourceId) { return new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(plainFootprint.unzonedRange, plainFootprint.isAllDay, resourceId); } else { return plainFootprint; } }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getResourceById = function (id) { return this.resourceManager.getResourceById(id); }; // Resources + Events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEPRECATED. for external API backwards compatibility fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getEventResourceId = function (event) { return this.getEventResourceIds(event)[0]; }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getEventResourceIds = function (event) { var eventDef = this.eventManager.getEventDefByUid(event._id); if (eventDef) { return eventDef.getResourceIds(); } else { return []; } }; // DEPRECATED fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.setEventResourceId = function (event, resourceId) { this.setEventResourceIds(event, resourceId ? [resourceId] : []); }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.setEventResourceIds = function (event, resourceIds) { var eventDef = this.eventManager.getEventDefByUid(event._id); if (eventDef) { eventDef.resourceIds = resourceIds.map(function (rawResourceId) { return Resource_1.default.normalizeId(rawResourceId); }); } }; // NOTE: views pair *segments* to resources. that's why there's no code reuse fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getResourceEvents = function (idOrResource) { var _this = this; var resource = typeof idOrResource === 'object' ? idOrResource : this.getResourceById(idOrResource); if (resource) { // return the event cache, filtered by events assigned to the resource // TODO: move away from using clientId return this.clientEvents(function (event) { return $.inArray(resource.id, _this.getEventResourceIds(event)) !== -1; }); } else { return []; } }; // DEPRECATED. for external API backwards compatibility fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getEventResource = function (idOrEvent) { return this.getEventResources(idOrEvent)[0]; }; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.prototype.getEventResources = function (idOrEvent) { var event = typeof idOrEvent === 'object' ? idOrEvent : this.clientEvents(idOrEvent)[0]; var resources = []; if (event) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.getEventResourceIds(event); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var resourceId = _a[_i]; var resource = this.getResourceById(resourceId); if (resource) { resources.push(resource); } } } return resources; }; /***/ }), /* 49 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceManager = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(ResourceManager, _super); function ResourceManager(calendar) { var _this = _super.call(this) || this; _this.fetchId = 0; _this.calendar = calendar; _this.initializeCache(); return _this; } // Resource Data Getting // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Like fetchResources, but won't refetch if already fetched. */ ResourceManager.prototype.getResources = function (start, end) { var isSameRange = (!start && !this.currentStart) || // both nonexistent ranges? (start && this.currentStart && start.isSame(this.currentStart) && end.isSame(this.currentEnd)); if (!this.fetching || !isSameRange) { return this.fetchResources(start, end); } else { return this.fetching; } }; /* Will always fetch, even if done previously. Accepts optional chrono-related params to pass on to the raw resource sources. Returns a promise. */ ResourceManager.prototype.fetchResources = function (start, end) { var _this = this; var currentFetchId = (this.fetchId += 1); return this.fetching = fullcalendar_1.Promise.construct(function (resolve, reject) { _this.fetchResourceInputs(function (resourceInputs) { if (currentFetchId === _this.fetchId) { _this.setResources(resourceInputs); return resolve(_this.topLevelResources); } else { return reject(); } }, start, end); }); }; /* Accepts optional chrono-related params to pass on to the raw resource sources. Calls callback when done. */ ResourceManager.prototype.fetchResourceInputs = function (callback, start, end) { var _this = this; var calendar = this.calendar; var source = calendar.opt('resources'); var timezone = calendar.opt('timezone'); if ($.type(source) === 'string') { source = { url: source }; } switch ($.type(source)) { case 'function': this.calendar.pushLoading(); source(function (resourceInputs) { _this.calendar.popLoading(); callback(resourceInputs); }, start, end, calendar.opt('timezone')); break; case 'object': calendar.pushLoading(); var requestParams = {}; if (start && end) { requestParams[calendar.opt('startParam')] = start.format(); requestParams[calendar.opt('endParam')] = end.format(); // mimick what EventManager does // TODO: more DRY if (timezone && (timezone !