# Copyright (C) 2015, all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require 'uri' module Olddoc::History def initialize_history @tags = @old_summaries = nil end # returns a cgit URI for a given +tag_name+ def tag_uri(tag_name) uri = @cgit_uri.dup uri.path += "/tag/" uri.query = "id=#{tag_name}" uri end def tags timefmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' @tags ||= `git tag -l`.split(/\n/).map do |tag| next if tag == "v0.0.0" if %r{\Av[\d\.]+} =~ tag type = `git cat-file -t #{tag}`.chomp user_type = { "tag" => "tagger", "commit" => "committer" }[type] user_type or abort "unable to determine what to do with #{type}=#{tag}" header, subject, body = `git cat-file #{type} #{tag}`.split(/\n\n/, 3) body ||= "initial" unless old_summaries.include?(tag) header = header.split(/\n/) tagger = header.grep(/\A#{user_type} /).first time = Time.at(tagger.split(/ /)[-2].to_i).utc { :time => time.strftime(timefmt), :ruby_time => time, :tagger_name => %r{^#{user_type} ([^<]+)}.match(tagger)[1].strip, :tagger_email => %r{<([^>]+)>}.match(tagger)[1].strip, :id => `git rev-parse refs/tags/#{tag}`.chomp!, :tag => tag, :subject => subject.strip, :body => (old = old_summaries[tag]) ? "#{old}\n#{body}" : body, } end end.compact.sort { |a,b| b[:time] <=> a[:time] } end def old_summaries @old_summaries ||= if File.exist?(".CHANGELOG.old") File.readlines(".CHANGELOG.old").inject({}) do |hash, line| version, summary = line.split(/ - /, 2) hash[version] = summary hash end else {} end end end