h1. Speak to the Web h1. → 'webspeak' h2. What WebSpeak is a simple utility that allows you to access websites, or any other HTTP based service, using a simple script that accesses the basics functions of HTTP. WebSpeak comes with a parser, that will parse small WebSpeak scripts and execute them. WebSpeak script is simple Ruby code, so anything you can do in Ruby, you can also do in a WebSpeak script. WebSpeak can also be used in console mode. h2. Installing
sudo gem install webspeak
h2. The basics There are two applications that come with WebSpeak. The main WebSpeak application, or parser, is called _webspeak_. There is also a handy utility called _web_speak_listener_. The listener will accept a single HTTP request, and output the WebSpeak script required to duplicate that request elsewhere. The WebSpeak parser is called with a script name as a parameter. The script is run, and whatever output the script generates will be displayed. Optionally, the _--console_ flag can be given to _webspeak_ to enter console mode. In console mode, you can interactively h2. Demonstration of usage This short script does a simple web search on Google for this plugin.
# setup our request information
host 'www.google.com'
path '/search'
param 'q' => 'webspeak'

# display the body
puts response.body
This is a quick example of using the console. Note that the console is based on IRB and you don't need to use _puts_ to output information, as IRB will show you the result.
>> host 'www.google.com'
=> www.google.com
>> get
=> #
>> response.cookies
=> PREF => ID=f084b753306b7514:TM=1192998250:LM=1192998250:S=pGL2fPv7N8V7Mnql
  expires: Tue, 20-Oct-2009 20:24:10 GMT
  path: /
  domain: .google.com
h2. Further Usage This utility came out of a set of scripts I originally wrote to help test an application feature to manage Paypal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN). Paypal uses an HTTP Post to transmit IPN information. To help test and debug the application, I wanted to mock out Paypal, and used a set of Ruby scripts to do that. When that project was over, I moved those scripts into a less specific, but more useful tool, and WebSpeak was born. h2. Forum "http://groups.google.com/group/webspeak":http://groups.google.com/group/webspeak h2. How to submit patches Read the "8 steps for fixing other people's code":http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/ and for section "8b: Submit patch to Google Groups":http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/#8b-google-groups, use the Google Group above. The trunk repository is svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/webspeak/trunk for anonymous access. h2. License This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license. h2. Contact Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Darren Boyd":mailto:darren.boyd@gmail.com via the "forum":http://groups.google.com/group/webspeak