== 'local')) { requestParams[calendar.opt('timezoneParam')] = timezone; } } $.ajax(// TODO: handle failure $.extend({ data: requestParams }, ResourceManager.ajaxDefaults, source)).then(function (resourceInputs) { calendar.popLoading(); callback(resourceInputs); }); break; case 'array': callback(source); break; default: callback([]); break; } }; ResourceManager.prototype.getResourceById = function (id) { return this.resourcesById[id]; }; // assumes already completed fetch // does not guarantee order ResourceManager.prototype.getFlatResources = function () { var result = []; for (var id in this.resourcesById) { result.push(this.resourcesById[id]); } return result; }; // Resource Adding // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceManager.prototype.initializeCache = function () { this.topLevelResources = []; this.resourcesById = {}; }; ResourceManager.prototype.setResources = function (resourceInputs) { var _this = this; var resource; var wasSet = Boolean(this.topLevelResources); this.initializeCache(); var resources = resourceInputs.map(function (resourceInput) { return (_this.buildResource(resourceInput)); }); var validResources = []; for (var _i = 0, resources_1 = resources; _i < resources_1.length; _i++) { resource = resources_1[_i]; if (this.addResourceToIndex(resource)) { validResources.push(resource); } } for (var _a = 0, validResources_1 = validResources; _a < validResources_1.length; _a++) { resource = validResources_1[_a]; this.addResourceToTree(resource); } if (wasSet) { this.trigger('reset', this.topLevelResources); } else { this.trigger('set', this.topLevelResources); } this.calendar.publiclyTrigger('resourcesSet', [this.topLevelResources]); }; ResourceManager.prototype.resetCurrentResources = function () { if (this.topLevelResources) { this.trigger('reset', this.topLevelResources); } }; ResourceManager.prototype.clear = function () { this.topLevelResources = null; this.fetching = null; }; ResourceManager.prototype.addResource = function (resourceInput) { var _this = this; if (this.fetching) { return this.fetching.then(function () { var resource = _this.buildResource(resourceInput); if (_this.addResourceToIndex(resource)) { _this.addResourceToTree(resource); _this.trigger('add', resource, _this.topLevelResources); return resource; } else { return false; } }); } else { return fullcalendar_1.Promise.reject(); } }; ResourceManager.prototype.addResourceToIndex = function (resource) { if (this.resourcesById[resource.id]) { return false; } else { this.resourcesById[resource.id] = resource; for (var _i = 0, _a = resource.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; this.addResourceToIndex(child); } return true; } }; ResourceManager.prototype.addResourceToTree = function (resource) { if (!resource.parent) { var siblings = void 0; var parentId = String(resource['parentId'] != null ? resource['parentId'] : ''); if (parentId) { var parent_1 = this.resourcesById[parentId]; if (parent_1) { resource.parent = parent_1; siblings = parent_1.children; } else { return false; } } else { siblings = this.topLevelResources; } siblings.push(resource); } return true; }; // Resource Removing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceManager.prototype.removeResource = function (idOrResource) { var _this = this; var id = typeof idOrResource === 'object' ? idOrResource.id : idOrResource; if (this.fetching) { return this.fetching.then(function () { var resource = _this.removeResourceFromIndex(id); if (resource) { _this.removeResourceFromTree(resource); _this.trigger('remove', resource, _this.topLevelResources); } return resource; }); } else { return fullcalendar_1.Promise.reject(); } }; ResourceManager.prototype.removeResourceFromIndex = function (resourceId) { var resource = this.resourcesById[resourceId]; if (resource) { delete this.resourcesById[resourceId]; for (var _i = 0, _a = resource.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var child = _a[_i]; this.removeResourceFromIndex(child.id); } return resource; } else { return false; } }; ResourceManager.prototype.removeResourceFromTree = function (resource, siblings) { if (siblings === void 0) { siblings = this.topLevelResources; } for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { var sibling = siblings[i]; if (sibling === resource) { resource.parent = null; siblings.splice(i, 1); return true; } if (this.removeResourceFromTree(resource, sibling.children)) { return true; } } return false; }; // Resource Data Utils // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ResourceManager.prototype.buildResource = function (resourceInput) { var _this = this; var resource = $.extend({}, resourceInput); var rawClassName = resourceInput.eventClassName; resource.id = String(resourceInput.id != null ? resourceInput.id : '_fc' + (ResourceManager.resourceGuid++)); // TODO: consolidate repeat logic resource.eventClassName = (function () { switch ($.type(rawClassName)) { case 'string': return rawClassName.split(/\s+/); case 'array': return rawClassName; default: return []; } })(); if (resourceInput.businessHours) { resource.businessHourGenerator = new fullcalendar_1.BusinessHourGenerator(resourceInput.businessHours, this.calendar); } resource.children = (resourceInput.children || []).map(function (childInput) { var child = _this.buildResource(childInput); child.parent = resource; return child; }); return resource; }; ResourceManager.resourceGuid = 1; ResourceManager.ajaxDefaults = { dataType: 'json', cache: false }; return ResourceManager; }(fullcalendar_1.Class)); exports.default = ResourceManager; fullcalendar_1.EmitterMixin.mixInto(ResourceManager); /***/ }), /* 50 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var Resource_1 = __webpack_require__(19); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); var origMethods = { getPeerEventInstances: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.getPeerEventInstances, isFootprintAllowed: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.isFootprintAllowed, buildCurrentBusinessFootprints: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.buildCurrentBusinessFootprints, footprintContainsFootprint: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.footprintContainsFootprint, footprintsIntersect: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.footprintsIntersect, eventRangeToEventFootprints: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.eventRangeToEventFootprints, parseFootprints: fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.parseFootprints }; fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.getPeerEventInstances = function (subjectEventDef) { var subjectResourceIds = subjectEventDef.getResourceIds(); var peerInstances = origMethods.getPeerEventInstances.apply(this, arguments); if (!subjectResourceIds.length) { return peerInstances; } else { return peerInstances.filter(function (peerInstance) { // always consider non-resource events to be peers if (!peerInstance.def.resourceIds.length) { return true; } // has same resource? consider it a peer for (var _i = 0, subjectResourceIds_1 = subjectResourceIds; _i < subjectResourceIds_1.length; _i++) { var resourceId = subjectResourceIds_1[_i]; if (peerInstance.def.hasResourceId(resourceId)) { return true; } } return false; }); } }; // enforce resource ID constraint fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.isFootprintAllowed = function (footprint, peerEventFootprints, constraintVal, overlapVal, subjectEventInstance) { if (typeof constraintVal === 'object') { var constrainToResourceIds = Resource_1.default.extractIds(constraintVal, this); if (constrainToResourceIds.length && (!(footprint instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default) || $.inArray(footprint.resourceId, constrainToResourceIds) === -1)) { return false; } } return origMethods.isFootprintAllowed.apply(this, arguments); }; fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.buildCurrentBusinessFootprints = function (isAllDay) { var flatResources = this._calendar.resourceManager.getFlatResources(); var anyCustomBusinessHours = false; // any per-resource business hours? or will one global businessHours suffice? for (var _i = 0, flatResources_1 = flatResources; _i < flatResources_1.length; _i++) { var resource = flatResources_1[_i]; if (resource.businessHourGenerator) { anyCustomBusinessHours = true; } } // if there are any custom business hours, all business hours must be sliced per-resources if (anyCustomBusinessHours) { var view = this._calendar.view; var generalBusinessHourGenerator = view.get('businessHourGenerator'); var unzonedRange = view.dateProfile.activeUnzonedRange; var componentFootprints = []; for (var _a = 0, flatResources_2 = flatResources; _a < flatResources_2.length; _a++) { var resource = flatResources_2[_a]; var businessHourGenerator = resource.businessHourGenerator || generalBusinessHourGenerator; var eventInstanceGroup = businessHourGenerator.buildEventInstanceGroup(isAllDay, unzonedRange); if (eventInstanceGroup) { for (var _b = 0, _c = eventInstanceGroup.getAllEventRanges(); _b < _c.length; _b++) { var eventRange = _c[_b]; componentFootprints.push(new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(eventRange.unzonedRange, isAllDay, // isAllDay resource.id)); } } } return componentFootprints; } else { return origMethods.buildCurrentBusinessFootprints.apply(this, arguments); } }; fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.footprintContainsFootprint = function (outerFootprint, innerFootprint) { if (outerFootprint instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default && (!(innerFootprint instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default) || (innerFootprint.resourceId !== outerFootprint.resourceId))) { return false; } return origMethods.footprintContainsFootprint.apply(this, arguments); }; fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.footprintsIntersect = function (footprint0, footprint1) { if (footprint0 instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default && footprint1 instanceof ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default && (footprint0.resourceId !== footprint1.resourceId)) { return false; } return origMethods.footprintsIntersect.apply(this, arguments); }; /* TODO: somehow more DRY with DateComponent::eventRangeToEventFootprints monkeypatch */ fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.eventRangeToEventFootprints = function (eventRange) { var eventDef = eventRange.eventDef; var resourceIds = eventDef.getResourceIds(); if (resourceIds.length) { return resourceIds.map(function (resourceId) { return (new fullcalendar_1.EventFootprint(new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(eventRange.unzonedRange, eventDef.isAllDay(), resourceId), eventDef, eventRange.eventInstance // might not exist )); }); } else { return origMethods.eventRangeToEventFootprints.apply(this, arguments); } }; fullcalendar_1.Constraints.prototype.parseFootprints = function (input) { var plainFootprints = origMethods.parseFootprints.apply(this, arguments); var resourceIds = input.resourceIds || []; if (input.resourceId) { resourceIds = [input.resourceId].concat(resourceIds); } if (resourceIds.length) { var footprints = []; for (var _i = 0, resourceIds_1 = resourceIds; _i < resourceIds_1.length; _i++) { var resourceId = resourceIds_1[_i]; for (var _a = 0, plainFootprints_1 = plainFootprints; _a < plainFootprints_1.length; _a++) { var plainFootprint = plainFootprints_1[_a]; footprints.push(new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(plainFootprint.unzonedRange, plainFootprint.isAllDay, resourceId)); } } return footprints; } else { return plainFootprints; } }; /***/ }), /* 51 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var license_1 = __webpack_require__(52); // pre-monkeypatch methods var origMethods = { setElement: fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.setElement, removeElement: fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.removeElement, triggerViewRender: fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.triggerViewRender }; // new properties fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.canHandleSpecificResources = false; // View Rendering // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.setElement = function () { origMethods.setElement.apply(this, arguments); this.watchResources(); // do after have the el, because might render, which assumes a render skeleton }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.removeElement = function () { this.unwatchResources(); origMethods.removeElement.apply(this, arguments); }; // Show the warning even for non-resource views // inject license key before 'viewRender' which is called by super's afterBaseDisplay fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.triggerViewRender = function () { license_1.processLicenseKey(this.opt('schedulerLicenseKey'), this.el // container element ); origMethods.triggerViewRender.apply(this, arguments); }; // Resource Binding // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.watchResources = function () { var _this = this; var initialDepNames = []; var bindingDepNames = ['initialResources']; if (this.opt('refetchResourcesOnNavigate')) { initialDepNames.push('dateProfile'); } if (this.opt('filterResourcesWithEvents')) { bindingDepNames.push('currentEvents'); } this.watch('initialResources', initialDepNames, function (deps) { return _this.getInitialResources(deps.dateProfile); // promise }); this.watch('bindingResources', bindingDepNames, function (deps) { _this.bindResourceChanges(deps.currentEvents); _this.setResources(deps.initialResources, deps.currentEvents); }, function () { _this.unbindResourceChanges(); _this.unsetResources(); }); }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.unwatchResources = function () { this.unwatch('initialResources'); this.unwatch('bindingResources'); }; // dateProfile is optional fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.getInitialResources = function (dateProfile) { var calendar = this.calendar; if (dateProfile) { return calendar.resourceManager.getResources(calendar.msToMoment(dateProfile.activeUnzonedRange.startMs, dateProfile.isRangeAllDay), calendar.msToMoment(dateProfile.activeUnzonedRange.endMs, dateProfile.isRangeAllDay)); } else { return calendar.resourceManager.getResources(); } }; // eventsPayload is optional fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.bindResourceChanges = function (eventsPayload) { var _this = this; this.listenTo(this.calendar.resourceManager, { set: function (resources) { _this.setResources(resources, eventsPayload); }, unset: function () { _this.unsetResources(); }, reset: function (resources) { _this.resetResources(resources, eventsPayload); }, add: function (resource, allResources) { _this.addResource(resource, allResources, eventsPayload); }, remove: function (resource, allResources) { _this.removeResource(resource, allResources, eventsPayload); } }); }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.unbindResourceChanges = function () { this.stopListeningTo(this.calendar.resourceManager); }; // Event Rendering // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fullcalendar_1.View.watch('displayingEvents', ['displayingDates', 'hasEvents', 'currentResources'], function (deps) { this.requestEventsRender(this.get('currentEvents')); }, function () { this.requestEventsUnrender(); }); // Resource Data // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // currentEvents is optional fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.setResources = function (resources, eventsPayload) { if (eventsPayload) { resources = this.filterResourcesWithEvents(resources, eventsPayload); } this.set('currentResources', resources); this.set('hasResources', true); }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.unsetResources = function () { this.unset('currentResources'); this.unset('hasResources'); }; // eventsPayload is optional fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.resetResources = function (resources, eventsPayload) { this.startBatchRender(); this.unsetResources(); this.setResources(resources, eventsPayload); this.stopBatchRender(); }; // eventsPayload is optional fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.addResource = function (resource, allResources, eventsPayload) { if (!this.canHandleSpecificResources) { this.resetResources(allResources, eventsPayload); return; } if (eventsPayload) { var a = this.filterResourcesWithEvents([resource], eventsPayload); if (!a.length) { resource = null; } } if (resource) { this.set('currentResources', allResources); // TODO: filter against eventsPayload? this.handleResourceAdd(resource); } }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.removeResource = function (resource, allResources, eventsPayload) { if (!this.canHandleSpecificResources) { this.resetResources(allResources, eventsPayload); return; } this.set('currentResources', allResources); // TODO: filter against eventsPayload? this.handleResourceRemove(resource); }; // Resource Change Handling // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.handleResourceAdd = function (resource) { // subclasses should implement }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.handleResourceRemove = function (resource) { // subclasses should implement }; // Resource Filtering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.filterResourcesWithEvents = function (resources, eventsPayload) { var eventRanges = this.eventsPayloadToRanges(eventsPayload); var resourceIdHits = {}; for (var _i = 0, eventRanges_1 = eventRanges; _i < eventRanges_1.length; _i++) { var eventRange = eventRanges_1[_i]; for (var _a = 0, _b = eventRange.eventDef.getResourceIds(); _a < _b.length; _a++) { var resourceId = _b[_a]; resourceIdHits[resourceId] = true; } } return _filterResourcesWithEvents(resources, resourceIdHits); }; fullcalendar_1.View.prototype.eventsPayloadToRanges = function (eventsPayload) { var dateProfile = this._getDateProfile(); var allEventRanges = []; for (var eventDefId in eventsPayload) { var instanceGroup = eventsPayload[eventDefId]; var eventRanges = instanceGroup.sliceRenderRanges(dateProfile.activeUnzonedRange); allEventRanges.push.apply(allEventRanges, (eventRanges || [])); } return allEventRanges; }; // provides a new structure with masked objects function _filterResourcesWithEvents(sourceResources, resourceIdHits) { var filteredResources = []; for (var _i = 0, sourceResources_1 = sourceResources; _i < sourceResources_1.length; _i++) { var sourceResource = sourceResources_1[_i]; if (sourceResource.children.length) { var filteredChildren = _filterResourcesWithEvents(sourceResource.children, resourceIdHits); if (filteredChildren.length || resourceIdHits[sourceResource.id]) { var filteredResource = Object.create(sourceResource); // mask filteredResource.children = filteredChildren; filteredResources.push(filteredResource); } } else { if (resourceIdHits[sourceResource.id]) { filteredResources.push(sourceResource); } } } return filteredResources; } /***/ }), /* 52 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var moment = __webpack_require__(15); var exportHooks = __webpack_require__(0); var RELEASE_DATE = '2018-01-28'; // for Scheduler var UPGRADE_WINDOW = { years: 1, weeks: 1 }; // 1 week leeway, for tz shift reasons too var LICENSE_INFO_URL = 'http://fullcalendar.io/scheduler/license/'; var PRESET_LICENSE_KEYS = [ 'GPL-My-Project-Is-Open-Source', 'CC-Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives' ]; function processLicenseKey(key, containerEl) { if (!isImmuneUrl(window.location.href) && !isValidKey(key)) { if (!detectWarningInContainer(containerEl)) { return renderingWarningInContainer('Please use a valid license key. More Info', containerEl); } } } exports.processLicenseKey = processLicenseKey; /* This decryption is not meant to be bulletproof. Just a way to remind about an upgrade. */ function isValidKey(key) { if ($.inArray(key, PRESET_LICENSE_KEYS) !== -1) { return true; } var parts = (key || '').match(/^(\d+)\-fcs\-(\d+)$/); if (parts && (parts[1].length === 10)) { var purchaseDate = moment.utc(parseInt(parts[2], 10) * 1000); var releaseDate = moment.utc(exportHooks.mockSchedulerReleaseDate || RELEASE_DATE); if (releaseDate.isValid()) { var minPurchaseDate = releaseDate.clone().subtract(UPGRADE_WINDOW); if (purchaseDate.isAfter(minPurchaseDate)) { return true; } } } return false; } exports.isValidKey = isValidKey; function isImmuneUrl(url) { return /\w+\:\/\/fullcalendar\.io\/|\/demos\/[\w-]+\.html$/.test(url); } exports.isImmuneUrl = isImmuneUrl; function renderingWarningInContainer(messageHtml, containerEl) { return containerEl.append($('
').html(messageHtml)); } exports.renderingWarningInContainer = renderingWarningInContainer; // returns boolean of whether a license message is already rendered function detectWarningInContainer(containerEl) { return containerEl.find('.fc-license-message').length >= 1; } exports.detectWarningInContainer = detectWarningInContainer; /***/ }), /* 53 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { eventRangeToEventFootprints: fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.eventRangeToEventFootprints }; // configuration for subclasses fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.isResourceFootprintsEnabled = false; fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.eventRangeToEventFootprints = function (eventRange) { if (!this.isResourceFootprintsEnabled) { return origMethods.eventRangeToEventFootprints.apply(this, arguments); } else { var eventDef_1 = eventRange.eventDef; var resourceIds = eventDef_1.getResourceIds(); if (resourceIds.length) { return resourceIds.map(function (resourceId) { return (new fullcalendar_1.EventFootprint(new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(eventRange.unzonedRange, eventDef_1.isAllDay(), resourceId), eventDef_1, eventRange.eventInstance // might not exist )); }); } else if (eventDef_1.hasBgRendering()) { return origMethods.eventRangeToEventFootprints.apply(this, arguments); } else { return []; } } }; // Resource Low-level Rendering // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ResourceViewMixin wires these up fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.renderResources = function (resources) { this.callChildren('renderResources', arguments); }; fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.unrenderResources = function () { this.callChildren('unrenderResources', arguments); }; fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.renderResource = function (resource) { this.callChildren('renderResource', arguments); }; fullcalendar_1.DateComponent.prototype.unrenderResource = function (resource) { this.callChildren('unrenderResource', arguments); }; /***/ }), /* 54 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { isEventDefDraggable: fullcalendar_1.InteractiveDateComponent.prototype.isEventDefDraggable }; // configuration for subclasses // whether we should attempt to render selections or resizes that span across different resources fullcalendar_1.InteractiveDateComponent.prototype.allowCrossResource = true; // ^ is this worth the complexity? // if an event's dates are not draggable, but it's resource IS, still allow dragging fullcalendar_1.InteractiveDateComponent.prototype.isEventDefDraggable = function (eventDef) { return this.isEventDefResourceEditable(eventDef) || origMethods.isEventDefDraggable.call(this, eventDef); }; fullcalendar_1.InteractiveDateComponent.prototype.isEventDefResourceEditable = function (eventDef) { var bool = eventDef.resourceEditable; if (bool == null) { bool = (eventDef.source || {}).resourceEditable; if (bool == null) { bool = this.opt('eventResourceEditable'); if (bool == null) { bool = this.isEventDefGenerallyEditable(eventDef); } } } return bool; }; /***/ }), /* 55 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { getFallbackStylingObjs: fullcalendar_1.EventRenderer.prototype.getFallbackStylingObjs }; fullcalendar_1.EventRenderer.prototype.designatedResource = null; // optionally set by caller. forces @currentResource fullcalendar_1.EventRenderer.prototype.currentResource = null; // when set, will affect future rendered segs fullcalendar_1.EventRenderer.prototype.beforeFgSegHtml = function (seg) { var segResourceId = seg.footprint.componentFootprint.resourceId; if (this.designatedResource) { this.currentResource = this.designatedResource; } else if (segResourceId) { this.currentResource = queryResourceObject(this, segResourceId); } else { this.currentResource = null; } }; fullcalendar_1.EventRenderer.prototype.getFallbackStylingObjs = function (eventDef) { var objs = origMethods.getFallbackStylingObjs.apply(this, arguments); if (this.currentResource) { objs.unshift(this.currentResource); } else { var resources = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = eventDef.getResourceIds(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var id = _a[_i]; var resource = queryResourceObject(this, id); if (resource) { resources.push(resource); } } objs = resources.concat(objs); } return objs; }; function queryResourceObject(eventRenderer, id) { return eventRenderer.view.calendar.resourceManager.getResourceById(id); } /***/ }), /* 56 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceComponentFootprint_1 = __webpack_require__(6); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { computeSelectionFootprint: fullcalendar_1.DateSelecting.prototype.computeSelectionFootprint }; fullcalendar_1.DateSelecting.prototype.computeSelectionFootprint = function (startFootprint, endFootprint) { if (startFootprint.resourceId && endFootprint.resourceId && (startFootprint.resourceId !== endFootprint.resourceId) && !this.component.allowCrossResource) { return null; // explicity disallow selection across two different resources } else { var footprint = origMethods.computeSelectionFootprint.apply(this, arguments); if (startFootprint.resourceId) { // create a new footprint with resourceId data footprint = new ResourceComponentFootprint_1.default(footprint.unzonedRange, footprint.isAllDay, startFootprint.resourceId); } return footprint; } }; /***/ }), /* 57 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { computeEventDropMutation: fullcalendar_1.EventDragging.prototype.computeEventDropMutation }; /* monkeypatching can cause an event to seem draggable if the resource is editable but the start/end dates are NOT. make sure to account for this. */ fullcalendar_1.EventDragging.prototype.computeEventDropMutation = function (startFootprint, endFootprint, eventDef) { var isDatesDraggable = this.component.isEventDefStartEditable(eventDef); if (startFootprint.resourceId && endFootprint.resourceId && (startFootprint.resourceId !== endFootprint.resourceId) && this.component.isEventDefResourceEditable(eventDef)) { var mutation = new fullcalendar_1.EventDefMutation(); mutation.oldResourceId = startFootprint.resourceId; mutation.newResourceId = endFootprint.resourceId; if (isDatesDraggable) { mutation.setDateMutation(this.computeEventDateMutation(startFootprint, endFootprint)); } return mutation; } else if (isDatesDraggable) { return origMethods.computeEventDropMutation.apply(this, arguments); } }; /***/ }), /* 58 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { computeEventStartResizeMutation: fullcalendar_1.EventResizing.prototype.computeEventStartResizeMutation, computeEventEndResizeMutation: fullcalendar_1.EventResizing.prototype.computeEventEndResizeMutation }; fullcalendar_1.EventResizing.prototype.computeEventStartResizeMutation = function (startFootprint, endFootprint, origEventFootprint) { if (startFootprint.resourceId && endFootprint.resourceId && (startFootprint.resourceId !== endFootprint.resourceId) && !this.component.allowCrossResource) { return null; // explicity disallow resizing across two different resources } else { return origMethods.computeEventStartResizeMutation.apply(this, arguments); } }; fullcalendar_1.EventResizing.prototype.computeEventEndResizeMutation = function (startFootprint, endFootprint, origEventFootprint) { if (startFootprint.resourceId && endFootprint.resourceId && (startFootprint.resourceId !== endFootprint.resourceId) && !this.component.allowCrossResource) { return null; // explicity disallow resizing across two different resources } else { return origMethods.computeEventEndResizeMutation.apply(this, arguments); } }; /***/ }), /* 59 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); // references to pre-monkeypatched methods var origMethods = { computeExternalDrop: fullcalendar_1.ExternalDropping.prototype.computeExternalDrop }; fullcalendar_1.ExternalDropping.prototype.computeExternalDrop = function (componentFootprint, meta) { var eventDef = origMethods.computeExternalDrop.apply(this, arguments); if (componentFootprint.resourceId) { eventDef.addResourceId(componentFootprint.resourceId); } return eventDef; }; /***/ }), /* 60 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); // defineStandardProps won't work :( // TODO: find a better way fullcalendar_1.EventSource.prototype.standardPropMap.resourceEditable = true; // automatically transfer /***/ }), /* 61 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var Resource_1 = __webpack_require__(19); var origMethods = { applyMiscProps: fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.applyMiscProps, clone: fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.clone, toLegacy: fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.toLegacy }; fullcalendar_1.EventDef.defineStandardProps({ resourceEditable: true // automatically transfer }); /* new class members */ fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.resourceIds = null; fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.resourceEditable = null; // `null` is unspecified state /* NOTE: we can use defineStandardProps/applyManualStandardProps (example below) once we do away with the deprecated eventResourceField. */ fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.applyMiscProps = function (rawProps) { rawProps = $.extend({}, rawProps); // clone, because of delete this.resourceIds = Resource_1.default.extractIds(rawProps, this.source.calendar); delete rawProps.resourceId; delete rawProps.resourceIds; origMethods.applyMiscProps.apply(this, arguments); }; /* EventDef.defineStandardProps({ resourceId: false # manually handle resourceIds: false # manually handle }); EventDef.prototype.applyManualStandardProps = function(rawProps) { origApplyManualStandardProps.apply(this, arguments); this.resourceIds = Resource.extractIds(rawProps, this.source.calendar); }; */ /* resourceId should already be normalized */ fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.hasResourceId = function (resourceId) { return $.inArray(resourceId, this.resourceIds) !== -1; }; /* resourceId should already be normalized */ fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.removeResourceId = function (resourceId) { fullcalendar_1.removeExact(this.resourceIds, resourceId); }; /* resourceId should already be normalized */ fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.addResourceId = function (resourceId) { if (!this.hasResourceId(resourceId)) { this.resourceIds.push(resourceId); } }; fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.getResourceIds = function () { if (this.resourceIds) { return this.resourceIds.slice(); // clone } else { return []; } }; fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.clone = function () { var def = origMethods.clone.apply(this, arguments); def.resourceIds = this.getResourceIds(); return def; }; fullcalendar_1.EventDef.prototype.toLegacy = function () { var obj = origMethods.toLegacy.apply(this, arguments); var resourceIds = this.getResourceIds(); obj.resourceId = resourceIds.length === 1 ? resourceIds[0] : null; obj.resourceIds = resourceIds.length > 1 ? resourceIds : null; if (this.resourceEditable != null) { obj.resourceEditable = this.resourceEditable; } return obj; }; /***/ }), /* 62 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var oldMutateSingle = fullcalendar_1.EventDefMutation.prototype.mutateSingle; // either both will be set, or neither will be set fullcalendar_1.EventDefMutation.prototype.oldResourceId = null; fullcalendar_1.EventDefMutation.prototype.newResourceId = null; fullcalendar_1.EventDefMutation.prototype.mutateSingle = function (eventDef) { var undo = oldMutateSingle.apply(this, arguments); var savedResourceIds = null; if (this.oldResourceId && eventDef.hasResourceId(this.oldResourceId)) { savedResourceIds = eventDef.getResourceIds(); eventDef.removeResourceId(this.oldResourceId); eventDef.addResourceId(this.newResourceId); } return function () { undo(); if (savedResourceIds) { eventDef.resourceIds = savedResourceIds; } }; }; /***/ }), /* 63 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var TimelineView_1 = __webpack_require__(14); fullcalendar_1.defineView('timeline', { class: TimelineView_1.default, defaults: { eventResizableFromStart: true } }); fullcalendar_1.defineView('timelineDay', { type: 'timeline', duration: { days: 1 } }); fullcalendar_1.defineView('timelineWeek', { type: 'timeline', duration: { weeks: 1 } }); fullcalendar_1.defineView('timelineMonth', { type: 'timeline', duration: { months: 1 } }); fullcalendar_1.defineView('timelineYear', { type: 'timeline', duration: { years: 1 } }); /***/ }), /* 64 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceTimelineView_1 = __webpack_require__(30); fullcalendar_1.getViewConfig('timeline').resourceClass = ResourceTimelineView_1.default; fullcalendar_1.Calendar.defaults.resourcesInitiallyExpanded = true; /***/ }), /* 65 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceBasicView_1 = __webpack_require__(22); var ResourceMonthView_1 = __webpack_require__(23); // TODO: make more DRY (with agenda's config too) fullcalendar_1.getViewConfig('basic').queryResourceClass = function (viewSpec) { var explicitGrouping = viewSpec.options.groupByResource || viewSpec.options.groupByDateAndResource; var showsResources = false; if (explicitGrouping != null) { showsResources = explicitGrouping; } else if (viewSpec.duration) { showsResources = viewSpec.duration.as('days') === 1; } if (showsResources) { return ResourceBasicView_1.default; } }; fullcalendar_1.getViewConfig('month').queryResourceClass = function (viewSpec) { if (viewSpec.options.groupByResource || viewSpec.options.groupByDateAndResource) { return ResourceMonthView_1.default; } }; /***/ }), /* 66 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var fullcalendar_1 = __webpack_require__(0); var ResourceAgendaView_1 = __webpack_require__(20); /* TODO: make more DRY, with basic's config */ fullcalendar_1.getViewConfig('agenda').queryResourceClass = function (viewSpec) { var explicitGrouping = viewSpec.options.groupByResource || viewSpec.options.groupByDateAndResource; var showsResources = false; if (explicitGrouping != null) { showsResources = explicitGrouping; } else if (viewSpec.duration) { showsResources = viewSpec.duration.as('days') === 1; } if (showsResources) { return ResourceAgendaView_1.default; } }; /***/ }), /* 67 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /***/ }), /* 68 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /***/ }) /******/ ]); });